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Hybrid siloxane-polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) nanocomposites with covalent bonds between the inorganic (siloxane) and organic (polymer) phases were prepared by the sot gel process through hydrolysis and polycondensation of 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propylmethacrylate (TMSM) and polymerization of methylmethacrylate (MMA) using benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as initiator. The effect of MMA, BPO and water contents on the viscoelastic behaviour of these materials was analysed during gelation by dynamic rheological measurements. The changes in storage (G') and loss moduli (G), complex viscosity (eta*) and phase angle (6) were measured as a function of the reaction time showing the viscous character of the sot in the initial step of gelation and its progressive transformation to an elastic gel. This study was complemented by Si-29 and C-13 solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR/MAS) measurements of dried gel. The analysis of the experimental results shows that linear chains are formed in the initial step of the gelation followed by a growth of branched structures and formation of a three-dimensional network. Near the gel point this hybrid material demonstrates the typical scaling behaviour expected from percolation theory.
The structural evolution of aerogels prepared from TEOS sono-hydrolysis was studied as a function of the temperature of heat treatment up to 1100 degreesC by means of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and density measurements. The mass fractal structure of the original wet sonogel (with scattering exponent alpha similar to 2.2) apparently transforms to a surface fractal structure in a length scale lesser than similar to1.5 nm, upon the process resulting in aerogel. Such a structural transformation is interpreted by the formation of new particles with characteristic dimension of similar to1.5 nm, with rough boundaries or electronic density fluctuations (or ultra-micropores) in their interior. The structural arrangement of these particles seem to preserve part of mass fractal characteristics of the original wet sonogel, now in a length scale greater than similar to1.5 nm. The electronic density heterogeneities in the particles start to be eliminated at around 800 degreesC and, at 900 degreesC, the particles become perfectly homogeneous, so the structure can be described as a porous structure with a porosity of similar to68% with similar to9.0 nm mean size pores and similar to4.3 nm mean size solid particles. Above 900 degreesC, a vigorous viscous flux sintering process sets in, eliminating most of the porosity and increasing rapidly the bulk density in an aerogel-glass transformation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
On the basis of geologic, petrologic, and U-Pb geochronologic data the basement rocks in the east-central part of the Rondonia Tin Province (RTP, southwestern Amazonian craton) are grouped into five lithologic associations: (1) tonalitic gneiss (1.75 Ga); (2) enderbitic granulite (1.73 Ga); (3) paragneiss; (4) granitic and charnockitic augen gneisses (1.57-1.53 Ga); and (5) fine-grained granitic gneiss and charnockitic granulite (1.43-1.42 Ga). The first three are related to development of the Paleoproterozoic Rio Negro-Juruena Province and represent the oldest crust in the region. The tonalitic gneisses and enderbitic granulites show calc-alkaline affinities and Nd isotopic compositions (initial epsilon(Nd) = +0-1 to -1.5; T-DM of 2.2-2.1 Ga) that suggest a continental arc margin setting for the original magmas. The paragneisses yield T-DM values of 2.2-2.1 Ga suggesting that source material was primarily derived from the Ventuari-Tapajos and Rio Negro-Juruena crusts, but detrital zircon ages and an intrusive granitoid bracket deposition between 1.67 and 1.57 Ga. The granitic and charnockitic augen gneisses show predominantly A-type and within-plate granite affinities, but also some volcanic arc granite characteristics. The initial epsilon(Nd) values (+0.6 to +2.0) indicate mixing of magmas derived from depleted mantle and older crustal sources. These rocks are correlated to the 1.60-1.53 Ga Serra da Providencia intrusive suite that reflects inboard magmatism coeval with the Cachoeirinha orogen located to the southeast. The fine-grained granitic gneiss and charnockitic granulites represent the first record of widespread magmatism at 1.43-1.42 Ga in northern Rondonia. Their geochemical signatures and the slightly positive initial epsilon(Nd) values (+0.7 to +1.2) are very similar to those of the most evolved granites of the calc-alkaline Santa Helena batholith farther southeast. U-Pb monazite and Sm-Nd whole-rock-garnet ages demonstrate that a high-grade tectonometa-morphic episode occurred in this region at 1.33-1.30 Ga. This episode attained upper-amphibolite conditions and is interpreted as the peak of the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogeny. The U-Pb and Sm-Nd data presented here and data published on rapakivi granites elsewhere indicate that the east-central part of the RTP is a poly-orogenic region characterized by successive episodes of magmatism, metamorphism, and deformation between 1.75 and 0.97 Ga. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Reproductive castes are compared in species of swarming wasps representing all currently recognized genera of Epiponini (Polistinae). New morphometric data for nine measures of body parts and ovarian data are presented for 13 species. These are integrated with all similarly conducted available studies, giving a total of 30 species. Analysis reveals several syndromes relating reproductive and nonreproductive individuals: no meaningful distinction, physiological differences only, reproductives larger than nonreproductives with intermediate individuals present, reproductives different in shape from nonreproductives with no intermediates, and reproductives smaller in some aspects than nonreproductives. Distribution of these syndromes among species is consistent with phylogenetic relationships derived from other data. Optimizing these syndromes on the cladogram indicates that the basal condition of Epiponini is a casteless society that is not comparable to the primitively social genus Polistes where dominant queens control reproduction. Castes originate several times in Epiponini, with different results in different lineages. The best documented evolutionary sequence passes from casteless societies, to those with reproductives larger, to those with reproductives differing in shape from nonreproductives, to those with reproductives smaller in some measures. This sequence is consistent with Wheeler's theory of the origin of caste through developmental switches, and represents the most thorough test of that theory to date.
