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Based on high-order compact upwind scheme, a high-order shock-fitting finite difference scheme is studied to simulate the generation of boundary layer disturbance waves due to free-stream waves. Both steady and unsteady flow solutions of the receptivity problem are obtained by resolving the full Navier-Stokes equations. The interactions of bow-shock and free-stream disturbance are researched. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of receptivity to free-stream disturbances for blunt cone hypersonic boundary layers is performed.


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As part of an ongoing program of benthic sampling and related assessments of sediment quality at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) off the coast of Georgia, a survey of soft-bottom benthic habitats was conducted in spring 2005 to characterize condition of macroinfaunal assemblages and levels of chemical contaminants in sediments and biota relative to a baseline survey carried out in spring 2000. Distribution and abundance of macrobenthos were related foremost to sediment type (median particle size, % gravel), which in turn varied according to bottom-habitat mesoscale features (e.g., association with live bottom versus flat or rippled sand areas). Overall abundance and diversity of soft-bottom benthic communities were similar between the two years, though dominance patterns and relative abundances of component species were less repeatable. Seasonal summer pulses of a few taxa (e.g., the bivalve Ervilia sp. A) observed in 2000 were not observed in 2005. Concentrations of chemical contaminants in sediments and biota, though detectable in both years, were consistently at low, background levels and no exceedances of sediment probable bioeffect levels or FDA action levels for edible fish or shellfish were observed. Near-bottom dissolved oxygen levels and organic-matter content of sediments also have remained within normal ranges. Highly diverse benthic assemblages were found in both years, supporting the premise that GRNMS serves as an important reservoir of marine biodiversity. A total of 353 taxa (219 identified to species) were collected during the spring 2005 survey. Cumulatively, 588 taxa (371 identified to species) have been recorded in the sanctuary from surveys in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2005. Species Accumulation Curves indicate that the theoretical maximum should be in excess of 600 species. Results of this study will be of value in advancing strategic science and management goals for GRNMS, including characterization and long-term monitoring of sanctuary resources and processes, as well as supporting evolving interests in ecosystem-based management of the surrounding South Atlantic Bight (SAB) ecosystem. (PDF contains 46 pages)


