924 resultados para Ecosystem Engineers


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Human-environment connections are the subject of much study, and the details of those connections are crucial factors in effective environmental management. In a large, interdisciplinary study of the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem involving disciplines from physical oceanography to anthropology, one of the research teams examined commercial fisheries and another looked at subsistence harvests by Alaska Natives. Commercial fisheries and subsistence harvests are extensive, demonstrating strong connections between the ecosystem and the humans who use it. At the same time, however, both research teams concluded that the influence of ecosystem conditions on the outcomes of human activities was weaker than anticipated. Likely explanations of this apparently loose coupling include the ability of fishers and hunters to adjust to variable conditions, and the role of social systems and management in moderating the direct effects of changes in the ecosystem. We propose a new conceptual model for future studies that incorporates a greater range of social factors and their dynamics, in addition to similarly detailed examinations of the ecosystem itself.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Abstract not available


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With the prevalence of smartphones, new ways of engaging citizens and stakeholders in urban planning and govern-ance are emerging. The technologies in smartphones allow citizens to act as sensors of their environment, producing and sharing rich spatial data useful for new types of collaborative governance set-ups. Data derived from Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) can support accessible, transparent, democratic, inclusive, and locally-based governance situations of interest to planners, citizens, politicians, and scientists. However, there are still uncertainties about how to actually conduct this in practice. This study explores how social media VGI can be used to document spatial tendencies regarding citizens’ uses and perceptions of urban nature with relevance for urban green space governance. Via the hashtag #sharingcph, created by the City of Copenhagen in 2014, VGI data consisting of geo-referenced images were collected from Instagram, categorised according to their content and analysed according to their spatial distribution patterns. The results show specific spatial distributions of the images and main hotspots. Many possibilities and much potential of using VGI for generating, sharing, visualising and communicating knowledge about citizens’ spatial uses and preferences exist, but as a tool to support scientific and democratic interaction, VGI data is challenged by practical, technical and ethical concerns. More research is needed in order to better understand the usefulness and application of this rich data source to governance.


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Gomishan Wetland is situated in the extreme southern part of the eastern coast of Caspian Sea. It is connected to the Caspian Sea, so its hydrological features are directly generated from the sea. The whole wetland area (which also consists of the northern part of the wetland that is situated in Turkmenistan republic) is calculated with the aid of the Satellite Images for the years of 1977, 1987 and 1998 respectively 5070, 16320 and 29520 hectares. To have better ideas about food chains in the aquatic ecosystem, five permanent stations was appointed in different parts of the wetland. During one year field study, at the beginning of each month, physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water and the sediment was surveyed and different specimens were gathered, fixed and took to the laboratories for the relevant analyses. The factors measured in water samples were mainly consist of turbidity, pH, EC, DO, BOD, PO4, NO3, alkalinity, Cl and hardness . The factors measured from sediment samples were the percentage of Sand, Very Fine Sand, Silt, Clay, K, P, N, and Organic Carbon. Biological examinations of the water has been consist of planktonic sample collections, determination, counting and analysis of both phyto and zoo planktons of the wetland. For example the zooplanktons of the Gomishan Wetland are determined in 15 groups, belonging to 5 phyla. The seasonal changes are recognized considerable. The least density of the zooplanktons is occurred in February. The density of most of the groups is seen from the beginning of the summer until the mid autumn. The annual mean density for any 15-zooplankton groups and also the minimum and maximum density with %95 confidences, for each of them, is calculated for the environment of all of the stations and also for the whole wetland. The spatial distribution of the individuals within the population of each of the groups is introduced, according to regular or contagious or random distribution. Diversity indices are calculated for the zooplanktons living in the environment of the stations. Comparison of the wetland, with the southeastern Caspian Sea, from the point of view of zooplankton density and diversity is also obtained. Benthos invertebrates in each station from sediment samples were also extracted. The specimens were colored by Rose Bengal solvent and then were determinate and counted, in separate groups of macro and meio benthos. Among the macro benthos, the highest density was seen in the species of Fyrgula caspia. After that, more density was seen respectively in Apra ovata, Cerastoderma sp., Balanus sp., Nerds divesicolarr, lifytilaster lineatus and Dreissena sp. Among the meio benthos, the most density was seen in Foraminifera and then respectively in Ostracoda, Nernatoda and Bivalve larvae. The indices of diversity and distribution are also calculated. As the birds in this lagoon are of prime importance, all mid winter waterfowl censuses available from recent 13 years are gathered and analysis. Also a whole year (12 times, each at the beginning of one month) waterfowl census was undertaken, throughout the wetland. According to this study, the Eastern Ecosystem of the wetland, is supporting the most population (%75) of the waterfowls, the Middle Open Water Ecosystem and the Western Reed bed Ecosystem, are supporting respectively %14 and %11 of the population. Four of the species are found in the global threatened red list, and the wintering population of the 20 species of the site, in some years, are observed more than %I of the global populations. The Waterfowl Species Diversity and Similarity Indices are given also.


