895 resultados para Formal theory of the conflict of interests


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We generalize the two-country, two-currency model of Matsuyama, Kiyotaki and Matsui to resolve two "shortcomings" in their approach. First, we endogenize prices and excb.ange rates. Second, we introduce monetary policy. We then use the model to address the following new questions: How does the fact that a currency circulates intemationally affect its purcb.asing power? Where does an intemational currency purcb.ase more? What are the effects on seignorage and welfare when a currency becomes intemational? How is policy affected by concems of currency substitution? How are national monetary policies connected, and what is the scope for international cooperation?


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Nesse artigo, eu desenvolvo e analiso um modelo de dois perí odos em que dois polí ticos competem pela preferência de um eleitor representativo, que sabe quão benevolente é um dos polí ticos mas é imperfeitamente informado sobre quão benevolente é o segundo polí tico. O polí tico conhecido é interpretado como um incumbente de longo prazo, ao passo que o polí tico desconhecido é interpretado como um desa fiante menos conhecido. É estabelecido que o mecanismo de provisão de incentivos inerente às elei cões - que surge através da possibilidade de não reeleger um incumbente - e considerações acerca de aquisi cão de informa cão por parte do eleitor se combinam de modo a determinar que em qualquer equilí brio desse jogo o eleitor escolhe o polí tico desconhecido no per íodo inicial do modelo - uma a cão à qual me refi ro como experimenta cão -, fornecendo assim uma racionaliza cão para a não reelei cão de incumbentes longevos. Especifi camente, eu mostro que a decisão do eleitor quanto a quem eleger no per odo inicial se reduz à compara cão entre os benefí cios informacionais de escolher o polí tico desconhecido e as perdas econômicas de fazê-lo. Os primeiros, que capturam as considera cões relacionadas à aquisi cão de informa cão, são mostrados serem sempre positivos, ao passo que as últimas, que capturam o incentivo à boa performance, são sempre não-negativas, implicando que é sempre ótimo para o eleitor escolher o polí tico desconhecido no per íodo inicial.


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Although formal methods can dramatically increase the quality of software systems, they have not widely been adopted in software industry. Many software companies have the perception that formal methods are not cost-effective cause they are plenty of mathematical symbols that are difficult for non-experts to assimilate. The Java Modelling Language (short for JML) Section 3.3 is an academic initiative towards the development of a common formal specification language for Java programs, and the implementation of tools to check program correctness. This master thesis work shows how JML based formal methods can be used to formally develop a privacy sensitive Java application. This is a smart card application for managing medical appointments. The application is named HealthCard. We follow the software development strategy introduced by João Pestana, presented in Section 3.4. Our work influenced the development of this strategy by providing hands-on insight on challenges related to development of a privacy sensitive application in Java. Pestana’s strategy is based on a three-step evolution strategy of software specifications, from informal ones, through semiformal ones, to JML formal specifications. We further prove that this strategy can be automated by implementing a tool that generates JML formal specifications from a welldefined subset of informal software specifications. Hence, our work proves that JML-based formal methods techniques are cost-effective, and that they can be made popular in software industry. Although formal methods are not popular in many software development companies, we endeavour to integrate formal methods to general software practices. We hope our work can contribute to a better acceptance of mathematical based formalisms and tools used by software engineers. The structure of this document is as follows. In Section 2, we describe the preliminaries of this thesis work. We make an introduction to the application for managing medical applications we have implemented. We also describe the technologies used in the development of the application. This section further illustrates the Java Card Remote Method Invocation communication model used in the medical application for the client and server applications. Section 3 introduces software correctness, including the design by contract and the concept of contract in JML. Section 4 presents the design structure of the application. Section 5 shows the implementation of the HealthCard. Section 6 describes how the HealthCard is verified and validated using JML formal methods tools. Section 7 includes some metrics of the HealthCard implementation and specification. Section 8 presents a short example of how a client-side of a smart card application can be implemented while respecting formal specifications. Section 9 describes a prototype tools to generate JML formal specifications from informal specifications automatically. Section 10 describes some challenges and main ideas came acrorss during the development of the HealthCard. The full formal specification and implementation of the HealthCard smart card application presented in this document can be reached at https://sourceforge.net/projects/healthcard/.


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In the limit of small values of the aspect ratio parameter (or wave steepness) which measures the amplitude of a surface wave in units of its wave-length, a model equation is derived from the Euler system in infinite depth (deep water) without potential flow assumption. The resulting equation is shown to sustain periodic waves which on the one side tend to the proper linear limit at small amplitudes, on the other side possess a threshold amplitude where wave crest peaking is achieved. An explicit expression of the crest angle at wave breaking is found in terms of the wave velocity. By numerical simulations, stable soliton-like solutions (experiencing elastic interactions) propagate in a given velocities range on the edge of which they tend to the peakon solution. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Higher-derivative gravity in 2 + 1 dimensions is considered. The general solution of the linearized field equations in a three-dimensional version of the Teyssandier gauge is obtained, and from that the solution for a static pointlike source is found. The deflection of light rays is also analysed. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We review a formalism of superstring quantization with manifest six-dimensional spacetime supersymmetry, and apply it to AdS(3) x S-3 backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond flux. The resulting description is a conformal field theory based on a sigma model whose target space is a certain supergroup SU' (2\2).


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The theory of optical dispersive shocks generated in the propagation of light beams through photorefractive media is developed. A full one-dimensional analytical theory based on the Whitham modulation approach is given for the simplest case of a sharp steplike initial discontinuity in a beam with one-dimensional striplike geometry. This approach is confirmed by numerical simulations, which are extended also to beams with cylindrical symmetry. The theory explains recent experiments where such dispersive shock waves have been observed.


