856 resultados para Economic Impact Statement


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A relação parasita-hospedeiro entre o piolho e o Homem representa um dos maiores casos de sucesso de ectoparasitoses. Apesar de clinicamente a infestação por piolhos não provocar grandes danos á saúde o impacto social mental e económico é substancial. Não há programas que priorizem o controle de ectoparasitas na saúde. Uma crise emergente no controlo da pediculose, devido à falta de opções de novos pediculicidas, abriu caminho à eventualidade de resistências. A ocorrência de mutações, deve-se em grande parte ao facto do abuso indiscriminado e utilização de produtos que estavam a ser comercializados em ampla escala como Over-the-counter drugs (OTC), particularmente a permetrina e piretroides.


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Objectives: To develop a procedure for management of off-label medications, and to analyze the treatments, indications, and hospital units which will request them more frequently, as well as which variables will have an impact on the authorization decision, and its economic impact. Methods: A procedure was designed where clinicians would complete request forms and the Hospital Unit would prepare reports assessing their efficacy, safety, convenience, and cost. The request forms for the past five years were analyzed. Results: A total of 834 applications were received, and 88.1% of these were accepted. The authorization rates were higher for Paediatric Units (95.7% vs. 86.6%; p<0.05). The reasons for considering prescriptions as off-label were: different indication (73.2%), different combination (10.2%), different line of treatment (8.6%) and different age (8%). A 73.4% of requests were for antineoplastic drugs, and the most frequently prescribed were rituximab (120) and bevacizumab (103). The quality of evidence supporting the prescriptions was moderate-low, though no direct relationship with the likelihood of approval was demonstrated (p = 0.413). The cost of the approved medications was 8,567,537 €, and the theoretical savings for those drugs rejected was of 2,268,642 €. There was a statistically significant decrease in the authorization rate (p < 0.05, Student's t test) when spending increased. Conclusions: The responsibility for assessing off-label prescriptions has fallen on the Pharmacy Unit. It has not been demonstrated that the quality of evidence represents a decisive variable for approval of treatment; on the other hand, age and cost have demonstrated a significant impact.


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In Queensland the subtropical strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) breeding program aims to combine traits into new genotypes that increase production efficiency. The contribution of individual plant traits to cost and income under subtropical Queensland conditions has been investigated. The study adapted knowledge of traits and the production and marketing system to assess the economic impact (gross margin) of new cultivars on the system, with the overall goal of improving the profitability of the industry through the release of new strawberry cultivars. Genotypes varied widely in their effect on gross margin, from 48% above to 10% below the base value. The advantage of a new genotype was also affected by the proportion of total area allocated to the new genotype. The largest difference in gross margin between that at optimum allocation (8% increase in gross margin) and an all of industry allocation (20% decrease in gross margin) of area to the genotype was 28%. While in other cases the all of industry allocation was also the optimum allocation, with one genotype giving a 48% benefit in gross margin.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança


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Dissertação de mestrado apresentada na área Produção e Tecnologia Animal, na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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Dissertação de mestrado apresentada na área Produção e Tecnologia Animal, na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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Natural resources like plants are currently used all over developed and under developed countries of the world as traditional home remedies and are promising agents for drug discovery as they play crucial role in traditional medicine. The use of plants for medicinal purpose usually varies from country to country and region to region because their use depends on the history, culture, philosophy and personal attitudes of the users (Ahmad et al., 2015). The use of plants and plant products as drugs predates the written human history (Hayta et al., 2014). Plants are a very important resource for traditional drugs and around 80% of the population of the planet use plants for the treatment of many diseases and traditional herbal medicine accounts for 30-50% of the total medicinal consumption in China. In North America, Europe and other well-developed regions over 50% of the population have used traditional preparations at least once (Dos Santos Reinaldo et al., 2015). Medicinal plants have been used over years for multiple purposes, and have increasingly attract the interest of researchers in order to evaluate their contribution to health maintenance and disease’s prevention (Murray, 2004). Recently between 50,000 and 70,000 species of plants are known and are being used in the development of modern drugs. Plants were the main therapeutic agents used by humans from the 19th century, and their role in medicine is always topical (Hayta et al., 2014). The studies of medicinal plants are rapidly increasing due to the search for new active molecules, and to improve the production of plants or bioactive molecules for the pharmaceutical industries (Rates, 2001). Several studies have been reported, but numerous active compounds directly responsible for the observed bioactive properties remain unknown, while in other cases the mechanism of action is not fully understood. According to the WHO 25% of all modern medicines including both western and traditional medicine have been extracted from plants, while 75% of new drugs against infective diseases that have arrived between 1981 and 2002 originated from natural sources, it was reported that the world market for herbal medicines stood at over US $60 billion per year and is growing steadily (Bedoya et al., 2009). Traditional medicine has an important economic impact in the 21st century as it is used worldwide, taking advantage on the low cost, accessibility, flexibility and diversity of medicinal plants (Balunas & Kinghorn, 2005).