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Executive Summary: Baseline characterization of resources is an essential part of marine protected area (MPA) management and is critical to inform adaptive management. Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) currently lacks adequate characterization of several key resources as identified in the 2006 Final Management Plan. The objectives of this characterization were to fulfill this need by characterizing the bottom fish, benthic features, marine debris, and the relationships among them for the different bottom types within the sanctuary: ledges, sparse live bottom, rippled sand, and flat sand. Particular attention was given to characterizing the different ledge types, their fish communities, and the marine debris associated with them given the importance of this bottom type to the sanctuary. The characterization has been divided into four sections. Section 1 provides a brief overview of the project, its relevance to sanctuary needs, methods of site selection, and general field procedures. Section 2 provides the survey methods, results, discussion, and recommendations for monitoring specific to the benthic characterization. Section 3 describes the characterization of marine debris. Section 4 is specific to the characterization of bottom fish. Field surveys were conducted during August 2004, May 2005, and August 2005. A total of 179 surveys were completed over ledge bottom (n=92), sparse live bottom (n=51), flat sand (n=20), and rippled sand (n=16). There were three components to each field survey: fish counting, benthic assessment, and quantification of marine debris. All components occurred within a 25 x 4 m belt transect. Two divers performed the transect at each survey site. One diver was responsible for identification of fish species, size, and abundance using a visual survey. The second diver was responsible for characterization of benthic features using five randomly placed 1 m2 quadrats, measuring ledge height and other benthic structures, and quantifying marine debris within the entire transect. GRNMS is composed of four main bottom types: flat sand, rippled sand, sparsely colonized live bottom, and densely colonized live bottom (ledges). Independent evaluation of the thematic accuracy of the GRNMS benthic map produced by Kendall et al. (2005) revealed high overall accuracy (93%). Most discrepancies between map and diver classification occurred during August 2004 and likely can be attributed to several factors, including actual map or diver errors, and changes in the bottom type due to physical forces. The four bottom types have distinct physical and biological characteristics. Flat and rippled sand bottom types were composed primarily of sand substrate and secondarily shell rubble. Flat sand and rippled sand bottom types were characterized by low percent cover (0-2%) of benthic organisms at all sites. Although the sand bottom types were largely devoid of epifauna, numerous burrows indicate the presence of infaunal organisms. Sparse live bottom and ledges were colonized by macroalgae and numerous invertebrates, including coral, gorgonians, sponges, and “other” benthic species (such as tunicates, anemones, and bryozoans). Ledges and sparse live bottom were similar in terms of diversity (H’) given the level of classification used here. However, percent cover of benthic species, with the exception of gorgonians, was significantly greater on ledge than on sparse live bottom. Percent biotic cover at sparse live bottom ranged from 0.7-26.3%, but was greater than 10% at only 7 out of 51 sites. Colonization on sparse live bottom is likely inhibited by shifting sands, as most sites were covered in a layer of sediment up to several centimeters thick. On ledge bottom type, percent cover ranged from 0.42-100%, with the highest percent cover at ledges in the central and south-central region of GRNMS. Biotic cover on ledges is influenced by local ledge characteristics. Cluster analysis of ledge dimensions (total height, undercut height, undercut width) resulted in three main categories of ledges, which were classified as short, medium, and tall. Median total percent cover was 97.6%, 75.1%, and 17.7% on tall, medium, and short ledges, respectively. Total percent cover and cover of macroalgae, sponges, and other organisms was significantly lower on short ledges compared to medium and tall ledges, but did not vary significantly between medium and tall ledges. Like sparse live bottom, short ledges may be susceptible to burial by sand, however the results indicate that ledge height may only be important to a certain threshold. There are likely other factors not considered here that also influence spatial distribution and community structure (e.g., small scale complexity, ocean currents, differential settlement patterns, and biological interactions). GRNMS is a popular site for recreational fishing and boating, and there has been increased concern about the accumulation of debris in the sanctuary and potential effects on sanctuary resources. Understanding the types, abundance, and distribution of debris is essential to improving debris removal and education efforts. Approximately two-thirds of all observed debris items found during the field surveys were fishing gear, and about half of the fishing related debris was monofilament fishing line. Other fishing related debris included leaders and spear gun parts, and non-gear debris included cans, bottles, and rope. The spatial distribution of debris was concentrated in the center of the sanctuary and was most frequently associated with ledges rather than at other bottom types. Several factors may contribute to this observation. Ledges are often targeted by fishermen due to the association of recreationally important fish species with this bottom type. In addition, ledges are structurally complex and are often densely colonized by biota, providing numerous places for debris to become stuck or entangled. Analysis of observed boat locations indicated that higher boat activity, which is an indication of fishing, occurs in the center of the sanctuary. On ledges, the presence and abundance of debris was significantly related to observed boat density and physiographic features including ledge height, ledge area, and percent cover. While it is likely that most fishing related debris originates from boats inside the sanctuary, preliminary investigation of ocean current data indicate that currents may influence the distribution and local retention of more mobile items. Fish communities at GRNMS are closely linked to benthic habitats. A list of species encountered, probability of occurrence, abundance, and biomass by habitat is provided. Species richness, diversity, composition, abundance, and biomass of fish all showed striking differences depending on bottom type with ledges showing the highest values of nearly all metrics. Species membership was distinctly separated by bottom type as well, although very short, sparsely colonized ledges often had a similar community composition to that of sparse live bottom. Analysis of fish communities at ledges alone indicated that species richness and total abundance of fish were positively related to total percent cover of sessile invertebrates and ledge height. Either ledge attribute was sufficient to result in high abundance or species richness of fish. Fish diversity (H`) was negatively correlated with undercut height due to schools of fish species that utilize ledge undercuts such as Pareques species. Concurrent analysis of ledge types and fish communities indicated that there are five distinct combinations of ledge type and species assemblage. These include, 1) short ledges with little or no undercut that lacked many of the undercut associated species except Urophycis earlii ; 2) tall, heavily colonized, deeply undercut ledges typically with Archosargus probatocephalus, Mycteroperca sp., and Pareques sp.; 3) tall, heavily colonized but less undercut with high occurrence of Lagodon rhomboides and Balistes capriscus; 4) short, heavily colonized ledges typically with Centropristis ocyurus, Halichoeres caudalis, and Stenotomus sp.; and 5) tall, heavily colonized, less undercut typically with Archosargus probatocephalus, Caranx crysos and Seriola sp.. Higher levels of boating activity and presumably fishing pressure did not appear to influence species composition or abundance at the community level although individual species appeared affected. These results indicate that merely knowing the basic characteristics of a ledge such as total height, undercut width, and percent cover of sessile invertebrates would allow good prediction of not only species richness and abundance of fish but also which particular fish species assemblages are likely to occur there. Comparisons with prior studies indicate some major changes in the fish community at GRNMS over the last two decades although the causes of the changes are unknown. Species of interest to recreational fishermen including Centropristis striata, Mycteroperca microlepis, and Mycteroperca phenax were examined in relation to bottom features, areas of assumed high versus low fishing pressure, and spatial dispersion. Both Mycteroperca species were found more frequently when undercut height of ledges was taller. They often were found together in small mixed species groups at ledges in the north central and southwest central regions of the sanctuary. Both had lower mode size and proportion of fish above the fishery size limit in heavily fished areas of the sanctuary (i.e. high boat density) despite the presence of better habitat in that region. Black sea bass, C. striata, occurred at 98% of the ledges surveyed and appeared to be evenly distributed throughout the sanctuary. Abundance was best explained by a positive relationship with percent cover of sessile biota but was also negatively related to presence of either Mycteroperca species. This may be due to predation by the Mycteroperca species or avoidance of sites where they are present by C. striata. Suggestions for monitoring bottom features, marine debris, and bottom fish at GRNMS are provided at the end of each chapter. The present assessment has established quantitative baseline characteristics of many of the key resources and use issues at GRNMS. The methods can be used as a model for future assessments to track the trajectory of GRNMS resources. Belt transects are ideally suited to providing efficient and quantitative assessment of bottom features, debris, and fish at GRNMS. The limited visibility, sensitivity of sessile biota, and linear nature of ledge habitats greatly diminish the utility of other sampling techniques. Ledges should receive the bulk of future characterization effort due to their importance to the sanctuary and high variability in physical structure, benthic composition, and fish assemblages. (PDF contains 107 pages.)