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The metal-insulator or metal-amorphous semiconductor blocking contact is still not well understood. Here, we discuss the steady state characteristics of a non-intimate metal-insulator Schottky barrier. We consider an exponential distribution (in energy) of impurity states in addition to impurity states at a single energy level within the depletion region. We present analytical expressions for the electrical potential, field, thickness of depletion region, capacitance, and charge accumulated in the depletion region. We also discuss ln I versus V(ap) data. Finally, we compare the characteristics in three cases: (i) impurity states at only a single energy level; (ii) uniform energy distribution of impurity states; and (iii) exponential energy distribution of impurity states.In general, the electrical characteristics of Schottky barriers and metal-insulator-metal structures with Schottky barriers depend strongly on the energy distribution of impurity states.


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The metal-insulator (or amorphous semiconductor) blocking contact is still not well understood. In the present paper, we discuss the non steady state characteristics of Metal-lnsulator-Metal Structure with non-intimate blocking contacts (i.e. Metal-Oxide-Insulator-Metal Structure). We consider a uniform distribution (in energy) of impurity states in addition to impurity states at a single energy level within the depletion region. We discuss thermal as well as isothermal characteristics and present expressions for the temperature of maximum current (T-m) and a method to calculate the density of uniformly distributed impurity states. The variation of mobility with electrical field has also been considered. Finally we plot the theoretical curves under different conditions. The present results are closing into available experimental results.


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We compute the semiclassical magnetization and susceptibility of non-interacting electrons, confined by a smooth two-dimensional potential and subjected to a uniform perpendicular magnetic field, in the general case when their classical motion is chaotic. It is demonstrated that the magnetization per particle m(B) is directly related to the staircase function N(E), which counts the single-particle levels up to energy E. Using Gutzwiller's trace formula for N, we derive a semiclassical expression for m. Our results show that the magnetization has a non-zero average, which arises from quantum corrections to the leading-order Weyl approximation to the mean staircase and which is independent of whether the classical motion is chaotic or not. Fluctuations about the average are due to classical periodic orbits and do represent a signature of chaos. This behaviour is confirmed by numerical computations for a specific system.


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The metal-insulator or metal-amorphous semiconductor blocking contact is still not well understood. Here, the intimate metal-insulator and metal-oxide-insulator contact are discussed. Further, the steady-state characteristics of metal-oxide-insulator-metal structures are also discussed. Oxide is an insulator with wider energy band gap (about 50 Å thick). A uniform energetic distribution of impurities is considered in addition to impurities at a single energy level inside the surface charge region at the oxide-insulator interface. Analytical expressions are presented for electrical potential, field, thickness of the depletion region, capacitance, and charge accumulated in the surface charge region. The electrical characteristics are compared with reference to relative densities of two types of impurities. ln I is proportional to the square root of applied potential if energetically distributed impurities are relatively important. However, distribution of the electrical potential is quite complicated. In general energetically distributed impurities can considerably change the electrical characteristics of these structures.


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We discuss non-steady state electrical characteristics of a metal-insulator-metal structure. We consider an exponential distribution (in energy) of impurity states in addition to impurity states at a single energy level within the depletion region. We discuss thermal as well as isothermal characteristics and present an expression for the temperature of maximum current (Tm) and a method to calculate the density of exponentially distributed impurity states. We plot the theoretical curves for various sets of parameters and the variation of Tm, and Im (maximum current) with applied potential for various impurity distributions. The present model can explain the available experimental results. Finally we compare the non-steady state characteristics in three cases: (i) impurity states only at a single energy level, (ii) uniform energetic distribution of impurity states, and (iii) exponential energetic distribution of impurity states.


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In the present paper, we discuss a generalized theory of electrical characteristics for amorphous semiconductor (or insulator) Schottky barriers, considering: (i) surface states, (ii) doping impurity states at a single energy level and (iii) energetically distributed bulk impurity states. We also consider a thin oxide layer (≈10 Å) between metal and semiconductor. We develop current versus applied potential characteristics considering the variation of the Fermi level very close to contact inside the semiconductor and decrease in barrier height due to the image force effect as well as potential fall on the oxide layer. Finally, we discuss the importance of each parameter, i.e. surface states, distributed impurity states, doping impurity states, thickness of oxide layer etc. on the log I versus applied potential characteristics. The present theory is also applicable for intimate contact, i.e. metal-semiconductor contact, crystalline material structures or for Schottky barriers in insulators or polymers.


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We review a formalism of superstring quantization with manifest six-dimensional spacetime supersymmetry, and apply it to AdS3 × S3 backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond flux. The resulting description is a conformal field theory based on a sigma model whose target space is a certain supergroup SU′(2|2).


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to systematically describe the key practical contributions of the theory of constraints (TOC) to outbound (distribution) logistics. Design/methodology/approach: Based on theoretical research, this paper presents the main practical aspects of the approach suggested by TOC to outbound logistics and discusses the assumptions upon which it is based. Findings: This paper corroborates the thesis defended by TOC, according to which the current ways of managing outbound logistics, based mainly on sales forecasts lead to difficulties in handling trade-offs between logistics (stock and transportation) costs and stock-out levels. Research limitations/implications: The reported research is of a theoretical nature. Practical implications: TOC offers a proposal that is complementary in many aspects and very distinguishable in others about the way some key processes and elements of supply chain management (SCM) are managed, especially outbound logistics. Originality/value: Considering the dearth of papers dealing with the conceptual articulation and organization of this subject, the paper contributes to systematize the knowledge currently available about the contributions of the TOC to outbound logistics, highlighting the practical implications of applying TOC to outbound logistics. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.