847 resultados para Exposure to domestic violence
Community gardening in cities is increasing, driven by social interaction and food security. City soils are sinks for heavy metals; including neurotoxic lead (Pb). Exposure routes are primarily through inhalation/ingestion of soil, or second by ingestion of plants that have accumulated Pb. This research evaluates soil at three Liberty City, Florida sites estimating risk of Pb exposure through primary and secondary pathways. Soil cores were collected from Liberty City, and red Malabar spinach (Basella rubra) was grown in Pb soil treatments in a greenhouse. Total soil Pb levels and plant tissues were measured after acid digestion, by ICP-OES. In Liberty City, two sites had hotspots with areas of elevated soil Pb levels. Plants grown on Pb contaminated soil all accumulated statistically significant Pb concentrations. Therefore, there is a potential risk of Pb exposure to residents in Liberty City by exposure in hotspot sites through both the primary and secondary pathways.
Health-risk information can elicit negative emotions like anticipated regret that may positively affect health persuasion. The beneficial impact of such emotions is undermined when target audiences respond defensively to the threatening information. We tested whether self-affirming (reflecting on cherished attributes) before message exposure can be used as strategy to enhance the experience of anticipated regret. Women were self-affirmed or not before exposure to a message promoting fruit and vegetable consumption. Self-affirmation increased anticipated regret and intentions reported following message exposure and consumption in the week after the intervention; regret mediated the affirmation effect on intentions. Moreover, results suggest that anticipated regret and intentions are serial mediators linking self-affirmation and behavior. By demonstrating the mediating role of anticipated regret, we provide insights into how self-affirmation may promote healthy intentions and behavior following health message exposure. Self-affirmation techniques could thus potentially be used to increase the effectiveness of health communication efforts.
Objectif: Examiner l’association entre l'exposition aux évènements stressants de la vie et le cancer du poumon. Méthodes: Les données proviennent d’une étude cas-témoins, menée chez les hommes et les femmes vivant dans la région métropolitaine de Montréal entre 1996 et 2001. Le cancer du poumon d’un cas éligible devait être confirmé histologiquement à l’un des 18 hôpitaux de cette région. Les témoins ont été sélectionnés aléatoirement de la liste électorale du Québec et ont été appariés au cas par fréquence de groupes d'âge et par sexe. Un questionnaire a été administré en entrevue pour recueillir les données, dont l’évaluation de huit évènements stressants de la vie par le participant. Si le participant avait vécu un évènement stressant ciblé durant les six dernières années, il devait aussi coter cet évènement sur une échelle de trois points. La régression logistique non conditionnelle a été utilisée pour estimer les rapports de cotes ainsi que leurs intervalles de confiance à 95%. Des analyses par sexe, niveau de tabagisme et par type histologique ont été réalisées. Nous avons aussi analysé l’association entre le cancer du poumon et le nombre total d'évènements, les évènements de perte et les évènements socioéconomiques, ainsi que chaque évènement individuellement. Les analyses des scores d'impact autoévalués et avec un score externe de perception, ont également été menées. Résultats: La population de ce projet comprend 1061 cas et 1422 témoins, âgés de 35 à 70 ans. Les participants inclus avaient répondu aux sections du questionnaire portant sur les facteurs de style de vie et sur l'historique de tabagisme. Dans l'ensemble, nous n’avons pas observé d’association entre le cancer du poumon et l'exposition aux évènements stressants de la vie. Nous avons observé une diminution du risque pour les évènements socioéconomiques autoévalués comme peu stressants (RC=0,50; IC 95%= 0,31 - 0,81). Conclusion: Nos résultats suggèrent que les évènements socioéconomiques sont associées à un risque réduit si ces évènements sont considérés comme peu stressant.
