994 resultados para Estrogen therapy


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Estrogen actions are mainly mediated by specific nuclear estrogen receptors (ERs), for which different genes and a diversity of transcript variants have been identified, mainly in mammals. In this study, we investigated the presence of ER splice variants in the teleost fish gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus), by comparison with the genomic organization of the related species Takifugu rubripes. Two exon2-deleted ERα transcript variants were isolated from liver cDNA of estradiol-treated fish. The ΔE2 variant lacks ERα exon 2, generating a premature termination codon and a putative C-terminal truncated receptor, while the ΔE2,3* variant contains an in-frame deletion of exon 2 and part of exon 3 and codes for a putative ERα protein variant lacking most of the DNA-binding domain. Both variants were expressed at very low levels in several female and male sea bream tissues, and their expression was highly inducible in liver by estradiol-17β treatment with a strong positive correlation with the typical wild-type (wt) ERα response in this tissue. These findings identify novel estrogen responsive splice variants of fish ERα, and provide the basis for future studies to investigate possible modulation of wt-ER actions by splice variants.


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A terapia génica tem-se revelado uma alternativa relevante no tratamento de doenças neurodegenerativas (DN). Contudo, a entrega de vetores para transferência génica no cérebro representa ainda um enorme desafio devido à presença da barreira hemato-encefálica (BHE). A BHE é uma interface dinâmica e seletiva entre o sangue e o cérebro, constituída pelas células endoteliais cerebrais, astrócitos e pericitos, desempenhando um importante papel na regulação da homeostasia cerebral. A BHE representa um dos maiores obstáculos no tratamento de DN, uma vez que esta barreira impede o transporte para o cérebro da maioria das moléculas terapêuticas, incluindo os vetores para terapia génica. Embora tenham sido desenvolvidos diferentes modelos in vitro da BHE de forma a avaliar o transporte de fármacos através da BHE, muito poucos foram criados com o intuito de testar a permeabilidade desta barreira a vetores de terapia génica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de modelos in vitro de BHE que permitam a investigação da capacidade dos vetores de terapia génica de penetrarem no cérebro. No nosso estudo, foram testados diferentes modelos in vitro de BHE em monocultura, constituídos por células endoteliais de rato ou murganho (RBE4 e bEnd3, respetivamente), e modelos de co-cultura, que combinam células endoteliais com células neuronais (Neuro2a) ou astrócitos primários, cultivados num sistema transwell. Para caraterizar estes modelos foram realizados testes de permeabilidade e de resistência elétrica transendotelial, bem como estudos baseados na técnica de PCR quantitativo e na imunocitoquímica das proteínas das junções intercelulares. Verificámos que os modelos baseados na cultura de células bEnd3 e células neuronais ou astrócitos apresentavam as melhores propriedades de barreira. Posteriormente foi avaliada nos modelos selecionados a penetração de um vetor não-viral que reconhecidamente tem a capacidade de atravessar in vivo a BHE: o peptídeo da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva (RGV-9r). Os siRNAs marcados com um fluoróforo e acoplados ao peptídeo RVG-9r foram capazes de penetrar eficientemente as células bEnd3, localizadas no lado luminal do insert, via endocitose mediada por recetores, e ainda de penetrar os astrócitos ou células neuronais, previamente cultivadas no lado abluminal. Estes resultados correlacionam-se, de forma clara, com os resultados previamente descritos em estudos in vivo. Em conclusão, os modelos in vitro de BHE baseados na co-cultura de células bEnd3 com células Neuro2a ou astrócitos, têm grande potencial na seleção de candidatos a vetores de terapia génica para o cérebro, uma vez que apresentam importantes características da BHE e se baseiam num método fácil e reprodutível. Tal facto representa uma promessa significativa para a identificação de novas estratégias de terapia génica não invasiva para o tratamento de doenças neurológicas.


