952 resultados para Elections - Kenya


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Lake Nakivali is one of the four small lakes that form what is known as the koki lake sysyem. It is 14km long,6km wide.26km sqaured in area and has maximum depth of 3.5m at high water level. The lake is located in lake-swamp complex with river Rwizi as the principle inflow, and a number of peripheral lakes among which are four major ones,i.e Lake Nakivali, Mburo, Kachira and Kijanebalola. Lake Nakivali is a controlled lake with four official landing sites, namely: Kikusi, Kahirimbi, Kashojwa and Rukinga. The latter three are located within a Refugee settlement whereas Kikusi is outside. The Nakivali Refugee settlement initially established for Rwandese of Tutsi origin in 1963, now has at least seven nationalities which include people from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Eritrea. By the end of 2006, the lake’s hinterland of about 378 km squared contained 43,448 people of whom 22,448 were refugees. This large population has had stressful impacts on both land and lake resources to the extent that now there is an apparent overfishing on the lake.


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An historical account is given of the development of the Lake Albert fisheries since Worthington's survey in 1928. It is noted that the development of the fisheries was related to, and dependent upon, improvements in the type of gear and canoes, an incFease in the number of canoes and outboard engines in use, improved marketing facilities and better road communications. Summarized data, collected mainly since 1954, has been analysed and tabulated to show annual exports to the Congo, total annual catches 'and annual catches of individual species. A change in the relative abundance of the various species in the annual catches is described. It is noted that this change was caused by a change-over from large to small mesh size gill-nets, and that it was associated with an increased demand within Uganda for the smaller species of fish, such as Aleste's baremose and Hydrocynus forskahlii. A brief description of fish processing and marketing in the Lake Albert region is given, which emphasizes the suitability of salt-cured fish to the social and physical environment of the area. Finally, a summary of a recent survey of the potential fish resources of the lake is given in the discussion, and estimates of the 1965 catch at the north and south ends of the lake are compared with the findings of the survey. This showed that there is little danger of overfishing the Alestes baremose stocks of the Wanseko area at the 1965 rate of exploitation of the species, and that the total catch for 1965 at the south end of the lake was well below the estimated annual sustainable yield from the area.


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Scientific work of the organization covered in the Annual Report include: Commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria, Nile Perch investigations , Fisheries surveys in Kenya and Tanzania, Studies on anadromous fishes, Studies on mormyrid fishes , Studies on Tilapia species and Studies on Halplochromis species


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During a regional workshop held in Mukono, Uganda (May 2001) by scientists and technocrats from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, working on water hyacinth management under the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), it was resolved that a survey of River Kagera be made to study the status of water hyacinth infestation and biological control in the river. Reports at the Mukono Workshop indicated that although Tanzania and Uganda had made serious effort to introduced biological control weevils (Neochefina eichhorniae and Neochetina brucht) on the weed in River Kagera, the level of establishment of biological control in the river was doubtful. Large quantities of water hyacinth biomass drifted down River Kagera into Lake Victoria daily. Similar reports of apparent inability of biological control weevils to fully establish and have effect on water hyacinth in River Nile, especially the Upper Victoria Nile, were also made by Uganda, and large quantities of weed biomass continuously drifted down the Upper Victoria Nile into Lake Kyoga. This was in spite of the successful control of the weed in Lake Victoria between 1998 and 2000


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A combined hot and cold smoking kiln has been constructed for use at Lake Turkana, Kenya. Used for cold smoking, the kiln's main advantages over the traditional kilns used in this area are its greater smoking capacity and lower firewood consumption. Having the option of using the same smoke house for cold and hot smoking reduces the total construction costs for an operator producing both types of smoke cured product. The hot smoking process was found to require markedly less firewood than cold smoking, a fact of considerable importance in desert or semi-desert areas with sparse vegetation.


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Following the collapse of the East African Community on 30th June, 1977 Ugandan fisheries research employees who were stationed in Kenya and Tanzania were recalled by the Uganda Government. The return of these officers strengthened the staff position of the Department. Formally the Headquarters of the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization (EAFFRO), the institution was re-named the Uganda Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization (UFFRO) and the Uganda Government took up the full responsibility for running and maintaining the Department. The Annual report presents activities and achievements during the reporting period 1977.


