986 resultados para Equine Tendon


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objetivou-se neste experimento estudar o efeito do transporte de sêmen equino, entre haras, sobre a fertilidade de éguas inseminadas. Setenta e seis fêmeas da raça Mangalarga Marchador foram distribuídas, ao acaso, com número desigual de repetições, para se estudarem os efeitos do sêmen in natura, transportado ou não, e do sêmen diluído, resfriado e transportado, sobre a fertilidade de éguas e diferentes características reprodutivas. O sêmen foi diluído no diluidor lactose-gema de ovo sem glicerina. As fêmeas foram inseminadas, em dias alternados, com sêmen de apenas um garanhão, com volumes/dose inseminante variáveis dependendo do número de fêmeas a serem inseminadas por dia com determinado ejaculado. Utilizou-se para o transporte do sêmen um contêiner especialmente projetado para este fim (MSP-1). As taxas de concepção ao primeiro ciclo e totais, a eficiência de prenhez, o número de ciclos/égua, ciclos/égua gestante, ciclo/prenhez e prenhez/ciclo, o número de IA/égua, o número de IA/égua gestante e o número de IA/égua vazia não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. O diluidor de lactose gema, modificado pela retirada do glicerol de sua formulação, constitui uma opção para a diluição do sêmen a ser resfriado e transportado. O suceso do transporte do sêmen, diluído e resfriado, a pequenas distâncias, por período de tempo curto, depende mais de um bom diluídor que de um sofisticado contêiner de transporte.


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Estudaram-se os efeitos da rufiação e da manipulação do sistema genital (estocadas) sobre a fertilidade de éguas inseminadas com sêmen fresco (exp. 1) e resfriado/transportado a 14ºC/3,6 horas (exp. 2). No experimento 1 utilizaram-se 42 ciclos de 29 éguas, e no experimento 2, 148 ciclos de 100 éguas, distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais definidos por um esquema fatorial 2 x 2, com número desigual de repetições, de acordo com o tipo de rufiação utilizado (éguas rufiadas e não rufiadas) e o tipo de manipulação do sistema genital da fêmea no momento da inseminação (estocadas e não estocadas). Em ambos os experimentos não se observou efeito da estimulação sexual da égua sobre a fertilidade. No experimento 2 não se observou efeito da estimulação sexual sobre a dinâmica de crescimento folicular e ovulação.


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To possibly reduce postoperative adhesions that occur after ocular myoplasties, we investigated the topical effects of 0.04% mitomycin C on the repaired areas of the medial rectus muscle using an equine renal capsule preserved in 98% glycerin for reinforcement of the sutures. Twenty-four rabbits, divided into two groups of 12 animals each [untreated (control) and treated group (MMC)], were submitted to surgical rupture of the medial rectus muscle of one eye and repair of the defect 24 h later with sutures and an equine renal capsule. Post-operative prophylactic treatment of the two groups consisted of the administration of eye drops containing neomycin, polymyxin B and dexamethasone at regular 6-h intervals for eight consecutive days and daily rinsing with physiological saline. MMC animals received additional treatment with topical 0.04% mitomycin C every 6 h for 14 consecutive days. Slit lamp biomicroscopy showed greater irritation of the ocular surface in MMC animals during the first days post operatively. Adhesions were observed at 15 and 30 days of assessment in the two groups, but were more extensive in control animals at 60 days. Histopathology revealed inflammatory exudation in both groups, which was greater in MMC animals. Mitomycin C (0.04%) instilled at 6-h intervals for 14 consecutive days reduced the occurrence of fibrosis in the myoplastic areas. However, the equine renal capsule was found to be of little benefit for the reinforcement of myoplasties.


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Ninety-seven Mangalarga Marchador mares were allocated in a randomized experimental design, with different number of replicates per treatments. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of raw (T3) or diluted, cooled semen transported to the breeding farms 1 (T1) and 3 (T2), on mare fertility and different aspects of reproductive efficiency. The mares were inseminated, with semen of only one stallion (Farm 2), on alternate days using different inseminating volumes, according to number of inseminated mares per day using only one ejaculate. For transportation, semen diluted in a lactose-egg yolk modified extender and the MSP-2 container were used. There was no difference among treatments in relation to conception rates of mares inseminated with raw or diluted, cooled and transported semen. Regardless of the farm, the total fertility obtained with cooled semen was 80% (52/65). The following variables were not affected by the treatments: cycles/mare, cycles/pregnant mare, cycles/pregnancy, pregnancy/cycle, number of inseminations/mare, number of inseminations/pregnant mare, number of inseminations/open mare and efficiency of pregnancy. However, the breeding farm had an effect on water and semen temperature in the container, time between collection and insemination, according to time and distance covered. Based on the results, cooling and transporting equine semen, using an extender, lactose-egg yolk without glycerine and the MSP-2 container should be recommended for short distances. The use of raw semen immediately after collection is also recommended.


