994 resultados para Fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate (FITC)


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A series of 2,5-di(4-aryloylaryloxymethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazoles 9a-j were obtained via multistep synthesis from hydroxybenzophenones 4a-e. The cytotoxicity of compounds 9a-j was evaluated against human leukemia cell lilies (K562 and CEM). The compounds exhibited moderate to good anti-cancer activity with compounds 9b and 9i having a chloro group exhibiting the best activity (IC50 = 10 mu M). Compound 9i exhibited activity against both the cell lines and 9b only exhibited activity against CEM. Further, a lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay and DNA fragmentation studies of the compounds 9a-j were also performed. (C) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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An organic solid, 4,7-dibromo-5,6-dinitro-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole, has been designed to serve as an illustrative example to quantitatively evaluate the relative merits of halogen and chalcogen bonding in terms of charge density features. The compound displays two polymorphic modifications, one crystallizing in a non-centrosymmetric space group (Z' = 1) and the other in a centrosymmetric space group with two molecules in the asymmetric unit (Z' = 2). Topological analysis based on QTAIM clearly brings out the dominance of the chalcogen bond over the halogen bond along with an indication that halogen bonds are more directional compared to chalcogen bonds. The cohesive energies calculated with the absence of both strong and weak hydrogen bonds as well as stacking interaction are indicative of the stabilities associated with the polymorphic forms.


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This study systematically investigates the phenomenon of internal clamping in ferroelectric materials through the formation of glass-ceramic composites. Lead-free 0.715Bi(0.5)Na(0.5)TiO(3)-0.065BaTiO(3)-0.22SrTiO(3) (BNT-BT-ST) bulk ferroelectric ceramic was selected for the course of investigation. 3BaO - 3TiO(2) - B2O3 (BTBO) glass was then incorporated systematically to create sintered samples containing 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% glass (by weight). Upon glass induction features like remnant polarization, saturation polarization, hysteresis losses and coercive field could be varied as a function of glass content. Such effects were observed to benefit derived applications like enhanced energy storage density similar to 174 k J/m(3) to similar to 203 k J/m(3) and pyroelectric coefficient 5.7x10(-4) Cm-2K-1 to 6.8x10(-4) Cm-2K-1 by incorporation of 4% glass. Additionally, BNT-BT-ST depolarization temperature decreased from 457K to 431K by addition of 4% glass content. Glass incorporation could systematically increases diffuse phase transition and relaxor behavior temperature range from 70 K to 81K and 20K to 34 K, respectively when 6% and 4% glass content is added which indicates addition of glass provides better temperature stability. The most promising feature was observed to be that of dielectric response tuning. It can be also used to control (to an extent) the dielectric behavior of the host ceramic. Dielectric permittivity and losses decreased from 1278 to 705 and 0.109 to 0.107 for 6% glass, at room temperature. However this reduction in dielectric constant and loss increases pyroelectric figures of merit (FOMs) for high voltage responsivity (F-v) high detectivity (F-d) and energy harvesting (F-e) from 0.018 to 0.037 m(2)C(-1), 5.89 to 8.85 mu Pa-1/2 and 28.71 to 61.55 Jm(-3)K(-2), respectively for 4% added ceramic-glass at room temperature. Such findings can have huge implications in the field of tailoring ferroelectric response for application specific requirements. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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Heterophase structures in lead-free perovskite-type ferroelectric solid solutions of (1 - z)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 - zBaTiO(3) are analysed for a few critical compositions near the morphotropic phase boundary (z = 0.05-0.07). Examples of the phase coexistence and elastic matching of the phases from different symmetry groups are considered to find optimum volume fractions of specific domain types and coexisting phases at the complete stress relief in two-phase samples. Some interrelations between these volume fractions are described using variants of the domain arrangement at changes in the composition and unit-cell parameters. The evaluated room-temperature volume fractions of the ferroelectric monoclinic (Cm symmetry) and tetragonal (P4mm symmetry) phases near the morphotropic phase boundary are in agreement with experimental data.