The South Orkney Islands are the exposed part of a continental fragment on the southern limb of the Scotia are. The islands are to a large extent composed of metapelites and metagreywackes of probable Triassic sedimentary age. Deformation related to an accretionary wedge setting, with associated metamorphism from anchizone to the greenschist facies, are of Jurassic age (176-200 Ma). on Powell Island, in the centre of the archipelago, five phases of deformation are recognized. The first three, associated with the main metamorphism, are tentatively correlated with early Jurassic subduction along the Pacific margin of Gondwana. D-4 is a phase of middle to late Jurassic crustal extension associated with uplift. This extension phase may be related to opening of the Rocas Verdes basin in southern Chile, associated with the breakup of Gondwanaland. Upper Jurassic conglomerates cover the metamorphic rocks unconformably. D-5 is a phase of brittle extensional faulting probably associated with Cenozoic opening of the Powell basin west of the archipelago, and with development of the Scotia are.
The chemistry of members of the family Piperaceae is of great interest owing to the variety of biological properties displayed. A survey of structural diversity and bioactivity reveals that groups of species specialize in the production of amides, phenylpropanoids, lignans and neolignans, benzoic acids and chromenes, alkaloids, polyketides, and a plethora of compounds of mixed biosynthetic origin. Bioassays against Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermun have resulted in the characterization of various amides, prenylated phenolic compounds, and polyketides as potential classes of antifungal agents. Studies on the developmental process in seedlings of Piper solmsianum have shown that phenylpropanoid are produced instead of the tetrahydrofuran lignans found in adult plants. In suspension cultures of P. cernuum and P crassinervium, phenylethylamines and alkamides predominate, whereas in the adult plants prenylpropanoids and prenylated benzoic acids are the respective major compound classes. Knowledge of the chemistry, bioactivity, and ecology of Piperaceae species provides preliminary clues for an overall interpretation of the possible role and occurrence of major classes of compounds.
We studied ontogenetic variation in the shape of the skull among species of Caiman using principal component analysis. Comparison of multivariate allometric coefficients and ontogenetic trends between size and shape reveals that C. sclerops and C. yacare have similar ontogenetic processes, and they are more related to each other than either is to C. latirostris. Allometric relationships of the characters measured are similar in all species studied. The greater differences were in the width measurements, with higher coefficients in shape (second principal component) for C. latirostris, and length measurements with higher coefficients in shape for C. yacare and C. sclerops. The ontogenetic process leading to change in skull shape in the group seems to be plesiomorphic for elongation and derived for broadening. Statistical comparison of the ontogenetic trends with models of allometric heterochrony suggests that C. latirostris has diverged from the other species by a neotenic process, and that C. sclerops is separated from C. yacare by ontogenetic scaling (progenesis).
Over a 3-year period, all colony foundations of the social wasps Polistes versicolor and Polistes simillimus were registered, and the fate and growth of all colonies were followed. P. simillimus exhibited a greater number of colony-founding attempts, while P. versicolor had a larger number of adult colonies. P. simillimus had greater cell numbers and number of adults produced per colony. P. simillimus reutilized only a small percentage of brood cells for adult production for up to 2 generations, while P. versicolor reutilized a large percentage of brood cells for up to 3 generations. Consequently, cell production was higher in P. simillimus. Because of a high rate of adult production and extensive cell production, we suggest that P. simillimus may demonstrate paragynous social organization, and may demonstrate an intermediate form between polygynous and monogynous Vespidae. Paragynous associations may lead to lower predation pressures and a relative independence of adult production on time.