917 resultados para E-grandis


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Se describen las características de las principales maderas tropicales con uso en España. La descripción incluye el nombre científico, sinonimias, nombres vulgares, su distribución en el mundo y en España, la descripción del fuste y de las trozas, con sus defectos más característicos, la descripción de la madera, sus características físicas, mecánicas, resistentes y durables. También se incluye sus aspectos tecnológicos, en el sentido de indicar que aspectos deben considerarse a la hora de trabajar estas maderas. Por último se indican los usos más comunes de las distintas maderas, las ventajas e inconvenientes frente a otras maderas Las especies principales que se describen son las siguientes: Algarrobo blanco, Prosopis alba, Grisebach Andiroba, Carapa guianensis, Aubl. Balsamo, Myroxylon balsamun, Harms. Sandwith. Barba jolote, Pithecolobium arboreum (L), Urban. Bubinga, Guibourtia tessmanii Caoba, Swietenia macrophylla, King. Cedro, Cedrela odorata, L. Cenizaro, Pithecellobium saman, (Jacq.) Benth Chinchon, Guarea grandiflora, A. DC. Cocobolo, Dalbergia retusa, Hemsl Cristobal, Platysmicium polystachyum Elondo o tali, Erythrophleum ivorensis Espavé, Anacardium excelsum, Skeels Gonzalo Alves, Astronium graveolens, Jacquin. Guayabillo, Terminalia lucida, Hoff. Guapaque, Dialium guianense, (Aubl.) Sandwith. Guayacán, Guaiacum sanctum, L. Huesito Homalium racemosum, Jacq. Ipe, Tabebuia guayacan, Hemsl. Iroko, Milicia excelsa Sim Jatoba, Hymenaea courbaril L. Machiche, Lonchocarpus castilloi, Standley. Manil, Symphonia globulifera, L. Marupa, Simarouba glauca, DC. Melina, Gmelina arborea, Roxb. Mongoy, Guibourtia ehie J. Léonard Nance, Byrsonima crassifolia (L.), H.B.K. Nazareno, Peltogyne purpurea Nispero, Manilkara zapota, (L.) Van royen. Palo blanco, Cybitax donnell- smith , Seibert. Pino amarillo, Erblichia odorata Piojo, Tapirira guianensis, Aubl. Quaruba, Vochysia guatemalensis, Donnell Smith Quira, Platysmicium pinnatum. Redondo, Magnolia yoroconte, Dandy. Rosul, Dalbergia tucurensis, Donn-Smith. Sande, Brossimiun ssp San juan areno, Ilex ssp. Saqui-saqui, Bombacopsis quinatum, (Jacq.) Dugand Santa maría, Calophyllum brasílíense Camb. Sapelly, Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague Tamboril, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Gris Teca, Tectona grandis, L.F.. Ukola, Tieghemella africana Ururucana, Hieronyma alchorneoides, Allem


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Three MADS-box genes were identified from a cDNA library derived from young flowers of Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. The three egm genes are single-copy genes and are expressed almost exclusively in flowers. The egm1 and egm3 genes shared strongest homology with other plant MADS-box genes, which mediate between the floral meristem and the organ-identity genes. The egm3 gene was also expressed strongly in the receptacle or floral tube, which surrounds the carpels in the eucalypt flower and bears the sepals, petals, and numerous stamens. There appeared to be a group of genes in eucalypts with strong homology with the 3′ region of the egm1 gene. The egm2 gene was expressed in eucalypt petals and stamens and was most homologous to MADS-box genes, which belong to the globosa group of genes, which regulate organogenesis of the second and third floral whorls. The possible role of these three genes in eucalypt floral development is discussed.


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Grand fir (Abies grandis) saplings and derived cell cultures are useful systems for studying the regulation of defensive oleoresinosis in conifers, a process involving both the constitutive accumulation of resin (pitch) in specialized secretory structures and the induced production of monoterpene olefins (turpentine) and diterpene resin acids (rosin) by nonspecialized cells at the site of injury. The pathways and enzymes involved in monoterpene and diterpene resin acid biosynthesis are described, as are the coinduction kinetics following stem injury as determined by resin analysis, enzyme activity measurements, and immunoblotting. The effects of seasonal development, light deprivation, and water stress on constitutive and wound-induced oleoresinosis are reported. Future efforts, including a PCR-based cloning strategy, to define signal transduction in the wound response and the resulting gene activation processes are delineated.


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Six sites (759-764) were drilled on the Exmouth Plateau during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122. Nannofossilrich Cenozoic sediments were recovered at all six sites, reflecting the open-ocean conditions that prevailed over the Exmouth Plateau during the Cenozoic. Calcareous nannofossils are abundant, diverse (250 different species identified), and generally well preserved throughout the composite lower Paleocene to Quaternary section. The diversity and preservation of nannofossils permits a high degree of stratigraphic resolution at each site. Site 762 on the central part of the Exmouth Plateau contains an almost unbroken Cenozoic record (only Miocene Zones NN3, NN8, and NN10 are missing). This site may prove to be a useful Cenozoic biostratigraphic and biomagnetochronologic reference section for the eastern Indian Ocean.


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Calcareous nannofossils are abundant in the Paleogene sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120. Although no continuous Paleogene section was obtained, Sites 747 through 751 complemented each other so as to provide a virtually complete composite stratigraphic section. The calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy at Sites 747, 748, and 749 is discussed. Correlation of calcareous nannofossil biozones and magnetozones at these sites suggests some diachrony with low-latitude areas, as well as on a regional basis. Changes in calcareous nannofossil diversity throughout the Paleogene are analyzed and interpreted as reflecting major paleoclimatic events.