919 resultados para Emotional aggravations


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Although foster care is generally seen as providing a positive experience for the children and young people for whom it caters, it is rarely conceived of as a place where the children are helped to address their emotional difficulties and modify their often difficult behaviour. Yet research evidence suggests that some foster carers are consistently less likely to have placements which break down, and that foster carers who show particular skills in parenting can make a difference to successful outcomes. The paper draws on a large longitudinal study of foster care to argue that it is possible to learn from what these foster carers do in order to develop these skills in others. A model of successful foster care. developed from the main statistical part of the study is first described. Two cases from the qualitative, case studies component of the research are then analysed to demonstrate a quality of responsive parenting. The model is further developed within the framework of the dynamic of attachment and interest sharing proposed by Heard and Lake, to show how this can be used as a basis for future approaches to working with foster placements.


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Findings on the role that emotion plays in human behavior have transformed Artificial Intelligence computations. Modern research explores how to simulate more intelligent and flexible systems. Several studies focus on the role that emotion has in order to establish values for alternative decision and decision outcomes. For instance, Busemeyer et al. (2007) argued that emotional state affects the subjectivity value of alternative choice. However, emotional concepts in these theories are generally not defined formally and it is difficult to describe in systematic detail how processes work. In this sense, structures and processes cannot be explicitly implemented. Some attempts have been incorporated into larger computational systems that try to model how emotion affects human mental processes and behavior (Becker-Asano & Wachsmuth, 2008; Marinier, Laird & Lewis, 2009; Marsella & Gratch, 2009; Parkinson, 2009; Sander, Grandjean & Scherer, 2005). As we will see, some tutoring systems have explored this potential to inform user models. Likewise, dialogue systems, mixed-initiative planning systems, or systems that learn from observation could also benefit from such an approach (Dickinson, Brew & Meurers, 2013; Jurafsky & Martin, 2009). That is, considering emotion as interaction can be relevant in order to explain the dynamic role it plays in action and cognition (see Boehner et al., 2007).


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In recent decades, it has been definitely established the existence of a close relationship between the emotional phenomena and rational processes, but we still do not have a unified definition, or effective models to describe any of them well. To advance our understanding of the mechanisms governing the behavior of living beings we must integrate multiple theories, experiments and models from both fields. In this paper we propose a new theoretical framework that allows integrating and understanding, from a functional point of view, the emotion-cognition duality. Our reasoning, based on evolutionary principles, add to the definition and understanding of emotion, justifying its origin, explaining its mission and dynamics, and linking it to higher cognitive processes, mainly with attention, cognition, decision-making and consciousness. According to our theory, emotions are the mechanism for brain function optimization, besides being the contingency and stimuli prioritization system. As a result of this approach, we have developed a dynamic systems-level model capable of providing plausible explanations for some psychological and behavioral phenomena, and establish a new framework for scientific definition of some fundamental psychological terms.


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Emotional intelligence (EI) and acceptance have previously been identified as potential factors in the adjustment to chronic pain (CP). This study examined the associations between CP experiences, depression, and physical disability. It further investigated the mediating effect of EI and acceptance in the relationship between CP experiences, depression, and physical disability and how this changes with the duration of the CP. Method: A cross-sectional design, employing validated questionnaires, was used to measure pain experience, physical disability, depression, EI, and acceptance in 133 CP patients. Results: All variables were found to be significantly associated in theoretically predicted ways. The relationship between CP experiences and depression was mediated by both factors, as high EI and acceptance promoted a decreased influence of pain on depression. By contrast, the relationship between CP experiences and physical disability was mediated by acceptance, but not by EI. Further, the temporal stability analysis of this mediation model showed that long-term CP patients are better able to make use of these factors. Conclusions: The relationship between the experience of pain and depression or physical disability seems to be significantly mediated by factors such as EI and acceptance. This study lends further support to the development of more encompassing models that take both control and non-control variables into account when conceptualising the adjustment to CP. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.


