920 resultados para Educazione scientifica ed educazione alla sostenibilita
La poesia di Amelia Rosselli costituisce uno dei fenomeni linguistico-espressivi più complessi della poesia italiana del secondo Novecento. Percorsa da tensioni stilistiche ed espressive peculiari che l'hanno resa uno dei vertici dello sperimentalismo plurilingue novecentesco, l'opera rosselliana costituisce, nel suo insieme, una poderosa meditazione sull'alienazione e sulle possibilità di esprimere a pieno il proprio disagio esistenziale se non attraverso la creazione di una lingua che sfida, al medesimo tempo, convenzioni sintattiche, grammaticali, e grafiche di ben tre sistemi linguistici, e che impone al lettore, in virtù di un trilinguismo biograficamente motivato, la flessuosità di una logica del senso plurima e simultanea. Scopo del volume è offrire un contributo sistematico alla comprensione di un'opera poetica sulla quale ancora gravano radicati fraintendimenti e pervicaci clichés critici.
In traditional and geophysical fluid dynamics, it is common to describe stratified turbulent fluid flows with low Mach number and small relative density variations by means of the incompressible Boussinesq approximation. Although such an approximation is often interpreted as decoupling the thermodynamics from the dynamics, this paper reviews recent results and derive new ones that show that the reality is actually more subtle and complex when diabatic effects and a nonlinear equation of state are retained. Such an analysis reveals indeed: (1) that the compressible work of expansion/contraction remains of comparable importance as the mechanical energy conversions in contrast to what is usually assumed; (2) in a Boussinesq fluid, compressible effects occur in the guise of changes in gravitational potential energy due to density changes. This makes it possible to construct a fully consistent description of the thermodynamics of incompressible fluids for an arbitrary nonlinear equation of state; (3) rigorous methods based on using the available potential energy and potential enthalpy budgets can be used to quantify the work of expansion/contraction B in steady and transient flows, which reveals that B is predominantly controlled by molecular diffusive effects, and act as a significant sink of kinetic energy.
What a villa was is a question that engaged the Latin authors themselves, for the term is used with a certain flexibility throughout Roman history: rustic farm, luxurious mansion provided with agricultural production quarters, ultimately village in Late Antiquity. The common denominators, however, were the location outside the urban boundaries and the embedded idea of productivity. Also modern scholars have used the term villa to refer to different things depending on the geographic area under investigation. In this paper I focus on Italian villae rusticae, offering a survey of their economic dimension and attested production activities. Through a series of case studies, some specific examples of attested productions in rural villas, in addition to common agricultural activities are discussed, such as textile and lime production. The key concept to remember is that depending on location and available natural resources, an array of productions was possible, either to achieve self-sufficiency or for exchange on the market.
”A stock market for all”. Integrity and concern for the market in the (self-)regulation of the Swedish securities market This article deals with the transformation process that led to the substantial growth of the securities markets, and also led to a situation where Sweden became one of the leading countries when it comes to ordinary people investing in shares and mutual funds. The article discusses how social control and regulation of the market changed as a result of this process. A sudden and strong unanimity for knowledge tests in order for a stockbroker to be allowed to conduct brokerage, advisory services and asset management was the significant change in this transformation process. Knowledge tests were first introduced on a voluntary basis by the industry itself, but is now a mandatory requirement by the State. This article argues that the unanimity for knowledge tests best can be understood by studying the broadening of the financial markets. The broadening meant that more groups in society – with very varying capabilities – had started to place their assets in the security markets. They were encouraged to do so since this was considered to be the solution to the growing number of socioeconomic problems. This article is mainly based on market statistics and document analysis supplemented by interviews.
Queen Christina of Sweden (1626-1689)) is probably the most important individual to directly link the cultures of Sweden and Italy, and thus fascinate scholars over the last four centuries. In the last fifty years, research on and interest in this monarch has been particularly intense. This has led to current international scientific debate concerning all the different cultural expressions in which Queen Cristina was particularly involved. However, until now there has been lacking a comprehensive work to illustrate the development of scientific research in Italian on Queen Christina. This article, therefore, without claiming to be exhaustive, aims to fill this gap by identifying the main direction of current research. The article, after briefly introducing previous works (both Italian and Swedish), demonstrates how the first major renaissance of international studies on Queen Cristina took place in Sweden in the early 1960s. Even more important was the subsequent turning point in 1989, when the tercentenary of the death of Queen Christina was celebrated and the Azzolino Collection at the Biblioteca Comunale in Jesi was opened. The article focuses on the studies in Italian during this latter period. To make the exposition more organic and, importantly, more accessible to those readers interested in only one particular aspect of the scientific studies about Queen Christina, the studies in Italian since 1689 are divided into different subject areas.
Samhällsdebatten om de nedslående resultaten som redovisats i PIRLS 2011 visar att läsförståelseundervisningen i Sverige inte ger de resultat som förväntas. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var undersöka vilken betydelse faktatexters struktur har för läsförståelsen hos elever i årskurs 4-6. Inledningsvis redogörs för innehållet i skolans styrdokument som rör läsförståelse samt Skolverkets analyser av resultatmätningar. Dessutom redovisas Skolverkets rapporter och annan pedagogisk litteratur i frågan om vikten av att alla lärare undervisar i läsförståelse oavsett ämne. Metoden som använts är en systematisk litteraturstudie där sökmetoder och urval redovisas. Studiens resultat visar att elever som undervisats i olika texttypers strukturer inte bara förstår texten bättre, de får också bättre förutsättningar att producera egna texter i olika genrer. Vid användning av grafiska modeller som är anpassade till aktuell struktur ökar möjligheten till textförståelse och textproduktion ytterligare. En slutsats från studien är att förutsättningen för att elever ska utveckla sin läsförståelse är lärarens explicita läsförståelseundervisning i alla ämnen.
Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv