1000 resultados para ECONOMIA CHILENA


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Com os avanços alcançados pela economia brasileira, considerada pela ONU uma economia de Desenvolvimento Humano Elevado, e pelos planos econômicos para galgar maiores patamares de desenvolvimento do país, como o PAC e Planos de Metas (para 2012), é necessário investigar se o desenvolvimento está sendo “engolfado” por toda a população - se os Estados e regiões mais atrasado, Norte e Nordeste, nesses primeiros anos do século 21, possuem condições de alcançar os Estados mais desenvolvidos do “Cone Sul”, ou seja, a integração da economia do país


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The Inflation Targeting Regime was adopted in Brazil in 1999 and it aims at maintaining the price level in the interval set by the government. For such reason, the Central Bank makes use of variations in the interest rate, which causes the cost of the credit to be more expensive, reducing the investments, the jobs and, concomitantly, the inflation. Being aware that the country is subject to sudden reversals of the international capital flows which results in exchange rate and price instability, an econometric analysis of the adequation of the targerting regime to the Brazilian economy, especially concerned with the index price that is used as the parameter for the inflation calculus, is proposed


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The presented text aims to evaluate the causes that leading to the development of the informal sector and primarily its consequences for the registered economy (formal). Therefore, defines the concept of the shadow economy, and sets out its varied activities. The objective is to analyze the growth of this phenomenon in Brazil, since its supposed rise in the early 70's until recent days. Finally, it will be introduced some measurement methods that allow estimating the size of the shadow economy. Among these methods, in order to evaluate the behavior of the informal sector in Brazil, it was used the MIMIC model (Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes) that consists of a statistical theory of unobserved variables, or also called latent, which considers multiple causes and multiple effects or indicators. Thus, it will be developed the analysis of results obtained


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O desenvolvimento do sistema capitalista, à medida que aumenta a eficiência da produção contribui para uma cada vez maior concentração da riqueza e, em conjunto com as reformas neoliberais ocorridas durante o final do século XX, para uma mudança significativa na produção, bem como nos níveis de emprego formal, especialmente no Brasil. Buscando amenizar esses problemas, surgiram inúmeras iniciativas associativistas, que se cristalizaram na forma da Economia Solidária no Brasil nos anos 80. Para compreender e coordenar esse novo movimento inúmeras instituições foram criadas e cada vez mais atores se apresentaram para constituir a atual configuração dos empreendimentos solidários, estes baseados na cooperação, auto-gestão e solidariedade. Como resultado de toda essa organização os empreendimentos solidários aumentaram em número e importância econômica durante os últimos 30 anos. Neste trabalho analiso essa trajetória bem como tomo o exemplo da Cooperativa de limpeza do Jardim Gonzaga para demonstrar se a Economia Solidária é de fato um movimento de alternativa ao desemprego para as populações excluídas, sendo abandonada assim que as taxas de emprego formais melhorem, ou não, sendo uma nova forma duradoura de conceber a produção


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This work approaches, in a simplified manner, the analysis of an aircraft’s trajectory through the 3 main flight phases, climb, cruise and descent, related to fuel consumption and elapsed time. From this analysis is developed a tool that aims optimize the flight planning operational procedure, providing an altitude that comply with fuel saving during the trip, or minimizes the trip time. The use of any altitude is an operator’s decision, that aims comply with their operational needs of each trip, getting the results provided by the tool as a primary approach to the flight profile that also bring up economics aspects of each possibility of decision to be taken. Since the aeronautical Market has singular problems, as the flight altitude optimization, there is the need to solutions very customized that many times can not attend every restriction for each operator and its related kind of operation. When we talk about executive aircrafts, is possible to note that its operators does not have enough engineering and logistic support, when compared to huge airlines companies, to analyze all exceptions of each singular operation, creating many times wastes that can be avoiding with a tool described herein in this work


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This study aims to analyze the experience of Solidarity Economy in the City of Várzea Paulista - SP and from the incubation of the enterprise of aesthetics Casa da Beleza. Therefore, we need to present a historical overview of the Solidarity Economy in Brazil to understand how and why it has been developing in the country, as it has become State policies on the national scene, as well as on municipal. The research also discusses what the role of government in the development of the Solidarity Economy, promotion of social policies and local development, with the big question: What is the role of government in promoting Várzea Paulista social policies Solidarity Economy? Finally, this research seeks to understand how the Solidarity Economy causes changes in social conditions from the point of view of women who are venture incubated by Casa da Beleza


