926 resultados para Fadiga - Simulação por computador


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Os materiais compósitos são materiais em expansão. Revolucionaram a indústria aeronáutica e actualmente difundem-se nos mais variados nichos industriais, mesmo nas aplicações mais comuns. Têm uma grande aplicação em elementos estruturais, sendo submetidos a estados de tensão e deformação multiaxiais. Os elementos tubulares de matriz epoxídica reforçada com fibras de carbono são exemplos típicos de componentes. No entanto, devido ao aparecimento relativamente recente destes materiais, os modelos de fadiga utilizados nos materiais comuns mostraram-se pouco realistas. Surgiu assim a necessidade de adaptar e elaborar novos modelos de fadiga, com resultados mais satisfatórios na previsão da vida dos componentes, recorrendo a ensaios laboratoriais. No presente estudo experimental, recorrendo a um sistema adequado de amarras, foram realizados ensaios de torção e de flexão pura, quer estáticos, quer dinâmicos, numa máquina servo-hidráulica convencional. Nos ensaios de fadiga foram consideradas duas razões de tensões (R=0,05 e R=0,3). Foram também realizados ensaios de fadiga com carregamentos de flexão-torção em fase sob amplitude de tensão constante, com as mesmas razões de tensões, considerando o momento flector igual ao momento torsor (B=T). Foi avaliado o efeito da tensão média, recorrendo aos critérios de Gerber e Goodman, os quais se apresentaram satisfatórios, tendo em conta o número reduzido de estudos efectuados. Já nos ensaios biaxiais, o critério de Tsai–Hill mostrou-se erróneo perante os resultados experimentais. No entanto, após ter sido aplicado um ajustamento, os resultados melhoraram. Foi também estudado o comportamento elastoplástico dos corpos de prova em todos os ensaios.


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A Comunicação Mediada por Computador (CMC) é entendida como o relacionamento interpessoal via Internet. Este modo de comunicação atinge usuários que visam interagir e conhecer pessoas sem o limite da distância. Atualmente está sendo objeto de estudos interdisciplinares que se interessam pelas influências da CMC no comportamento de seus usuários. Trata-se de um estudo caracterizado como exploratório baseado em dados coletados através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Seu objetivo é refletir sobre os efeitos gerados pela difusão da CMC sobre o perfil de seus usuários, além de apresentar as contribuições da Psicologia frente aos questionamentos provindos da utilização da CMC e discutir as ambivalências (ganhos e perdas) de seu uso no comportamento de seus usuários. Percebe-se que os internautas estão transformando a forma de interação social em um ambiente desprovido de limites espaço-temporais. Portanto, este trabalho estuda as novas formas de interação, e busca compreender esse novo homem, pois, se a tecnologia traz mudanças, o indivíduo muda junto com ela. Portanto, ao acompanhar todas essas transformações que têm influenciado o homem e suas novas formas de relacionamento, estão motivando o surgimento de novas formas de contribuição da Psicologia ao estudo da CMC.


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Considerando a relevância do tema nas discussões acerca da educação e novas tecnologias na sociedade contemporânea, a presente pesquisa de cunho exploratório, propõe compreender relação dos adultos e crianças com o computador e como ele media (ou não) está relação. Tomando os pais e a educadora como imigrantes e as crianças como nativos digitais do grupo do 1º no do EF I, de uma escola da rede particular de ensino, em São Bernardo do ampo. É uma pesquisa quantitativa na medida em que estuda frequência com que os dados aparecem entre o grupo de participantes e qualitativa uma vez que recorre a estratégias de coleta de dados tais como: roda de conversa com os educandos; questionário, e-mails e grupo de discussão com os pais (pai ou mãe); questionário, e-mails e entrevistas com a educadora. E como aporte teórico para as reflexões desta pesquisa autores como: BABIN & KOULOUMDJIAN (1989); CHAVES & SETZER (1980); HUIZINGA (2001); LÈVY (1993; 1996; 1999); KENSKY (2003; 2007); MORAN (1987; 2007); PAPERT (2008); VALENTE (2002); SANCHO (1998); QUEIROZ (1999), SÁ (2001) que contribuíram na medida em que possibilitaram uma conversa entre suas ideias, concepções e com as vozes dos participantes da pesquisa. Os resultados caminham para compreensão de que o computador para os educandos está atrelado à relação entre: infância, experiência, ludicidade como elementos para a construção do conhecimento; para os pais uma possibilidade ainda em adaptação, mas que requer orientação; e para a educadora a tecnologia parece ainda estar nos limites do campo da resistência, provalvelmente em decorrência da incongruência entre qualificação e políticas de trabalho docente. O trabalho deixa questões, esperando-se incentivar, com isso, novos estudos.