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This experiment was carried out with six half-bred Bretao-Campolinacolts with ileum fistulated to evaluate the difference in the ileum dry matter flow estimated by chromic oxide, cellulose, NDF, lignin and fecal lignin through the collection of ileum samples digesta at 28 h intervals, totalizing six samples per animal, starting at 10:00 a.m. The animals were fed ad libitum with the following diets: R1: clephantgrass, R2: elephantgrass plus ground corn, and R3: elephantgrass plus ground corn plus soybean meal. The data was statistically described, based on the coefficient of variation. The values of dry matter prececal digestion coefficients were, respectively, for diets 1, 2 and 3, at six schedules, for cellulose (-16.4; 21.4 and 6.6%), NDF(-34.7; 28.8 and -12.8%), to lignin (-51.5; -5.1 and -25.7%), in two schedules for cellulose (-13.4; 25.6 and 21.5%), fecal lignin (-37.1, 16.6 and -6.4%) and chromic oxide (-219.3, 36.4 and 9.5%). The coefficients of variation were, respectively, for the diets i, 2 and 3, at six schedules, for cellulose (148.3; 107.5 and 522.7%), NDF (95.4; 80.9 and 314.3%), lignin (210.2; 752.3 and 209.6%), at two schedules for cellulose(148.5; 80.7 and 70.0%), fecal lignin, (262.4; 177.9 and 723.5%) and chromic oxide (141.1; 158.9 and 473.4%). In diet i, the ileum dry matter now were over estimated for all markers, showing that chosen collection lime to estimate the flows were not adequate. Based on the coefficient of variation of the diets 2 and 3, the cellulose at two schedules was the most marker indicator to determine the ileum dry matter flow.


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Tendon composition changes according to differentiation, mechanical load, and aging. In this study, we attempted to identify, localize, and quantify type VI collagen in bovine tendons. Type VI collagen was identified by the electrophoretic behavior of the alpha chains and Western blotting, and by rotary shadowing. Type VI collagen was extracted from powdered tendon with three sequential 24-h extractions with 4 M guanidine-HCl. The amount of type VI collagen was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for purely tensional areas and for the compressive fibrocartilage regions of the deep flexor tendon of the digits, for the corresponding fetal and calf tendons, and for the extensor digital tendon. The distal fibrocartilaginous region of the adult tendon was richer in type VI collagen than the tensional area, reaching as much as 3.3 mg/g (0.33%) of the wet weight. Calf tendons showed an accumulation of type VI at the fibrocartilage site. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that type VI collagen was evenly distributed in the tensional areas of tendons but was highly concentrated around the fibrochondrocytes in the fibrocartilages. The results demonstrate that tendons are variable with regard to the presence and distribution of type VI collagen. The early accumulation of type VI collagen in the region of calf tendon that will become fibrocartilage in the adult suggests that it is a good marker of fibrocartilage differentiation. Furthermore, the distribution of type VI collagen in tendon fibrocartilage indicates that it organizes the pericellular environment and may represent a survival factor for these cells.


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One hundred and one estral cycles of 92 Mangalarga Marchador breed mares were analyzed to study the effect of different spermatic concentrations on different reproductive characteristics. The mares were inseminated with diluted equine semen, cooled at 20 degrees C and transported: T1-concentrations below 250 x 10(6) (177.58 +41.74 x 10(6) viable spermatozoa per inseminate dose), T2-concentrations between 250 and 350 10(6) sptz (315.51 +/- 20.78 x 10(6)), and T3-concentrations above 350 x 10(6) sptz (477.71 +/- 136.83 x 10(6)). The conception rates in the first cycle were 43.75 (7/16), 57.89 (11/19)and 54.55% (18/33) for treatments 1, 2 and 3,respectively. After five cycles, the conception rates were 36.00 (9/25), 44.12 (15/34) and 54.76% (23/42) for treatments 1,2 and 3, respectively. Concentrations of 177.58 +/- 41,74 x 10(6) viable spermatozoa perinseminate dose had moderate fertility index in a commercial program using cooled and transported semen.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different interval from the beginning of the heat to the ovulation on the fertility of inseminated mares with diluted equine semen, cooled at 20 degrees C and transported, the mares were grouped with the following interval periods: T1 - period less than five days, T2 - period from five to seven days and T3 - period from 8 to 21 days. The conception rates in the first cycle were 53.85 (7/13), 52.17 (12/23) and 66.67% (10/15) for treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively, and after three cycles, 50.00 (9/18), 48.15 (13/27) and 64.71% (11/17), in the same preceding order. The duration of heat, in the conditions of this experiment, did not influence the fertility of inseminated mares.