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Aims : This study evaluates the impact of a Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) evidence-based online module including synthesized resources, practical strategies, and interactive component on self-reported physical therapist (PT) knowledge, skills, and practice. Methods : PTs from across Canada completed questionnaires before, immediately after, and 2 months following completion of the module. Questionnaires used 7-point Likert scale items and short open-ended questions; analyzes used paired t-tests and a thematic approach. Results : Fifty PTs completed both pre- and post-questionnaires; 41 of these completed the follow-up questionnaire. Most items (79%) evaluating self-reported knowledge and skills increased significantly following module completion and this increase was maintained two months later. Most participants (92%) reported an increase in their confidence to provide DCD evidence-based services. Participants plan to modify their evaluative practices (e.g., involving children in goal setting) and their management of DCD (e.g., using best practice principles, providing resources to families and physicians). At the 2- month follow-up, 46% of participants had returned to the module to review information (e.g., video, resources) or to download handouts. Conclusion : An online module developed collaboratively with PTs has the potential not only to increase PTs’ knowledge, but also to support them in implementing evidence-based services for children with DCD.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Background: Non-adherence to therapy contributes to the increase in hospitalizations, admissions to nursing homes, decreased quality of life and consequent increased morbimortality in the elderly. Aim: To assess whether pharmacist intervention contributes to the adherence to medical prescription by elderly patients.


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Medicina Interna), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Inorgânica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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To offer insight into how cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) competence is defined, measured and evaluated and to highlight ways in which the assessment of CBT competence could be further improved, the current study utilizes a qualitative methodology to examine CBT experts’ (N = 19) experiences of conceptualizing and assessing the competence of CBT therapists. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore participants’ experiences of assessing the competence of CBT therapists. Interview transcripts were then analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis in order to identify commonalities and differences in the way CBT competence is evaluated. Four superordinate themes were identified: (i) what to assess, the complex and fuzzy concept of CBT competence; (ii) how to assess CBT competence, selecting from the toolbox of assessment methods; (iii) who is best placed to assess CBT competence, expertise and independence; and (iv) pitfalls, identifying and overcoming assessment biases. Priorities for future research and ways in which the assessment of CBT competence could be further improved are discussed in light of these findings.


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Abstract Objective: Student retention at regional universities is important in addressing regional and remote workforce shortages. Students attending regional universities are more likely to work in regional areas. First year experience at university plays a key role in student retention. This study aimed to explore factors influencing the first year experience of occupational therapy students at a regional Australian university. Design: Surveys were administered to 58 second year occupational therapy students in the first week of second year. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, inferential statistics (Pearson χ2; Spearman rho) and summarising descriptive responses. Setting: An Australian regional university. Participants: Second year undergraduate occupational therapy students. Main outcome measures: Factors influencing students’ decisions to study and continue studying occupational therapy; factors enhancing first year experience of university. Results: Fifty-four students completed the survey (93.1%). A quarter (25.9%) of students considered leaving the course during the first year. The primary influence for continuing was the teaching and learning experience. Most valued supports were orientation week (36.7%) and the first year coordinator (36.7%). Conclusion: The importance of the first year experience in retaining occupational therapy students is highlighted. Engagement with other students and staff and academic support are important factors in facilitating student retention. It is important to understand the unique factors influencing students’ decisions, particularly those from regional and remote areas, to enter and continue in tertiary education to assist in implementing supports and strategies to improve student retention.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014


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The use of triple-therapy, pegylated-interferon, ribavirin and either of the first generation hepatitis C virus (HCV) protease inhibitors telaprevir or boceprevir, is the new standard of care for treating genotype 1 chronic HCV. Clinical trials have shown response rates of around 70–80%, but there is limited data from the use of this combination outside this setting. Through an expanded access programme, we treated 59 patients, treatment naïve and experienced, with triple therapy. Baseline factors predicting treatment response or failure during triple therapy phase were identified in 58 patients. Thirty seven (63.8%) of 58 patients had undetectable HCV RNA 12 weeks after the end of treatment. Genotype 1a (p = 0.053), null-response to previous treatment (p = 0.034), the rate of viral load decline after 12 weeks of previous interferon-based treatment (p = 0.033) were all associated with triple-therapy failure. The most common cause of on-treatment failure for telaprevir-based regimens was the development of resistance-associated variants (RAVs) at amino acids 36 and/or 155 of HCV protease (p = 0.027) whereas in boceprevir-based regimens mutations at amino acid 54 were significant (p = 0.015). SVR12 rates approaching 64% were achieved using triple therapy outside the clinical trial setting, in a patient cohort that included cirrhotics.


