893 resultados para Fruit juice
Foram caracterizadas a casca, a polpa e a parte fibrosa do buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) e avaliados os seus comportamentos higroscópicos, visando estabelecer condições de secagem e de armazenamento para os produtos. Foram obtidas isotermas de adsorção e dessorção de umidade a 25 °C, determinado o valor da monocamada e avaliada a aplicabilidade dos modelos: Halsey, Handerson, Kuhn, Mizrahi, Oswin, Smith, BET e GAB, na predição das isotermas. A polpa foi classificada como rica em óleo de alta qualidade e juntamente com a casca e a parte fibrosa como ricas em fibra alimentar. As isotermas dos produtos foram classificadas como do tipo II e suas estabilidades microbiológicas a 25 °C asseguradas quando apresentarem umidade inferior a 8,5, 7,3 e 11,0 gH2O.100 g-1de base seca, respectivamente. Segundo a avaliação, os produtos serão mais bem conservados, se acondicionados em embalagens com baixa permeabilidade ao vapor de água, e os valores da monocamada indicaram que a casca, a polpa e a parte fibrosa não devem ser secas a umidades inferiores a 5,9, 5,0 e 6,4 H2O.100 g-1b.s., respectivamente. O modelo de GAB foi o que melhor descreveu as isotermas dos produtos.
O buriti e o patauá são duas palmeiras endêmicas da região Amazônica. As polpas destes frutos são tradicionalmente consumidas pela população local, mas ainda não ganharam os mercados nacional e internacional. A composição nutricional em ácidos graxos e tocoferol foi determinada com metodologias analíticas modernas de cromatografia gasosa (CG) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) baseadas nos padrões da AOCS (AMERICAN..., 2002) e AOAC (ASSOCIATION..., 1997), respectivamente. As duas polpas se mostraram bastante energéticas, com uma alta concentração em ácidos graxos, respectivamente 38,4% e 29,1% em massa seca (MS), em proteínas, 7,8% e 7,4% MS e em fibras dietéticas, 46% e 44,7%. A polpa de buriti pode ser considerada uma ótima fonte de vitamina E devido ao seu alto teor de tocoferol (1169 µg.g-1 MS). O perfil de ácidos graxos encontrados para a polpa de patauá foi muito semelhante ao de azeite de oliva.
Neste trabalho, foi determinado o comportamento reológico do suco misto obtido a partir de uma mistura de frutas tropicais, mediante um viscosímetro de cilindros concêntricos, no intervalo de temperatura de 10 ºC a 60 ºC. Os modelos Lei da Potência e Mizrahi-Berk foram ajustados aos dados experimentais. Os modelos mostraram-se adequados para descrever o comportamento reológico do suco misto, de acordo com os parâmetros estatísticos de ajuste. O produto apresentou índice de comportamento menor do que 1 (um), caracterizando a pseudoplasticidade do suco. Os índices de comportamento de consistência decresceram com o aumento da temperatura. O efeito da temperatura no comportamento reológico do suco foi descrito por uma equação análoga à de Arrhenius e discutida em termos de energia de ativação (Ea). Os valores de Ea variaram de 4,27 a 4, 66 kcal.gmol-1, com o aumento da taxa de deformação.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
O consumo de polpas de frutas e seus derivados vem sendo notavelmente incrementado, dadas suas propriedades nutricionais, a grande variedade de sabores e aromas, e a demanda cada vez maior por produtos com características sensoriais do alimento “in natura”. As polpas são utilizadas para consumo direto ou como matéria-prima na indústria de sucos, sorvetes, iogurtes etc. O processo de sua obtenção deve ser realizado em condições de higiene adequadas, seguido de acondicionamento e armazenamento também apropriados, de modo a assegurar a integridade e a qualidade do produto. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias de polpas de cupuaçu e bacuri comercializadas no município de Belém, considerando que o seu processamento implica manipulação direta dos frutos, nem sempre por mãos convenientemente preparadas para este ofício. Sua realização contou com o indispensável apoio da Divisão de Vigilância Sanitária da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, do Laboratório Central do Estado do Pará (LACEN) e do Laboratório de Parasitologia do Centro de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Pará. O método correspondeu a análises microbiológicas, microscópica e parasitológica de 33 amostras coletadas