Alterations to the supply of oxygen during early life presents a profound stressor to physiological systems with aberrant remodeling that is often long-lasting. Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) is a feature of apnea of prematurity, chronic lung disease, and sleep apnea. CIH affects respiratory control but there is a dearth of information concerning the effects of CIH on respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm—the major pump muscle of breathing. We investigated the effects of exposure to gestational CIH (gCIH) and postnatal CIH (pCIH) on diaphragm muscle function in male and female rats. CIH consisted of exposure in environmental chambers to 90 s of hypoxia reaching 5% O2 at nadir, once every 5 min, 8 h a day. Exposure to gCIH started within 24 h of identification of a copulation plug and continued until day 20 of gestation; animals were studied on postnatal day 22 or 42. For pCIH, pups were born in normoxia and within 24 h of delivery were exposed with dams to CIH for 3 weeks; animals were studied on postnatal day 22 or 42. Sham groups were exposed to normoxia in parallel. Following gas exposures, diaphragm muscle contractile, and endurance properties were examined ex vivo. Neither gCIH nor pCIH exposure had effects on diaphragm muscle force-generating capacity or endurance in either sex. Similarly, early life exposure to CIH did not affect muscle tolerance of severe hypoxic stress determined ex vivo. The findings contrast with our recent observation of upper airway dilator muscle weakness following exposure to pCIH. Thus, the present study suggests a relative resilience to hypoxic stress in diaphragm muscle. Co-ordinated activity of thoracic pump and upper airway dilator muscles is required for optimal control of upper airway caliber. A mismatch in the force-generating capacity of the complementary muscle groups could have adverse consequences for the control of airway patency and respiratory homeostasis.
Intermittent hypoxia is a feature of apnea of prematurity (AOP), chronic lung disease, and sleep apnea. Despite the clinical relevance, the long-term effects of hypoxic exposure in early life on respiratory control are not well defined. We recently reported that exposure to chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) during postnatal development (pCIH) causes upper airway muscle weakness in both sexes, which persists for several weeks. We sought to examine if there are persistent sex-dependent effects of pCIH on respiratory muscle function into adulthood and/or increased susceptibility to re-exposure to CIH in adulthood in animals previously exposed to CIH during postnatal development. We hypothesized that pCIH would cause long-lasting muscle impairment and increased susceptibility to subsequent hypoxia. Within 24 h of delivery, pups and their respective dams were exposed to CIH: 90 s of hypoxia reaching 5% O2 at nadir; once every 5 min, 8 h per day for 3 weeks. Sham groups were exposed to normoxia in parallel. Three groups were studied: sham; pCIH; and pCIH combined with adult CIH (p+aCIH), where a subset of the pCIH-exposed pups were re-exposed to the same CIH paradigm beginning at 13 weeks. Following gas exposures, sternohyoid and diaphragm muscle isometric contractile and endurance properties were examined ex vivo. There was no apparent lasting effect of pCIH on respiratory muscle function in adults. However, in both males and females, re-exposure to CIH in adulthood in pCIH-exposed animals caused sternohyoid (but not diaphragm) weakness. Exposure to this paradigm of CIH in adulthood alone had no effect on muscle function. Persistent susceptibility in pCIH-exposed airway dilator muscle to subsequent hypoxic insult may have implications for the control of airway patency in adult humans exposed to intermittent hypoxic stress during early life.
This Powerpoint presentation gives a five year statistical overview of domestic violence in South Carolina. It covers the years 2004 through 2008.
Background Understanding of the psychological impact of politically motivated violence is poor. Aims To examine the prevalence of post-traumatic symptoms subsequentto the ‘troubles’ in Northern Ireland. Method A telephone survey of 3000 adults, representative of the population in Northern Ireland and the border counties of the Irish Republic, examined exposure to political violence, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and national identity. Results Ten per cent of respondents had symptoms suggestive of clinical PTSD. These people were most likely to come from low-income groups, rate national identity as relatively unimportant and have higher overall experience of the ‘troubles’than other respondents. Conclusions Direct experience of violence and poverty increase the risk of PTSD, whereas strong national identification appears to reduce this risk.
This study examines the influence of social ecological risks within the domains of parenting, family environment, and community in the prediction of educational outcomes for 770 adolescents (49% boys, 51% girls, M = 13.6 years, SD = 2.0) living in a setting of protracted political conflict, specifically working class areas of Belfast, Northern Ireland. Controlling for religious community, age, and gender, youths' lower academic achievement was associated with family environments characterized by high conflict and low cohesion. School behaviour problems were related to greater exposure to community violence, or sectarian and nonsectarian antisocial behaviour. Youths' expectations about educational attainment were undermined by conflict in the family environment and antisocial behaviour in the community, as well as parenting low in warmth and behavioural control. Findings underscore the importance of considering family and community contributions to youths' educational outcomes. Suggestions regarding targeted interventions toward promoting resilience are discussed, such as assessing both child and family functioning, developing multidimensional interventions for parents, and building community partnerships, among others.
