866 resultados para Galway granite


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Approximately half of the houses in Northern Ireland were built before any form of minimum thermal specification or energy efficiency standard was enforced. Furthermore, 44% of households are categorised as being in fuel poverty; spending more than 10% of the household income to heat the house to bring it to an acceptable level of thermal comfort. To bring existing housing stock up to an acceptable standard, retrofitting for improving the energy efficiency is essential and it is also necessary to study the effectiveness of such improvements in future climate scenarios. This paper presents the results from a year-long performance monitoring of two houses that have undergone retrofits to improve energy efficiency. Using wireless sensor technology internal temperature, humidity, external weather, household gas and electricity usage were monitored for a year. Simulations using IES-VE dynamic building modelling software were calibrated using the monitoring data to ASHARE Guideline 14 standards. The energy performance and the internal environment of the houses were then assessed for current and future climate scenarios and the results show that there is a need for a holistic balanced strategy for retrofitting.


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This papers examines the use of trajectory distance measures and clustering techniques to define normal
and abnormal trajectories in the context of pedestrian tracking in public spaces. In order to detect abnormal
trajectories, what is meant by a normal trajectory in a given scene is firstly defined. Then every trajectory
that deviates from this normality is classified as abnormal. By combining Dynamic Time Warping and a
modified K-Means algorithms for arbitrary-length data series, we have developed an algorithm for trajectory
clustering and abnormality detection. The final system performs with an overall accuracy of 83% and 75%
when tested in two different standard datasets.


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Much of the bridge stock on major transport links in North America and Europe was constructed in the 1950s and 1960s and has since deteriorated or is carrying loads far in excess of the original design loads. Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHM) can provide valuable information on the bridge capacity but the application of such systems is currently limited by access and bridge type. This paper investigates the use of computer vision systems for SHM. A series of field tests have been carried out to test the accuracy of displacement measurements using contactless methods. A video image of each test was processed using a modified version of the optical flow tracking method to track displacement. These results have been validated with an established measurement method using linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs). The results obtained from the algorithm provided an accurate comparison with the validation measurements. The calculated displacements agree within 2% of the verified LVDT measurements, a number of post processing methods were then applied to attempt to reduce this error.


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“Children are a kind of indicator species.
If we can build a successful city for children,
we will have a successful city for all people.”

Enrique Peñalosa (former mayor of Bogotá)

Should society be judged by how they treat their weakest members, the concept of the Child Friendly City offers more than ample scope for critiquing the genuine health and inclusivity of our urban environments. If we accept childhood as a crucial human development phase that demands inclusive and welcoming places for play, exploration and growth, many cities today are becoming increasingly barren habitats, arguably full of nothing but empty childhoods. (Raven-Ellison 2015) With children today less able to roam and explore our streets than those of yesteryear, (Bird 2007) the situation is now developing where our young are becoming increasingly socially and spatially excluded from our supposedly shared Built Environment. That progressively restrictive urban realm is particularly pronounced for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, for whom our cities can be disorientating, difficult and even frightening places.

As a profession we have a responsibility to provide inclusive built environments that do not preclude the presence of the most vulnerable in society, among them those with ASD. Accordingly this paper seeks to introduce emerging research into the current challenges facing these young urban stakeholders before discussing how planning processes and design interventions might make our cities more accessible to those with ASD.


Bird, W. (2007) Natural Thinking, Sandy, Bedfordshire: RSPB.

Raven-Ellison, D. (2015) “London’s Empty Childhoods” in London Essays – Green Spaces, Issue 3 – found at: http://essays.centreforlondon.org/issues/green/londons-empty-childhoods/ accessed 9th May 2016.