em 11 feiras-livres, precisamente aquelas em que esses produtos são regularmente oferecidos à venda, distribuídas em igual número de bairros da cidade de Belém e da vila de Icoaraci. Foram examinadas 22 amostras de cupuaçu e 11 de bacuri. A análise microbiológica correspondeu à pesquisa de coliformes a 45ºC, mediante a técnica do número mais provável (NMP), e à pesquisa de Salmonella sp., em obediência ao prescrito na resolução RDCnº12/2001/ANVISA. Os resultados foram todos negativos. O exame microscópico, realizado em observância à Instrução Normativa nº1/2000 do Ministério da Agricultura e Abastecimento, não logrou revelar a presença de sujidades em qualquer das amostras. A análise parasitológica foi feita pelo método de Faust, todas as amostras apresentando ausência de cistos de protozoários e ovos de helmintos. A despeito da observação macroscópica das condições higiênico-sanitárias do ambiente das feiras-livres, muito sugestivas de fácil contaminação do produto, todas 33 amostras de polpas de cupuaçu e bacuri foram consideradas adequadas para o consumo, por atenderem às exigências da legislação vigente. Isto talvez seja devido ao grau de acidez e à presença de ácido cítrico em ambos os produtos, e ainda ao processo de congelamento a que são submetidos.
The Tahiti lime appears very susceptible to attack by post-harvest diseases, primarily by the fungi Penicillium and Phomopsis, and also because of its high sensitivity to storage at low temperatures. In order to reduce such damage, the present study aimed to verify the efficiency of heat treatment and disinfection of pathogens in the prevention of post-harvest chilling injury of this cultivar and to compare this treatment with other products using the conventional fungicides. The heat treatments were studied with hot-water temperatures ranging between 48 and 56° C. Water at room temperature was used as a control treatment. After treatment, the fruits were kept under cold temperature at 10° C and RH 90% for about 45 days. For comparison, three other treatments were carried out simultaneously, one using imazalil, one with baking soda, and a third with sodium carbonate, these three products being applied by baths in cold water. Two groups of fruit were evaluated, one treated by immersion considering pathogens coming from the field and another by inoculation with spores of the previously isolated pathogens. For the evaluation of physical and chemical parameters of fruits, determinations were made of the skin color, texture, weight loss, size, juice yield, soluble solids, total acidity and vitamin C content. The determination of the sensitivity of the fruit to cold was made by their exposure at temperatures inducing cold damage. The design was a randomized block design with nine treatments, analyzed by the Statgraphics statistical package. Heat treatments, especially at 52° C, were shown to be more promising in the control of pathogenic fungi and cold damage, surpassing the conventional fungicides. No changes were found in the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters in relation to the application of the different treatments.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf extract on the sedimentation of impurities in the treatment of sugarcane juice and the effects on sugar quality and on the clarified juice. The experimental design used was a 4x2 factorial arrangement with four replications. The main treatments performed included the extracted original sugarcane juice, the synthetic polyelectrolyte (Flomex 9076), the leaf extract, and a control. The secondary treatments consisted of the sugarcane varieties RB92579 and RB867515. The clarification process used was simple defecation, in which the flocculating agents and the juice, limed and heated, were poured simultaneously into a decanter. The microbiological and chemico-technological characteristics of the extracted and clarified juices were evaluated. The clarified juice was concentrated up to 60° Brix (syrup) and subjected to boiling in a pilot pan using seeds to perform the graining: The sugar was recovered by centrifugation and analyzed for microbiological and chemico-technological characteristics. It was concluded that the use of the Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves extract resulted in a better quality of clarified juice and sugar.