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A new electrochemical sensing device was constructed for determination of pesticides. In this report, acetylcholinesterase was bioconjugated onto hybrid nanocomposite, i.e. iron oxide nanoparticles and poly(indole-5-carboxylic acid) (Fe(3)O(4)NPs/Pin5COOH) was deposited electrochemically on glassy carbon electrode. Fe(3)O(4)NPs was showed as an amplified sensing interface at lower voltage which makes the sensor more sensitive and specific. The enzyme inhibition by pesticides was detected within concentrations ranges between 0.1-60 and 1.5-70 nM for malathion and chlorpyrifos, respectively, under optimal experimental conditions (sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C). Biosensor determined the pesticides level in water samples (spiked) with satisfactory accuracy (96%-100%). Sensor showed good storage stability and retained 50% of its initial activity within 70 days at 4 degrees C.


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The cis-amide bond isostere, 1,5-disubstituted tetrazole,has been introduced in the peptide backbone by a simple route starting from the thiopeptide. The desired 1,5-disubstituted tetrazole peptidomimetics were synthesized by the desulfurization of thiopeptides by using HgCl2 in the presence of NaN3/TEA in DMF in good yields. Various other thiophilic reagents including hypervalent iodine reagents failed to deliver the tetrazole product with the exception of CBr4/PPh3, which resulted in moderate yields. The advantage of the present protocol over previous methods has been demonstrated by the selective insertion of tetrazole into peptide-thiopeptide hybrids. Also, the protocol is compatible with commonly employed urethane protecting groups (Fmoc, Boc, and Cbz) in peptide chemistry. Thiopeptide Boc-Pro-CSNH]-Val-OMe (2i) and two tetrazole peptidomimetics Cbz-Ala-CN4]-Phe-OMe (3d) and Boc-Pro-CN4]-Val-OMe (3i) were obtained as single crystals and their molecular structures have been confirmed by X-ray crystallography.


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In this letter, we submit our comment on the following recently published papers by Kalidas Das: (1) ``Influence of chemical reaction and viscous dissipation on MHD mixed convection flow,'' Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28 (5) (2014) 1881-1885; and (2) ``Cu-water nanofluid flow and heat transfer over a shrinking sheet,'' Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28 (12) (2014) 5089-5094. The authors attempt to present the similarity solutions in both papers. We comment that the similarity transformations considered in Refs. 1, 2] are incorrect. Thus, the results presented by Kalidas Das lead to invalid conclusions.


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Nicaragua produce 147,000 lb/mes de subproducto de la pesca del camarón y del pescado los cuales son destinados a la basura. Con e l objetivo de proporcionar un método de conservación que conlleve a utilizar estos desperdicios en la alimentación animal se realizó el presente estudio que consistió camarón, en elaborar tratados microensilajes con subproducto con ácido sulfúrico (5%, del 10%) volumen/peso utilizando de 2 Kg cada uno. 20 microsilos de PVC con capacidad se dividieron en 2 tratamientos evaluándolos a diferentes periodos de tiempo (7, 15, 30, 45 y 60 días), realizándose un DCA con arreglo unifactorial, análisis bromatológicos, determinación de AGV y pH. Todos los ensilados presentaron predominancia de la fermentación láctica, los contenidos de proteína bruta variaron en un rango de 40.70 a 50.20% según los tratamientos. Todos los ensilajes se pueden utilizar a los 7 días después de ensilarse. El tratamiento de menor costo resulto ser el T1 (5% H2so4 ) con 0.56 USA/Kg.


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Las intoxicaciones en los animales de producción, constituyen un problema que el productor se enfrenta día a día. Con el presente estudio de caso se valoró los efectos tóxicos de las hojas de la planta Lantana cámara L. conocido como cuasquito o cinco negritos,que provoca lesiones en hígado, riñones y foto dermatitis en rumiantes, para el presente ensayo se tomaron 6 ovinos hembras de una año de edad aproximadamente y con un peso promedio de 30 kg y se organizaron en tres grupos de dos individuos cada uno a los cuales se les suministró pasto jaragua a razón de 3kg/pv/día, el primer grupo de control solamente con pasto, al segundo grupo se le suministró 8g de hojas de la planta / kg p.v. y al tercer grupo se le suministró 12g de hojas de la planta / kg de p.v. y su respectiva cantidad de pasto por día, durante 21 días para finalizar con la necropsia, dando como resultado en el examen de BHC (Biometría Hemática completa) en los grupos tratados que no existe alteración significativa en los valores hemáticos, los síntomas y signos clínicos predominantes fueron hipernea, postración, conjuntiva con enrojecimiento marcado, diarrea, búsqueda de sombra, disminución del consumo del alimento, pelo opaco y piel seca, micción frecuente con orina amarilla oscuray las principales lesiones observadas a través de la necropsia revelóque en el grupo número 2, los hígados presentaron adherencias, bordes irregulares y petequias hemorrágicas, en la región de la pelvis y médula renal se observó ictericia, petequias hemorrágicas y en vesícula biliar formación de residuos en bilis y en el grupo número 3 se observó una marcada ictericia en la región de la pelvis y médula renal, también se observaron adherencias en hígados, petequias en riñón e hígado y abundante residuo biliar.