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Learning games such as role-play (which we refer to as “simulated interaction rituals”) are commonly used as social tools to develop trainee health practitioners. However, the effect of such rituals on individual and group participant emotions has not been carefully studied. Using a heuristic approach, we explore the experiences of complementary therapy practitioner trainees (and their trainers) participating in a personal development course. Ten trainees and two tutors were interviewed, observational notes taken, and a secondary qualitative analysis undertaken. Participants and tutors described a medley of disparate emotional and moral responses to group rituals, conceptualized in this article as “jumbled emotions.” Such emotions required disentangling, and both trainees and staff perceived participating in unfamiliar rituals “with relative strangers” as challenging. Front of stage effects are frequently processed “backstage,” as rituals threaten social embarrassment and confusion. Concerns around emotional triggers, authenticity, and outcomes of rituals arise at the time, yet trainees can find ways to work through these issues in time.


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Sex differences have been widely reported in neuroinflammatory disorders, focusing on the contributory role of estrogen. The microvascular endothelium of the brain is a critical component of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and it is recognized as a major interface for communication between the periphery and the brain. As such, the cerebral capillary endothelium represents an important target for the peripheral estrogen neuroprotective functions, leading us to hypothesize that estrogen can limit BBB breakdown following the onset of peripheral inflammation. Comparison of male and female murine responses to peripheral LPS challenge revealed a short-term inflammation-induced deficit in BBB integrity in males that was not apparent in young females, but was notable in older, reproductively senescent females. Importantly, ovariectomy and hence estrogen loss recapitulated an aged phenotype in young females, which was reversible upon estradiol replacement. Using a well-established model of human cerebrovascular endothelial cells we investigated the effects of estradiol upon key barrier features, namely paracellular permeability, transendothelial electrical resistance, tight junction integrity and lymphocyte transmigration under basal and inflammatory conditions, modeled by treatment with TNFα and IFNγ. In all cases estradiol prevented inflammation-induced defects in barrier function, action mediated in large part through up-regulation of the central coordinator of tight junction integrity, annexin A1. The key role of this protein was then further confirmed in studies of human or murine annexin A1 genetic ablation models. Together, our data provide novel mechanisms for the protective effects of estrogen, and enhance our understanding of the beneficial role it plays in neurovascular/neuroimmune disease.


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ABSTRACT: The physical therapy (PT) associated with standard drug treatment (SDT) in Bell palsy has never been investigated. Randomized controlled trials or quasirandomized controlled trials have compared facial PT (except treatments such as acupuncture and osteopathic) combined with SDT against a control group with SDT alone. Participants included those older than 15 yrs with a clinical diagnosis of Bell palsy, and the primary outcome measure was motor function recovery by the House-Brackmann scale. The methodologic quality of each study was also independently assessed by two reviewers using the PEDro scale. Four studies met the inclusion criteria. Three trials indicate that PT in association with SDT supports higher motor function recovery than SDT alone between 15 days and 1 yr of follow-up. On the other hand, one trial showed that electrical stimulation added to conventional PT with SDT did not influence treatment outcomes. The present review suggests that the current practice of Bell palsy treatment by PT associated with SDT seems to have a positive effect on grade and time recovery compared with SDT alone. However, there is very little quality evidence from randomized controlled trials, and such evidence is insufficient to decide whether combined treatment is beneficial in the management of Bell palsy.


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BACKGROUND: Most available studies on the efficacy of topical photodynamic therapy focus on short-to medium-term results. Long-term data are scarce. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the long-term efficacy of photodynamic therapy with topical methylaminolevulinate to treat Bowen's disease and basal cell carcinoma in the clinical practice setting of a dermato-oncology department. METHODS: The study included patients diagnosed with Bowen's disease or basal cell carcinoma, and who received photodynamic therapy from 2004 to 2008. Treatment protocol and clinical follow-up were standardized. The primary endpoint was clinically observed recurrence in a previous photodynamic therapy-treated area. Descriptive and survival analyses were performed. RESULTS: A total of 31 Bowen's disease lesions and 44 superficial basal cell carcinoma were treated, with a median follow-up of 43.5 months. Recurrence was observed in 14 Bowen's disease lesions (53.8%) and in 11 superficial basal cell carcinoma (33.3%). Significantly higher estimates for recurrence rates were found in patients with Bowen's disease (p=0.0036) or those aged under 58 years (p=0.039). The risk of recurrence was higher in patients with Bowen's disease than in those with superficial basal cell carcinoma and younger patients. CONCLUSIONS: Recurrence should be considered when choosing to treat non-melanoma skin cancer with photodynamic therapy. Younger age and Bowen's disease were independent predictors for long-term recurrence, suggesting the need to establish an extended period of follow-up for this subset of patients.