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L’objectif de cette thèse était de contribuer à l’avancement des connaissances quant aux circonstances permettant une transmission intergénérationnelle du risque émanant de l’adversité maternelle et aux mécanismes sous-tendant cette transmission, dans quatre articles empiriques. Le premier visait à explorer la relation entre un historique d’adversité maternelle, la sécurité d’attachement mère-enfant et le tempérament de l’enfant. Les mères ont complété une entrevue semi-structurée portant sur leurs représentations d’attachement avec leurs parents, à 6 mois, et ont évalué le tempérament de leur enfant à 2 ans. La sécurité d’attachement fut également évaluée à 2 ans. Les résultats ont démontré que les enfants dont les mères rapportaient des niveaux supérieurs d’adversité présentaient de moins bons niveaux d’activité comportementale, uniquement lorsqu’ils avaient un attachement sécurisant avec leur mère. Ces résultats suggèrent une transmission intergénérationnelle des effets d’un historique d’adversité maternelle sur le tempérament des enfants. Le deuxième article visait à investiguer si le transporteur de sérotonine (5-HTTLPR) module la transmission de risque intergénérationnelle de l’adversité maternelle sur le tempérament des enfants. L’historique d’adversité maternelle fut évalué en combinant deux mesures auto-rapportées. Les mères ont également évalué le tempérament de leur enfant à 18 et à 36 mois. Le génotype des enfants fut extrait à 36 mois. Les résultats ont révélé un effet d’interaction entre l’adversité maternelle et le génotype de l’enfant sur le tempérament, suggérant une transmission intergénérationnelle des effets de l’adversité maternelle sur le fonctionnement émotionnel des enfants. Le troisième article visait à explorer la relation entre les difficultés d’adaptation psychosociale des mères, la sensibilité maternelle et les symptômes intériorisés de leurs enfants. Les mères ont complété plusieurs questionnaires desquels un score composite de difficultés d’adaptation psychosociale fut extrait. La sensibilité maternelle fut observée à 12 mois. Les symptômes intériorisés des enfants furent évalués par les deux parents à 2 et à 3 ans. Les résultats ont démontré qu’une augmentation des difficultés maternelles d’adaptation psychosociale étaient associée à davantage de symptômes intériorisés chez les enfants, mais seulement chez ceux dont les mères étaient moins sensibles. Ces résultats ont été observés par les mères à 2 ans et par les deux parents à 3 ans. Ces résultats suggèrent que les enfants peuvent être différemment affectés par l’adaptation émotionnelle de leur mère tout en mettant l’emphase sur le rôle protecteur de la sensibilité maternelle. Le quatrième article visait à investiguer les rôles médiateurs de la dépression et de la sensibilité maternelle dans la relation entre un historique d’adversité maternelle et le tempérament de l’enfant. L’historique d’adversité maternelle fut évalué en combinant deux mesures auto-rapportées. Les mères ont également rapporté leurs symptômes dépressifs à 6 mois. La sensibilité maternelle fut évaluée de façon concomitante. Les mères ont évalué le tempérament de leur enfant à 36 mois. Les résultats ont révélé une transmission intergénérationnelle des effets d’un historique d’adversité maternelle à la génération suivante suivant une médiation séquentielle passant d’abord par la dépression maternelle et ensuite par la sensibilité maternelle. Finalement, les résultats des quatre articles ont été intégrés dans la conclusion générale.