This report outlines the background to, and presents the results from the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority funded project "Social Workers' understanding of men as victims of crime". The project aimed at describing and analyzing how social workers understand and work with male victims of violence. More precisely, the research has focused on how social workers describe men's vulnerability and how they understand men's needs for assistance, what assistance that is provided and the way the constellations of perpetrators and victims of different gender and contexts in which the violence occurs in affect the understanding of male victims of violence. The study has also been devoted to the question of whether the Support Centers for young crime victims in Sweden provide different types of and different amount of help to young men and women afflicted of violence. The project was conducted in three substudies. The results from substudy 1 show that more young men than women seek support from the Support centers studied. Men predominate in number of cases and in the different categories of crime. The results also show that young men on average receive less assistance over a shorter average duration than young women. This applies irrespective of the category of offense that the vulnerability applies to. Furthermore, the young men, compared to the women, proportionally receive fewer interventions characterized as support and a greater proportion of interventions in the form of information. The results also show that the young men are referred on for further action to a lesser extent than is the case for women. The results from substudy 2 show that social workers tend to focus on whether, and to what extent, young men who are victims of violence themselves have behaved provocatively before the violence incident and if they have put themselves in a social situation that could be interpreted as having contributed to an escalation of the violence they have been subjected to. The results from substudy 2 also show that social workers talk about the men as active in the violent situations they have been involved in and dwell on the extent to which the young men's own actions have contributed to the violence. The results also show that young men who are victims of violence are described as "reluctant" victims who are trying to cope with their situation on their own without the involvement of professional or other helper. The young men are also described as reluctant to talk about their feelings. The results of substudy 3 show that social workers believe that young men, when they become victims of violence, risks losing their sense of autonomy, initiative and decisiveness, that is, attributes that are often linked to the dominating cultural image of masculinity. Furthermore, the results show that social workers estimate that men's practicing of their masculinity, but also the response that men who are traumatized get from society, creates difficulties for them to get help. The results from substudy 3 also shows that attributes and actions that can be connected to the masculinity of young men's, as well as a lack of such attributes and actions are considered to be adequate explanations for the violence the men has suffered. When it comes to violence in public places it is the masculinity that explains the violence and its escalation. When it comes to domestic violence it is the lack of expected male attributes and actions that are used as explanations for the violence that have occurred. The discussion is devoted to the question of how the results should be understood based on the concepts of self-performance, interpretation, negotiation and categorizations, and the consequences the results obtained should have for gender sensitive social work given to abused men.
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om socialarbetare tillämpar genusmedvetenhet i arbetet med personer som är utsatta för våld i nära relationer, och hur det i så fall uttrycker sig i mötet med dessa klienter. För att besvara dessa frågeställningar har en kvalitativ ansats tillämpats, med vinjettintervjuer som metod. Den hypotetiske klienten var för tre av informanterna en våldsutsatt man och för tre informanter en våldsutsatt kvinna. Informanternas svar jämfördes sedan och analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning på området samt teorier om genus, stereotyper och institutionalisering. De slutsatser vi kunnat dra genom denna studie är att socialarbetare till viss mån påverkas av könsstereotypa föreställningar och att man gör skillnad mellan könen vad gäller insatser, bedömningar och bemötande. Dock har vi även sett att det alltid finns en vilja att hjälpa klienten om behovet finns, i den mån det är möjligt utifrån bland annat det politiska och ekonomiska läget.
Objetivos: Avaliar a associação entre depressão (DSM IV) na vida adulta e trauma psicológico na infância em uma amostra clínica de pacientes do ambulatório do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Por trauma na infância considerou-se abuso sexual, maus tratos, exposição a violência e perdas, por morte ou separação da criança de seus pais, antes dos 18 anos de idade. Métodos: Em um estudo caso controle, foram avaliados pacientes deprimidos (n = 90) e pacientes não deprimidos (n = 50). Através do M.I.N.I. e M.I.N.I plus (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview / Brazilian Version 5.0.0.) avaliou-se a presença de depressão e comorbidades. Utilizou-se as escalas Screening Survey of Children's Exposure to Community Violence Richters & Martinez, 1993 Modified by Osofsky, 1995 and Zeannah, 1996 e a Familial Experiences Interview 1988 de Naomi Ogata para avaliar traumas na infância. Resultados: encontrou-se uma maior prevalência de abuso sexual (P = 0,018), história de maus tratos físicos por parte dos pais ou cuidadores (P = 0,005) e exposição à violência (P = 0,007) no grupo de pacientes deprimidos em relação ao grupo de pacientes não deprimidos. Quanto a perdas na infância não se encontrou diferença entre os dois grupos. Quando estas variáveis foram controladas para potenciais fatores confundidores (sexo, etnia, estado civil, doença mental na família, e renda per capita), somente a exposição a múltiplos episódios de violência e história de maus tratos físicos por parte dos pais ou cuidadores se mantiveram como variáveis independentes. Conclusões: Nossos achados, à semelhança de outras pesquisas, encontraram uma associação entre traumas psicológicos na infância e depressão na vida adulta, sugerindo que múltiplos estressores, em maior ou menor grau, na infância, se encontram associados a depressão na vida adulta.
