936 resultados para English in Sweden
BACKGROUND: The Life-Space Assessment (LSA), developed in the USA, is an instrument focusing on mobility with respect to reaching different areas defined as life-spaces, extending from the room where the person sleeps to mobility outside one's hometown. A newly translated Swedish version of the LSA (LSA-S) has been tested for test-retest reliability, but the validity remains to be tested. The purpose of the present study was to examine the concurrent validity of the LSA-S, by comparing and correlating the LSA scores to other measures of mobility. METHOD: The LSA was included in a population-based study of health, functioning and mobility among older persons in Sweden, and the present analysis comprised 312 community-dwelling participants. To test the concurrent validity, the LSA scores were compared to a number of other mobility-related variables, including the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) as well as "stair climbing", "transfers", "transportation", "food shopping", "travel for pleasure" and "community activities". The LSA total mean scores for different levels of the other mobility-related variables, and measures of correlation were calculated. RESULTS: Higher LSA total mean scores were observed with higher levels of all the other mobility related variables. Most of the correlations between the LSA and the other mobility variables were large (r = 0.5-1.0) and significant at the 0.01 level. The LSA total score, as well as independent life-space and assistive life-space correlated with transportation (0.63, 0.66, 0.64) and food shopping (0.55, 0.58, 0.55). Assistive life-space also correlated with SPPB (0.47). With respect to maximal life-space, the correlations with the mobility-related variables were generally lower (below 0.5), probably since this aspect of life-space mobility is highly influenced by social support and is not so dependent on the individual's own physical function. CONCLUSION: LSA was shown to be a valid measure of mobility when using the LSA total, independent LS or assistive LSA.
The aim of the article is to present the place and the role of contemporary Francophone Sub-Saharan African literature in Sweden. This study attempts to compare three levels in the circulation of literary works: translation, reception, and content. These dimensions converge in the analysis in order to pin down the place and the role of this literature in the Swedish context. The study is delimited to writers born after the independencies. The results show that contemporary francophone novels translated and categorized as African are dominated by female writers. The critique reveals a semantic field stressing the theme of shame in the novels by these six female authors, which is examined through in-depth analysis of one novel from each author. Preliminary conclusions are that Francophone African literature is present on the Swedish market since the independencies and even before, though, contemporary works translated into Swedish are produced in the diaspora. A comparison between the three studied levels show that female writers contribute to the shaping of African literature in Sweden to a great extent, even though literary critics sometimes judge them severely. Their explorations of aesthetic forms marry a new discretely engaged literature, constructive rather than vindictive. In this literature, the core issue of facing the shame is presented as a way to reach individual and collective dignity.
The background material of the study consists of articles about French literature gathered between 2010 and 2014 in the Swedish press. The aim of the article is to isolate the most widely discussed French literature from France in the Swedish press during the period, in order to explore why the transfer of this literature persists over time, how it is perceived, and which type of mediators bring about this transmission. The study raises questions about the image of French literature in Swedish media, Sweden’s impact on the transnational circulation of literature, and the use of French literature to place Sweden on the literary map. The results of the reception study show that French literature is presented as both aesthetically disruptive with innovative features and as a normative and traditional model. It incarnates an image of tradition as well as of modernity. French literature from France is principally mediated by orthodox journalists with a consistent symbolic capital, and the posture of these journalists is analyzed through Sapiro’s model, inspired by Bourdieu. The orthodox journalists manage to redirect the symbolic capital inherent to consecrated French literature at three levels: national, personal, and transnational. Firstly, the importation of French literature increases Swedish literature’s symbolic capital. Secondly, this transfer allows for an auto-consecration of the orthodox journalists themselves. Thirdly, this use of highly valued imported literature engenders a supplementary consecration (surconsecration) of a national literature and its dominating language. In conclusion, these observed bilateral literary exchanges show the often overlooked importance of peripheral countries in transnational literary transmission. The results modify Casanova’s (2002) model, since they display the impact on the market from the margins. The transfer of central national literatures in dominating languages towards peripheral countries allows for dominated languages and minor national literatures to take an active part in the construction and reconstruction of the relations on the global literary map.