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This study aims at providing evidence of the effectiveness of the Program-Guide to Develop Emotional Competences in promoting positive parenting. Contextual, institutional, methodological and professional issues were taken into account to develop a social innovation experience to support parenting as a preventive measure to family conflicts. The study describes both the contents of the Program-Guide and the methodological and evaluation issues that trained professionals need to consider when delivering the Program-Guide to families in natural contexts. Information was gathered and analyzed from 259 parents with children of ages 1-18 who participated in 26 parent training groups. A pre- and post-test design showed that after finishing the sessions parents perceived themselves more competent as parents according to the five dimensions of parenting competences considered: (1) emotional self-regulation abilities; (2) self-esteem and assertiveness; (3) communication strategies; (4) strategies to solve conflicts and to negotiate; and (5) strategies to establish coherent norms, limits and consequences to promote positive discipline. The study presents a discussion on these results from evidence-based parenting programs, as well as some strengths and limitations of the study, together with some suggestions for further research.


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Placement of students with disabilities in private special-education schools remains costly and controversial. This is particularly concerning, given the lack of research on the characteristics and quality of these restrictive settings. The purpose of this study was to identify the academic and vocational course offerings and behavioral supports provided in private special-education schools the serve high school students with emotional disabilities (ED). Second, the research examined the perceptions of the quality of services in these setting from the perspectives of public school case managers. Using a mixed-method design to collect data, 9 administrative heads of private special-education schools were surveyed, and 7 public school case managers were interviewed. Results indicated that (a) private special-education schools offer the basic academic core courses needed to meet graduation requirements, (b) vocational options for students enrolled in these schools are quite limited, (c) these schools provide a variety of behavioral interventions and supports, and (d) case managers are concerned with the lack of academic rigor and inconsistent programming at these schools but applauded the notion that students with ED are exiting with a high school diploma. Findings from this study may have policy implications for improving and developing programming options for high school students with ED.


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Recently, mindfulness-based social-emotional learning (SEL) approaches have been taught to children in some schools. Due to deficient methodological consistency observed in most studies, their results should be interpreted with caution. Moreover, research on how mindfulness-based SEL approaches benefit teachers is scarce, and the majority of these studies have been conducted in English-speaking countries; therefore, it is uncertain whether these approaches are suited to other cultural backgrounds. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of the MindUp curriculum, an SEL program through mindfulness practice for Portuguese students and teachers. Participants included 454 3rd and 4th grade students and 20 teachers from state schools. A quasiexperimental (pre- and post-test) study compared outcomes for an experimental group with a waitlist control group. Data were collected from teachers and children through self-report measures. Results showed that over 50 % of the children who participated in the MindUp program scored above the control group mean in their ability to regulate emotions, to experience more positive affect, and to be more self-compassionate, and over 50 % scored lower in negative affect. In the group of teachers, over 80 % scored above the control group mean in observing, in personal accomplishment, and in self-kindness. Our results contribute to the recent research on the potential added value of mindfulness practices to a SEL program and strengthen the importance for teachers and students of adding to the academic curriculum a SEL program through mindfulness practices.