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Part 4: Transition Towards Product-Service Systems


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El sector micro empresarial en El Salvador afronta numerosos problemas que impiden el aumento de la competitividad y desarrollo de este. Para solventar la situación a la que se están enfrentando las Microempresas, surge el Centro de Desarrollo de Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (CDMYPE) que busca dar apoyo a través de capacitaciones y asesorías a los microempresarios; pero el no tener identificadas a las Microempresas específicamente a las que están domiciliadas en el departamento de Cuscatlán impide la construcción de un perfil para este sector y que el CDMYPE-ILOBASCO institución que atiende a este departamento, pueda ofrecer sus servicios a los microempresarios. De ahí la necesidad de realizar la investigación titulada “Identificación y construcción del perfil de las Microempresas del departamento de Cuscatlán potenciales usuarios de Centro de Desarrollo de Micro y Pequeñas Empresas sede Ilobasco (CDMYPE-ILOBASCO) en el año 2015”; con la aplicación del método científico y la metodología aplicada que permitió conocer las características de las Microempresas del departamento de Cuscatlán, mediante la recopilación de la información; y proceder así al análisis de los resultados para la construcción del perfil de los potenciales usuarios del CDMYPE-ILOBASCO. Los resultados de la investigación y la construcción del perfil permitirán aumentar el número de Microempresas atendidas por el CDMYPE-ILOBASCO; y con el apoyo recibido por esta institución las Microempresas puedan mejorar y fortalecer sus áreas estratégicas, su forma de reacción ante el entorno y aumentar así sus ventas y nivel de empleo, generando impacto económico para el departamento. ABSTRACT The micro enterprise sector in El Salvador faces many problems that prevent increasing the competitiveness and development of this. To overcome the situation they are facing Microenterprise arises Development Center of Micro and Small Enterprises (CDMYPE) which seeks to support through training and advisory services to microentrepreneurs; but not having identified Microenterprise specifically those that are domiciled in the department of Cuscatlán prevents the construction of a profile for this sector and the CDMYPE-ILOBASCO institution that attends this department, can offer their services to microentrepreneurs. Hence the need from research entitled "Identification and construction of the profile of Microenterprises from department Cuscatlán potential users Development Center Micro and Small Enterprises headquarters Ilobasco (CDMYPE-ILOBASCO) in the year 2015"; with the application of scientific method and the methodology applied that allowed to know the characteristics of the Microenterprise of department Cuscatlán, by collecting information; and thus proceed to the analysis of the results, to build the profile of potential users of CDMYPE-ILOBASCO. The results of research and profile construction of will allow increase the number of Microenterprises served by the CDMYPE-ILOBASCO; and with the support received by this institution the Microenterprises can improve and strengthen its strategic areas, their way of reaction before the environment and increase their sales and employment levels, generating economic impact for the department.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have reached an epidemic proportion in the US and worldwide with serious consequences in terms of human suffering and economic impact. More than one third of American adults are suffering from CVDs. The total direct and indirect costs of CVDs are more than $500 billion per year. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop noninvasive diagnostics methods, to design minimally invasive assist devices, and to develop economical and easy-to-use monitoring systems for cardiovascular diseases. In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to gain a better understanding of the subsystems that constitute the cardiovascular system. The aorta is one of these subsystems whose role in cardiovascular functioning has been underestimated. Traditionally, the aorta and its branches have been viewed as resistive conduits connected to an active pump (left ventricle of the heart). However, this perception fails to explain many observed physiological results. My goal in this thesis is to demonstrate the subtle but important role of the aorta as a system, with focus on the wave dynamics in the aorta.