Domestic violence as a specific expression of violence against adolescents, is historically constructed from phenomenon of power relations that permeate the gender, ethnicity and social class, requiring differentiated attention. Sorting in A mass grave of what is understood by a child and teenager under the doctrines of the law of the minor and of irregular situation resulted, in General, in the preparation for the teenage audience, of policies and actions, fragile and inefficient with regard to domestic violence. Despite the status of children and adolescents clearly define what is meant by child and teenager, break with the menoristas doctrines and embrace the doctrine of integral protection, even if there is little guidance for the public actions and policies geared to the theme. Such deficiency contributes to characterize the current practice of social educators about domestic violence, marked by the absence of specific training; by inadequate working conditions; lack of preparation of the network of care. Thus, with the objective to start the discussion regarding the elements that make up the practice focused on this issue, the present study proposes to problematizing the design held by social educators working in public Social assistance of the city of Natal/RN, regarding the issue of domestic violence against adolescents, by paying attention to such things as their vocational integration, their training and their working conditions. Adopts norteadoras references as having its roots in the Pedagogia Problematizadora, Paulo Freire, and socio-historical perspective. The methodological procedure of nature quali-quantitative was lifting censitário and psychosocial characterization of educators together to State and local Departments of assistance; the application of questionnaire to educators, composed of open and closed issues; and observation and field journaling activities of their work. Of network professionals, 111 64 replied to the questionnaire, which represents more than 50% of the total. Psychosocial characterization exposes data as the predominance of low family income and female professionals; the note identified that do not have a professional technical parameter, and the activities carried out in accordance with the representations of each professional the respect of labour, problematic and adolescents involved, revealing an individual perspective of action. And a preliminary analysis of responses to the questionnaire pointed out that such professionals are subjected to precarious working conditions, as well as one realizes a relative ignorance about the network of care for adolescents at risk and ACE, all this resulting in restricted marginalizantes conceptions, and misleading information regarding domestic violence against teenagers.
Poverty in Latin America Continues to Decrease for the Third Consecutive Year Community Response to Domestic Violence Wins Social Innovation Competition Our Region Can Achieve More. Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea Highlights. Fernando Fajnzylber: A Vision of Renewal for Latin American Development. By Ernesto Ottone, Acting Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC Indicators Indigenous People of Latin America: New Obligations for 21st Century Democracies Recent titles Calendar of events
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The training of the dentist should be aligned with the demands of social needs. For this to happen, contents related to the main problems faced by the population, such as domestic violence, must be addressed in their education. The present study aims to evaluate the degree of knowledge of dentists in relation to domestic violence, as well as verify that the Curriculum Grades of five private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and five state HEIs are in accordance with what is required in Curriculum Matrices established for undergraduate dentistry. It is a cross-sectional study with the application of a questionnaire to dentists of Basic Units of a small municipality in the interior of São Paulo and analysis of the Political-Pedagogical projects and curricular matrices of the HEIs. It was found through this research that only 9.1% of dentists know how domestic violence cases are recorded, 20% are familiar with the legislation and all the professionals are not aware of the records of notifications of violence. With respect to the curricula, between 86.37% and 94.12% of the curriculum content is focused on technical disciplines. A lack of professional efforts in addressing the problem in what refers to the identification and reporting of cases and, the lack of awareness of the legislation on the subject was found. There was also the need to adapt the curricula of the HEIs towards an approach of the subject, seeking to adequate them by the demand of the society with regard to the responsibility of the dentist in the treatment, notification and prevention of the phenomenon.