Tidigare forskning visar att äldreomsorgspersonal kämpar med två typer av logiker: en ekonomisk logik och en omsorgslogik. Även om båda logikerna behövs för att skapa god omsorg så utmanar de varandra. Dessa utmaningar kommer till uttryck i omsorgspraktiken där personalen ställs in för val och måste göra prioriteringar. Denna avhandling syftar till att förstå hur äldreomsorgspersonal beskriver att de arbetar för att finna balans mellan logikerna och hur de rättfärdigar sina prioriteringar i omsorgen om de äldre personerna. Frågeställningen för avhandlingen är att ta reda på hur personal och enhetschef vid ett kommunalt äldreboende förstår och hanterar interaktionen mellan de två logiker som styr omsorgsarbetet för att främja de äldre personernas välbefinnande. Syftet innehåller tre delsyften: 1) att analysera personalens erfarenheter av och meningsskapande kring de äldre personernas välbefinnande och deras reflektioner kring det omsorgsarbete de utför, 2) att belysa och problematiserade logiker som styr omsorgsarbetet samt 3) att analysera hur personalen rättfärdigar sina prioriteringar i rådande kontext och hur deras förklarbarhet påverkar deras professionella identiteter. Målet är att bidra med socialvetenskaplig kunskap om de överväganden personal gör när de ställs inför att göra prioriteringar i äldreomsorgens praktik. Material samlades in genom 12 individuella intervjuer med personal vid ett kommunalt äldreboende, en intervju med personalens enhetschef och en uppföljande gruppintervju med tre personer ur personalgruppen. Materialet analyserades med tre analysmetoder: fenomenologisk analys, reflexiv analys och positioneringsanalys. Resultatet visar att personalen definierar de äldre personernas välbefinnande som ett behov av att känna sig existentiellt berörd. Denna känsla av existentiell beröring delas in i tre delar: känsla av valfrihet, känsla av njutning och känsla av närhet till någon eller något. Arbetet för att uppnå detta välbefinnande beskrivs innebära ett balanserande av tre tvetydigheter: att vilja värna om de äldre personernas valfrihet och samtidigt hantera institutionella begränsningar, de äldre personernas behov av aktivering å ena sidan och att de inte behöver aktiveras å andra sidan samt att förstå de äldre personernas behov av rutiner samtidigt som det är svårt att veta vilka behov de har. Tvetydigheterna kontextualiserades och de två logikerna som styr omsorgsarbetet analyserades. Analysen visar att enhetschefen skapar en hybrid av den ekonomiska logiken och omsorgslogiken; ekonomi är omsorg och vice versa. Denna hybrid möter motstånd från personalen som skiljer på de båda logikerna genom att tala om ”vård och det där andra”. Personalen upplever att den ekonomiska logiken begränsar deras möjligheter att utföra omsorg i linje med omsorgslogiken. Motsättningar mellan de båda logikerna leder till prioriteringar som rättfärdigas av personalen i syfte att behålla de professionella identiteterna. Den teoretiska analysen bygger på teorier om institutionella logiker, förklarbarhet ochprofessionell identitet. Analyserna visar vikten av att väcka dialog mellan enhetschefer och personal där de diskuterar innebörder av olika värdeord som används på politisk nivå. Sådana diskussioner skulle kunna bidra till mindre motstånd och en högre överensstämmelse mellan verksamhetsmål och praktik. Avhandlingen visar även vikten av att förstå logiker som vertikala istället för horisontellt uppdelade. Alltså, att styrande verksamhetslogiker existerar uppifrån och ned i verksamheter (från politisk nivå till chefsnivå och till praktisk nivå) och att de inte kan delas in i exempelvis en professionslogik och en styrningslogik. Den senare synen kan bidra till potentiella missförstånd eftersom det gör att konflikter kan tolkas existera mellan personal och chef, medan de egentligen existerar mellan olika motstridiga värderingssystem. Slutsatsen är att de båda logikerna behövs för att stödja äldre personers välbefinnande. Ibland är logikerna samspelta och ibland är de i konflikt med varandra. När logikerna ställs mot varandra är det av vikt att komma ihåg att den ekonomiska logiken är lika förhandlingsbar som omsorgslogiken. De två logikerna existerar i samspel och om deras motstridigheter inte belyses finns risk att omsorgspraktiken inte stödjer de äldre personernas välbefinnande.
