998 resultados para Exercicios fisicos para idosos


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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The packaging often presents faults that difficult the communication between product and consumer. The aim of this research is to study the interaction between a group of elderly people with five food packagings, that being illinterpreted, can bring them health problems. The results of this study evidence the importance of ergonomics in graphic design for food packaging.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study with qualitative nature aims to analyze the impact of external factors on mood states, considering physical activity as an important factor to improve not only the physical, but also psychological factors, especially when we think of the activities performed in-group. Thus, a literature review was conducted in order to investigate in books, journals, scientific papers published in magazines, newspapers and electronic platforms the influence of exercise on emotional states of elderly people. The terms used across the curriculum contributed to the conformity of ideas on the subject. By checking some researches, it can be seen that external factors such as music, local infrastructure, professional relationship with the elderly people and other factors have been suggested as possible influencers of humor in physical activity. Knowing the preferences beyond the close contact with the elderly student, is the best way to affect possible aspects of the activity beyond just preventing circumvention of activity, avoiding sedentary lifestyle that will bring risks to the health of the elderly people


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Sedentary behavior is characterized by individuals who designed much of the day sitting or lying down activities, even if such conduct regular physical activity. Over the years people tend to be less active, worsening the quality of life. For healthy aging is necessary for the individual to be constantly active, and moving activities improve mood and quality of life, though little is known of the influence of sedentary behavior in these variables. Aim: To investigate the association between sedentary time, quality of life and mood states of elderly women engaged in physical activity. Methodology: The study included 68 elderly women who belong to the Physical Activity Program for the Elderly (PROFIT), for at least 6 months. These answered the Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire, the Pentacle Welfare and IPAQ Short Version. The Pep States List Reduced and Illustrated (LEA-RI) was applied before and after a workout and before and after three times of sedentary behaviors. To evaluate the difference of sedentary behavior time average for each domain of quality of life was conducted the analysis of the 95% confidence interval for the STATA program version 12.0 and to the moods list data a non-parametric test - test binomial using SPSS version 17.0 program and has adopted a p≤0,05. Results: A moderate intensity physical activity was the most practiced (939.5 ± 650.2 min / week) and the activity most frequently performed in sedentary time was watching television (187.6 ± 96,4min / day). In general, the quality of life for the elderly is considered good (98.39%) and the disease is most prevalent hypertension (29.47%). After a physical activity older felt less useless, less shy and less fear and after a sedentary behavior, felt less agitated and less useless. In relation between the domains of QOL and sedentary behavior time, there were no statistical differences. Conclusion: Elderly active even after a sedentary behavior...


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) acarreta em déficits sensoriais e comprometimentos motores, tornando mais desafiador a ultrapassagem de obstáculos. Tropeços durante a ultrapassagem de obstáculos é um dos principais motivos das quedas de idosos com DP. A presença de obstáculos durante o andar é comum no dia-a-dia das pessoas. Mudanças na altura dos obstáculos podem gerar instabilidade durante a ultrapassagem do obstáculo, o que aumenta o risco de contato com o obstáculo e, consequentemente, o risco de tropeços e quedas. Ainda, ambientes mais complexos, por exemplo, com mais de um obstáculo, aumentam a exigência dos sistemas sensorial, atencional e motor. Entretanto, até o momento, nenhum estudo analisou o andar de idosos com DP durante a ultrapassagem de mais de um obstáculo. O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar a influência da ultrapassagem de dois obstáculos nos parâmetros espaciais e temporais do andar de idosos com DP, considerando o efeito da altura do obstáculo (obstáculo baixo e alto). Participaram do estudo 20 idosos com DP com estágio da DP até 3 na escala de Hoehn & Yahr. Na realização da tarefa do andar, o idoso percorreu andando uma distância retilínea de 8 m sobre uma passarela com 0,79 m de largura. A instrução dada ao participante foi de realizar a tarefa de andar na sua velocidade preferida até o final da passarela. Cada participante realizou um total de 12 tentativas (3 tentativas para cada condição) nas seguintes condições: andar com ultrapassagem de um obstáculo de 5 cm; andar com ultrapassagem de um obstáculo de 15 cm; andar com ultrapassagem de dois obstáculos de 5 cm; andar com ultrapassagem de dois obstáculos de 15 cm. A ordem de apresentação dos blocos foi randomizadas entre os participantes. Os parâmetros espaçotemporais do andar foram coletados por meio do GAITRite® e um sistema optoeletrônico, com frequência de 100 Hz. Os parâmetros analisados foram comprimento (cm)...


