941 resultados para Environmental Practices
The empirical finding of an inverse U-shaped relationship between per capita income and pollution, the so-called Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), suggests that as countries experience economic growth, environmental deterioration decelerates and thus becomes less of an issue. Focusing on the prime example of carbon emissions, the present article provides a critical review of the new econometric techniques that have questioned the baseline polynomial specification in the EKC literature. We discuss issues related to the functional form, heterogeneity, “spurious” regressions and spatial dependence to address whether and to what extent the EKC can be observed. Despite these new approaches, there is still no clear-cut evidence supporting the existence of the EKC for carbon emissions. JEL classifications: C20; Q32; Q50; O13 Keywords: Environmental Kuznets Curve; Carbon emissions; Functional form; Heterogeneity; “Spurious” regressions; Spatial dependence.Residential satisfaction is often used as a barometer to assess the performance of public policy and programmes designed to raise individuals' well-being. However, the fact that responses elicited from residents might be biased by subjective, non-observable factors casts doubt on whether these responses can be taken as trustable indicators of the individuals' housing situation. Emotional factors such as aspirations or expectations might affect individuals' cognitions of their true residential situation. To disentangle this puzzle, we investigated whether identical residential attributes can be perceived differently depending on tenure status. Our results indicate that tenure status is crucial not only in determining the level of housing satisfaction, but also regarding how dwellers perceive their housing characteristics. Keywords: Housing satisfaction, subjective well-being, homeownership. JEL classification: D1, R2.
This paper develop and estimates a model of demand estimation for environmental public goods which allows for consumers to learn about their preferences through consumption experiences. We develop a theoretical model of Bayesian updating, perform comparative statics over the model, and show how the theoretical model can be consistently incorporated into a reduced form econometric model. We then estimate the model using data collected for two environmental goods. We find that the predictions of the theoretical exercise that additional experience makes consumers more certain over their preferences in both mean and variance are supported in each case.
In this paper we summarise some of our recent work on consumer behaviour, drawing on recent developments in behavioural economics, in which consumers are embedded in a social context, so their behaviour is shaped by their interactions with other consumers. For the purpose of this paper we also allow consumption to cause environmental damage. Analysing the social context of consumption naturally lends itself to the use of game theoretic tools, and indicates that we seek to develop links between economics and sociology rather than economics and psychology, which has been the more predominant field for work in behavioural economics. We shall be concerned with three sets of issues: conspicuous consumption, consumption norms and altruistic behaviour. Our aim is to show that building links between sociological and economic approaches to the study of consumer behaviour can lead to significant and surprising implications for conventional economic policy prescriptions, especially with respect to environmental policy.
Free‐riding is often associated with self‐interested behaviour. However if there is a global mixed pollutant, free‐riding will arise if individuals calculate that their emissions are negligible relative to the total, so total emissions and hence any damage that they and others suffer will be unaffected by whatever consumption choice they make. In this context consumer behaviour and the optimal environmental tax are independent of the degree of altruism. For behaviour to change, individuals need to make their decisions in a different way. We propose a new theory of moral behaviour whereby individuals recognise that they will be worse off by not acting in their own self‐interest, and balance this cost off against the hypothetical moral value of adopting a Kantian form of behaviour, that is by calculating the consequences of their action by asking what would happen if everyone else acted in the same way as they did. We show that: (a) if individuals behave this way, then altruism matters and the greater the degree of altruism the more individuals cut back their consumption of a ’dirty’ good; (b) nevertheless the optimal environmental tax is exactly the same as that emerging from classical analysis where individuals act in self‐interested fashion.
This paper uses data on the world's copper mining industry to measure the impact on efficiency of the adoption of the ISO 14001 environmental standard. Anecdotal and case study literature suggests that firms are motivated to adopt this standard so as to achieve greater efficiency through changes in operating procedures and processes. Using plant level panel data from 1992-2007 on most of the world's industrial copper mines, the study uses stochastic frontier methods to investigate the effects of ISO adoption. The variety of models used in this study find that adoption either tends to improve efficiency or has no impact on efficiency, but no evidence is found that ISO adoption decreases efficiency.
Issue addressed: Cutaneous melanoma is a significant health problem in New Zealand. Excessive sun exposure in early life increases subsequent risk. This study investigated parental opinions, understanding and practices concerning the sun protection of young children. The study aimed to identify areas where improvements in sun protection may be most needed. Methods: Parents were recruited through licensed childcare centres and kindergartens in Dunedin to take part in semi-structured focus groups. Feedback was obtained from participants in response to summary reports based on audiotapes. Results: Parents noted increased social acceptability of sun protective behaviours and child sunburn was now unacceptable. Past media campaigns were well recalled. The 'time to burn' used in media weather reports was easier to understand than the Ultra Violet Index (UVI), about which more information was wanted. Protective messages were expected to be straightforward, consistent and readily and regularly available. Local radio may provide the most timely, relevant information. There was a perceived lack of authoritative information about sunscreens and sunglasses and a shortage of acceptable protective clothing. Fuller information on sunscreen containers and greater use of UV Protection Factor (UPF) ratings for clothing and Eye Protection Factor (EPF) for sunglasses would assist. The use of shade and rescheduling of activities were scarcely mentioned. Conclusions: Parents were aware of the need for child sun protection but lacked confidence about how best to achieve this. Future health promotion programs should emphasise how optimal protection can be achieved more than why sun protection is needed. Programs should include a repertoire of strategies targeted towards individuals through the education of children and caregivers. They should also aim at achieving modifications in physical and social environments, including appropriate product design and promotion. So what?: The development of a balanced, comprehensive program with environmental components that reinforce protective behaviours has the potential to sustain sun protection among the largest number of children in the longer term.
