997 resultados para Ferromagnet-semiconductor Interface


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The propagation losses in the fundamental mode of a bicone made of highly reflecting metal or a dielectric of large refraction were approximately estimated using Leontovich's boundary condition. A 400-fold concentration of the energy flux density lias been obtained in a cross section which is much smaller than λ. Here, the losses are 2.5% at λ = 550 nm in an Ag bicone and 12% in a semiconductor bicone with a band gap of ≈1 eV for hv larger than the band gap. The excitation efficiency of a bicone has been estimated. While not too large, it can be increased significantly using the method proposed in the present paper. The application of the optical bicone for the multiplication of a semiconductor-laser frequency is discussed. The results obtained are also of use in scanning near-field optical microscopy and in experiments on focusing laser pulses of ultrahigh power. © 2000 Plenum/Kluwer Publishing Corporation.


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A theoretical model of superradiant pulse generation in semiconductor laser structures is developed. It is shown that a high optical gain of the medium can overcome phase relaxation and results in a built-up superradiant state (macroscopic dipole) in an assembly of electron - hole pairs on a time scale much longer than the characteristic polarisation relaxation time T2. A criterion of the superradiance generation is the condition acmT2 > 1, where α is the gain coefficient and cm is the speed of light in the medium. The theoretical model describes both qualitatively and quantitatively the author's own experimental results.


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An analysis is made of the conditions for the generation of superfluorescence pulses in an inverted medium of electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor. It is shown that strong optical amplification in laser semiconductor amplifiers characterised by αL ≫ 1 leads to suppression of phase re-laxation of the medium during the initial stages of evolution of superfluorescence and to formation of a macroscopic dipole from electron-hole pairs. Cooperative emission of radiation in this system results in generation of a powerful ultrashort pulse of the optical gain, which interacts coherently with the semiconductor medium. It is shown that coherent pulsations of the optical field, observed earlier by the author in Q-switched semiconductor lasers, are the result of superfluorescence and of the coherent interaction between the optical field and the medium.


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An analysis is made of the conditions for the generation of superfluorescence pulses in an inverted medium of electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor. It is shown that strong optical amplification in laser semiconductor amplifiers characterised by αL ≫ 1 (α is the small-signal gain and L is the amplifier length) leads to suppression of phase relaxation of the medium during the initial stages of evolution of superfluorescence and to formation of a macroscopic dipole from electron - hole pairs. Cooperative emission of radiation in this system results in generation of a powerful ultrashort pulse of the optical gain, which interacts coherently with the semiconductor medium. It is shown that coherent pulsations of the optical field, observed earlier by the author in Q-switched semiconductor lasers, are the result of superfluorescence and of the coherent interaction between the optical field and the medium.


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Experimental demonstration of lasing in a broad area twin-contact semiconductor laser which operates as a phase-conjugation (PC) mirror in an external cavity configuration is reported. This allows "self-aligned" and self-pumped spatially nondegenerate four-wave mixing to be achieved without the need for external optical signals. The external cavity laser system is very insensitive to tilt misalignments of the external mirror in the PC regime and exhibits very good mechanical stability. The resonant frequency of the external cavity lies in the GHz range which corresponds to a subnanosecond time response of phase conjugation processes in the semiconductor laser. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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To determine the load at which FRPs debond from concrete beams using global-energy-balance-based fracture mechanics concepts, the single most important parameter is the fracture energy of the concrete-FRP interface, which is easy to define but difficult to determine. Debonding propagates in the narrow zone of concrete, between the FRP and the (tension) steel reinforcement bars in the beam, and the presence of nearby steel bars prevents the fracture process zone, which in concrete is normally extensive, from developing fully. The paper presents a detailed discussion of the mechanism of the FRP debonding, and shows that the initiation of debonding can be regarded as a Mode I (tensile) fracture in concrete, despite being loaded primarily in shear. It is shown that the incorporation of this fracture energy in the debonding model developed by the authors, details of which are presented elsewhere, gives predictions that match the test results reported in the literature. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Interactions between dislocations and grain boundaries play an important role in the plastic deformation of polycrystalline metals. Capturing accurately the behaviour of these internal interfaces is particularly important for applications where the relative grain boundary fraction is significant, such as ultra fine-grained metals, thin films and microdevices. Incorporating these micro-scale interactions (which are sensitive to a number of dislocation, interface and crystallographic parameters) within a macro-scale crystal plasticity model poses a challenge. The innovative features in the present paper include (i) the formulation of a thermodynamically consistent grain boundary interface model within a microstructurally motivated strain gradient crystal plasticity framework, (ii) the presence of intra-grain slip system coupling through a microstructurally derived internal stress, (iii) the incorporation of inter-grain slip system coupling via an interface energy accounting for both the magnitude and direction of contributions to the residual defect from all slip systems in the two neighbouring grains, and (iv) the numerical implementation of the grain boundary model to directly investigate the influence of the interface constitutive parameters on plastic deformation. The model problem of a bicrystal deforming in plane strain is analysed. The influence of dissipative and energetic interface hardening, grain misorientation, asymmetry in the grain orientations and the grain size are systematically investigated. In each case, the crystal response is compared with reference calculations with grain boundaries that are either 'microhard' (impenetrable to dislocations) or 'microfree' (an infinite dislocation sink). © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.