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The main purpose of this investigation is to analyze the most frequent simple terms, fixed and semifixed expressions in the subarea of Social Political Economy in Portuguese and their corresponding terms in English, found in fifteen papers written by Bresser-Pereira and in his self-translated texts. The methodology used is the Corpus-Based Translation (Baker, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996; Camargo, 2005, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (Berber Sardinha, 2004) and Terminology (Barros, 2004). Results show that terms and expressions used in the source texts have no univocity within the specialized language related to the Brazilian Social Sciences. The terms translated into English also reflect variation due to the options chosen by the selftranslator as he seeks to adapt the theoretical concepts to the possibilities of the Target Language.


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This study discusses translations in English concerning the areas of Political Science and Political Economy, written by Fernando Henrique Cardoso & Enzo Falleto; and Antonio Carlos Bresser-Pereira. Our research project draws on CorpusBased Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004; TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001) and on some concepts of Terminology (BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004). For compiling the comparable corpora in Portuguese and in English, we selected articles from Brazilian journals and from international journals of Political Science and Political Economy. We also present four samples of bilingual glossaries with the terms of these subareas in their cotexts.


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A monografia procura analisar a essência da Economia Solidária no Brasil, para verificar se essa consiste apenas em mais um modo de adaptação à realidade econômica, frente ao desemprego e à pobreza, ou se possui uma profundidade maior, constituindo uma reação ao capitalismo, o que leva alguns autores a chamarem a ES de modo de produção. Para tanto, primeiramente foi realizado um levantamento de dados que expressam as características e dimensões dessa atividade no país. A seguir foram expostos os argumentos do principal autor e defensor do tema, Paul Singer, e colocadas críticas de autores marxistas. Por fim, foi feita uma análise das pretensões e resultados das políticas públicas implementadas pela SENAES, para averiguar se, na prática, essas seriam, em algum grau, facilitadoras da superação do capitalismo, ou se somente se limitam à parte da população excluída do mercado de trabalho


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The present study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the Creative Economy and Traditional Economy, highlighting the importance of each one on the economic development of the state of São Paulo. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the performance of the key sectors that comprise these economies, between the years 2002 and 2012, using data collected in the Annual Report (RAIS) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE ). The information obtained is related to the share of each sector in formal employment, average and generated in each sector worker remuneration, qualification worked as the level of education acquired, the distribution of workers according to gender in each economic sector among others. The use of these factors are of great importance because trends characterize the current situation of the labor market. Analysis of the share of each sector of the creative economy and also the Traditional Economy in the economic development of the state of São Paulo is constructed through graphs and tables and the results show a difference in the training of workers in both economies, as well as a difference in their incomes


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This work is about a development of a vacuum solar water heater. To accomplish this, some measurements were made, such as flow, water temperature and room temperature, relative humidity, solar power density and wind speed. It first presents a brief explanation about the global situation in relation to the accelerated use of exhaustible energy sources which can result in a breakdown of these for future generations. From this, is proposed to analyze this solar water heater with vacuum tubes during the winter season in Brazil southeastern region, under different environmental conditions. From such ideas became possible to prove through the experimental part, calculations and graphical results that technology and the performance of this device are technical and economically viable, according to the life cycle of this. It was also found that the average monthly production in a maximum heat stroke situation was 193,33kWh and minimum isolation was 57,76kWh. This reveals that this instrument should start to be examined more closely by all, as a way to reduce the use of electricity, which will protect the environment without reducing the comfort of people


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Este trabalho visa definir o conceito de escravidão moderna como as condições análogas ao trabalho escravo e como este afeta a vida de milhares de cidadãos brasileiros na vasta região amazônica. Serão apresentados dados de organizações mundiais sobre o trabalho escravo moderno, estudos brasileiros que corroboram a argumentação de que existem milhares de pessoas na Amazônia que são escravizadas e que estão em condições degradantes de vida nas mais diversas atividades econômicas. Focar-se-á na atividade de criação bovina, pois, além de ser muito difícil analisar todas as atividades econômicas com a devida importância que cada uma merece, a atividade em estudo é a que mais emprega mão-de-obra escrava atualmente na região Amazônica