981 resultados para Exponential smoothing


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Language models (LMs) are often constructed by building multiple individual component models that are combined using context independent interpolation weights. By tuning these weights, using either perplexity or discriminative approaches, it is possible to adapt LMs to a particular task. This paper investigates the use of context dependent weighting in both interpolation and test-time adaptation of language models. Depending on the previous word contexts, a discrete history weighting function is used to adjust the contribution from each component model. As this dramatically increases the number of parameters to estimate, robust weight estimation schemes are required. Several approaches are described in this paper. The first approach is based on MAP estimation where interpolation weights of lower order contexts are used as smoothing priors. The second approach uses training data to ensure robust estimation of LM interpolation weights. This can also serve as a smoothing prior for MAP adaptation. A normalized perplexity metric is proposed to handle the bias of the standard perplexity criterion to corpus size. A range of schemes to combine weight information obtained from training data and test data hypotheses are also proposed to improve robustness during context dependent LM adaptation. In addition, a minimum Bayes' risk (MBR) based discriminative training scheme is also proposed. An efficient weighted finite state transducer (WFST) decoding algorithm for context dependent interpolation is also presented. The proposed technique was evaluated using a state-of-the-art Mandarin Chinese broadcast speech transcription task. Character error rate (CER) reductions up to 7.3 relative were obtained as well as consistent perplexity improvements. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There are many methods for decomposing signals into a sum of amplitude and frequency modulated sinusoids. In this paper we take a new estimation based approach. Identifying the problem as ill-posed, we show how to regularize the solution by imposing soft constraints on the amplitude and phase variables of the sinusoids. Estimation proceeds using a version of Kalman smoothing. We evaluate the method on synthetic and natural, clean and noisy signals, showing that it outperforms previous decompositions, but at a higher computational cost. © 2012 IEEE.


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Semi-implicit, second order temporal and spatial finite volume computations of the flow in a differentially heated rotating annulus are presented. For the regime considered, three cyclones and anticyclones separated by a relatively fast moving jet of fluid or "jet stream" are predicted. Two second order methods are compared with, first order spatial predictions, and experimental measurements. Velocity vector plots are used to illustrate the predicted flow structure. Computations made using second order central differences are shown to agree best with experimental measurements, and to be stable for integrations over long time periods (> 1000s). No periodic smoothing is required to prevent divergence.


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The redistribution of fluorine during solid phase epitaxial regrowth (SPER) of preamorphized Si has been experimentally investigated, explained, and simulated, for different F concentrations and temperatures. We demonstrate, by a detailed analysis and modeling of F secondary ion mass spectrometry chemical-concentration profiles, that F segregates in amorphous Si during SPER by splitting in three possible states: (i) a diffusive one that migrates in amorphous Si; (ii) an interface segregated state evidenced by the presence of a F accumulation peak at the amorphous-crystal interface; (iii) a clustered F state. The interplay among these states and their roles in the F incorporation into crystalline Si are fully described. It is shown that diffusive F migrates by a trap limited diffusion mechanism and also interacts with the advancing interface by a sticking-release dynamics that regulates the amount of F segregated at the interface. We demonstrate that this last quantity determines the regrowth rate through an exponential law. On the other hand we show that neither the diffusive F nor the one segregated at the interface can directly incorporate into the crystal but F has to cluster in the amorphous phase before being incorporated in the crystal, in agreement with recent experimental observations. The trends of the model parameters as a function of the temperature are shown and discussed obtaining a clear energetic scheme of the F redistribution and incorporation in preamorphized Si. The above physical understanding and the model could have a strong impact on the use of F as a tool for optimizing the doping profiles in the fabrication of ultrashallow junctions. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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This paper is concerned with time-domain optimal control of active suspensions. The optimal control problem formulation has been generalised by incorporating both road disturbances (ride quality) and a representation of driver inputs (handling quality) into the optimal control formulation. A regular optimal control problem as well as a risk-sensitive exponential optimal control performance index is considered. Emphasis has been given to practical considerations including the issue of state estimation in the presence of load disturbances (driver inputs). © 2012 IEEE.


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Electrostatic forces play a key role in mediating interactions between proteins. However, gaining quantitative insights into the complex effects of electrostatics on protein behavior has proved challenging, due to the wide palette of scenarios through which both cations and anions can interact with polypeptide molecules in a specific manner or can result in screening in solution. In this article, we have used a variety of biophysical methods to probe the steady-state kinetics of fibrillar protein self-assembly in a highly quantitative manner to detect how it is modulated by changes in solution ionic strength. Due to the exponential modulation of the reaction rate by electrostatic forces, this reaction represents an exquisitely sensitive probe of these effects in protein-protein interactions. Our approach, which involves a combination of experimental kinetic measurements and theoretical analysis, reveals a hierarchy of electrostatic effects that control protein aggregation. Furthermore, our results provide a highly sensitive method for the estimation of the magnitude of binding of a variety of ions to protein molecules.


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An ultrasound image is created from backscattered echoes originating from both diffuse and directional scattering. It is potentially useful to separate these two components for the purpose of tissue characterization. This article presents several models for visualization of scattering fields on 3-dimensional (3D) ultrasound imaging. By scanning the same anatomy from multiple directions, we can observe the variation of specular intensity as a function of the viewing angle. This article considers two models for estimating the diffuse and specular components of the backscattered intensity: a modification of the well-known Phong reflection model and an existing exponential model. We examine 2-dimensional implementations and also propose novel 3D extensions of these models in which the probe is not constrained to rotate within a plane. Both simulation and experimental results show that improved performance can be achieved with 3D models. © 2013 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.