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A fadiga é um sintoma inespecífico, encontrado com freqüência na população. Ela é definida como sensação de cansaço físico profundo, perda de energia ou mesmo sensação de exaustão, e é importante a sua diferenciação com depressão ou fraqueza. Os transtornos depressivos e ansiosos constituem os transtornos psiquiátricos mais freqüentes no idoso, e quase sempre dão lugar a conseqüências graves neste grupo etário. Este estudo visa avaliar a influência da ansiedade e depressão sobre o desencadeamento de fadiga e evolução de problemas de saúde e de comportamentos peculiares ao processo de envelhecimento. Trata-se de um estudo, do tipo caso-controle investigando ansiedade, depressão e fadiga. Foram avaliados 61 indivíduos com 60 anos de idade ou mais. Um grupo controle constituído por 60 indivíduos jovens (idade até 35 anos), foram selecionados entre estudantes do Centro Universitário de Santo André que responderam um Questionário de Características Gerais, um Inventário de Ansiedade traço-estado, um Inventário de Depressão de Beck e uma Escala de Severidade de Fadiga. O grupo de idosos apresentou um escore significativamente maior em relação ao grupo controle na escala de severidade de fadiga. O grupo de idosos apresentou escore médio de 36,87 ± 14,61 enquanto o grupo controle apresentou escore médio de 31,47 ± 12,74 (t = 2,167; df = 119; p = 0,032). No entanto, o grupo de idosos apresentou escores significativamente maiores na escala de Beck (10,54 ± 8,63) em relação aos controles (6,83 ± 7,95); t = 2,455; df = 119; p = 0,016). Analisando-se apenas o grupo de indivíduos idosos, observou-se uma correlação significativa entre os escore da escala de severidade de fadiga e a escala de depressão de Beck (correlação de Pearson = 0,332; p = 0,009). Ainda trabalhando apenas com o grupo de indivíduos idosos, observou-se um escore significativamente maior da escala de severidade de fadiga naqueles indivíduos que praticavam atividade física regular, sendo, escore médio de 31,55 ± 13,36; (t = 2,203; df = 58; p = 0,032). A partir da análise dos resultados deste estudo pôde-se concluir que o grupo de indivíduos idosos apresentam estatisticamente significante escore maior, quando comparado com o grupo controle, apresentando mais sintomas de fadiga e depressão. Estes sintomas de fadiga ocorreram em conjunto com sintomas depressivos sugerindo uma possível correlação entre estes. Quando se observou apenas os idosos, esta correlação foi confirmada. Analisado-se ainda somente o grupo de indivíduos idosos observa-se que o grupo de idosos que praticam atividade física regularmente apresentam menos sintomas fadiga que o grupo que não pratica atividade física.(AU)


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The study aims to examine the methodology of realistic simulation as facilitator of the teaching-learning process in nursing, and is justified by the possibility to propose conditions that envisage improvements in the training process with a view to assess the impacts attributed to new teaching strategies and learning in the formative areas of health and nursing. Descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative approach, as action research, and focus on teaching from the realistic simulation of Nursing in Primary Care in an institution of public higher education. . The research was developed in the Comprehensive Care Health discipline II, this is offered in the third year of the course in order to prepare the nursing student to the stage of Primary Health Care The study population comprised 40 subjects: 37 students and 3 teachers of that discipline. Data collection was held from February to May 2014 and was performed by using questionnaires and semi structured interviews. To do so, we followed the following sequence: identification of the use of simulation in the discipline target of intervention; consultation with professors about the possibility of implementing the survey; investigation of the syllabus of discipline, objectives, skills and abilities; preparing the plan for the execution of the intervention; preparing the checklist for skills training; construction and execution of simulation scenarios and evaluation of scenarios. Quantitative data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics, percentage, and qualitative data through collective subject discourse. A high fidelity simulation was inserted in the curriculum of the course of the research object, based on the use of standard patient. Three cases were created and executed. In the students’ view, the simulation contributed to the synthesis of the contents worked at Integral Health Care II discipline (100%), scoring between 8 and 10 (100%) to executed scenarios. In addition, the simulation has generated a considerable percentage of high expectations for the activities of the discipline (70.27%) and is also shown as a strategy for generating student satisfaction (97.30%). Of the 97.30% that claimed to be quite satisfied with the activities proposed by the academic discipline of Integral Health Care II, 94.59% of the sample indicated the simulation as a determinant factor for the allocation of such gratification. Regarding the students' perception about the strategy of simulation, the most prominent category was the possibility of prior experience of practice (23.91%). The nervousness was one of the most cited negative aspects from the experience in simulated scenarios (50.0%). The most representative positive point (63.89%) pervades the idea of approximation with the reality of Primary Care. In addition, professors of the discipline, totaling 3, were trained in the methodology of the simulation. The study highlighted the contribution of realistic simulation in the context of teaching and learning in nursing and highlighted this strategy while mechanism to generate expectation and satisfaction among undergraduate nursing students


