976 resultados para Feed efficiency


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The authors conducted a series of experiments to evaluate the relative efficiency of nylon over cotton in tropical waters, particularly in reservoir fishing. The experiments were conducted in the Gobindsagar reservoir (Himachal Pradesh/Punjab). The nets made with both materials were identical in essential details like twine size, mesh size, number of floats arid sinkers and hanging coefficients.


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Preliminary midwater fishing trials were conducted off Cochin with an 11m dual purpose trawl during the monsoon months when the prawns were available in the column layers. Further, with a view to assess its suitability as bottom trawl, the gear with suitable modifications in the rigging was towed in comparison with a 15m bottom trawl along the depth ranges of 5-10m and 10-20m and the fishing operations were found satisfactory.


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The present work was undertaken to enlighten upon the comparative efficiency of different glazes in improving the quality of frozen crab meat (Scylla Serrata).


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The merits and demerits of cotton, polyethylene and combination of the two materials ascertained on the basis of cost, wear and tear, maintenance, total catch and qualitative analysis of the catch are discussed by making comparative fishing experiments with the three trawl gears made of these materials. The study can be concluded with a suggestion for switching over to polyethylene twisted monofilaments for better, in case of bottom trawls without in any way adversely affecting the catch of shrimps and at the same time for enhanced fish catch. Even though the combination net is found to be equal in efficiency as the polyethylene net this idea cannot be conveniently adopted from the point of view of economy.


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Information on the catch efficiency and selective action of coloured gill nets in relation to the reservoir fishes of India are lacking. Authors, in the present studies have attempted to evaluate the comparative catch efficiency of gill nets of four shades viz. yellow, orange, green and blue over the colourless ones, by conducting fishing experiments, in the Govindsagar reservoir. Attempts have also been made to study the preference shown to colours by the four major species of fishes of the reservoir.


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Fishing experiments were conducted simultaneously with frame nets and trammel nets in the Hirakud Reservoir and the results indicated the relative superiority of frame nets, whose catch rate was two times more than that of the trammel nets.


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Results of comparative fishing operations conducted with three nets of identical design made of nylon, twisted polyethylene monofilament and high density polyethylene (HDPE) tape twines are presented in this communication. Since the tape net recorded the highest prawn and fish catch, monofilament and nylon following in order, it can be recommended to the fishing industry as one of the cheapest and effective fishing materials evolved for trawl fabrication.


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A radical and revolutionary change from the hitherto employed shrimp trawling is reported for better productivity and economy in deep sea trawling with medium and large vessels. Studies carried out off Veraval with a 13.7 m. four seam shrimp trawl as conventional single-rig and two 6.8 m four seam shrimp trawls as double-rig from a 15.2 m fishing vessel showed an increase of 98% shrimp catch by double-rig over single-rig at 86.3 % of the power utilised by the latter. It has also been worked out, theoretically, how better this available power can be utilised for further improvement of catch. An increase of 15% head rope length in case of double-rig over the optimum single-rig gear of any vessel is recommended.


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Livestock sewage has been utilized for fish culture. There is lack of information on microbiological evaluation and keeping quality of these fishes. This paper reveals the incidence, types of micro-organisms and keeping quality of fishes reared in livestock sewage fed ponds without artificial feed. These fishes revealed microbial incidence and keeping quality comparable to other fishes. Initial mesophilic and psychrophilic counts varied from 3.38 to 5.56 and 2.47 to 4.74. On an average, the counts reduced by about 40% after evisceration and washing. Whole as well as washed fishes had refrigerated (8 ± 1°C) life of not more than 4 days. The average psychrophilic and mesophilic counts of ice (0 to 1°C) stored whole fishes up to 10th day varied from 3.66 to 4.81, 4.61 to 5.24 and in eviscerated and washed fishes 2.17 to 3.69 and 2.78 to 4.41. Both remained acceptable till the 10th day. Qualitative study of surface slime and gills revealed presence of Aerobacter (Enterobacter), Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Bacillus, Clostridia, E. coli, Klebsiella, Micrococci, Proteus and Pseudomonas.