The operation of a healthy heart is based on an optimized balance between its pumping characteristics and the hemodynamics of the aorta and vascular branches. The delicate balance between the aorta and heart can be impaired due to aging, smoking, or disease. The heart generates pulsatile flow that produces pressure and flow waves as it enters into the compliant aorta. These aortic waves propagate and reflect from reflection sites (bifurcations and tapering). They can act constructively and assist the blood circulation. However, they may act destructively, promoting diseases or initiating sudden cardiac death. These waves also carry information about the diseases of the heart, vascular disease, and coupling of heart and aorta. In order to elucidate the role of the aorta as a dynamic system, the interplay between the dominant wave dynamic parameters is investigated in this study. These parameters are heart rate, aortic compliance (wave speed), and locations of reflection sites. Both computational and experimental approaches have been used in this research. In some cases, the results are further explained using theoretical models.

The main findings of this study are as follows: (i) developing a physiologically realistic outflow boundary condition for blood flow modeling in a compliant vasculature; (ii) demonstrating that pulse pressure as a single index cannot predict the true level of pulsatile workload on the left ventricle; (iii) proving that there is an optimum heart rate in which the pulsatile workload of the heart is minimized and that the optimum heart rate shifts to a higher value as aortic rigidity increases; (iv) introducing a simple bio-inspired device for correction and optimization of aortic wave reflection that reduces the workload on the heart; (v) deriving a non-dimensional number that can predict the optimum wave dynamic state in a mammalian cardiovascular system; (vi) demonstrating that waves can create a pumping effect in the aorta; (vii) introducing a system parameter and a new medical index, Intrinsic Frequency, that can be used for noninvasive diagnosis of heart and vascular diseases; and (viii) proposing a new medical hypothesis for sudden cardiac death in young athletes.


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Increasing plant diversity in conventionally monoculture agrosystems has been promoted as a method to enhance beneficial arthropod density and efficacy, suppress herbivory and provide a range of ecosystem services. I investigated the pest suppressive potential and economic impact of plant diversification in organic field corn. The experiment consisted of two treatments, corn grown in monoculture (C) and bordered by strips of partridge pea (PP). Pest and natural enemy populations, corn damage, yield, and profits were compared among treatments. Natural enemy and herbivore arthropod populations were affected by treatment and distance from plot border. Corn damage due to pests was also affected by treatment and location, but did not significantly affect yield. Yield in monoculture plots was generally greater than in PP but did not result in greater profit. Pest and natural enemy arthropod abundances were elevated in partridge pea treatment borders, but these populations did not consistently diffuse into plot interiors. The potential causes and implications of findings are discussed.


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Meat is a well accepted food with appreciable appealing. Due to its high nutritional value it plays a central role in human development. Meat/meat derivates are important sources of proteins, minerals and vitamins. Their nutritional importance is paralleled to their economic impact. Paying attention to the social alarm originated by a recent publication of WHO about the relationship between red and/or processed meat consumption and cancer, this paper reviews the following aspects: a) the present consumption of meat/meat products in Spain; b) the contribution of their macro/micronutrients to the recommended dietary allowances; c) the obliged use of additives (e.g. nitrites and nitrates) to warrant the food safety, and their daily intake. In addition health risks derived from a high consumption, as well as the most appropriate culinary uses in order to reduce the formation of toxic products (e.g. N-nitrosocompounds) are commented. Due to the huge variety of available meat products, this paper concludes that any generalization should be avoided. We also emphasize about the advantages of consuming meat/meat products in the frame of a Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, and bioactive compounds.


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The residual forest biomass (RFB) sector has been experiencing strong development at European level and particularly in Portugal mainly due to the increase of energy production from renewable sources. The aim of this study is to assess the environmental impacts of eucalyptus RFB chips production chain in Portugal. The environmental and economic impact comparison of the processes included in the production chain is presented as well. The environmental impacts were calculated by the life cycle assessment approach described in the ISO 14040 series of standards. The production chain assessed included all processes from eucalyptus forest until the delivery of RFB chips at the power plant. The main conclusion of this study is that eucalyptus wood production is the process that presents the greatest environmental impact through the product life cycle.