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The distribution and mobilization of fluid in a porous medium depend on the capillary, gravity, and viscous forces. In oil field, the processes of enhanced oil recovery involve change and importance of these forces to increase the oil recovery factor. In the case of gas assisted gravity drainage (GAGD) process is important to understand the physical mechanisms to mobilize oil through the interaction of these forces. For this reason, several authors have developed physical models in laboratory and core floods of GAGD to study the performance of these forces through dimensionless groups. These models showed conclusive results. However, numerical simulation models have not been used for this type of study. Therefore, the objective of this work is to study the performance of capillary, viscous and gravity forces on GAGD process and its influence on the oil recovery factor through a 2D numerical simulation model. To analyze the interplay of these forces, dimensionless groups reported in the literature have been used such as Capillary Number (Nc), Bond number (Nb) and Gravity Number (Ng). This was done to determine the effectiveness of each force related to the other one. A comparison of the results obtained from the numerical simulation was also carried out with the results reported in the literature. The results showed that before breakthrough time, the lower is the injection flow rate, oil recovery is increased by capillary force, and after breakthrough time, the higher is the injection flow rate, oil recovery is increased by gravity force. A good relationship was found between the results obtained in this research with those published in the literature. The simulation results indicated that before the gas breakthrough, higher oil recoveries were obtained at lower Nc and Nb and, after the gas breakthrough, higher oil recoveries were obtained at lower Ng. The numerical models are consistent with the reported results in the literature


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Primary processing of natural gas platforms as Mexilhão Field (PMXL-1 ) in the Santos Basin, where monoethylene glycol (MEG) has been used to inhibit the formation of hydrates, present operational problems caused by salt scale in the recovery unit of MEG. Bibliographic search and data analysis of salt solubility in mixed solvents, namely water and MEG, indicate that experimental reports are available to a relatively restricted number of ionic species present in the produced water, such as NaCl and KCl. The aim of this study was to develop a method for calculating of salt solubilities in mixed solvent mixtures, in explantion, NaCl or KCl in aqueous mixtures of MEG. The method of calculating extend the Pitzer model, with the approach Lorimer, for aqueous systems containing a salt and another solvent (MEG). Python language in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Eclipse was used in the creation of the computational applications. The results indicate the feasibility of the proposed calculation method for a systematic series of salt (NaCl or KCl) solubility data in aqueous mixtures of MEG at various temperatures. Moreover, the application of the developed tool in Python has proven to be suitable for parameter estimation and simulation purposes


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This work consists of the integrated design process analyses with thermal energetic simulation during the early design stages, based on six practical cases. It aims to schematize the integration process, identifying the thermal energetic analyses contributions at each design phase and identifying the highest impact parameters on building performance. The simulations were run in the DesignBuilder energy tool, which has the same EnergyPlus engine, validated. This tool was chosen due to the flexible and user friendly graphic interface for modeling and output assessment, including the parametric simulation to compare design alternatives. The six case studies energy tools are three architectural and three retrofit projects, and the author the simulations as a consultant or as a designer. The case studies were selected based on the commitment of the designers in order to achieve performance goals, and their availability to share the process since the early pre-design analyses, allowing schematizing the whole process, and supporting the design decisions with quantifications, including energy targets. The thermoenergetic performance analyses integration is feasible since the early stages, except when only a short time is available to run the simulations. The simulation contributions are more important during the sketch and detail phases. The predesign phase can be assisted by means of reliable bioclimatic guidelines. It was verified that every case study had two dominant design variables on the general performance. These variables differ according the building characteristics and always coincide with the local bioclimatic strategies. The adaptation of alternatives to the design increases as earlier it occurs. The use of simulation is very useful: to prove and convince the architects; to quantify the cost benefits and payback period to the retrofit designer; and to the simulator confirm the desirable result and report the performance to the client