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El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en el ciclo 92-93 en el Ingenio Victoria de Julio, donde se evaluaron 14 variedades de caña de azúcar en comparación con las variedades Ja 60 - 5 y C 87 - 51 para determinar el comportamiento agro-industrial de estos cultivares y seleccionar los genotipos más sobresalientes. El experimento fue establecido el 25 de enero de 1992, en un suelo arcilloso de la serie Chilamatillo, la cosecha se realizó a los 11 meses de edad del cultivo, el 16 de Dic 1992. El diseño utilizado fue de bloques completos al azar con 5 repeticiones, las variables estudiadas fueron: Germinación, población, altura de tallos, floración, diámetro de tallos, peso promedio de los tallos, rendimiento agrícola, rendimiento industrial y rendimiento agro-industrial. Los datos fueron sometidos a un análisis de varianza y prueba de tukey al 5% de margen de error. Los resultados obtenidos fueron los siguientes: Germinación; siendo las mejores RB 73-1012, CP 70-321 y Q 96. Población;las mejores numéricamente resultaron Méx 68-P 23,SP 70-1284 y SP 72-4790. Longitud de tallo; las mejores variedades fueron la SP 72-4790, Q 96, RB 73-1012 y RB 73-5220. Diámetro de los tallos; obtuvo el mejor resultado la variedad Méx 69-420 y en segundo lugar la Ja 60-5. Peso promedio de 100 tallos. ; presentando el mejor resultado el cultivar Méx 69-420 seguido de la RB 73-5220. Floración; todas las variedades florecieron a excepción del testigo C 87-51. Rendimiento agrícola; obtuvo el mejor resultado la variedad Méx 68-P 23 ocupando el segundo lugar SP 72-4790; Rendimiento industrial; entre las variedades sobresalieron numéricamente la Q 96 seguido de la C 87-51 y la CP 72-1210. Rendimiento Agro-Industrial; de acuerdo a los resultados de rangos múltiples la variedad Q 96 presenta un rendimiento estadísticamente superior a la variedad testigo Ja 60-5, superando numéricamente al resto de variedades. Las variedades que presentaron afectaciones por enfermedades fueron : RB 76-5288, SP 70-1284, SP 72-4790, CP 72-1210, SP 71-61801 CP 72-2086, Méx 69-420, Méx 68-P23, Ja 60-5 y e 87-51.


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Bulk metallic glasses of Nd65Al10Fe25-xCox (x=0,5,10) have been prepared in the form of 3 mm diam rods. Results of differential scanning calrimetry, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), and x-ray diffraction are presented for these alloys. It is shown that the glass transition and crystallization have been observed by DMTA. The reduced glass transition temperature of these glasses, defined as the ratio between the glass transition temperature T-g and the melting temperature T-l is in the range from 0.55 to 0.62. All these glasses have a large supercooled liquid region (SLR), ranging from 80 to 130 K. The high value of reduced glass transition temperature and wide SLR agree with their good glass formation ability.


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Los pobres en la Iglesia / Norman Horacio Pipo -- La ordenación final del hombre a la gloria en el comentario a las Sentencias de Santo Tomás de Aquino / Juan C De Zan -- Exposición de la doctrina de la fe en el Nuevo Mundo / Eduardo Pérez Bravo -- Boletín de teología de la historia / Pedro Geltman -- Se suprime en Buenos Aires (1824) el nombre del Papa en la liturgia / Américo Tonda -- Crónica de la Facultad -- Índice del Tomo II (1964)