999 resultados para Dispositivo didáctico
This work describes the development of an electro-mechanical micro-discharges device operating at ambient condition of pressure and temperature, capable to produce plasma jets for surface finishing. The discharges are produced through a needle shape electrode hollow cathode type by which flows the helium gas. The voltage applied on the electrode is provided for an AC/AC switching voltage converter of full-bridge topology. The converter is energized by a power line of 110/220 VAC, 60 Hz and gives a 1000 V peak-to-peak from 5 kHz to 40 kHz square waveform output. The output frequency is defined by a control signal provided by an external signal generator. The equipment setup includes output acquisition of voltage and current and a photo-detector for photo-electrical measurements, which allows an optical characterization of the plasma jet
Recently technological resources have been used to facilitate the execution of several laboral activists. In this project it will be shown a device, which will help workers in healthy area to develop their activities, decreasing the wear of themselves and making the patient transfer to bed more efficient. Furthermore, this work will show a device project to transfer patients with motor restrictions. The focus of this device is to avoid fatigue and injury of workers, which will help the patient to decrease their discomfort and the risk of injury. In addition, the device will be developed and designed to be easy to use and with reduced fabric cost to facilitate the access of institutions as rest homes and the APAE
This paper presents a proposal to redesign a physical therapy device for patients with quadriplegia, called parapodium. With the help of the Association of Parents and Exceptional Friends of Guaratinguetá, it was possible to know the currently used device and from this it was conceived changes, allowing the increase of freedom of its central portion, in the down and across positions with mechanical drive . This adaptation is to introduce improvements in the routine of physical therapy professionals and reduce ergonomic problems resulting from repetitive strain during the transfer of patients to the parapodium. In addition to providing greater security for patients who require the use of this equipment. The proposed device comprises: wheel, gearbox and brake systems used for actuation, allowing a degree of turning of the rear post, along an axis which is fixed to the gearbox and the rear structure that permits posterior movement. The mechanism allows the rear post rotate from 0 ° to 90 °. The estimated cost to make the proposal is lower than the marketed parapodiuns, reaching the device's functional expectations
Se describe la experiencia docente llevada a cabo con un Proyecto de Biblioteca y Animación lectora cuyo propósito era aunar el proceso lector como vehículo de aprendizaje a la vez que como entretenimiento lúdico y creativo.
El primer objetivo de este trabajo consite en rediseñar un nuevo sistema defijación del injerto de LCA, basado en la expansión radial, partiendo del desarrollo en el D.I.M de la ULPGC. El segundo objetivo es validar experimentalmente este dispositivo medienat ensayos, en diferentes medios, comparando los resultados con el dispositivo más utilizado en la actualidad de acción interferencial. Se llega a la conclusión de que el tornillo de expansión precisa una mayor fuerza y de un mayor número de ciclos para la extracción del implante , culminando el objetivo básico de la tesis de validar experimentalmente el dispositivo.