989 resultados para Environmental proctection zone. Pesticides. Ceriodaphnia dubia
Con la deforestación, los incendios y la utilización indebida de los agrotóxicos, las abejas nativas de Brasil corren un serio peligro de extinción. Ello se debe a que estas abejas construyen sus nidos en los huecos de los troncos de los árboles y también a que sus fuentes de alimentación son cada vez más escasas. Por ello cada vez son más los que se dedican a la meliponicultura, de esta manera se conservan las abejas y además, se obtiene una renta extra. Mediante el presente proyecto se capacitó en meliponicultura a una muestra de la población de Poço Redondo, para que de esta manera se empiece a recuperar su entorno y también su situación económica actual. Para poder conseguirlo se llevó a cabo el diseño del curso mediante la documentación previa, el trabajo de campo y el análisis de los datos. El resultado fue la capacitación, con la que se formó y concienció ambientalmente a personas para que se dedicaran a la meliponicultura de manera profesional.
The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of local environmental olfactory cues on place learning in rats. We developed a new experimental design allowing the comparison of the use of local olfactory and visual cues in spatial and discrimination learning. We compared the effect of both types of cues on the discrimination of a single food source in an open-field arena. The goal was either in a fixed or in a variable location, and could be indicated by local olfactory and/or visual cues. The local cues enhanced the discrimination of the goal dish, whether it was in a fixed or in a variable location. However, we did not observe any overshadowing of the spatial information by the local olfactory or visual cue. Rats relied primarily on distant visuospatial information to locate the goal, neglecting local information when it was in conflict with the spatial information.
The stable isotope composition of waters (delta H-2, delta O-18) can be used as a natural tracer of hydrologic processes in systems affected by acid mine drainage. We investigated the delta H-2 and delta O-18 values of pore waters from four oxidizing sulfidic mine tailings impoundments in different climatic regions of Chile (Piuquenes at La Andina with Alpine climate, Cauquenes and Caren at El Teniente with Mediterranean climate, and Talabre at the Chuquicamata deposit with hyperarid climate). No clear relationship was found between altitude and isotopic composition. The observed displacement of the tailings pore waters from the local meteoric water line toward higher delta O-18 values (by similar to +2% delta O-18 relative to delta H-2) is partly due to water-rock interaction processes, including hydration and O-isotope exchange with sulfates and Fe(III) oxyhydroxides produced by pyrite oxidation. In most tailings, from the saturated zone toward the surface, isotopically different zones can be distinguished. Zone I is characterized by an upward depletion of H-2 and O-18 in the pore waters from the saturated zone and the lowermost vadose zone, due to ascending diffused isotopically light water triggered by the constant loss of water vapor by evaporation at the surface. In zone II, the capillary flow of a mix of vapor and liquid water causes an evaporative isotopic enrichment in H-2 and O-18. At the top of the tailings in dry climate a zone III between the capillary zone and the surface contains isotopically light diffused and atmospheric water vapor. In temperate climates, the upper part of the profile is affected by recent rainfall and zone III may not differ isotopically from zone II.
Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) is a low grade B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The molecular pathology of this entity remains poorly understood. To characterise this lymphoma at the molecular level, we performed an integrated analysis of 1) genome wide genetic copy number alterations 2) gene expression profiles and 3) epigenetic DNA methylation profiles.We have previously shown that SMZL is characterised by recurrent alterations of chromosomes 7q, 6q, 3q, 9q and 18; however, gene resolution oligonucleotide array comparative genomic hybridisation did not reveal evidence of cryptic amplification or deletion in these regions. The most frequently lost 7q32 region contains a cluster of miRNAs. qRT-PCR revealed that three of these (miR-182/96/183) show underexpression in SMZL, and miR-182 is somatically mutated in >20% of cases of SMZL, as well as in >20% of cases of follicular lymphoma, and between 5-15% of cases of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, MALT-lymphoma and hairy cell leukaemia. We conclude that miR-182 is a strong candidate novel tumour suppressor miRNA in lymphoma.The overall gene expression signature of SMZL was found to be strongly distinct fromthose of other lymphomas. Functional analysis of gene expression data revealed SMZL to be characterised by abnormalities in B-cell receptor signalling (especially through the CD19/21-PI3K/AKT pathway) and apoptotic pathways. In addition, genes involved in the response to viral infection appeared upregulated. SMZL shows a unique epigenetic profile, but analysis of differentially methylated genes showed few with methylation related transcriptional deregulation, suggesting that DNA methylation abnormalities are not a critical component of the SMZL malignant phenotype.