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1 On the force and moment acting on a body in shear flow(物体在剪切流中所受的力和力矩1943年)
2 The flow of a compressible viscous fluid through a straight pipe.(可压缩黏性流体在直管中的流动1943年)
3 Two dimensional irrotational mixed subsonic and supersonic flow of a compressible fluid and the upper critical Mach number(可压缩流体二维无旋亚声速和超声速混合型流动及上临界马赫数1946年)
4 On the stability of transonic flows(论跨声速流的稳定性1947年)
5 The propagation of a spherical or a cylindrical wave of finite amplitude and the production of shock waves(有限振幅球面波或柱面波的传播及激波的产生1947年)
6 Two-dimensional irrotational transonic flows of a compressible fluid(可压缩流体二维无旋跨声速流动1948年)
7 On the hodograph method(关于速度图方法1949年)
8 Two-dimensional transonic flow past airfoils(绕翼型的二维跨声速流1951年)
9 On the stability of two-dimensional smooth transonic flows(论二元光滑跨声速流的稳定性1951年)
10 On the flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a flat plate at moderate Reynolds numbers(中等雷诺数下不可压缩黏性流体绕平板的流动1953年)
11 Reflection of a weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.I:Interaction of weak shock waves with laminar and turbulent boundary lavers analyzed by momentum-integral method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅰ:用动量积分方法分析弱激波与层流和湍流边界层的相互作用1953年)
12 Reflection of weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.Ⅱ:Interaction of oblique shock wave with a laminar boundary layer analyzed by differential-equation method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅱ:用微分方程方法分析斜激波与层流边界层的相互作用1953年)
13 Plane subsonic and transonic potential flows(平面亚、跨音速势流1954年)
14 A similarity rule for the interaction between a conical field and a plane shock(锥型流和激波相互作用的相似律1955年)
15 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅰ】1956年)
16 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅱ】1956年)
17 The effects of Prandtl number on high-speed viscous flows over a flat plate(Prandtl数对绕平板高速黏性流的影响1956年)
18 Compressible viscous flow past a wedge moving at hypersonic speeds(楔的高超声速可压缩黏性绕流1956年)
19 Dissociation effects in hypersonic viscous flows(高超声速黏性流动中的离解效应1957年)
20 现代空气动力学的问题(1957年)
2l 在关于苏联发射成功第一颗人造卫星座谈会上的发言记录(1957年)
22 高超速钝体湍流传热问题(1963年)
23 宇宙飞船的回地问题(1965年)
24 激波的介绍


