973 resultados para Gels drying


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Gold metallogelators is an emerging area of research. The number of results published in the literature is still scarce. The majority of these gels is observed in organic solvents, and the potential applications are still to be explored. In this work, we present an overview about gold metallogelators divided in two different groups depending on the type of solvent used in the gelation process (organogelators and hydrogelators). A careful analysis of the data shows that aurophilic interactions are a common motif directly involved in gelation involving Au(I) complexes. There are also some Au(III) derivatives able to produce gels but in this case the organic ligands determine the aggregation process. A last section is included about the potential applications that have been reported until now with this new and amazing class of supramolecular assemblies.


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Infrared spectroscopy laboratories works under permanent care with respect to water contamination, mainly in liquid samples. In this case crystal plates destruction or damage are frequent, increasing the operational expenses. On the other hand, the laboratory which produces such samples must be very careful in drying liquid samples. In this work we develop a simple and inexpensive way to operate in such conditions using polypropylene and HDPE films which were thermally soldered resulting little containers or sample holders. The spectra of sample/sample holder is achieved having the sample holder as background.


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Fabrication of new optical devices based upon the incorporation of rare earth ions via sol-gel methods depends on elimination of dopant ion clusters and residual hydroxyl groups from the final material. The optical absorption and/or luminescence properties of luminescent rare earth ions are influenced by the local bonding environment and the distribution of the rare-earth dopants in the matrix. Typically, dopants are incorporated into gel via dissolution of soluble species into the initial precursor sol. In this work, Eu3+ is used as optical probe, to assess changes in the local environment. Results of emission, excitation, fluorescence line narrowing and lifetimes studies of Eu3+-doped gels derived from Si(OCH3)4 and fluorinated/chelate Eu3+ precursors are presented. The precursors used in the sol-gel synthesis were: tris (6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyl-3,5-octanedionate) Eu(III), Eu (III) trifluoromethanesulfonate, Eu(III) acetylacetonate hydrate, Eu (III) trifluoroacetate trihidrate, tris (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5- heptanedionate) Eu(III) and Eu(NO3)3.6H2O. The results were interpreted in terms of the evolution of the Eu3+ fluorescence in systems varying from solution to the gels densified to 800ºC. The lifetimes studies indicate that the fluorinated precursors are effective at reducing the water content in densified gels.


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In this work it is carried out a review on structural parameters related to the evaluation of pore connectivity of nanostructures. The work describes parameters and methods of evaluation of geometric parameters. The concepts of connectivity are applied to silica gels and glasses obtained from sol-gel process. The study of pores connectivity was carried out using a combination of geometric modeling and experimental evaluation of specific surface area and pore volume. The permeability of the pore structure is evaluated and a permeability geometric factor, Pg, is proposed.


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Työssä tutkittiin pienpuhdistamon ylijäämälietteen ominaisuuksia ja käyttäytymistä pienpuhdistamon ylijäämälietteen tiivistys- tai kuivausmenetelmän kehittämisen teoriapohjaksi. Työ sisältää myös lietteiden tiivistysmenetelmien kustannustarkastelua. Kokeellisessa osuudessa käytettiin työn teettäjän Oy KWH Pipe Ab:n valmistamien pienpuhdistamojen ylijäämälietettä. Tutkittava ylijäämäliete oli peräisin asukasvastineluvultaan 5–95 pienistä aktiivilietelaitepuhdistamoista. Tiivistys- tai kuivausmenetelmän kehittämisen tarkoituksena on saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä pienpuhdistamon ylijäämälietteen kuljetusmatkojen vähentämisen kautta. Soveltuvia vertailtavia sovelluksia ovat staattiseen laskeuttamiseen perustuvat menetelmät, mekaaniset ruuvi- ja linkokuivaimet, kuivauslava ja flotaatio. Tarkasteltavien menetelmien tuli olla käytöltä ja huollolta sekä käyttökuluiltaan edullisia ja yksinkertaisia. Ylijäämälietteiden ominaisuuksia ja käyttäytymistä tutkittiin kirjallisuuslähteistä ja käytännön kokein. Kokeissa tarkasteltiin ylijäämälietteen laskeutumis- ja nousuominaisuuksia, redox-potentiaalin vaihtelua seisovassa näytteessä ja flotaation onnistumista testattavalle lietteelle. Kokeet tehtiin kullakin kerralla eri ajankohtana otetuille lietenäytteille, käytettyjä puhdistamoja oli useita ja mitoitus, kuormitus sekä jäteveden laatu vaihteli paljon.