This paper measures the degree in stock market integration between five Eastern European countries and the Euro-zone. A potentially gradual transition in correlations is accommodated by smooth transition conditional correlation models. We find that the correlation between stock markets has increased from 2001 to 2007. In particular, the Czech and Polish markets show a higher correlation to the Euro-zone. However, this is not a broad-based phenomenon across Eastern Europe. We also find that the increase in correlations is not a reflection of a world-wide phenomenon of financial integration but appears to be specific to the European market. JEL classifications: C32; C51; F36; G15 Keywords: Multivariate GARCH; Smooth Transition Conditional Correlation; Stock Return Comovement; New EU Members.
The application of multi-region environmental input-output (IO) analysis to the problem of accounting for emissions generation (and/or resource use) under different accounting principles has become increasingly common in the ecological and environmental economics literature in particular, with applications at the international and interregional subnational level. However, while environmental IO analysis is invaluable in accounting for pollution flows in the single time period that the accounts relate to, it is limited when the focus is on modelling the impacts of any marginal change in activity. This is because a conventional demand-driven IO model assumes an entirely passive supply-side in the economy (i.e. all supply is infinitely elastic) and is further restricted by the assumption of universal Leontief (fixed proportions) technology implied by the use of the A and multiplier matrices. Where analysis of marginal changes in activity is required, extension from an IO accounting framework to a more flexible interregional computable general equilibrium (CGE) approach, where behavioural relationships can be modelled in a more realistic and theory-consistent manner, is appropriate. Our argument is illustrated by comparing the results of introducing a positive demand stimulus in the UK economy using IO and CGE interregional models of Scotland and the rest of the UK. In the case of the latter, we demonstrate how more theory consistent modelling of both demand and supply side behaviour at the regional and national levels effect model results, including the impact on the interregional CO2 ‘trade balance’.
The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis focuses on the argument that rising prosperity will eventually be accompanied by falling pollution levels as a result of one or more of three factors: (1) structural change in the economy; (2) demand for environmental quality increasing at a more-than-proportional rate; (3) technological progress. Here, we focus on the third of these. In particular, energy efficiency is commonly regarded as a key element of climate policy in terms of achieving reductions in economy-wide CO2 emissions over time. However, a growing literature suggests that improvements in energy efficiency will lead to rebound (or backfire) effects that partially (or wholly) offset energy savings from efficiency improvements. Where efficiency improvements are aimed at the production side of the economy, the net impact of increased efficiency in any input to production will depend on the combination and relative strength of substitution, output/competitiveness, composition and income effects that occur in response to changes in effective and actual factor prices, as well as on the structure of the economy in question, including which sectors are targeted with the efficiency improvement. In this paper we consider whether increasing labour productivity will have a more beneficial, or more predictable, impact on CO2/GDP ratios than improvements in energy efficiency. We do this by using CGE models of the Scottish regional and UK national economies to analyse the impacts of a simple 5% exogenous (and costless) increase in energy or labour augmenting technological progress.
The research reported here is an output of Karen Turner’s ESRC Climate Change Leadership Fellow project (Grant reference RES-066-27-0029). However, this research builds on previous work funded by the ESRC on modelling the economic and environmental impacts of technological improvement (Grant reference: RES-061-25-0010) and by the EPSRC through the SuperGen Marine Energy Research Consortium on accounting for and modeling environmental indicators (Grant reference: EP/E040136/1).