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The city of Natal has a significant daylight availability, although it use isn’t systematically explored in schools architecture. In this context, this research aims to determine procedures for the analysis of the daylight performance in school design in Natal-RN. The method of analysis is divided in Visible Sky Factor (VSF), simulating and analyzing the results. The annual variation of the daylight behavior requires the adoption of dynamic simulation as data procedure. The classrooms were modelled in SketchUp, simulated in Daysim program and the results were assessed by means of spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. The classrooms dimensions are 7.20mx 7.20m, with windows-to-wall-ratio (WWR) of 20%, 40% and 50%, and with different shading devices, such as standard horizontal overhang, sloped overhang, standard horizontal overhang with side view protection, standard horizontal overhang with a dropped edge, standard horizontal overhang with three horizontal louvers, double standard horizontal overhang, double standard horizontal overhang with three horizontal louvers, plus the use of shelf light in half the models with WWR of 40% and 50%. The data was organized in spreadsheets, with two intervals of UDI: between 300lux and 2000 lux and between 300lux and 3000lux. The simulation was performed with the weather file of 2009 to the city of NatalRN. The graphical outputs are illuminance curves, isolines of UDI among 300lux and 2000 lux and tables with index of occurrences of glare and to an UDI among 300lux 3000lux. The best UDI300-2000lux performance was evidenced to: Phase 1 (models with WWR of 20%), Phase 2 (models with WWR of 40% and 50% with light shelf). The best UDI300-3000lux performance was evidenced to: Phase 1 (models with WWR of 20% and 40% with light shelf) and Phase 2 (models with WWR of 40% and 50% with light shelf). The outputs prove that the daylight quality mainly depends on the shading system efficacy to avoid the glare occurrence, which determines the daylight discomfort. The bioclimatic recommendations of big openings with partial shading (with an opening with direct sunlight) resulted in illuminances level higher than the acceptable upper threshold. The improvement of the shading system percentage (from 73% to 91%) in medium-size of openings (WWR 40% and 50%) reduced or eliminate the glare occurrence without compromising the daylight zone depth (7.20m). The passive zone was determined for classrooms with satisfactory daylight performance, it was calculated the daylight zone depth rule-of-thumb with the ratio between daylight zone depth and the height of the window for different size of openings. The ratio ranged from 1.54 to 2.57 for WWR of 20%, 40% and 50% respectively. There was a reduction or elimination of glare in the passive area with light shelf, or with awning window shading.


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The hospital is a place of complex actions, where several activities for serving the population are performed such as: medical appointments, exams, surgeries, emergency care, admission in wards and ICUs. These activities are mixed with anxiety, impatience, despair and distress of patients and their families, issues involving emotional balance both for professionals who provide services for them as for people cared by them. The healthcare crisis in Brazil is getting worse every year and today, constitutes a major problem for private hospitals. The patient that comes to emergencies progressively increase, and in contrast, there is no supply of hospital beds in the same proportion, causing overcrowding, declines in the quality of care delivered to patients, drain of professionals of the health area and difficulty in management the beds. This work presents a study that seeks to create an alternative tool that can contribute to the management of a private hospital beds. It also seeks to identify potential issues or deficiencies and therefore make changes in flow for an increase in service capacity, thus reducing costs without compromising the quality of services provided. The tool used was the Computational Simulation –based in discrete event, which aims to identify the main parameters to be considered for a proper modeling of this system. This study took as reference the admission of a private hospital, based on the current scenario, where your apartments are in saturation level as its occupancy rate. The relocation of project beds aims to meet the growing demand for surgeries and hospital admissions observed by the current administration.


