967 resultados para Fusão caruncular


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This dissertation shows a new tool in the process of producing specialized printed media: desktop publishing. Because it is an important tool to this communication media, the visualization of its evolutionary journey began in the pre-history of informative vehicle, advancing to the informatics society. And it was just in this last social stage that desktop publishing legitimized its function, resulting in impacts on the production of these media and conditioned new styles. At the presentation of this new post-industrial society, a change of work and leisure sphere was verified, whose fusion is present and in this interaction, desktop publishing arose at home, in the little bureaus. In this journey, desktop publishing became an object of reflection because of its conditioning aspects that fostered moments of observation in relation to a possible threat to creativity, thanks to its facilities and clichés. On the other hand, different positive aspects of desktop we also shown, at the same time, its conditioning aspects resulting into a restudy of its execution in different printed media, showing its effects and sharing points of view. So, new styles and a editorial way of production were seen too. Add to this aspect desktop publishing – in general meaning – the computerization of magazine articles – has been producing resignation of journalists, which is another important aspect in the presenting dissertation.


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A energia eólica é uma forma de energia que seu uso encontra-se em expansão, e junto a esse crescimento, tem-se também o aumento da quantidade de resíduos gerados na fabricação das pás eólicas. Uma forma correta de destinação e aproveitamento desses resíduos é a reciclagem. Porém, esses são constituídos de materiais compósitos, geralmente a resina epóxi e a fibra de vidro; e por possuírem um polímero termofixo (a resina epóxi) na sua composição, a reciclagem convencional via fusão não é possível. Desta forma, a reciclagem química via pirólise apresenta-se como uma alternativa para o aproveitamento desses resíduos, em especial da fibra de vidro que o contém. Após caracterização do resíduo de uma indústria de pás eólicas, verificou-se que se tratava de um material com mais de 70% de fibra de vidro e muito densas. Foram realizados ensaios de pirólise a seco e com óleo de babaçu, considerado o mais interessante perante vários possíveis e no qual o resíduo fica totalmente imerso, facilitando o inchamento e a troca de calor. Em um sistema de aquecimento com vácuo, foram obtidas mais de 97% de fibras em 30 minutos a 310 oC, justamente a temperatura em que uma análise termogravimétrica apontou ser a de início de altas taxas de degradação térmica.


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This dissertation shows a new tool in the process of producing specialized printed media: desktop publishing. Because it is an important tool to this communication media, the visualization of its evolutionary journey began in the pre-history of informative vehicle, advancing to the informatics society. And it was just in this last social stage that desktop publishing legitimated its function, resulting in impacts on the production of these media and conditioned new styles. At the presentation of this new post-industrial society, a change of work and leisure sphere was verified, whose fusion is present and in this iteration, desktop publishing arose at home, in the little bureau. In this journey, desktop publishing became an object of reflection because of its conditioning aspects that fostered moments of observation in relation to a possible threat to creativity, thanks to its facilities and clichés. On the other hand, different positive aspects of desktop were also shown, at the same time, its conditioning aspects resulting into a restudy of its execution in different printed medias, showing its effects and sharing points of view. So, new styles and an editorial way of production were seen as well. Add to this aspect, desktop publishing – in general meanings – the informatization of magazine offices – has been producing dismissing of journalists, which is another important aspect in the presenting dissertation.


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We can know a people through their cultural and artistic assets. One of the many aspects of Japanese culture is origami, a fusion of the verb “oru”, which means folding, with the word “kami” meaning paper. In this communication, we describe the course “Origami and Kirigami: art and culture as a recreational and educational resource”. The course aimed to present these two oriental techniques based on paper and its potential as a source of entertainment and education, at the same time seeking to introduce cultural aspects of these arts of folding and/or cutting paper. This practice is more common than we realize, and is present in our day-to-day life when we perform actions such as folding clothes and papers, and making packages, amongst others. However, few are aware of the benefits that this folding brings to the fields of Arts, Mathematics, and Science, besides its recreational characteristics. Kirigami is a mixed technique that in addition to using folds in the paper (as in origami) also uses cuts (“kiru” – meaning, “cut”). It can be performed with heavier paper than origami, and by introducing some cuts, the paper can be folded to form the desired shape. It is a simple technique, with impressive results. We conducted eight weekly meetings, each lasting four hours, totaling 32 hours of coursework. In addition to the classes, a visit was made to the Okinawa Club in Bauru (São Paulo), where it was possible for the students of the course and the elderly group (fujinkai) of origamists of the club to exchange experiences. Finally, an exhibition was organized to display the artifacts produced by the course participants and disseminate the work of the students.


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Processos automatizados, como a furação, podem melhorar com o uso de métodos de controle e supervisão, com destaque para sensores e redes neurais artificiais. Neste estudo, foram utilizados diferentes sensores instalados em máquina-ferramenta para o registro dos sinais de força de avanço, potência elétrica, aceleração e sinal acústico, durante a furação de corpos de prova compostos por uma liga de titânio seguida de uma liga de alumínio. Os sinais e os diâmetros dos furos medidos na furação das amostras foram utilizados no treinamento da rede neural artificial. Os erros foram apresentados e analisados. Os resultados demonstraram alta capacidade da rede em estimar o diâmetro do furo nas diferentes condições de usinagem com erros baixos e até mesmo desprezíveis para a maior parte das aplicações industriais, mostrando assim eficiência do método proposto.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The genus Mycteria (Ciconiidae) is composed of species with controversial phylogenetic hypotheses of relationships. This study sought to describe the cranial osteology of the four species included in the genus Mycteria, comparing with representative species from other genera of the family. The monophyly of Mycteria coud be hypothesized based on the following cranial characters: 1) medial process of the mandible medially oriented and 2) pseudo temporal tubercle developed when compared to other species Ciconiidae. Mycteria ibis and M. leucocephala are sister groups supported by: 1) deep temporal fossa, 2) reduced “T” tubercle and 3) expansion of the caudal fossa coanalis relative to other species of Ciconiidae. Among the species studied, the most basal was M. cinerea and the taxon formed by M. ibis and M. leucocephala is sister group of M. americana, sustained by the presence of total fusion of lacrimal and frontal bones, whereas in remaining species of Ciconiidae the suture between these bones is visible.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)