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Common shrimp trawl designs employed in the southeastern United States shrimp fishery are the flat, balloon, semiballoon, jib, and super X-3. Recent innovations in trawl design and rigging, including the twin trawl rigging and tongue trawl design, have improved the efficiency of shrimp trawling gear. A description of the construction techniques for the different designs indicate differences which affect gear performance. Measurements of horizontal spread and vertical opening for 76 trawl configurations indicate the relative efficiencies of the different designs. Maximum horizontal spreading efficiency was achieved by the "twin" and "tongue" trawl designs followed by the super X-3, jib, balloon, and semiballoon designs. Designs having the greatest vertical openings were the tongue and flat trawl designs followed by the semiballoon. Maximum total gape dimension was demonstrated by the "Mongoose" tongue trawl. Comparison of trawl spreading efficiency and door area to headrope length ratio indicates that a range of 70-80 in square (per door) of door area is required for each foot of trawl headrope length for maximum efficiency with conventional trawl designs and 66-75 in square per foot of headrope for tongue trawl designs. (PDF file contains 18 pages.)


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IARD 8th Biennial Conference on Classical and Quantum Relativistic Dynamics of Particles and Fields - Galileo Galilei Inst Theoret Phys (GGI), Florence, ITALY - MAY 29-JUN 01, 2012. Edited by:Horowitz, LP


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The sensitiveness of different demersal and pelagic fish species of 70 hauls in the North and Baltic Sea in water depths of 60 to 250 m and 15 to 80 m, respectively, amount of catch of 100 to 3500 kg and trawling times of 0,5 to 6 h on board of the FRV “Walther Herwig III” was investigated. Some demersal fish species , e.g. saithe (Pollachius virens), were even still sensitive, when caught at a water depth of 250 m at a trawling time of 1,5 h. Generally the number of sensitive fishes was reduced with increasing water depth, amount of catch, trawling time and following storage of the catch on board. Among demersal fishes the species without swimbladder and flat fishes were clearly more resistent to mechanical stress. On the contrary, pelagic fish species were generally less robust. After trawling times of 2 h no sensitive animals were observed. In some fisheries there are mixed catches of demersal and pelagic fish species with different sensitiveness. In commercial fisheries, there is therefore – under animal welfare aspects – for the time being, no prospect for an improvement of the catching and slaughtering procedure on board


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A new type of sensor with the flexible substrate is introduced. It is applicable in measuring instantaneous heat flux on the model surface in a hypersonic shock tunnel. The working principle, structure and manufacture process of the sensor are presented. The substrate thickness and the dynamic response parameter of the sensor are calculated. Because this sensor was successfully used in measuring the instantaneous heat flux on the surface of a flat plate in a detonation-driven shock tunnel, it may be effective in measuring instantaneous heat flux on the model surface.


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An approach which combines direct numerical simulation (DNS) with the Lighthill acoustic analogy theory is used to study the potential noise sources during the transition process of a Mach 2.25 flat plate boundary layer. The quadrupole sound sources due to the flow fluctuations and the dipole sound sources due to the fluctuating surface stress are obtained. Numerical results suggest that formation of the high shear layers leads to a dramatic amplification of amplitude of the fluctuating quadrupole sound sources. Compared with the quadrupole sound source, the energy of dipole sound source is concentrated in the relatively low frequency range.


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The rarefied gas effects on several configurations are investigated under hypersonic flow conditions using the direct simulation Mont Carlo method. It is found that the Knudsen number, the Mach number, and the angle of attack all play a mixed role in the aerodynamics of a flat plate. The ratio of lift to drag decreases as the Knudsen number increases. Studies on 3D delta wings show that the ratio of lift to drag could be increased by decreasing the wing thickness and/or by increasing the wing span. It is also found that the waveriders could produce larger ratio of lift to drag as compared with the delta wing having the same length, wing span, and cross section area.


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This paper presents exact density, velocity and temperature solutions for two problems of collisionless gas flows around a flat plate or a spherical object. At any point off the object, the local velocity distribution function consists of two pieces of Maxwellian distributions: one for the free stream which is characterized by free stream density, temperature and average velocity, n0, T0, U0; and the other is for the wall and it is characterized by density at wall and wall temperature, nw,Tw. Directly integrating the distribution functions leads to complex but exact flowfield solutions. To validate these solutions, we perform numerical simulations with the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. In general, the analytical and numerical results are virtually identical. The evaluation of these analytical solutions only requires less than one minute while the DSMC simulations require several days.