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One hundred forty seven cycles of mares were allocated in a completely randomized experiment, with different number of replications and divided in four treatments (T1 = 24 hours preovulation; T2 = 48 hours preovulation; T3 = 48 hours preovulation and in tbe same day of ovulation; T4 = 72 hours preovulation and in the same day of ovulation), in order to study the effect of AI/ovulation interval on mare fertility. The mares were inseminated three times for wek (monday, wednesday and friday), with semen of only one stallion diluted in extender skim milk-glucose, using a volume of 15ml, with 400 x 10(6) sptz viable, cooled at 14 degrees C/3.6 hours, and transported in modified container Celle. Conception rates were not different according to the treatments. So, observed spermatic survival for 60 hours showed the practicability of the inseminations on monday, wednesday and friday.


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Some tendons wrap around joints and receive compressive forces besides transferring the tension forces from muscle to bone. These tendons develop a fibrocartilaginous structure which enables them to withstand pressure. This article describes the existence and distribution of microfibrils (or preelastic fibers) in the pressure-bearing tendons of rabbits and dogs by the application of histochemical assays and transmission electron microscopy. Rabbit and dog tendons possess no mature elastic fibers. The rabbit tendon exhibits some response to Weigert's method prior to oxidation which indicates the existence of the so-called elaunin fibers, especially in the pressure zone. Oxidation with peracetic acid or oxone discloses intricate aspects of the oxytalan fiber distribution in both tension and pressure zones of the dog and rabbit tendons. Bundles of 12 nm microfibrils were demonstrated in the rabbit tendon by electron microscopy after fixation in the presence of tannic acid. The existence of preelastic fibers in the pressure-bearing tendons has been neglected and they are assumed to have importance in the microarchitecture of the tissue and in the ability of the tendon to support tension and compression forces.


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Clinical parameters and biochemical and cellular changes in the plasma and peritoneal fluid were evaluated in horses after i.v. injection of a sub-lethal dose (50 ng/kg) of E. coli endotoxin. A significant decrease in the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes occurred in the blood 1h 15 min and 3 hours after injection of endotoxin; body temperature was increased significantly at the 3rd hour. No changes were detected in the total number of white blood cells in the peritoneal fluid. No significant differences in biochemical values were detected in either plasma or peritoneal fluid. Endotoxemia caused an alteration in blood cellularity, without effecting the peritoneal cellular population.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) treatment on the number of induced accessory corpora lutea (CL), plasma progesterone concentrations and pregnancy rate in cross-bred heifers after transfer of frozen-thawed (1.5 M ethylene glycol) embryos. All recipients received 500 mug PGF2alpha (dl-cloprostenol, i.m.) at random stages of the estrous cycle (Day 0) and were observed for estrus for 7 days. on Day 14, heifers detected in estrus between 2 and 7 days after PGF2alpha treatment were randomly allocated to four groups (n = 83 per group) and given 0 (control), 200, 400, or 600 IU of eCG. Two days later (Day 16), these recipients were given PGF2a and observed for estrus. Six to eight days after detection of estrus, plasma samples were collected to determine progesterone concentration and ultrasonography was performed to observe ovarian structures. Heifers with multiple CL or a single CL >15 mm in diameter received an embryo by direct transfer. Embryos of excellent and good quality were thawed and transferred to the recipients by the same veterinarian. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography and confirmed by transrectal palpation 21 and 83 days after embryo transfer (ET), respectively. Plasma progesterone concentrations on the day of transfer (Day 7 of the estrous cycle) were 3.9 +/- 0.7, 4.2 +/- 0.4, 6.0 +/- 0.4, and 7.8 +/- 0.6 ng/ml for groups Control, 200, 400, and 600, respectively (Control versus treated groups P = 0.009; 200 versus 400 and 600 groups P = 0.0001; and 400 versus 600 P = 0.012). Conception rates 83 days after ET were 41.9, 50.0, 25.0, and 20.9% for groups Control, 200, 400, and 600, respectively (200 versus 400 and 600 groups P = 0.0036). In conclusion, an increase in progesterone concentration, induced by eCG treatment, did not improve pregnancy rates in ET recipients. Conversely, there was a decline in conception rates in the animals with the highest plasma progesterone concentrations. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)