932 resultados para Gay-straight Friendships
Introduction: Odontomas are benign odontogenic tumors composed of enamel, dentine, cement and pulp tissue. They are usually clinically asymptomatic, but often associated with tooth eruption disturbances. In exceptional cases the odontoma erupts into the mouth. The present study reports three cases of odontomas erupted into the oral cavity and reviews the literature. Clinical cases: The first case was an 11-year-old girl with impacted 4.6 associated to a radiopaque mass measuring about 2 cm in diameter. The histological diagnosis was complex odontoma. A clinical and radiological follow-up of 4.6 was carried out until its spontaneous eruption. The second case was a 26-year-old male presenting a hard, yellowish-brown mass located distal to the upper left second molar. Computed tomography confi rmed the presence of a radiopaque lesion, and the histopathological study confirmed a complex odontoma. The third patient was a 27-year-old male reporting tongue irritation due to tooth eruption in the inferior lingual region. A periapical radiograph revealed a mixed radiopaque lesion associated to impacted 3.2. The histological report in this case indicated a compound odontoma. Discussion: Odontomas erupting into the oral cavity are rare. The first case was published in 1980, and since then only 17 cases have been reported in the literature. Eight of the 17 cases were complex odontomas; the rest were compound odontomas. Pain, swelling and infection were the most common symptoms, and 13 cases presented an impacted tooth associated with the lesion
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of oxidising BIMODES microbiological control program on three paper machine process. The chemicals used in BIMODES program are sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and bromo-chloro-di-methyl-hydantoin (BCDMH). The literary part of this study discusses the microbiological problems in paper making industry, describes functional mechanisms of oxidants and also introduces the BIMODES- program. In the experimental part the aim was to examine the effects of BIMODES in three different paper machines. The purpose was to find out the effects and changes in wet end chemistry, bacterial counts, in the other additives and also in the sheet defects and holes. The study also examines what are the most important measurements to control BIMODES dosing. In addition the optimal dosing level for each machine was tried to find out. It was found that there is a clear correlation between the total chlorine level and bacterial counts. Changes in the BIMODES dosing level can be measured by redox potential, but the correlation is very poor. BIMODES program doesn’t have straight influence to pH values, but if dosage level is too low the bacterial activity can affect degreasing in the pH value. In this study couldn’t find any consequential effects for the other additives by using BIMODES. In addition the optimal dosing levels were found and by following correct halogen levels it is possible to decrease bacterial levels for very low level.
La rehabilitación bucodentaria mediante implantes proporciona un porcentaje de éxito muy elevado. En este trabajo se describen algunas de las complicaciones de esta técnica, como la enfermedad periimplantaria y, dentro de ella, la periimplantitis, una reacción inflamatoria donde coexiste, junto con la inflamación, una pérdida del soporte óseo del implante. La etiología de la enfermedad está condicionada por el estado del tejido periimplantario, el diseño del implante, el desajuste de sus componentes, la morfología externa del mismo y la sobrecarga mecánica. Los microorganismos más relacionados con el fallo de integración de un implante son las espiroquetas y las formas móviles Gramnegativo anaerobias, salvo que el origen sea debido a una sobrecarga mecánica pura. El diagnóstico se basa en los cambios de coloración de la encía, sangrado y profundidad del sondaje de las bolsas periimplantarias, supuración, radiología y pérdida progresiva de la altura ósea que rodea al diente. El tratamiento será diferente según se trate de una mucositis o una periimplantitis. Se basará en corregir los defectos técnicos, aplicar un tratamiento quirúrgico y utilizar técnicas de descontaminación (arenado con partículas de carbono, ácido cítrico, tetraciclinas de aplicación tópica y láser quirúrgico). En este trabajo también se expone un estudio microbiológico de la periimplantitis efectuado en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Barcelona que determina que el antibiótico que demostró una mayor eficacia, en el antibiograma, fue la asociación de amoxicilina con ácido clavulánico.
Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la incidencia de complicaciones después de la extracción quirúrgica de los terceros molares en pacientes de 12 a 18 años de edad. Pacientes y método: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de 390 extracciones quirúgicas de terceros molares superiores e inferiores en 173 pacientes en edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 18 años de edad, intervenidos bajo anestesia locorregional en el año 2000 en el Máster de Cirugía Bucal e Implantología Bucofacial de la Universidad de Barcelona. Los pacientes fueron divididos en tres grupos (A: 12-14 años, B:15-16 años, C: 17-18 años). Se registró la edad y el sexo del paciente, el motivo de la extracción, el grado de desarrollo dentario, la posición, la angulación y la inclusión del tercer molar. Finalmente se valoró la asociación entre dichas variables y la aparición de complicaciones postoperatorias. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes intervenidos fueron del sexo femenino (66,9%), y el grupo de edad en la que se realizó el mayor número de extracciones (62,8%) fue en el grupo C (17-18 años). El principal motivo de extracción fue la indicación por parte del ortodoncista (40,5%), seguido por la indicación profiláctica (39,5%). La presencia de clínica fue el motivo de extracción en un 20% de los casos. Se observó una incidencia del 15,6% de complicaciones postoperatorias tras la extracción de 390 terceros molares. En el grupo A el riesgo de complicaciones fue de 17,4%, en el grupo B de 19% y en el grupo C de 13,7%. Todas las complicaciones fueron reversibles y de corta duración como el dolor y la inflamación persistente, la infección, el trismo y la equimosis. Se presentó un caso de parestesia del nervio dentario inferior y un caso de parestesia del nervio lingual que remitieron a los 2 meses y al mes respectivamente. Conclusiones: este estudio demuestra que no hay diferencias significativas en las complicaciones observadas entre los tres grupos de edad, y por lo general, éstas son leves y reversibles. Se observó una mayor tendencia de complicaciones en las mujeres y el porcentaje de complicaciones aumenta cuanto menor es el espacio disponible para la erupción
El láser de Nd:YAG está compuesto por un granate de itrio y aluminio, contaminado por neodimio. Emite a una longitud de onda de 1064 nm, en el infrarrojo cercano. A diferencia de otros láseres, el láser de Nd:YAG, puede transmitirse a través de fibra óptica, lo cual permite una fácil aplicación de este tipo de energía en espacios anatómicos bucodentarios de difícil acceso. Este hecho, asociado al potente efecto bactericida que produce esta longitud de onda, lo convierten en una herramienta ideal en los tratamientos endodóncicos y periodontales, en los que puede mejorar los resultados obtenidos con las técnicas convencionales. También se utiliza en ciertos tratamientos de Cirugía Bucal, principalmente para las exéresis de lesiones de tejidos blandos.
Työn tavoittena oli selvittää, miten tietovarastointi voi tukea yrityksessä tapahtuvaa päätöksentekoa. Tietovarastokomponenttien ja –prosessien kuvauksen jälkeen on käsitelty tietovarastoprojektin eri vaiheita. Esitettyä teoriaa sovellettiin käytäntöön globaalissa metalliteollisuusyrityksessä, jossa tietovarastointikonseptia testattiin. Testauksen perusteella arvioitiin olemassa olevan tiedon tilaa sekä kahden käytetyn ohjelmiston toimivuutta tietovarastoinnissa. Yrityksen operatiivisten järjestelmien tiedon laadun todettiin olevan tutkituilta osin epäyhtenäistä ja puutteellista. Siksi tiedon suora yrityslaajuinen hyödyntäminen luotettavien ja hyvälaatuisten raporttien luonnissa on vaikeaa. Lisäksi eri yksiköiden välillä havaittiin epäyhtenäisyyttä käytettyjen liiketoiminnan käsitteiden sekä järjestelmien käyttötapojen suhteen. Testauksessa käytetyt ohjelmistot suoriutuivat perustietovarastoinnista hyvin, vaikkakin joitain rajoituksia ja erikoisuuksia ilmenikin. Työtä voidaan pitää ennen varsinaista tietovarastoprojektia tehtävänä esitutkimuksena. Jatkotoimenpiteinä ehdotetaan testauksen jatkamista nykyisillä työkaluilla kohdistaen tavoitteet konkreettisiin tuloksiin. Tiedon laadun tärkeyttä tulee korostaa koko organisaatiossa ja olemassa olevan tiedon laatua pitää parantaa tulevaisuudessa.
Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the oral health status of professional soccer players of F.C. Barcelona and its relation to the incidence of sport lesions. Methods: Thirty professional soccer players were consecutively evaluated in the seasons 2003/4, 2004/5 and 2005/6. A research protocol to assess their oral health was developed. DMFT, Quigley & Hein plaque index (PI), Löe & Silness gingival index (GI), World Health Organization malocclusion index, Ramfjord teeth probing pocket depth (PPD), TMJ examination and history of dental trauma were recorded. All physical injuries sustained by players during the season were documented from F.C. Barcelona medical services. Results: Mean DMFT score was 5.7 (SD 4.1), Quigley & Hein plaque index score was 2.3 (SD 1.1), Löe & Silness gingival index was 1.1 (SD 0.8), and periodontal pocket depth was 1.9 mm (SD 0.3). Pearson"s analysis showed a significant correlation between PI and GI (p<0.01). Nine players (30%) presented bruxism - the same proportion of those with severe malocclusion. Seven (23.3%) players had suffered uncomplicated crown fractures. The mean incidence of physical injuries was 8 (SD 3.4) per player. PI and PPD showed a statistically significant correlation to muscle injuries (p<0.05). Conclusions: Soccer players, despite intensive medical follow-up, have significant oral health problems such as untreated caries, gingivitis or malocclusion, and suffer dental trauma as a result of sports activities. Their physical condition could also be associated to oral health
Objective: A comparative study is made of the histological effects of silver amalgam versus compomer (Dyract®) 90 days after placement as retrograde filling materials in experimental animals. Method: Six Beagle dogs were used, with total pulpectomy and orthograde material filling followed by periapical surgery of the 6 upper and 6 lower incisors (for a total of 72 teeth). Thirty-six teeth corresponded to the right side and were filled with the control material (silver amalgam), while the 36 teeth on the left side were filled with the compomer study material (Dyract®). After three months the animals were sacrificed and the histological study was carried out, with evaluation of bone formation, inflammation, and the tissue in contact with the filler material. The results obtained were subjected to a descriptive and comparative statistical analysis (chi-square test). Results: The samples retrogradely filled with compomer showed significantly greater percentage inflammation (76.19% versus 26.66% in the control group). On the other hand, a large proportion of samples with root cement growth were found in the compomer group. Filler material expulsion was also significantly more common when compomer was used. Conclusions: the comparative study of the histological findings showed greater inflammation but also greater root cement growth in the compomer group versus the controls
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli löytää prosessiparametrejä nestepakkauskartongin reuna-alueiden kuivatuskutistuman hallintaan ja saada tuotteen reuna-alueiden sileystaso paremmaksi. Tarkoituksena oli parantaa reuna-alueiden painettavuusominaisuuksia sekä saada koneen poikkisuunnassa laadultaan parempi tuote. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on tarkasteltu työn kannalta nestepakkauskartongin kriittisimpiä ominaisuuksia, sileyttä ja jäykkyyttä. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosassa on tarkasteltu kuitujen ominaisuuksia, sylinterikuivatusta ja kuivatuskutistumaa. Kokeellisessa osassa on etsitty esitutkimuksella prosessiparametrejä, jotka ovat aiheuttaneet poikkisuunnan sileyserojen kasvun kartonkikoneen investoinnin jälkeen. Suoria korrelaatioita prosessiparametrien ja kuivatuskutistuman välille ei löydetty. Kokeellisen osan tehdasmittakaavaisissa koeajoissa tutkittiin kahdeksan eri parametrin vaikutusta kuivatuskutistumaan, jotka perustuivat kirjallisuuteen. Tutkituista parametreistä huulisuihkun iskukulman muutoksella sekä konesuuntaisella kuivatusprofiililla ei ollut vaikutusta kuivatuskutistumaan. Runkokerroksen mäntysellun korvaaminen koivusellulla vähensi kuivatuskutistumaa ja lisäsi sileyttä, mutta tuotteen palstautumislujuus ei tällöin ollut riittävä. Retentiokemikaalien reseptimuutoksilla pinta- ja taustakerroksen välillä, kuivatusosan nollatason laskulla ja perälaatikkosakeuksien pienentämisellä oli vähän vaikutusta kuivatuskutistumaan. Vaikutus reuna-alueiden sileyteen oli kuitenkin vähemmän kuin 10 %. Diplomityön perusteella kuivatusosan nopeuseroilla ja kuivatusviirojen kireyksillä oli suurin vaikutusta kuivatuskutistumaan ja reuna-alueiden sileystasoon. Lisäämällä nopeuseroja ja kiristämällä kuivatusviiroja reuna-alueiden sileyttä pystyttiin parantamaan yli 20 %.