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Well-designed marine protected area (MPA) networks can deliver a range of ecological, economic and social benefits, and so a great deal of research has focused on developing spatial conservation prioritization tools to help identify important areas. However, whilst these software tools are designed to identify MPA networks that both represent biodiversity and minimize impacts on stakeholders, they do not consider complex ecological processes. Thus, it is difficult to determine the impacts that proposed MPAs could have on marine ecosystem health, fisheries and fisheries sustainability. Using the eastern English Channel as a case study, this paper explores an approach to address these issues by identifying a series of MPA networks using the Marxan and Marxan with Zones conservation planning software and linking them with a spatially explicit ecosystem model developed in Ecopath with Ecosim. We then use these to investigate potential trade-offs associated with adopting different MPA management strategies. Limited-take MPAs, which restrict the use of some fishing gears, could have positive benefits for conservation and fisheries in the eastern English Channel, even though they generally receive far less attention in research on MPA network design. Our findings, however, also clearly indicate that no-take MPAs should form an integral component of proposed MPA networks in the eastern English Channel, as they not only result in substantial increases in ecosystem biomass, fisheries catches and the biomass of commercially valuable target species, but are fundamental to maintaining the sustainability of the fisheries. Synthesis and applications. Using the existing software tools Marxan with Zones and Ecopath with Ecosim in combination provides a powerful policy-screening approach. This could help inform marine spatial planning by identifying potential conflicts and by designing new regulations that better balance conservation objectives and stakeholder interests. In addition, it highlights that appropriate combinations of no-take and limited-take marine protected areas might be the most effective when making trade-offs between long-term ecological benefits and short-term political acceptability.


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A field study of the invertebrate communities of the Nabugabo lakes(Nabugabo,Kayanja and Kayugi)showed the occurrence of copepoda, cladocera and rotifera(micro-invertebrates or zooplankton); Ephemeroptera and Diptera(macro-invertebrates or zoo-benthos). The most commonly encountered taxa were thermocyclops neglectus, moinamicrura,several rotiferan species(micro-invertebrates);P.adusta,chironomus, tanipodinae and trichoptera(macro- invertebrates). These organisms are assumed to be readily available as food sources for fishes in the Nabugabo lakes. Higher abundance and diversity of invertebrates occurred in Lake Nabugabo compared to Kayanja and Kayugi. There were no major differences in diversity and abundance of organisms between inshore and offshore areas of the different lakes. The highest diversity of macro-invertebrates(up to 15 taxa)was recovered from roots of macrophyte(higher water-based plants)such as Miscanthidium and Papyrus. The zooplankton of Nabugabo lakes typify a tropical assemblage with few species among genera and dominance of the communities by small-bodied organisms. Some taxa,common to many other water bodies such as Mesocyclops spp.,Calanoids(Copepoda), Caridina nilotica (Decapoda)were noticeably missing in the Nabugabo lakes community, probably due to environmental limitations including low conductivity and pH. Where they occur,these missing taxa have been shown to be key forage items for fishes and therefore their absence in Nabugabo lakes may have implications with respect to potential for fishery production. However other valuable invertebrate types such as cyclopoid copepods,ephemeroptera, chironomid and chaoborid larvae do occur in sufficiently high diversity and abundance to support viable fisheries resources. The high diversity and abundance of invertebrates associated with aquatic macrophytes such as Papyrus and Miscanthidium need to be protected through control of access and utilisation of shoreline vegetation.


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Khark & Kharko Islands are the last Northern point for fringing coral reefs in Iranian side of the Persian Gulf. These Coralline habitats are the Protected Area and Wildlife Refugees with the total area of 2400 ha which located in the territory of Bushehr Province. This research carried out during 2006-2007 with monthly sampling from 12 stations, which selected around Islands and inshore waters with maximum depth of 20 meter. Sampling was conducted using by Bongo-Net plankton sampler with 500μ of mesh size. Totally, 1808 specimen from 45 family fish larvae was identified in studied area, including: 21 coralline fish larva families and 24 shore fish larvae such as pelagic and demersal fishes which some of them known as indicator, sentinel or endemic species for coral reef ecosystems. The results was shown that coral reef diversity in coral reefs (Khark & Kharko Islands) is more than other habitats such as estuary and river mouth, creeks, mangrove forest sites, and off shore water of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Iranian side. Among Identified families, Clupeidae, Blenniidae, Sillaginidae, Atherinidae and Tripterygiidae; with more abundance were dominant families in studied area. The pick of fish larvae abundance family were estimated in spring. There were significant differences between seasonally abundance and sub areas, but there were not significant differences in diversity indexes between Khark and Kharko stations with coastal stations (p< 0.05). The mean abundance of fish larvae were estimated 18.7083 larvae under 10m² of sea surface, and the mean diversity indexes and evenness were estimated 0.7135 and 0.565342 consequently, that was showed the area is under ecological stress for fish larvae, and wasn’t stable. Therefore, from the ecological point of view, only some of the fish larvae groups as like Clupeidae were dominant. Thus, they were the main cause of the fish larvae abundance change in studied area. Due to geographical location of Khark and Kharko Islands and among the environmental parameters, Its seems that the condition of sea current is the main cause for present or absent and distribution patterns of fish larvae in area. Abundance of fish larvae in west of Islands was higher than eastern parts in the spring. But this condition will be reversed in eastern part of Island and several coastal stations, so that the Islands surrounding clock wise current to cause fish larvae distribution patterns.