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The phase diagram formation of microemulsion-based gels composed of an anionic surfactant aerosol-OT sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl)-sulphosuccinate), water, gelatin and an organic solvent is presented for heptane. The stability of this organo- gel, when an enzyme is immobilized is discussed in terms of its reutilization in various esters synthesis.


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The e phase of electrolytic manganese dioxide (EMD) is the structural form most easily converted in the LiMn2O4 spinel used as cathode in lithium batteries. Thus, employing titanium as anode, a study of electrolysis parameters was carried out in order to determine the best conditions to produce an e-EMD suitable for that spinel preparation. The influence of solution temperature (65oC and 90oC) and current density (between 1 mA/cm2 and 17.5 mA/cm2) on the anode potential and the EMD properties was investigated using an aqueous 2.0 mol/L MnSO4 + 0.30 mol/L H2SO4 solution. In any of the electrolysis conditions tested only the e-EMD structure was obtained, but its specific surface area varied with the applied current density and temperature. Drying the e-EMD at temperatures between 60oC and 120oC did not cause any phase changes. To produce a suitable EMD at the highest current density possible without passivation of the titanium anode, the best electrolysis parameters were determined to be 90oC and 15 mA/cm2. The e-EMD thus obtained had a specific surface area (BET) of ca. 65 m2/g.


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The physical-chemical process of swelling in water-based gel of natural polymers is investigated with the purpose of applying these systems to biomedical materials for controlled release of drugs. In this work we develop a study about the sol-gel transition of solutions of chitosan in the presence of formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde like crosslinking agents and we have determined the effect of many aditives in the time of gelification from the elaborated sistems. The phisical-chemistry process of swelling of the formed gels was evaluated in function of the degree of crosslinking of the incorporated aditives and the pH. Gelling times of chitosan solutions were obtained using viscosimetric measurement, in the pre-gel state, as well as condutivity ones.The results obtained suggest that component concentration modifies the kinetic profile of the transition and the swelling behavior. Regarding H+ content, the gels were highly susceptible to swelling in acidic conditions, which characterize this system as pH - sensitive.


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Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana oli selvittää, voidaanko viilun valmistusprosessiin liittää uusi työvaihe, viilun esikuivaus. Esikuivauksen tarkoituksena on poistaa kosteutta viiluista ennen varsinaista kuivausta ja lisätä näin kuivauskapasiteettia. Tehdyissä tutkimuksissa viilut esikuivattiin nipuissa puristamalla. Muuttujina esikuivauksessa toimivat puristusaika ja -paine. Niiden määrittelyn lähtökohtana pidettiin sitä, etteivät viilun ominaisuudet saa merkittävästi heikentyä esikuivauksen aikana ja samalla viiluista on saatava mahdollisimman paljon kosteutta pois. Aikaisempien tutkimusten avulla selvitettiin vanerin valmistuksen, viilun kuivauksen sekä viilun esikuivauksen teoriaa. Lisäksi selvitettiin puun ominaisuuksien antamia mahdollisuuksia ja rajoitteita esikuivaukseen liittyen. Tutkimus koostui kahdesta osasta: laboratorio- ja tehdastutkimuksista. Laboratoriotutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli toimia tehdastutkimuksen esitutkimuksena. Laboratoriotutkimuksessa tutkittiin ainoastaan esikuivauksen vaikutusta märille viiluille. Tehdastutkimusosiossa esikuivatuista viiluista valmistettiin normaalin vanerinvalmistusprosessin kautta levyjä, joiden ominaisuuksia verrattiin normaaleista viiluista valmistettuihin vanereihin. Viilujen esikuivauksen todettiin pienentävän kuusiviilujen kosteuspitoisuutta. Tämän lisäksi kosteuspitoisuuden muutokset esikuivauksen aikana tapahtuivat tasaisesti niin yksittäisen viilun kuin viilunipunkin sisällä. Esikuivatuista viiluista valmistetut vanerilevyt täyttivät kaikki standardien sekä vanerin laadunvalvontasopimuksen asettamat vaatimukset. Esikuivauksen haitaksi tutkimuksissa todettiin viilun paksuuden pienentymä. Ennen esikuivauksen soveltamista teolliseen käyttöön nähtiin tarvetta lisätutkimukselle, jossa tulisi selvittää suurempien viilunippukokojen esikuivaamista sekä niiden varsinaista kuivaamista heti esikuivauksen jälkeen.


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A tungsten coil atomizer was used to investigate the effect of heating programs with constant or variable drying temperatures on the atomization of Al, Cd, Cr and Pb. The variation of the surface temperature in the tungsten coil furnace can occur during each heating step due to the design of the power supply, that may apply constant voltages during a programmed time. For volatile elements (Cd), losses in sensitivity were observed when the program with a variable temperature was used. On the other hand, these effects are negligible for less volatile elements (Al and Cr) and any tested program, in different acidic media, could be used without appreciable changes in sensitivities. The results allow the establishment of proper heating programs for elements with different thermochemical behavior in the tungsten coil atomizer.