El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad el análisis de la Finca la Esperanza, en la localidad de Pueblo Nuevo, en la República de Nicaragua. En dicho análisis se estudian parámetros edáficos, calidad de agua y económicos, con el objetivo de poder plantear una propuesta de mejora en los rendimientos de la finca tanto a nivel económico como ambiental. La iniciativa de realizar este estudio surge de las necesidades del propio agricultor, que plantea el desarrollo rural sobre la base de actividades respetuosas con el medio. Las estrategias a los problemas sociales originados por la producción agraria industrial, como el éxodo rural, la pérdida de la agricultura convencional, la nueva función de los espacios agrarios de la sociedad, etc., se formalizaron en el denominado Desarrollo Sostenible. A nivel de finca cualquier concepción de sustentabilidad necesita que el agrosistema sea considerado como un ecosistema, en el que la investigación y la producción busquen no solamente altos rendimientos sino la optimización del sistema como un todo. Tal propósito requiere armonizar una viabilidad económica con otras variables, como estabilidad ecológica y equidad social. Para ello, los principios básicos de un sistema sostenible son: la conservación de los recursos renovables, la adaptación del cultivo al ambiente y el mantenimiento de un moderado pero sostenible nivel de producción. Como resultado de los análisis y observaciones hechas a lo largo de la estancia en la finca, se propone un plan de actuación de 10 años de duración en los cuales se procura alcanzar no únicamente unas cuotas máximas de rendimiento sino también la supervivencia de los recursos, base de la familia Videa Vanegas, propietarios.
Humans can recognize categories of environmental sounds, including vocalizations produced by humans and animals and the sounds of man-made objects. Most neuroimaging investigations of environmental sound discrimination have studied subjects while consciously perceiving and often explicitly recognizing the stimuli. Consequently, it remains unclear to what extent auditory object processing occurs independently of task demands and consciousness. Studies in animal models have shown that environmental sound discrimination at a neural level persists even in anesthetized preparations, whereas data from anesthetized humans has thus far provided null results. Here, we studied comatose patients as a model of environmental sound discrimination capacities during unconsciousness. We included 19 comatose patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH) during the first 2 days of coma, while recording nineteen-channel electroencephalography (EEG). At the level of each individual patient, we applied a decoding algorithm to quantify the differential EEG responses to human vs. animal vocalizations as well as to sounds of living vocalizations vs. man-made objects. Discrimination between vocalization types was accurate in 11 patients and discrimination between sounds from living and man-made sources in 10 patients. At the group level, the results were significant only for the comparison between vocalization types. These results lay the groundwork for disentangling truly preferential activations in response to auditory categories, and the contribution of awareness to auditory category discrimination.
Raillietina (Raillietina) guaricanae n. sp. is described from the wild rats Oryzomys intermedius, O. nigripes and O. ratticeps, captured in the Environmental Protection Area of Guaricana, from November 1988 to December 1989. Raillietina (Railietina) guaricanae n. sp. is closely related to the Neotropical mammalian Raillietina, however it differs by the fewer number of rostellar hooks, and tests different number of eggs capsules and host species. The number of known species of Raillietina (Raillietina), parasites of mammals in the Neotropical Region, is increased to four.
Aquest projecte realitza una auditoria ambiental de l’edifici de l’Àrea de Territori, Medi Ambient, Paisatge i Espai Urbà de l’Ajuntament de Sitges, com a primer pas per a la implantació d’un sistema de gestió ambiental (SGA), en acord amb el Reglament (CE) nº 761/2001, i la posterior obtenció d’un certificat de gestió i auditories ambientals (EMAS). L’auditoria s’inicia amb la identificació dels aspectes ambientals de l’edifici, mitjançant la recopilació de dades sobre consums energètics i hídrics, la estimació de la generació de residus i enquestes de mobilitat als treballadors. Aquestes dades són utilitzades per determinar els aspectes ambientals significatius i posteriorment, exposar una sèrie de propostes de millora per tal de corregir-los o minimitzar-los, com ara sistemes d’estalvi d’aigua, d’enllumenat, de producció d’electricitat i l’educació ambiental dels treballadors. Per a la implantació d’un SGA en la situació actual de l’edifici, es necessària, entre altres coses, la implantació d’un sistema de registre que arxivi els consums d’aigua, energia i generació de residus, per tal de dur un control de les despeses de cadascun dels vectors. A més, caldrà implementar un Programa de bones pràctiques ambientals en l’oficina per tal de reduir el consum elèctric, d’aigua i generació de residus, i la seva classificació per part dels treballadors.
Strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio fluvialis and Vibrio mimicus isolated from seafood and seawater were examined for characteristics related to infectivity, such as enzymatic activity and animal assays. All strains hydrolysed DNA, starch, gelatin and chitin. Variable results were obtained with the haemolysin, chondroitin, collagen, elastin and lecithin tests. Production of thermostable direct haemolysin by V. parahaemolyticus was detected in 7.1% strains derived from seafood and 2%from seawater. In the animal assays, strains of V. fluvialis showed positive results at skin PF (75%), mouse lethality (100%), but no fluid accumulation in the suckling mice model was noted. Concerning V. mimicus, results showed skin PF (100%), mouse lethality (100%) and fluid accumulation in suckling mice (66.6%).