Mon travail s’inspire de l’idée de la Direction nationale de l’enseignement scolaire suédoise (Skolverket, 2011) qui suggère que « les élèves doivent avoir la possibilité de développer une capacité de communication et de compréhension de la langue ». Mon mémoire commence par une introduction générale, continue avec une analyse des manuels utilisés dans l’apprentissage du FLE et des activités favorisant l’interaction - échange réciproque verbale ou non verbale, pour terminer par une conclusion générale. Comme il n’existe pas d’enseignement sans méthodes appropriées, il existe des manuels qu’on peut utiliser afin de faciliter l’apprentissage par l’interaction de la langue cible. Les activités de communication orale et écrite d’ordre pédagogique sont indispensables. Tout comme l’écrit Revue française de pédagogie (1994 :133) « La classe est un système social complexe dont les parties sont en interaction dynamique, acteurs (enseignant et élève[s]), situation, matière selon des statuts sociaux. ». Pour effectuer mes recherches, j’ai porté mon attention sur l’analyse des manuels scolaires qu’il m’a été permis de consulter. Il s’agit des manuels d’entraide comme : Mais oui 3 et Escalade littéraire. Concernant l’analyse du matériel didactique favorisant l’interaction, ces deux manuels proposent des exercices de réflexion selon le niveau de l’apprenant. Dans mon travail, je m’intéresse à l’aspect didactique et linguistique de ces deux manuels scolaires.
Dagens samhälle blir allt mer mångkulturellt. Det ställer högre krav på både omvårdnaden och sjuksköterskan. Sjuksköterskans eventuella brist på kompetens om kulturskillnader kan skapa kulturkrockar, missförstånd och felaktig omvårdnad. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka förväntningar äldre invandrare från förre detta Jugoslavien har i möten med sjuksköterskan i Sverige samt hur sjuksköterskans kompetens kan skiljas från undersköterskor, sjukgymnaster och arbetsterapeuter. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ med en induktiv ansats och baseras på sex intervjuer med äldre invandrare som ursprungligen kom från fd. Jugoslavien. Personlig kontakt togs med informanterna om deltagande i undersökningen genom serbiska/bosniska/kroatiska/makedoniska. Författaren informerade om studien och att de som ville delta kontaktade författaren. Insamlat material analyserades systematiskt med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det som framkom att de äldre invandrarna förväntade sig i mötet med sjuksköterskan presenteras i följande fem kategorier; Att få bekräftelse för uttalade behov; Empatisk kontakt; Kommunikation och dialog i mötet; Respekt för sina värderingar och syn på hälsa och Trygghet. Slutsatsen: omvårdnad av äldre patienter med en annan kulturell bakgrund kräver båda kulturell kompetens och professionellt förhållningssätt. Sjuksköterskan behöver kunna identifiera patientens vårdbehov och i detta fallet även övergå de språkliga barriärer och nå patienten och förstå deras behov.
Accounting for around 40% of the total final energy consumption, the building stock is an important area of focus on the way to reaching the energy goals set for the European Union. The relatively small share of new buildings makes renovation of existing buildings possibly the most feasible way of improving the overall energy performance of the building stock. This of course involves improvements on the climate shell, for example by additional insulation or change of window glazing, but also installation of new heating systems, to increase the energy efficiency and to fit the new heat load after renovation. In the choice of systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), it is important to consider their performance for space heating as well as for domestic hot water (DHW), especially for a renovated house where the DHW share of the total heating consumption is larger. The present study treats the retrofitting of a generic single family house, which was defined as a reference building in a European energy renovation project. Three HVAC retrofitting options were compared from a techno-economic point of view: A) Air-to-water heat pump (AWHP) and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR), B) Exhaust air heat pump (EAHP) with low-temperature ventilation radiators, and C) Gas boiler and ventilation with MVHR. The systems were simulated for houses with two levels of heating demand and four different locations: Stockholm, Gdansk, Stuttgart and London. They were then evaluated by means of life cycle cost (LCC) and primary energy consumption. Dynamic simulations were done in TRNSYS 17. In most cases, system C with gas boiler and MVHR was found to be the cheapest retrofitting option from a life cycle perspective. The advantage over the heat pump systems was particularly clear for a house in Germany, due to the large discrepancy between national prices of natural gas and electricity. In Sweden, where the price difference is much smaller, the heat pump systems had almost as low or even lower life cycle costs than the gas boiler system. Considering the limited availability of natural gas in Sweden, systems A and B would be the better options. From a primary energy point of view system A was the best option throughout, while system B often had the highest primary energy consumption. The limited capacity of the EAHP forced it to use more auxiliary heating than the other systems did, which lowered its COP. The AWHP managed the DHW load better due to a higher capacity, but had a lower COP than the EAHP in space heating mode. Systems A and C were notably favoured by the air heat recovery, which significantly reduced the heating demand. It was also seen that the DHW share of the total heating consumption was, as expected, larger for the house with the lower space heating demand. This confirms the supposition that it is important to include DHW in the study of HVAC systems for retrofitting.