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The heavy part of the oil can be used for numerous purposes, e.g. to obtain lubricating oils. In this context, many researchers have been studying alternatives such separation of crude oil components, among which may be mentioned molecular distillation. Molecular distillation is a forced evaporation technique different from other conventional processes in the literature. This process can be classified as a special distillation case under high vacuum with pressures that reach extremely low ranges of the order of 0.1 Pascal. The evaporation and condensation surfaces must have a distance from each other of the magnitude order of mean free path of the evaporated molecules, that is, molecules evaporated easily reach the condenser, because they find a route without obstacles, what is desirable. Thus, the main contribution of this work is the simulation of the falling-film molecular distillation for crude oil mixtures. The crude oil was characterized using UniSim® Design and R430 Aspen HYSYS® V8.5. The results of this characterization were performed in spreadsheets of Microsoft® Excel®, calculations of the physicochemical properties of the waste of an oil sample, i.e., thermodynamic and transport. Based on this estimated properties and boundary conditions suggested by the literature, equations of temperature and concentration profiles were resolved through the implicit finite difference method using the programming language Visual Basic® (VBA) for Excel®. The result of the temperature profile showed consistent with the reproduced by literature, having in their initial values a slight distortion as a result of the nature of the studied oil is lighter than the literature, since the results of the concentration profiles were effective allowing realize that the concentration of the more volatile decreases and of the less volatile increases due to the length of the evaporator. According to the transport phenomena present in the process, the velocity profile tends to increase to a peak and then decreases, and the film thickness decreases, both as a function of the evaporator length. It is concluded that the simulation code in Visual Basic® language (VBA) is a final product of the work that allows application to molecular distillation of petroleum and other similar mixtures.


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In the Oil industry, oil and gas pipelines are commonly utilized to perform the transportation of production fluids to longer distances. The maintenance of the pipelines passes through the analysis of several tools, in which the most currently used are the pipelines inspection cells, popularly knowing as PIG. Among the variants existing in the market, the instrumented PIG has a significant relevance; acknowledging that through the numerous sensors existing in the equipment, it can detect faults or potential failure along the inspected line. Despite its versatility, the instrumented PIG suffers from speed variations, impairing the reading of sensors embedded in it. Considering that PIG moves depending on the speed of the production fluid, a way to control his speed is to control the flow of the fluid through the pressure control, reducing the flow rate of the produced flow, resulting in reduction of overall production the fluid in the ducts own or with the use of a restrictive element (valve) installed on it. The characteristic of the flow rate/pressure drop from restrictive elements of the orifice plate is deducted usually from the ideal energy equation (Bernoulli’s equation) and later, the losses are corrected normally through experimental tests. Thus, with the objective of controlling the fluids flow passing through the PIG, a valve shutter actuated by solenoid has been developed. This configuration allows an ease control and stabilization of the flow adjustment, with a consequent response in the pressure drops between upstream and downstream of the restriction. It was assembled a test bench for better definition of flow coefficients; composed by a duct with intern diameter of four inches, one set of shutters arranged in a plate and pressure gauges for checking the pressure drop in the test. The line was pressurized and based on the pressure drop it was possible to draw a curve able to characterize the flow coefficient of the control valve prototype and simulate in mockup the functioning, resulting in PIG speed reduction of approximately 68%.


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In the last 16 years emerged in Brazil a segment of independent producers with focus on onshore basins and shallow waters. Among the challenges of these companies is the development of fields with projects with a low net present value (NPV). The objective of this work was to study the technical-economical best option to develop an oil field in the Brazilian Northeast using reservoir simulation. Real geology, reservoir and production data was used to build the geological and simulation model. Due to not having PVT analysis, distillation method test data known as the true boiling points (TBP) were used to create a fluids model generating the PVT data. After execution of the history match, four development scenarios were simulated: the extrapolation of production without new investments, the conversion of a producing well for immiscible gas injection, the drilling of a vertical well and the drilling of a horizontal well. As a result, from the financial point of view, the gas injection is the alternative with lower added value, but it may be viable if there are environmental or regulatory restrictions to flaring or venting the produced gas into the atmosphere from this field or neighboring accumulations. The recovery factor achieved with the drilling of vertical and horizontal wells is similar, but the horizontal well is a project of production acceleration; therefore, the present incremental cumulative production with a minimum rate of company's attractiveness is higher. Depending on the crude oil Brent price and the drilling cost, this option can be technically and financially viable.


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This work consists basically in the elaboration of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in order to model the composites materials’ behavior when submitted to fatigue loadings. The proposal is to develop and present a mixed model, which associate an analytical equation (Adam Equation) to the structure of the ANN. Given that the composites often shows a similar behavior when subject to float loadings, this equation aims to establish a pre-defined comparison pattern for a generic material, so that the ANN fit the behavior of another composite material to that pattern. In this way, the ANN did not need to fully learn the behavior of a determined material, because the Adam Equation would do the big part of the job. This model was used in two different network architectures, modular and perceptron, with the aim of analyze it efficiency in distinct structures. Beyond the different architectures, it was analyzed the answers generated from two sets of different data – with three and two SN curves. This model was also compared to the specialized literature results, which use a conventional structure of ANN. The results consist in analyze and compare some characteristics like generalization capacity, robustness and the Goodman Diagrams, developed by the networks.