831 resultados para Environment impact


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Within the European water framework directive (WFD), the status assessment of littoral waters is based both on the chemical quality and on the ecological quality of each water body. Quality elements enabling to assess the ecological status of a water body are, among other things, biological quality elements (phytoplankton, macroalgae, angiosperms, benthic invertebrates, fish), for each of which member states have developed quantitative indicators. This document compiles three deliverables of a multi-annual study intended to characterize the sensitivity of these biological indicators regarding the various anthropogenic pressures exerted on the French Atlantic and Channel coast: ultimately, the goal is to establish a quantitative and predictive relationship, statistically robust, between the WFD indicators used along the French channel and Atlantic coastline, and various anthropogenic pressures acting on these coasts. These three deliverables are the following : - The reports of various interviews performed with French national referents for the biological quality elements used within the littoral part of the WFD in Channel and Atlantic (phytoplankton, subtidal and intertidal macroalgae, opportunistic blooming macroalgae, angiosperms and benthic invertebrates). These interviews aimed to specify, for each metric constitutive of the BQE indicator (if multi-metric), the "relevant" pressures, as well as the trend of this impact, - Sheets describing the "pressure" and "environment" data available, in order to characterize spatially and quantitatively these "relevant" anthropogenic pressures acting on French Channel and Atlantic coast, - A progress report dealing with the development of a database tool, for archiving quantitative data characterizing "relevant" littoral anthropogenic pressures.


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An essential step in the development of products based on biotechnology is an assessment of their potential economic impacts and safety, including an evaluation of the potential impact of transgenic crops and practices related to their cultivation on the environment and human or animal health. The purpose of this paper is to provide an assessment method to evaluate the impact of biotechnologies that uses quantifiable parameters and allows a comparative analysis between conventional technology and technologies using GMOs. This paper introduces amethod to performan impact analysis associatedwith the commercial release and use of genetically modified plants, the Assessment SystemGMPMethod. The assessment is performed through indicators that are arranged according to their dimension criterion likewise: environmental, economic, social, capability and institutional approach. To perform an accurate evaluation of the GMP specific indicators related to genetic modification are grouped in common fields: genetic insert features, GMplant features, gene flow, food/feed field, introduction of the GMP, unexpected occurrences and specific indicators. The novelty is the possibility to include specific parameters to the biotechnology under assessment. In this case by case analysis the factors ofmoderation and the indexes are parameterized to perform an available assessment.


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Common bean production in Goiás, Brazil is concentrated in the same geographic area, but spread acrossthree distinct growing seasons, namely, wet, dry and winter. In the wet and dry seasons, common beansare grown under rainfed conditions, whereas the winter sowing is fully irrigated. The conventional breed-ing program performs all varietal selection stages solely in the winter season, with rainfed environmentsbeing incorporated in the breeding scheme only through the multi environment trials (METs) wherebasically only yield is recorded. As yield is the result of many interacting processes, it is challengingto determine the events (abiotic or biotic) associated with yield reduction in the rainfed environments(wet and dry seasons). To improve our understanding of rainfed dry bean production so as to produceinformation that can assist breeders in their efforts to develop stress-tolerant, high-yielding germplasm,we characterized environments by integrating weather, soil, crop and management factors using cropsimulation models. Crop simulations based on two commonly grown cultivars (Pérola and BRS Radi-ante) and statistical analyses of simulated yield suggest that both rainfed seasons, wet and dry, can bedivided in two groups of environments: highly favorable environment and favorable environment. Forthe wet and dry seasons, the highly favorable environment represents 44% and 58% of production area,respectively. Across all rainfed environment groups, terminal and/or reproductive drought stress occursin roughly one fourth of the seasons (23.9% for Pérola and 24.7% for Radiante), with drought being mostlimiting in the favorable environment group in the dry TPE. Based on our results, we argue that eventhough drought-tailoring might not be warranted, the common bean breeding program should adapttheir selection practices to the range of stresses occurring in the rainfed TPEs to select genotypes moresuitable for these environments.


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The importance of nourishment processes on the beaches of Mediterranean Sea has been increasing since the end of the 20th century due to its socio-economical awareness (tourismboost) and environmental implications (possible impact on Posidonia oceanica meadows and important processes of dredging and earth movements). However, in many cases, and especially in eastern Spain, relevant actions have been made which had caused that, after 20 years, the beaches in which these works were carried out will be in a similar situation with the original one. The present study analyzed the Poniente Beach (Benidorm, Spain), a beach where the nourishment works of 1991 have caused the disappearance of the Posidonia oceanica meadows and a regression process that will lead to the disappearance of the beach in a few years. To this end, data from bathymetry, georeferenced orthophotos, grain size analysis and swell study have been obtained and analyzed, understanding the importance of the works done to be consistent with the environment in which they were developed, and providing a work process which can ensure the existence of the nourished beach starting from the maintenance of Posidonia oceanica meadows.


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Firms in China within the same industry but with different ownership and size have very different production functions and can face very different emission regulations and financial conditions. This fact has largely been ignored in most of the existing literature on climate change. Using a newly augmented Chinese input–output table in which information about firm size and ownership are explicitly reported, this paper employs a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to analyze the impact of alternative climate policy designs with respect to regulation and financial conditions on heterogeneous firms. The simulation results indicate that with a business-as-usual regulatory structure, the effectiveness and economic efficiency of climate policies is significantly undermined. Expanding regulation to cover additional firms has a first-order effect of improving efficiency. However, over-investment in energy technologies in certain firms may decrease the overall efficiency of investments and dampen long-term economic growth by competing with other fixed-capital investments for financial resources. Therefore, a market-oriented arrangement for sharing emission reduction burden and a mechanism for allocating green investment is crucial for China to achieve a more ambitious emission target in the long run.


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Es necesario que los gerentes sean líderes y establezcan relaciones sólidas con los empleados, para luego establecer las mismas con socios potenciales. Para lograr este objetivo, Con el fin de cumplir este objetivo, el uso de estrategias y técnicas de negociación es crucial, así como la importancia de la conciencia cultural y de la diversidad. La globalización no sólo ha movido a los mercados sino también a las personas, la inmigración es un fenómeno fuerte hoy en día y varios países, como Canadá, han sido inclusivos y han apoyado a estos nuevos ciudadanos. Las empresas de Canadá, sin importar la industria, han asumido el reto de integrar una fuerza laboral diversa con el propósito de adquirir nuevos conocimientos y crecer a nivel nacional, pero sobre todo en el ámbito internacional. Igualmente, es esencial tener en cuenta las ventajas y limitaciones del multiculturalismo dentro de la empresa y específicamente en las negociaciones interculturales.