Maintenance of transport infrastructure assets is widely advocated as the key in minimizing current and future costs of the transportation network. While effective maintenance decisions are often a result of engineering skills and practical knowledge, efficient decisions must also account for the net result over an asset's life-cycle. One essential aspect in the long term perspective of transport infrastructure maintenance is to proactively estimate maintenance needs. In dealing with immediate maintenance actions, support tools that can prioritize potential maintenance candidates are important to obtain an efficient maintenance strategy. This dissertation consists of five individual research papers presenting a microdata analysis approach to transport infrastructure maintenance. Microdata analysis is a multidisciplinary field in which large quantities of data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted to improve decision-making. Increased access to transport infrastructure data enables a deeper understanding of causal effects and a possibility to make predictions of future outcomes. The microdata analysis approach covers the complete process from data collection to actual decisions and is therefore well suited for the task of improving efficiency in transport infrastructure maintenance. Statistical modeling was the selected analysis method in this dissertation and provided solutions to the different problems presented in each of the five papers. In Paper I, a time-to-event model was used to estimate remaining road pavement lifetimes in Sweden. In Paper II, an extension of the model in Paper I assessed the impact of latent variables on road lifetimes; displaying the sections in a road network that are weaker due to e.g. subsoil conditions or undetected heavy traffic. The study in Paper III incorporated a probabilistic parametric distribution as a representation of road lifetimes into an equation for the marginal cost of road wear. Differentiated road wear marginal costs for heavy and light vehicles are an important information basis for decisions regarding vehicle miles traveled (VMT) taxation policies. In Paper IV, a distribution based clustering method was used to distinguish between road segments that are deteriorating and road segments that have a stationary road condition. Within railway networks, temporary speed restrictions are often imposed because of maintenance and must be addressed in order to keep punctuality. The study in Paper V evaluated the empirical effect on running time of speed restrictions on a Norwegian railway line using a generalized linear mixed model.
Among 104,231 limited liability firms in Sweden with at least two employees during 1997- 2010, almost 10% did not hire new employees in any given 3-year period despite having high profits. Nearly half of these firms continued to have high or medium profits in the next threeyear period, but still no growth. Regression analysis indicates that these firms were not randomly distributed; rather they were small and young, did not belong to an enterprise group, and operated in local markets with high profit-opportunities. We conclude that it might be more beneficial to focus policy towards these firms instead of towards a few high-growth firms that, having just grown exponentially, may not be best positioned to grow further.
Many rural areas, in Sweden and worldwide, experience population decline where the young leave for education and work in urban areas. Employment has declined in several rural industries, such as agriculture, forestry, and fishing, while growing in other industries are often located in urban areas. Politicians and organizations have put much hope in tourism as a tool of rural development, but can tourism help reverse the rural out-migration trend among young adults? This paper explores how tourism affects young inhabitants’ perceptions of and affective bonds to a rural area in Sweden, the ski resort of Sälen. Students from the 1993–1995 elementary school graduating classes were interviewed about their migration history, childhood, and view of and ties to Sälen. The respondents experience that tourism contributes to a more vital community incorporating influences from elsewhere, but without eliminating the positive aspects of rural life. The regular flow of people – tourists, seasonal workers, and entrepreneurs – passing through Sälen presents opportunities to extend one’s social network that are widely appreciated by respondents. The high in and out mobility constitutes a key part of Sälen’s character. Contributions from tourism – such as employment, entertainment, leisure, and opportunities to forge new social relationships – are available during the adult transition, the life phase when rural areas are often perceived as least attractive. Even though out-migration occurs in Sälen, and some respondents still find Sälen too small, tourism has clearly increased the available opportunities and contributed significantly to making Sälen more attractive to young adults.