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Lake Victoria, besides being the second largest in the world after Lake Superior, is the largest tropical lake. Its waters are shared by Kenya (6% of the surface area), Uganda (43%), and Tanzania (51%). Before dramatic structural and functional changes manifested in the lake's ecosystem especially in the 1980s, fish life flourished in the lake's entire water column at all times of the year. Currently, the situation is much more different from what it was in the past. The exponential increase in the introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) stocks, siltation, wetland degradation and eutrophication have characterised the lake ecosystem. The two exotic species and the small native cyprinid (Rastrineobola argentea) form the basis of the commercial fishery that was once dominated by two native tilapiines (Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis variabilis) and five other large-bodied endemic fishes. Severe deoxygenation observed at shallow depths (Ochumba 1990; Hecky et al., 1994) indicates that a large volume of the lake is unable to sustain fish life. The Lake Victoria catchment is one of the most densely populated areas in East Africa, encompassing a population of about 30 million people. Widespread poverty resulting from high inflation rates, lack of opportunities and general unemployment have characterised the lakeside communities over much of the last two decades. The biophysical environment in which Lake Victoria exists makes the lake particularly susceptible to changes that occur as a result of human modification to the watershed or the lake itself, thus rendering benefits from the lake unsustainable.


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Rastrineobola argentea locally known as mukene in Uganda, omena in Kenya and dagaa in Tanzania occurs in Lake Nabugabo, Lake Victoria, the Upper Victoria Nileand Lake Kyoga (Greenwood 1966). While its fishery is well established on Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, the species is not yet exploited on Lake Nabugabo. Generally such smaller sized fish species as R. argentea become important commercial species in lakes where they occur when catches of preferred largersized table fish start showing signs ofdecline mostly as a result of overexploitation. With the current trends of declining fish catches on Lake Nabugabo, human exploitation of mukene on this lake is therefore just a matter of time. The species is exploited both for direct human consumption and as the protein ingredient in the manufacture of animal feeds.


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Water hyacinth is a free-floating waterweed native to the Amazon River Basin in South America. In its native range, water hyacinth is not an environmental problem, although the weed is one of the most invasive alien plants in freshwater environments. Water hyacinth has the potential to become invasive through fast vegetative reproduction and rapid growth to accumulate huge biomass and extensive cover in freshwater environments. Over the last 150 years water hyacinth has invaded most countries in the tropics and sub-tropics, introduced by man, mainly for ornamental purposes. Such introductions led to the infestation of most freshwater-ways in the southern United States of America, parts of Australia, the pacific islands, and most countries in Asia and Africa. The extensive tightly packed mats of water hyacinth are often associated with devastating socio-economic and environmental impacts. Invasion by the weed has, therefore, often generated urgent costly problems associated with the weed biomass and its management. A classic example of such problems was triggered by the invasion and proliferation of water hyacinth in the Lake Victoria Basin during the 1980s (Freilink 1989, Taylor 1993, Twongo et al., 1995). The weed infestation marked the beginning of a decade of intensive and systematic campaign by the three riparian states (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) to bring weed proliferation under control. The discussions in this Chapter span over ten years of dealing with the challenges paused by the imperative to manage infestations of water hyacinth in the Lake Victoria Basin. The challenges included the need to understand the dynamics of water hyacinth infestation; its distribution, proliferation and impact modalities; and the development and implementation of appropriate weed control strategies and options. Most specific examples were taken from the Ugandan experience (NARO, 2002).


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The initial subsistence fisheries of Lake Victoria were dominated by two indigenous tilapiines, Oreochromis esculentus (Graham 1929) and Oreochromis variabilis Boulenger 1906, exploited with simple fishing crafts and gears that had little impact on the fish stocks (Jackson 1971). Commercial fisheries, targeting the tilapia fishery, started at the beginning of the 20th Centurywhen cotton flax gillnets were first introduced in 1905 into the Nyanza Gulf in Kenya. Gillnets were quickly adopted around the whole lake and consequently, the native methods of fishing soon died out (Jackson 1971). Following the introduction of gillnets, fishing boats and their propulsion methods were also improved. These improvements in fishing capacity coincided with development of urban centres and increasing human population around the lake, which increased the demand for fishery products. To satisfy the increasing demand, fishing effort increased greatly during the 20th century, despite the decline of catch per unit of effort (CPUE) (Jackson 1971; Ogutu-Ohwayo 1990). The initial catch rates of 127mm (5 inch) mesh size gill nets in the tilapia-based fishery, in 1905, was in the range of 50 to 100 fish per gillnet of approximately 50 m in length. However, twenty years later, the catch rates of gillnets of the same mesh size had declined to about six fish per net and gillnets of smaller mesh sizes, which had better catch rates, had been introduced suggesting overfishing (Worthington and Worthington, 1933).