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FKBPL and its peptide derivatives have already demonstrated well-established inhibitory effects on cancer growth and CD44-dependent anti-angiogenic activity. Since cancer stem cells (CSCs) are CD44 positive, we wanted to explore if these therapeutics could specifically target CSCs in breast and ovarian cancer. In a tumoursphere assay, FKBPL stable overexpression or FKBPL-based peptide (AD-01, preclinical peptide or ALM201, clinical peptide candidate) treatment were highly effective at reducing the CSC population measured by inhibiting tumoursphere forming efficiency in breast and ovarian cancer cell lines and primary breast cancer samples from both solid breast tumours and pleural effusions. Flow cytometry, to assess the ESA+/CD44+/CD24- and ALDH+ cell subpopulations representative of CSCs, validated these results. The ability of AD-01 and ALM201 to inhibit the self-renewal capacity of CSCs was confirmed across three generations, eradicating CSC completely by the third generation (p<0.001). Furthermore, clonogenic assay demonstrated that FKBPL-based peptides mediated CSC differentiation, with a significant decrease in the number of CSCs or holoclones and an associated increase in differentiated cancer cells or meroclones/paraclones. In addition, AD-01 treatment in vitro and in vivo led to a significant reduction in the stem cell markers, Nanog, Sox2 and Oct4 protein and mRNA levels; whilst transfection of FKBPL-targeted siRNAs led to an increase in these markers and in tumoursphere forming potential, highlighting the endogenous role of FKBPL in stem cell signalling. The clinical relevance of this was confirmed using a publically available microarray data set (GSE7390), where, high FKBPL and low Nanog expression were independently associated with improved overall survival in breast cancer patients (log rank test p=0.03; hazard ratio=3.01). Additionally, when AD-01 was combined with other agents, we observed additive activity with the Notch inhibitor, DAPT and AD-01 was also able to abrogate a chemo- and radiotherapy induced enrichment in CSCs. Importantly, using gold standard in vivo limiting dilution assays we demonstrated a delay in tumour initiation and reoccurrence in AD-01 treated xenografts. In summary, FKBPL-based peptides appear to have dual anti-angiogenic and anti-CSC activity which will be advantageous as this agent enters clinical trial.


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Much of the bridge stock on major transport links in North America and Europe was constructed in the 1950’s and 1960’s and has since deteriorated or is carrying loads far in excess of the original design loads. Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHM) can provide valuable information on the bridge capacity but the application of such systems is currently limited by access and system cost. This paper investigates the development of a low cost portable SHM system using commercially available cameras and computer vision techniques. A series of laboratory tests have been carried out to test the accuracy of displacement measurements using contactless methods. The results from each of the tests have been validated with established measurement methods, such as linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs). A video image of each test was processed using two different digital image correlation programs. The results obtained from the digital image correlation methods provided an accurate comparison with the validation measurements. The calculated displacements agree within 4% of the verified measurements LVDT measurements in most cases confirming the suitability full camera based SHM systems


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Ageing and deterioration of infrastructure is a challenge facing transport authorities. In particular, there is a need for increased bridge monitoring in order to provide adequate maintenance, prioritise allocation of funds and guarantee acceptable levels of transport safety. Existing bridge structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques typically involve direct instrumentation of the bridge with sensors and equipment for the measurement of properties such as frequencies of vibration. These techniques are important as they can indicate the deterioration of the bridge condition. However, they can be labour intensive and expensive due to the requirement for on-site installations. In recent years, alternative low-cost indirect vibrationbased SHM approaches have been proposed which utilise the dynamic response of a vehicle to carry out “drive-by” pavement and/or bridge monitoring. The vehicle is fitted with sensors on its axles thus reducing the need for on-site installations. This paper investigates the use of low-cost sensors incorporating global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) for implementation of the drive-by system in practice, via field trials with an instrumented vehicle. The potential of smartphone technology to be harnessed for drive by monitoring is established, while smartphone GNSS tracking applications are found to compare favourably in terms of accuracy, cost and ease of use to professional GNSS devices.