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Titanium dioxide was prepared by hydrolysis and polycondensation of titanium tetraisopropoxide. TiO2 films were obtained by spin coating of the precursor solution on ITO substractes (glass covered with indium doped tin oxide). Films were prepared using different temperatures and hydrochloric acid contents. The effect of the drying temperature of the films (100 or 400ºC) was also investigated. TiO2 films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, ultraviolete-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractrometry.


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Well-ordered Georgia kaolinite (Kga-1b) obtained from the source Clay Repository of the Clay Minerals Society (USA) was intercalated with urea using grinding procedures. To achieve complete intercalation 20% of urea (in weight) was used, producing Al2Si2O5(OH)4 (N2H4CO)0,86 with an interplanar basal spacing of 1,08nm. After washing with water under ultrasound stirring at 363K, urea was completely removed and kaolinite was partially exfoliated. After drying under air, the material was converted to hydrated kaolinite with the composition Al2Si2O5(OH)4 (H2O)0,64 and an interplanar basal spacing of 0,84nm. In this compound, water molecules positioned between the layers of the silicate can be removed after calcination at 573K, regenerating structurally disordered kaolinite.


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In this work we obtained microporous and mesoporous silica membranes by sol-gel processing. Tetraethylortosilicate (TEOS) was used as precursor. Nitric acid was used as catalyst. In order to study the affect of N,N-dimethylformamide (NDF) as drying additive, we used a molar ratio TEOS/NDF of 1/3. The performance of N,N-dimethylformamide was evaluated through monolithicity measurements. The structural evolutions occurring during the sol-gel transition and in the interconnected network of the membranes during thermal treatment were monitored by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analyses and nitrogen sorption. We noted that in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide, polymerization goes through a temporary stabilization of oligomers. The Si-O(H) bonds are stronger and belong to a more cross-linked structure for the N,N-dimethylformamide containing sol. The membranes obtained in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide have larger surface area and its pore structure is in the range of mesoporous. The membranes obtained without additive have pore structure in the range of microporous.


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Well-ordered kaolinite from the Brazilian Amazon Region (State of Pará) was initially reacted at 60 °C with a water dimethylsulfoxide mixture. After washing and characterisation, the resulting material was washed several times with methanol and in the final step with water. The water molecules displace the previously dimethylsulfoxide intercalated molecules and two different hydrated kaolinites were obtained. An unstable phase characterized by an interplanar basal distance of 0,996 nm that after drying collapse to the stable 0,844 nm hydrated kaolinite. The dehydration of the sample to disordered kaolinite was accompanied by Powder X-ray Diffractometry, thermal analysis (simultaneous TG and DSC) and FTIR spectroscopy.


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This article reports the phase behavior determi- nation of a system forming reverse liquid crystals and the formation of novel disperse systems in the two-phase region. The studied system is formed by water, cyclohexane, and Pluronic L-121, an amphiphilic block copolymer considered of special interest due to its aggregation and structural proper- ties. This system forms reverse cubic (I2) and reverse hexagonal (H2) phases at high polymer concentrations. These reverse phases are of particular interest since in the two-phase region, stable high internal phase reverse emulsions can be formed. The characterization of the I2 and H2 phases and of the derived gel emulsions was performed with small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and rheometry, and the influence of temperature and water content was studied. TheH2 phase experimented a thermal transition to an I2 phase when temperature was increased, which presented an Fd3m structure. All samples showed a strong shear thinning behavior from low shear rates. The elasticmodulus (G0) in the I2 phase was around 1 order of magnitude higher than in theH2 phase. G0 was predominantly higher than the viscousmodulus (G00). In the gel emulsions,G0 was nearly frequency-independent, indicating their gel type nature. Contrarily to water-in-oil (W/O) normal emulsions, in W/I2 and W/H2 gel emulsions, G0, the complex viscosity (|η*|), and the yield stress (τ0) decreased with increasing water content, since the highly viscous microstructure of the con- tinuous phase was responsible for the high viscosity and elastic behavior of the emulsions, instead of the volumefraction of dispersed phase and droplet size. A rheological analysis, in which the cooperative flow theory, the soft glass rheology model, and the slip plane model were analyzed and compared, was performed to obtain one single model that could describe the non-Maxwellian behavior of both reverse phases and highly concentrated emulsions and to characterize their microstructure with the rheological properties.