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La littérature suggère que le sommeil paradoxal joue un rôle dans l'intégration associative de la mémoire émotionnelle. De plus, les rêves en sommeil paradoxal, en particulier leur nature bizarre et émotionnelle, semblent refléter cette fonction associative et émotionnelle du sommeil paradoxal. La conséquence des cauchemars fréquents sur ce processus est inconnue, bien que le réveil provoqué par un cauchemar semble interférer avec les fonctions du sommeil paradoxal. Le premier objectif de cette thèse était de reproduire conceptuellement des recherches antérieures démontrant que le sommeil paradoxal permet un accès hyper-associatif à la mémoire. L'utilisation d'une sieste diurne nous a permis d'évaluer les effets du sommeil paradoxal, comparativement au sommeil lent et à l’éveil, sur la performance des participants à une tâche sémantique mesurant « associational breadth » (AB). Les résultats ont montré que seuls les sujets réveillés en sommeil paradoxal ont répondu avec des associations atypiques, ce qui suggère que le sommeil paradoxal est spécifique dans sa capacité à intégrer les traces de la mémoire émotionnelle (article 1). En outre, les rapports de rêve en sommeil paradoxal étaient plus bizarres que ceux en sommeil lent, et plus intenses émotionnellement ; ces attributs semblent refléter la nature associative et émotionnelle du sommeil paradoxal (article 2). Le deuxième objectif de la thèse était de préciser si et comment le traitement de la mémoire émotionnelle en sommeil paradoxal est altéré dans le Trouble de cauchemars fréquents (NM). En utilisant le même protocole, nos résultats ont montré que les participants NM avaient des résultats plus élevés avant une sieste, ce qui correspond aux observations antérieures voulant que les personnes souffrant de cauchemars soient plus créatives. Après le sommeil paradoxal, les deux groupes, NM et CTL, ont montré des changements similaires dans leur accès associatif, avec des résultats AB-négatif plus bas et AB-positif plus grands. Une semaine plus tard, seul les participants NM a maintenu ce changement dans leur réseau sémantique (article 3). Ces résultats suggèrent qu’au fil du temps, les cauchemars peuvent interférer avec l'intégration de la mémoire émotionnelle pendant le sommeil paradoxal. En ce qui concerne l'imagerie, les participants NM avaient plus de bizarrerie et plus d’émotion positive, mais pas négative, dans leurs rêveries (article 4). Ces attributs intensifiés suggèrent à nouveau que les participants NM sont plus imaginatifs et créatifs à l’éveil. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats confirment le rôle du sommeil paradoxal dans l'intégration associative de la mémoire émotionnelle. Cependant, nos résultats concernant le Trouble de cauchemars ne sont pas entièrement en accord avec les théories suggérant que les cauchemars sont dysfonctionnels. Le groupe NM a montré plus d’associativité émotionnelle, de même que plus d'imagerie positive et bizarre à l’éveil. Nous proposons donc une nouvelle théorie de sensibilité environnementale associée au Trouble de cauchemar, suggérant qu'une sensibilité accrue à une gamme de contextes environnementaux sous-tendrait les symptômes uniques et la richesse imaginative observés chez les personnes souffrant de cauchemars fréquents. Bien que davantage de recherches doivent être faites, il est possible que ces personnes puissent bénéficier e milieux favorables, et qu’elles puissent avoir un avantage adaptatif à l'égard de l'expression créative, ce qui est particulièrement pertinent lorsque l'on considère leur pronostic et les différents types de traitements.


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This thesis explores the role of architecture as a means of reconnecting humans to the passage of time. A neglect of the temporal in our built environment obscures understanding of the human condition in all of its sensory aspects. The exploration and design of a series of ritual engagements, both culturally, and architecturally, begin to offer a venue through which designers can engage human senses. Rituals act as a means of demarcating the passage of time. It is through the engagement with these moments that people can begin to gain a richer understanding of the ephemeral nature of their own existence. The Pritzker Architecture Prize serves as the selected ritual of exploration because of its celebration of humanity and the art of architecture. However, the notion of ritual is explored down to the level of detail of engagement with handrails and door handles.


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This paper describes the application of a Brain Emotional Learning (BEL) controller to improve the response of a SDOF structural system under an earthquake excitation using a magnetorheological (MR) damper. The main goal is to study the performance of a BEL based semi-active control system to generate the control signal for a MR damper. The proposed approach consists of a two controllers: a primary controller based on a BEL algorithm that determines the desired damping force from the system response and a secondary controller that modifies the input current to the MR damper to generate a reference damping force. A parametric model of the damper is used to predict the damping force based on the piston motion and also the current input. A Simulink model of the structural system is developed to analyze the effectiveness of the semi-active controller. Finally, the numerical results are presented and discussed.