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This design thesis is an inquiry of the highly industrialized urban landscape of the Lake Calumet Complex on the South Side of the City of Chicago. It examines geologic and anthropogenic strata within this region as waste used for staging various social, industrial, and ecological systems. Today, these social, industrial, and ecological systems are not responsive to each other and certainly do not possess resilient attributes that would allow them to interact within the landscape in perpetuity. The resulting design strategy seeks to re-think the treatment of waste in the landscape into a new framework for future park design. This park will serve as grounds to interweave these complex systems in order to rehabilitate ecosystem functions and improve water quality. Additionally the park hybridizes many social and ecological functions to improve community recreational opportunities and gain public acceptance and appeal.


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Texto completo em atas de encontros científicos internacionais com arbitragem


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Over the past several decades, thousands of otoliths, bivalve shells, and scales have been collected for the purposes of age determination and remain archived in European and North American fisheries laboratories. Advances in digital imaging and computer software combined with techniques developed by tree-ring scientists provide a means by which to extract additional levels of information in these calcified structures and generate annually resolved (one value per year), multidecadal time-series of population-level growth anomalies. Chemical and isotopic properties may also be extracted to provide additional information regarding the environmental conditions these organisms experienced.Given that they are exactly placed in time, chronologies can be directly compared to instrumental climate records, chronologies from other regions or species, or time-seriesof other biological phenomena. In this way, chronologies may be used to reconstruct historical ranges of environmental variability, identify climatic drivers of growth, establish linkages within and among species, and generate ecosystem-level indicators. Following the first workshop in Hamburg, Germany, in December 2014, the second workshop on Growth increment Chronologies in Marine Fish: climate-ecosystem interactions in the North Atlantic (WKGIC2) met at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies headquarters in Esporles, Spain, on 18–22 April 2016, chaired by Bryan Black (USA) and Christoph Stransky (Germany).Thirty-six participants from fifteen different countries attended. Objectives were to i) review the applications of chronologies developed from growth-increment widths in the hard parts (otoliths, shells, scales) of marine fish and bivalve species ii) review the fundamentals of crossdating and chronology development, iii) discuss assumptions and limitations of these approaches, iv) measure otolith growth-increment widths in image analysis software, v) learn software to statistically check increment dating accuracy, vi) generate a growth increment chronology and relate it to climate indices, and vii) initiate cooperative projects or training exercises to commence after the workshop.The workshop began with an overview of tree-ring techniques of chronology development, including a hands-on exercise in cross dating. Next, we discussed the applications of fish and bivalve biochronologies and the range of issues that could be addressed. We then reviewed key assumptions and limitations, especially those associated with short-lived species for which there are numerous and extensive otolith archives in European fisheries labs. Next, participants were provided with images of European plaice otoliths from the North Sea and taught to measure increment widths in image analysis software. Upon completion of measurements, techniques of chronology development were discussed and contrasted to those that have been applied for long-lived species. Plaice growth time-series were then related to environmental variability using the KNMI Climate Explorer. Finally, potential future collaborations and funding opportunities were discussed, and there was a clear desire to meet again to compare various statistical techniques for chronology development using a range existing fish, bivalve, and tree growth-increment datasets. Overall, we hope to increase the use of these techniques, and over the long term, develop networks of biochronologies for integrative analyses of ecosystem functioning and relationships to long-term climate variability and fishing pressure.


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For decades, global climate change has directly and indirectly affected the structure and function of ecosystems. Abrupt changes in biodiversity have been observed in response to linear or sudden modifications to the environment. These abrupt shifts can cause long-term reorganizations within ecosystems, with communities exhibiting new functional responses to environmental factors. Over the last 3 decades, the Gironde estuary in southwest France has experienced 2 abrupt shifts in both the physical and chemical environments and the pelagic community. Rather than describing these shifts and their origins, we focused on the 3 inter-shift periods, describing the structure of the fish community and its relationship with the environment during these periods. We described fish biodiversity using a limited set of descriptors, taking into account both species composition and relative species abundances. Inter-shift ecosystem states were defined based on the relationship between this description and the hydro-physico-chemical variables and climatic indices defining the main features of the environment. This relationship was described using generalized linear mixed models on the entire time series and for each inter-shift period. Our results indicate that (1) the fish community structure has been significantly modified, (2) environmental drivers influencing fish diversity have changed during these 3 periods, and (3) the fish-environment relationships have been modified over time. From this, we conclude a regime shift has occurred in the Gironde estuary. We also highlight that anthropogenic influences have increased, which re-emphasizes the importance of local management in maintaining fish diversity and associated goods and services within the context of climate change.


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133 p.