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Funded by HSC R&D Division, Public Health Agency Why did we start? Most people who complete suicide are in contact with their family doctors or other services in the months prior to death. A better understanding of the nature of these contacts and the various pathways experienced by suicidal people should reveal the gaps and barriers to effective service provision. We also need better information about the difficulties experienced by family carers, both prior to the death and afterwards. Of particular interest to policy makers in Northern Ireland was a concern that people from rural areas may be at increasing risk of suicide. We were commissioned by the Health and Social Care R&D Division of the Northern Ireland Public Health Agency to address the gaps in our understanding of suicide in NI. What did we do? We undertook a mixed methods study in which we examined the records of 403 people who took their own lives over a two-year period between March 2007 and February 2009. We linked these data to GP records and then examined help-seeking pathways of people and their contacts with services. We did in-depth face-to-face interviews with 72 bereaved relatives and friends who discussed their understanding of the events and circumstances surrounding the death, the experience of seeking help for the family member, the personal impact of the suicide, and use of support services. Additionally, we interviewed 19 General Practitioners about their experiences of managing people who died by suicide.            


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O consumo energético nas indústrias é algo que tem de ser monitorizado, avaliado e orientado, visando a eficiência energética e sustentabilidade, de modo não só a reduzir o consumo de combustíveis fósseis, mas também a auxiliar a redução da fatura económica. O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo uma análise energética, e incorpora a caracterização térmica dos materiais utilizados na indústria de produção de massas asfálticas, e o desenvolvimento de um modelo térmico que preveja o comportamento dos mesmos, na produção de massas asfálticas, em central fixa com incorporação de material reciclado a frio. Primariamente o estudo passou pela análise dos consumos energéticos da instalação, caracterizando-a segundo o Decretolei 71/2008, de 15 de Abril, tendo-se constatado, que o consumo de gás natural se evidencia como uma das principais fontes de energia e um dos principais responsáveis pela emissão de GEE (Gases de Efeito de Estufa). Posteriormente o consumo de gás natural foi distribuído pelos pontos consumidores, o cilindro exsicador e a caldeira de aquecimento de óleo térmico. O cilindro exsicador é o principal consumidor energético, com um consumo próximo de 90% do gás natural total. Seguidamente foi realizada uma caracterização dos materiais utilizados na produção de massas asfálticas segundo o DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry). Os materiais analisados foram o reciclado/fresado, o calcário, o pó de calcário, o seixo, a areia e o granito. Os resultados dos materiais secos demonstraram que o material com maior cp (calor específico) foi a areia e o menor o calcário. Nos resultados dos materiais saturados observou-se que o seixo apresenta maior facilidade de remoção de humidade e o reciclado/fresado apresenta menor. Por último, foi realizado um modelo térmico com utilização de um balanço mássico e energético ao processo de secagem e sobreaquecimento dos agregados no cilindro exsicador. Conclui-se que as principais influências no consumo de gás natural, na produção de massas asfálticas com inclusão de material reciclado a frio, são: a necessidade energética de aquecimento em função da temperatura a obter, e a energia necessária para remover o conteúdo em humidade presente nos diversos materiais (fresado e agregados).


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A perfuração em maciços rochosos desempenha um papel fundamental na área da exploração e extração de rocha ornamental, nomeadamente em granitos. Para esse efeito, e como irá ser abordado neste trabalho, são utilizados pela empresa Polimagra – Granitos, S.A, nas pedreiras que explora, dois sistemas de perfuração: perfuração hidráulica e perfuração pneumática. Sendo um dos objetivos deste trabalho perceber qual o tipo de perfuração que apresenta maior rentabilidade, torna-se importante perceber as principais características dos dois sistemas de perfuração em estudo. Para isso, com a realização deste estágio curricular na empresa Polimagra – Granitos, S.A, foi possível comparar as principais diferenças dos dois sistemas utilizados, através do acompanhamento dos trabalhos de lavra em pedreiras, da cronometragem de tempos de perfuração em maciço rochoso granítico e da realização de um estudo de fracturação nas pedreiras de Cinza Ariz e Amarelo Macieira. Durante este tempo do estágio foi ainda possível acompanhar os diferentes métodos de transformação utilizado sobre os diferentes granitos obtidos, nas instalações fabris da empresa Polimagra – Granitos, S.A. De destacar ainda, e dentro da área da transformação do granito, a utilização de um sistema robótico de tecnologia de ponta, para corte, acabamento e embalamento de produtos em granito.