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Rastrineobola argentea, local name.s Mukene (Uganda) Omena (Kenya) and Dagaa (Tanzania) occurs in lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo (Greenwood 1966). Until the decline of the native fishes especially the haplochromines, R. argentea was of little economic importance to the fisheries of these lakes. The stocks of this species have now increased and commercial catches on Lake Victoria account for over 30%. Fishing for R. argentea is currently still restricted to inshore areas and within the fringing islands of Lake Victoria. This fishery is not yet established on Lakes Kyoga and Nabugabo although the species is quite abundant in these lakes (Proude 1963). On moonless nights, kerosene pressure lamps are exposed on the lake to attract the fishes. These fishes are then fished out using fine meshed seine, lampara or lift nets


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Historical analysis has shown that use of destructive fishing gears and methods contributed much to the initial depletion of fish stocks from Lakes Victoria and Kyoga. From about 1930 to 1960, the fisheries of Lake Victoria were managed by controlling the mesh size of gill nets. Gill net s of less than 127 mm (5) stretched mesh had been prohibited on Lake Victoria because they cropped immature Oreochromis esculentus (Ngege) which were at that time the most important commercial species. When the mesh size restriction was repealed in the Ugandan, Tanzanian and Kenya, there was a shift to smaller meshes which cropped immature tilapia and other large species and led to a collapse in the fishery.


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The Lake Victoria ecosystem has experienced changes associated fishing levels, arise in lake level of the 1960s, fish introductions and human activities in the drainage basin. Following the fish introductions of the 1950s and 1960s, niloticus has become the most abundant and commercially important species among the tilapiines. It appears to be the only species which has managed to co-exist with the Nile perch not only in Lake Victoria but also in Lake Kyoga where the two species were also introduced. There is, however, little published information on the biology and ecology of the species in the habitats. It has therefore been found necessary to initiate studies as have been developed for Lates niloticus, especially as the two species have assumed major role in the lake's fisheries.


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Increased stocks of mukene Rastrineobola argentea and the subsequent interest in its fishery on Lake Victoria has been attributed to the poor performance of the endemic fishery as a result of introductions into this lake of foreign fish species Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus. R. argentea now remains the only endemic fish species of economic importance ranking second to the Nile perch in this lake. Despite this importance, biological information on the species and knowledge of its fishery is scanty. Preliminary observations on the species in the Ugandan waters indicate that R. argentea feeds mainly on zooplankton (copepods) during daylight hours. Small quantities of aquatic insect larvae/pupae (chironomids and chaoborids) are also eaten mainly at night. These fishes breed just after the rainy seasons and the young eventually mature at between 43-44 mm standard length. Growth and population parameters show a rate of growth (K) of 0.92 with L of 64.5 mm S.L. Natural mortality (M) is given at 2.371 and total mortality (2) of 3.594. Two mesh size nets 10 and 5 mm are in use in the lake. The smaller mesh size which is more preferred by the artisanal fishermen however tends to capture many immature fishes. There is therefore need for a unified lakewide data collection on the species and its fishery in order to obtain more reliable biological information necessary proper management of this fast developing fishery.


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Rastrineobola argentea is the only native fish species which is still abundant in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga, the others being two introduced species; Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus. It forms an important commercial fishery in Lake Victoria and is very important as food of Lates niloticus in both lakes. The depletion of the originally abundant insectivorous and zooplanktivorous hap lochromines due to predation by Lates niloticus appears to have favoured it by reducing potential competitors for food. It now consumes a wide range of invertebrate organisms that originally used to be eaten by different specialised species of haplochromines which include: larvae and pupae of chironomids and chaoborids, copepods and ostracods. Its size in Lake Kyoga (where the Nile perch was introduced earlier) has, however, decreased and is smaller than that in Lake Victoria probably due to high predation pressure. The twin effect of predation and fishing are likely to exert heavy pressure on the species. Research is therefore required to provide information for its management.