Fruit processing for beverage production purposes is a way of adding value to the raw material and of raising the farmer s income by increasing the demand. Thus the objective of this work was the production of fermented West Indian cherry beverages and their physicochemical and sensory evaluation. The beverages were produced based on the Brazilian legislation for fermented fruit beverages and wine. The fermented beverages were produced from West Indian cherry pulp (pulper) and juice (press) and sweetened with sugar to obtain three types of beverage: dry, semidry and sweet. The beverages were submitted to the following physicochemical analyses: pH, alcohol, reducing sugars, total reducing sugars, total acidity, volatile acidity, fixed acidity, dry extract, reduced dry extract, alcohol to reduced dry extract ratio, free sulphur dioxide, total sulphur dioxide and turbidity. In the sensory analysis, the beverages were assessed using a 9-point hedonic scale, evaluating the attributes of appearance, odour, flavour and overall assessment. The chemical and sensory results were submitted to an analysis of variance and the means compared using Tukey s test (5%). Both the raw materials (pulp and juice) and the different sugar concentrations (dry, semidry and sweet) interfered in the sensory and physicochemical parameters of the fermented West Indian cherry beverages, the tasters showing preference for the sweetened beverages.
This work evaluated the quality of the fruit in peach and nectarine cultivars with and without the application of hydrogenated cyanamide and mineral oil, for two production cycles (2009 and 2010). The experiment was carried out at the School of Agricultural Science of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), at Botucatu in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, located at latitude 22º51'55 S and longitude 48º26'22 E, at an altitude of 810 m. The predominant climate type is warm temperate (mesothermal) with rains in the summer and dry in the winter. The following were evaluated: soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, ratio, firmness, vitamin C and pulp yield. The use of hydrogenated cyanamide and mineral oil had no effect on the quality attributes of the fruit, except for pH, where those fruits under application of the products showed higher values. The cultivars all had a pulp yield greater than 90%, with 'Tourmaline' showing the highest yield (96 %). The levels of vitamin C varied according to the cultivars, where 'Marli' (16.9 mg 100 g-1) and 'Dourado-2' (16.5 mg 100 g-1), stood out for having the highest levels.
This experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing clomazone (sprayed alone or in mixture with ametryn) drift simulation on quantitative and qualitative aspects of orange production when applied at two developmental plant stages: flowering and initial fruit development (fruits 2 cm diameter or smaller). Increasing drifts of clomazone, in two formulations, and clomazone in mixtures with ametryn were tested. Fruit morphological features, fruit color, flower and fruit abortion and leaf chlorophyll content were evaluated. Simulated drift similar to the recommended dose of clomazone and clomazone plus ametryn caused fruit abortion in citrus at the stage of fruits 2 cm diameter or smaller. Lower drift doses did not result in fruit abortion. Fruit diameter reduction was observed with drift off above 25% of clomazone alone recommended rate and 50% when in mixture with ametryn or in microcapsule formulation. Clomazone drift at 50% of the recommended rate (alone or in mixture with ametryn ) caused clorotic and necrotic spots in the fruit peel. Drift did not affect juice quality in any of the treatments tested.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The pineapple crop has a permanent demand for water, variable and dependent on their stage of development, which may affect the production and fruit quality. This study aimed to evaluate the chemical quality of fruits Smooth cayenne pineapple submitted to different levels and frequency of water replacement in the soil. We used a randomized block design in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement, consisting of four levels of soil water replenishment (50%, 75%, 100% and 125% of crop evapotranspiration) and two irrigation frequencies (1 and 3 days) with four replications. We evaluated the parameters: juice yield (RS), hydrogen potential (pH), total soluble solids (SST), titratable acidity (ATT), SST/ATT relationship, ascorbic acid (AA). It was observed that the blades and irrigation frequencies did not affect the juice yield (RS) and ascorbic acid (AA), the increase of the blades irrigation influenced positively the quality of the fruit as it increases the values of total soluble solids (SST) decreases the acidity (ATT), raises the relationship SST/ATT and hydrogen potential (pH).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)