The aim of this work was to determine the effect of light crude oil on bacterial communities during an experimental oil spill in the North Sea and in mesocosms (simulating a heavy, enclosed oil spill), and to isolate and characterize hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from the water column. No oil-induced changes in bacterial community (3 m below the sea surface) were observed 32 h after the experimental spill at sea. In contrast, there was a decrease in the dominant SAR11 phylotype and an increase in Pseudoalteromonas spp. in the oiled mesocosms (investigated by 16S rRNA gene analysis using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis), as a consequence of the longer incubation, closer proximity of the samples to oil, and the lack of replenishment with seawater. A total of 216 strains were isolated from hydrocarbon enrichment cultures, predominantly belonging to the genus Pseudoaltero monas; most strains grew on PAHs, branched and straight-chain alkanes, as well as many other carbon sources. No obligate hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria were isolated or detected, highlighting the potential importance of cosmopolitan marine generalists like Pseudoalteromonas spp. in degrading hydrocarbons in the water column beneath an oil slick, and revealing the susceptibility to oil pollution of SAR11, the most abundant bacterial clade in the surface ocean.
Cyclic esotropia is characterized by a 24-hour period of straight eye position followed by 24 hours of large-angle esotropia. Possible mechanisms include notably progressive loss of compensation of a latent strabismus. The classic treatment is surgical correction of the angle measured on the days with manifest deviation. We report the first case of cyclic esotropia successfully treated by prismatic correction of the latent strabismus present on "straight" days.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is found in high concentrations in cartilage and synovial fluid, and is an important component of the extracellular matrixes- exerting joint lubrication and buffering actions thanks to its viscoelastic properties. The present study examines the scientific evidence found in the current literature on the usefulness of the intraarticular injection of HA in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction. A literature search was made up until May 2008 in the following databases: PubMed / MEDLINE. Of the articles found in the literature, the present review included 18 relevant studies on the application of HA in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The quality, level of evidence and strength of recommendation of the articles was evaluated based on the"Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy" criteria. It is concluded that type A level of recommendation exists in favor of the intraarticular injection of HA in dysfunction of the TMJ. However, further studies are needed to establish the true therapeutic effects and to identify the best dosing regimen.
Aims: To determine the incidence and clinical features of patients diagnosed with pilomatrixoma. Patients and Method: A retrospective analysis was made of 205 cases of pilomatrixoma diagnosed according to clinical and histological criteria, with an evaluation of the incidence, patient age at presentation, gender, lesion location and size, single or multiple presentation, differential diagnosis, histopathological and clinical findings and relapses. Results: Pilomatrixoma was seen to account for 1.04% of all benign skin lesions. It tended to present in pediatric patients- almost 50% corresponding to individuals under 20 years of age- with a slight male predilection (107/98). Approximately 75% of all cases presented as single lesions measuring less than 15 mm in diameter. Multiple presentations were seen in 2.43% of cases. The most frequent locations were the head and orofacial zones (particularly the parotid region), with over 50% of all cases, followed by the upper (23.9%) and lower limbs (12.7%). Only one relapse was documented following simple lesion excision. Conclusions: The frequency of pilomatrixomas was 1.04% of all benign skin lesions- the lesions being predominantly located in the maxillofacial area. Due to the benign features of this disorder, simple removal of the lesion is considered to be the treatment of choice, and is associated with a very low relapse rate.
Introduction: A study is made of the principal characteristics of the oral lesions biopsied in our Service of Oral Surgery and histologically diagnosed as corresponding to fibro-osseous lesions of the maxillas. Patients and methods: A retrospective review was made of all the biopsies made in a Service of Oral Surgery between 1996 and 2003. The reason for consultation was analyzed, along with patient age, sex, clinical and radiological characteristics, tentative diagnosis, histological diagnosis and treatment provided. Results: A total of 1238 biopsies were performed during the study period. Of these, only 11 corresponded to benign fibro-osseous lesions (7 women and 4 men). The mean patient age was 44 years (range 19-72 years). The most frequent location was the mandible (8 of the cases). In 7 patients the lesions constituted casual radiological findings; 4 presented bulging of the vestibular cortical bone, though only one of them reported pain. The histological diagnoses comprised 7 cemento-ossifying fibromas and 4 fibrous dysplasias. In 9 cases surgical resection was carried out, while in one case an incisional biopsy was performed, and in the remaining case curettage was decided. Discussion: These lesions are more frequent in women than in men, and the age at presentation is variable. In terms of lesion location, fibrous dysplasia is more common in the upper maxilla, while cemento-ossifying fibroma is more frequently found in the mandible. The diagnosis of such lesions is established upon contrasting the data obtained from the anamnesis, physical examination, the radiological characteristics, the intraoperative findings and the histological study, since both disorders have similar clinical and histological features- despite the fact that they constitute distinct disease conditions.