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Introduction. Epidemiological evidence for the association between job-related stress and sexual difficulties in men is largely lacking. Little is known about the factors that may mediate or moderate this relationship. Aim. This study analyzes the association between job-related difficulties and men’s sexual difficulties. Main Outcome Measures. Job-related difficulties were measured by 10 yes/no questions that addressed a range of adverse workplace situations. The experience of sexual difficulties in the past 12 months was assessed by using seven dichotomous indicators developed in the National Study of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (NATSAL) 2000. Method. Analyses were carried out using data from a 2011 online study of Portuguese, Croatian, and Norwegian men (N = 2,112). Multivariate logistic regression and mediation analysis were used to test the hypothesized association. Results. Men with job-related concerns reported lower sexual satisfaction than men without such concerns did (F = 7.53, P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis confirmed the association between job-related and sexual health concerns. The odds of experiencing one or more sexual health difficulties in the past 12 months were about 1.8 times higher among men who reported the highest levels of workplace difficulties than among men who experienced no such difficulties. The odds of reporting sexual health difficulties were significantly reduced by a higher income (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 0.87, P < 0.01), emotional intimacy with one’s partner (AOR = 0.93, P < 0.001), having children (AOR = 0.62–0.66, P < 0.01), and country-specific effects (AOR = 1.98–2.22, P < 0.001). In all three countries, the relationship between job-related and sexual health difficulties was mediated by anxiety and depression. Conclusions. The findings suggest that negative mood is the mechanism behind the association between workplace strain and sexual difficulties. Emotional support, such as couple intimacy and fatherhood, can reduce—independently from sociocultural and socioeconomic factors—the risk of sexual health concerns.


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El propósito general de esta tesis doctoral fue el de ampliar el conocimiento acerca del papel que la Inteligencia Emocional (IE) desempeña en la explicación de las conductas agresivas. Para ello, se plantearon 4 estudios, cuyos resultados, de forma general, han arrojado evidencias de la existencia de una relación negativa entre IE y agresión, es decir, las personas que presentan dificultades para percibir, usar, comprender y regular sus emociones y la de los demás, muestran una mayor incidencia en el uso de comportamientos agresivos que aquellas personas con mayores niveles de IE. En el primer estudio, el objetivo fue revisar de forma sistemática la literatura que se ha centrado en analizar las relaciones entre IE y agresión. De esta revisión se obtuvo como resultado 19 trabajos empíricos que mostraban la existencia de una asociación negativa entre la IE y la realización de conductas agresiva consistente en muestras de diferentes edades y contextos culturales y parece independiente del tipo de agresión estudiada. Teniendo en cuenta la literatura revisada en el primer trabajo, el objetivo del segundo estudio fue ampliar esta línea de investigación centrándonos en la relación de la agresión y la IE como habilidad. Para ello se realizaron dos subestudios. En el primer subestudio exploramos la relación entre IEH y agresión en adultos a nivel transversal y analizamos la validez incremental de la IEH sobre los factores de personalidad en la explicación de conductas agresivas de tipo físico y verbal. En el segundo trabajo, nuestros objetivos fueron corroborar los resultados encontrados en el subestudio 1 en una muestra de población adolescente y analizar la relación temporal entre ambas variables en un estudio longitudinal. Los resultados obtenidos en ambos subestudios muestran de forma consistente una clara relación entre la IEH y la agresión física, y una asociación más débil en el caso de la agresión verbal. La finalidad del tercer estudio fue la adaptación al español de una medida de agresión y de variables emocionales asociadas a la conducta agresiva, con el fin de que el uso de esta escala posibilite el avance en este campo de estudio. Por último, el propósito del cuarto estudio fue profundizar en el conocimiento sobre la relación entre IEH y agresión. Para ello, en primer lugar, se apotaron datos preliminares acerca de la asociación entre variables que no han sido estudiadas hasta la fecha, como la relación entre IEH y agresión indirecta, y entre IEH y rumiación de la ira. En segundo lugar, se ha examinando el mecanismo a través del cual las habilidades emocionales ejercen su papel sobre las conductas agresivas, analizando el papel mediador de la rumiación de la ira en esta relación. En conjunto, los cuatro trabajos presentados añaden evidencias sobre la existencia de una relación negativa entre IEH y agresión.