981 resultados para East China


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Aquest treball de final de carrera analitza com les empreses occidentals haurien de publicitar-se a la Xina. De la mateixa manera, s’estudia el mercat chinès en la seva totalitat i a més d’alguns casos reals de l’èxit publicitari. El mercat chinès és molt dinàmic i diferent als mercats occidentals. Això comporta una gran dificultat d’adaptacióper part de les empreses occidentals. Per això és necessari fer un análisis detallat del mercat, els seus mitjans de comunicació, el partit comunista que goberna, de l’àmbit socio-cultural i la importancia de potenciar la marca. Aquest treball finalitza amb l’explicació de l’èxit publicitari de diverses empreses occidentals. Un referent internacional com Coca-Cola, un sector amb molta rellevança com el luxe exclusiu dominat per Louis Vuitton i un mercat amb molt de potencial per a les empreses españoles com l’oli d’oliva il.lustrat amb Borges. Tot aquest treball ens convida a reflexionar sobre la diferencia d’actuació entre dos móns diferents com són els països occidentals i la China. Mentre el sector publicitari europeu s’atura, el chinès no deixa de créixer.


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Brasil, Índia i Xina són algunes de les economies anomenades a ser potències mundials en els propers anys. Són països que estan experimentant un creixement *inigualable per altres nacions i que posseeixen molts recursos naturals, amplis territoris i una recent classe mitjana que demanda nous productes i serveis. Aquest fet, en un panorama de crisi global com l'actual, convida voler invertir immediatament en aquests països. Com a conseqüència de les grans extensions territorials, les àrees de negoci han de ser detectades de forma efectiva com a factor clau per augmentar les possibilitats d'èxit empresarial, juntament amb la bona pràctica dels protocols i normes esteses a Brasil, Índia i Xina. L'estudi de les formes d'establiment més adequades a l'empresa de l'inversor en potència i l'estudi dels sectors més competitius en cada economia són també aspectes determinants, entre molts altres que es desenvolupen en aquest treball. Brasil, Índia i Xina són nacions molt complexes, amb característiques semblants i unes altres totalment diferents. Moltes d'elles seran analitzades en aquest treball per tal proporcionar una resposta ferma a la pregunta de molts inversors: Existeixen realment oportunitats empresarials en països com Brasil, Xina o Índia?


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Background and Aims Paleoclimatic data indicate that an abrupt climate change occurred at the Eocene-Oligocene (E-O) boundary affecting the distribution of tropical forests on Earth. The same period has seen the emergence of South-East (SE) Asia, caused by the collision of the Eurasian and Australian plates. How the combination of these climatic and geomorphological factors affected the spatio-temporal history of angiosperms is little known. This topic is investigated by using the worldwide sapindaceous clade as a case study. Methods Analyses of divergence time inference, diversification and biogeography (constrained by paleogeography) are applied to a combined plastid and nuclear DNA sequence data set. Biogeographical and diversification analyses are performed over a set of trees to take phylogenetic and dating uncertainty into account. Results are analysed in the context of past climatic fluctuations. Key Results An increase in the number of dispersal events at the E-O boundary is recorded, which intensified during the Miocene. This pattern is associated with a higher rate in the emergence of new genera. These results are discussed in light of the geomorphological importance of SE Asia, which acted as a tropical bridge allowing multiple contacts between areas and additional speciation across landmasses derived from Laurasia and Gondwana. Conclusions This study demonstrates the importance of the combined effect of geomorphological (the emergence of most islands in SE Asia approx. 30 million years ago) and climatic (the dramatic E-O climate change that shifted the tropical belt and reduced sea levels) factors in shaping species distribution within the sapindaceous clade.


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Darwin described as an 'abominable mystery' the abrupt origin of angiosperms in the mid-Cretaceous and the high diversification rates in their early history. The father of evolutionary theory could not fathom this rapid diversification and rather invoked that 'there was during long ages a small isolated continent in the S. hemisphere, which served as the birthplace of the higher plants'. In this essay, we comment on the spatial origin of angiosperms, but focus primarily on understanding the abiotic factors that promoted the early diversification of angiosperms by reviewing palaeobotanical, palaeogeographical, phylogenetics and biogeographical evidence. We argue that islands located in the region today occupied by South-East Asia played a major role in angiosperm diversification during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous.


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This study was performed to analyse the prevalence of obesity in children living in six different areas of the north-east of Italy. The study included 1523 children (749 male, 774 female), divided into four age categories (4, 8, 10, 12 +/- 0.5 years of age, respectively). The physical characteristics of the children were measured by trained and standardized examiners. In accordance with the guidelines on the Italian Consensus Conference on Obesity (Rome, 4-6 June 1991), a child was defined as obese when his weight was higher than 120% of the weight predicted for height, as calculated from the Tanner's tables. On average, the prevalence of obesity was higher in males than in females (15.7% vs. 11%). The highest prevalence was seen in 10-year-old males (23.4%). The prevalence increased with age both in males (4 years = 3.6%, 8 years = 11.2%, 10 years = 23.4%, 12 years = 17.3%) and in females (4 years = 2%, 8 years = 13.3%, 10 years = 12.7%, 12 years = 11.9%). This tendency was maintained when calculating the obesity prevalence by other methods, such as BMI, triceps skinfold and fat mass, although the magnitude of the prevalence was different depending on the criteria used to define it. A consensus on more precise criteria to define obesity is needed for a better diagnosis of obesity in childhood and to allow a more reliable measurement and comparison of the prevalence of obesity among populations.


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