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Although it is widely believed that reinforcement learning is a suitable tool for describing behavioral learning, the mechanisms by which it can be implemented in networks of spiking neurons are not fully understood. Here, we show that different learning rules emerge from a policy gradient approach depending on which features of the spike trains are assumed to influence the reward signals, i.e., depending on which neural code is in effect. We use the framework of Williams (1992) to derive learning rules for arbitrary neural codes. For illustration, we present policy-gradient rules for three different example codes - a spike count code, a spike timing code and the most general "full spike train" code - and test them on simple model problems. In addition to classical synaptic learning, we derive learning rules for intrinsic parameters that control the excitability of the neuron. The spike count learning rule has structural similarities with established Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro rules. If the distribution of the relevant spike train features belongs to the natural exponential family, the learning rules have a characteristic shape that raises interesting prediction problems.


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In this paper we consider the problem of constructing a distributed feedback law to achieve synchronization for a group of k agents whose states evolve on SO(n) and which exchange only partial state information along communication links. The partial state information is given by the action of the state on reference vectors in ℝn. We propose a gradient based control law which achieves exponential local convergence to a synchronization configuration under a rank condition on a generalized Laplacian matrix. Furthermore, we discuss the case of time-varying reference vectors and provide a convergence result for this case. The latter helps reach synchronization, requiring less communication links and weaker conditions on the instantaneous reference vectors. Our methods are illustrated on an attitude synchronization problem where agents exchange only their relative positions observed in the respective body frames. ©2009 IEEE.


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We introduce a characterization of contraction for bounded convex sets. For discrete-time multi-agent systems we provide an explicit upperbound on the rate of convergence to a consensus under the assumptions of contractiveness and (weak) connectedness (across an interval.) Convergence is shown to be exponential when either the system or the function characterizing the contraction is linear. Copyright © 2007 IFAC.


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This paper proposes a design methodology to stabilize isolated relative equilibria in a model of all-to-all coupled identical particles moving in the plane at unit speed. Isolated relative equilibria correspond to either parallel motion of all particles with fixed relative spacing or to circular motion of all particles with fixed relative phases. The stabilizing feedbacks derive from Lyapunov functions that prove exponential stability and suggest almost global convergence properties. The results of the paper provide a low-order parametric family of stabilizable collectives that offer a set of primitives for the design of higher-level tasks at the group level. © 2007 IEEE.


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A custom designed microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) micro-hotplate, capable of operating at high temperatures (up to 700 C), was used to thermo-optically characterize fluorescent temperature-sensitive nanosensors. The nanosensors, 550 nm in diameter, are composed of temperature-sensitive rhodamine B (RhB) fluorophore which was conjugated to an inert silica sol-gel matrix. Temperature-sensitive nanosensors were dispersed and dried across the surface of the MEMS micro-hotplate, which was mounted in the slide holder of a fluorescence confocal microscope. Through electrical control of the MEMS micro-hotplate, temperature induced changes in fluorescence intensity of the nanosensors was measured over a wide temperature range. The fluorescence response of all nanosensors dispersed across the surface of the MEMS device was found to decrease in an exponential manner by 94%, when the temperature was increased from 25 C to 145 C. The fluorescence response of all dispersed nanosensors across the whole surface of the MEMS device and individual nanosensors, using line profile analysis, were not statistically different (p < 0.05). The MEMS device used for this study could prove to be a reliable, low cost, low power and high temperature micro-hotplate for the thermo-optical characterisation of sub-micron sized particles. The temperature-sensitive nanosensors could find potential application in the measurement of temperature in biological and micro-electrical systems. The Authors. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider the smoothing problem for a class of conditionally linear Gaussian state-space (CLGSS) models, referred to as mixed linear/nonlinear models. In contrast to the better studied hierarchical CLGSS models, these allow for an intricate cross dependence between the linear and the nonlinear parts of the state vector. We derive a Rao-Blackwellized particle smoother (RBPS) for this model class by exploiting its tractable substructure. The smoother is of the forward filtering/backward simulation type. A key feature of the proposed method is that, unlike existing RBPS for this model class, the linear part of the state vector is marginalized out in both the forward direction and in the backward direction. © 2013 IEEE.


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<正> 一.绪言从初期胚胎发育过程和发生生理的研究,知道卵的性质有全能与限能的不同。全能卵(regulative egg)的初期发育,在某一固定的温度下,卵的每次分割是按冪次式(exponential type)而进行,每完成一有丝分裂周期(mitotic cycle)所需的时间都相同。这种情形,早经 Gray,Balinsky,和 Syngajemskaja 等,备就 Echinus miliaris,Ascidia(Ciona intestinalis)和 Campanularie,等动物卵的观察,先


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The classification of a concrete mixture as self-compacting (SCC) is performed by a series of empirical characterization tests that have been designed to assess not only the flowability of the mixture but also its segregation resistance and filling ability. The objective of the present work is to correlate the rheological parameters of SCC matrix, yield stress and plastic viscosity, to slump flow measurements. The focus of the slump flow test investigation was centered on the fully yielded flow regime and an empirical model relating the yield stress to material and flow parameters is proposed. Our experimental data revealed that the time for a spread of 500 mm which is used in engineering practice as reference for measurement parameters, is an arbitrary choice. Our findings indicate that the non-dimensional final spread is linearly related to the non-dimensional yield-stress. Finally, there are strong indications that the non-dimensional viscosity of the mixture is associated with the non-dimensional final spread as well as the stopping time of the slump flow; this experimental data set suggests an exponential decay of the final spread and stopping time with viscosity. © Appl. Rheol.