The depredation of semi-domesticated reindeer by large carnivores reflects an important human-wildlife conflict in Fennoscandia. Recent studies have revealed that brown bears (Ursus arctos) may kill substantial numbers of reindeer calves (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in forest areas in Sweden. Several authors have suggested that predation risk is an important driver of habitat selection in wild Rangifer populations where predation is a limiting factor, but little is known about these mechanisms in semi-domesticated populations. We examined the habitat selection of female reindeer in relation to spatial and temporal variations in brown bear predation risk on the reindeer calving grounds and evaluated the simultaneous responses of brown bears and reindeer to landscape characteristics. We used GPS data from 110 reindeer years (97 individuals) and 29 brown bear years (19 individuals), from two reindeer herding districts in the forest area of northern Sweden. Our results did not indicate that reindeer alter their behavior in response to spatiotemporal variation in brown bear predation risk, on the scale of the calving range. Instead, we suggest that spatiotemporal behavioral adjustments by brown bears were the main driver of prey-predator interactions in our study system. Contrasting responses by brown bears and reindeer to clear-cuts and young forest indicate that forestry can influence species interactions and possibly yield negative consequences for the reindeer herd. Even if clear-cuts may be beneficial in terms of calf survival, logging activity will eventually cause greater abundance of young regenerating forest, reducing available reindeer habitats and increasing habitat preferred by brown bears. Domestication may have made semi-domesticated reindeer in Fennoscandia less adapted to cope with predators. Areal restrictions, limiting the opportunity for dispersion and escape, possibly make the calves more susceptible to predation. Also, a generally higher population density in semi-domesticated herds compared to wild populations can make dispersion a less efficient strategy and the reindeer calves easier prey. Overall, the lack of ability of the reindeer females to reduce brown bear encounter risk on the scale of the calving range is probably an important reason for the high brown bear predation rates on reindeer calves documented in our study areas.
Introducción: Desde los años 80 se viene haciendo énfasis en el acoso laboral, conocido en otros países como Mobbing, describiéndose como una forma de abuso y violencia psicológica en el lugar de trabajo, realizado ya sea por una sola persona o por un grupo de personas y que por sus implicaciones se estima de alto impacto para los trabajadores, y las organizaciones. Considerando la importancia y prevalencia del mobbing en la sociedad actual, se convierte en un tema relevante para el área de salud ocupacional. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los efectos del acoso laboral generados en la salud del trabajador. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática utilizando el método PRISMA, de las publicaciones vigentes entre los años 2006 a 2016 sobre los efectos del acoso laboral en la salud del trabajador. En la búsqueda se obtuvieron 778 artículos de los cuales 27 cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: se encontró que la prevalencia del acoso laboral puede ser diferente de acuerdo a la definición utilizada, instrumento de medida y población estudiada, la cual fluctúa entre el 7% al 88% según el estudio analizado. Además se evidenció que la prevalencia también difiere dependiendo de quién sea el perpetrador del acoso, si el líder o jefe es el acosador es mayor (60,3%) que cuando es causado por colegas o por clientes (41,5%). El impacto del acoso laboral, según la mayoría de los estudios, es que provoca efectos negativos en la salud emocional del trabajador siendo la depresión una de las principales consecuencias con una relación estadísticamente significativa (p<0,001). Las enfermedades del aparato respiratorio y del sistema musculo esquelético y del tejido conectivo fueron las que se presentaron con mayor frecuencia en los trabajadores que sufren de acoso con un 43,5% y un 37.8% respectivamente. Conclusiones: éstos resultados demuestran que el acoso laboral no solamente es un problema desde el punto de vista organizacional, sino que conlleva consecuencias en la salud mental y física de los trabajadores que lo sufren. Palabras clave: Mobbing, workplace, acoso laboral, acoso psicológico, bullying, harassment, salud ocupacional, occupational health.
Published also in v. 3 [pt. 1] of the Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Vol. I: Portrait of Joseph Acerbi. Painted by P. Violet, engr. by P. W. Tomkins.
P. 143-158 are misnumbered 142-157.