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Low adherence to physical exercise programs is a factor that contributes to the high rates of physical inactivity worldwide. In this sense, strategies to improve the affective responses during exercise are used to impact adherence, as the use of music and self-selected exercise intensity. Despite the benefits of these strategies, there are few studies involving the combination of both (self-selected intensity and music), especially in the elderly population. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of music on performance, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and on affective and motivational responses of elderly during walking exercise with self-selected intensity. Eleven elderly performed walking sessions on an athletic track in three conditions: without music, with motivational music and with oudeterous music. RPE, mood states, motivation, affective responses, session RPE and attitudes related to the experience of exercise were evaluated. Results demonstrated that both motivational and oudeterous music improved affective responses and decreased RPE. However, only the motivational music condition showed an effect on distance walked, the only presenting a consistent increase in distance. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of music, particularly motivational music, besides increasing the distance walked, reduces RPE and increase pleasure of the elderly during the exercise. Such strategy, in addition to potentially impact adherence positively, can lead to greater benefits and physical adaptations related to the training in the long term


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The practice of physical exercise and the adopting of a healthy lifestyle are some of the ways to minimize the physiological and pathological changes associated with aging. Therefore, it is interesting to search for new technologies that encourage the elderly to practice physical activities, such as Exergames. In this study, an integrative review was carried out through electronic databases, journals and scientific journals searching for articles and publications that relate the use of exergames by retirees and testing the viability of these technologies towards this target public. A total of twenty-seven articles made part of the review. After analyzing the results, it's clear that exergames are one of the pertinent options to motivate this public to adhere in a healthier lifestyle, being able to improve the physical, cognitive abilities and improve emotional states of its practitioners, can vary the intensity of exercise in accordance with the personal limitations of each one. But certain care and adjustments need to be made before starting to practice them


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Tradicionalmente a prescrição de exercícios físicos é baseada unicamente em relação à carga externa. Entretanto, as adaptações fisiológicas em função do treinamento físico dependem da carga interna. Assim, a carga interna deve ser levada em consideração para uma otimização da prescrição exercícios físicos, principalmente durante exercícios em grupos que normalmente são utilizados para a população idosa. Porém, o envelhecimento parece acarretar em deteriorações na capacidade de interocepção, colocando em questionamento a validade de um dos principais métodos de quantificação da carga interna, o método que utiliza a percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE). Desse modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os métodos de quantificação da carga interna que utilizam a frequência cardíaca (FC), considerado o padrão-ouro para o presente estudo, com o método que utiliza a PSE na população idosa. Quarenta idosos praticantes de ginástica aeróbia (A) ou musculação (M) foram avaliados durante uma sessão de exercícios físicos. A determinação da carga interna pela FC e pela PSE foram realizadas através dos métodos de Edwards e de Foster, respectivamente. Os valores de carga interna (expressos em unidades arbitrárias) calculados pelo método da FC e PSE foram 69,4 ± 40,0 e 151,5 ± 83,5 para o grupo M e 73,3 ± 37,1 e 134,7 ± 41,6 para o grupo A, respectivamente. O valor de carga interna para os dois grupos em conjunto foi de 71,3 ± 38,2 pelo método da FC e de 143,1 ± 65,7 pela PSE. A relação entre os métodos foi determinada usando-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para todos os participantes em conjunto (T), assim como para os grupos M e A. As correlações encontradas foram de r = 0,33 (p < 0,05) para T, r = 0,37 (p = 0,11) para M e r = 0,32 (p = 0,17) para A. A moderada correlação obtida coloca em questão a utilização do método da PSE para a quantificação de carga interna...


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The aims of this literature review were to analyze the relationship between elderly quality of life - by means of the verification of the major measure instruments - with the physical activity, the sensibility of these questionnaires to the physical activity and the relationship between the type of physical activity and the quality of life in older persons. Comparisons of papers selected by the key words quality of life, exercise, and aging, reveal the components of quality of life assessed by the WHOQOL-BREF and SF-36 questionnaires. Based on the searched literature, we can conclude that: (i) active elderly seems to have better subjective perception of their quality of life than non active older persons; (ii) experimental studies did not showed strong evidence about the effects of physical exercise in the subjective perception of quality of life; (iii) none of the questionnaires is sensible to the practice of physical activity; (iv) the studies' results about the relationship between the type of physical activity and the elderly quality of life are inconclusive


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The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) released a summary of the “Recommendations for Clinical Preventive Services”. It is a publication based on “Recommendations for Clinical Preventive Services” published by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). These recommendations are provided only as an aid to physicians in making clinical decisions about the care of their patients. They reflect the clinic references existing at the time of publication. But its only should be used with the clear understanding that continued research may result in new knowledge and consequently there is a need for updates. Some recommendations of the USPSTF are important in clinical practice with the elderly.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)