Si les versions cérébralisantes de la pathologie mentale ont eu plus ou moins de succès et de partisans selon les périodes et les courants dominants de la psychiatrie, elles n'ont cessé d'intéresser les aliénistes puis les psychiatres à travers les décennies. La question n'a pas fondamentalement varié au cours de ces deux derniers siècles. Elle peut être résumée ainsi : quels sont les dysfonctionnements cérébraux dont l'influence sur le comportement humain est telle qu'ils puissent provoquer parfois des pathologies qu'aucune thérapie biologique et/ou psychothérapeutique n'est capable de totalement maîtriser? Ce travail aborde ces questionnements à travers l'étude d'une hypothèse représentative des nombreuses tentatives de la psychiatrie de désigner les dysfonctionnements cérébraux potentiellement responsables des pathologies qu'elle tente de traiter: l'hypothèse diencéphalique des pathologies mentales, élaborée durant la première moitié du vingtième siècle, illustre en effet la quête de légitimité scientifique d'une psychiatrie constamment réduite à un tâtonnement thérapeutique. Se pencher sur la biographie d'une zone cérébrale permet premièrement de proposer un autre récit que celui généralement mis en avant par les historien·ne·s de la psychiatrie : il s'agit ici de montrer l'influence de la physiologie, de l'endocrinologie, de la neurologie et de la neurochirurgie sur la manière dont les psychiatres ont envisagé la relation esprit-cerveau, tant dans leur pratique clinique que dans leurs recherches expérimentales. En outre, l'étude de cette hypothèse révèle la continuité théorique entre la période qui précède et celle qui suit la « révolution neuroleptique », continuité qui contraste avec l'idée de rupture transmise par les récits plus classiques. Enfin, cette démarche permet de mettre en relief les enjeux actuels qu'entoure l'avancée des neurosciences psychiatriques, et de les réinscrire dans une histoire fondée sur des questionnements bien antérieurs au récent essor des neurosciences. Ainsi, revisiter la période durant laquelle a émergé l'hypothèse diencéphalique des pathologies mentales ne vise pas uniquement à s'intéresser au passer de la psychiatrie, mais plutôt à mobiliser ce passé pour mieux réfléchir à la façon dont cette discipline écrit sa propre histoire au présent.
In this paper we attempt an empirical application of the multi-region input-output (MRIO) method in order to enumerate the pollution content of interregional trade flows between five Mid-West regions/states in the US –Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin – and the rest of the US. This allows us to analyse some very important issues in terms of the nature and significance of interregional environmental spillovers within the US Mid-West and the existence of pollution ‘trade balances’ between states. Our results raise questions in terms of the extent to which authorities at State level can control local emissions where they are limited in the way some emissions can be controlled, particularly with respect to changes in demand elsewhere in the Mid-West and US. This implies a need for policy co-ordination between national and state level authorities in the US to meet emissions reductions targets. The existence of an environmental trade balances between states also raises issues in terms of net losses/gains in terms of pollutants as a result of interregional trade within the US and whether, if certain activities can be carried out using less polluting technology in one region relative to others, it is better for the US as a whole if this type of relationship exists.
Hong Kong’s currency is pegged to the US dollar in a currency board arrangement. In autumn 2003, the Hong Kong dollar appreciated from close to 7.80 per US dollar to 7.70, as investors feared that the currency board would be abandoned. In the wake of this appreciation, the monetary authorities revamped the one-sided currency board mechanism into a symmetric two-sided system with a narrow exchange rate band. This paper reviews the characteristics of the new currency board arrangement and embeds a theoretical soft edge target zone model typifying many intermediate regimes, to explain the notable achievement of speculative peace and credibility since May 2005.
We show how consumers’ environmental concerns may limit ‘love of variety’ (LOV) and be reflected in consumers decisions. We investigate how the impact of environmental degradation on LOV influences demand and optimal product variety, and how a pollution tax on firms might be used to improve upon the market outcome and increase welfare.
The possibility of low-probability extreme events has reignited the debate over the optimal intensity and timing of climate policy. In this paper we therefore contribute to the literature by assessing the implications of low-probability extreme events on environmental policy in a continuous-time real options model with “tail risk”. In a nutshell, our results indicate the importance of tail risk and call for foresighted pre-emptive climate policies.