911 resultados para Discrimination in housing


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This article discusses the role of EU anti-discrimination law in challenging EU anti-crisis measures from a critical legal studies perspective. Critical legal scholarship is defined through its challenge of ‘lex’ through the vision of ‘ius’ and its critical links with social movements. EU anti-discrimination law attracts critique for constituting a compartmentalised socio-legal field, which prevents justice for those at intersections of inequalities. By defining as the aim of anti-discrimination law the combat of disadvantage resulting from ascribed otherness around the nodes sex/gender, race/ethnicity, and disability, the article suggests a convincing normative vision suitable to de-compartmentalise the field and adequately address intersectionality. This critical legal perspective on intersectionality differs from its sociological counterparts by omitting class as a category. The article demonstrates that this distinction is necessary for EU anti-discrimination law to maintain its critical edge.


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O mercado imobiliário tem um papel importante nas economias modernas, tanto a nível macro como a nível micro. Ao nível macro, a construção de habitação representa um sector importante e influente na economia, com efeitos multiplicadores significativos sobre a produção e o emprego. Ao nível micro, uma residência representa o activo mais valioso da maioria dos indivíduos e uma parcela muito relevante da riqueza das famílias. Para estas, o custo e a qualidade das suas habitações influencia directa e indirectamente a sua qualidade de vida. A habitação é por isso mesmo um tema, que avaliado nas suas múltiplas dimensões, se caracteriza por ser bastante complexo, mas também ao mesmo tempo desafiante. De modo a delimitar o objecto de análise do trabalho de investigação, esta tese realça os aspectos de localização e distribuição espacial das habitações urbanas. Será desenvolvido um quadro conceptual e respectiva metodologia para a compreender a estrutura espacial da habitação urbana realçando os três aspectos fundamentais da análise espacial: heterogenidade espacial, dependência espacial e escala espacial. A metodologia, aplicada à área urbana de Aveiro e Ílhavo é baseada numa análise hedónica factorial de preços e na noção não geométrica do espaço. Primeiro, é fixada uma escala territorial e são definidos submercados habitacional. Posteriormente, quer a heterogeneidade quer a dependência espaciais são estudados utilizando métodos econométricos, sem considerar qualquer padrão fixo e conhecido de interações espaciais. Em vez disso, são desenvolvidos novos métodos,tendo como base o modelo hedónico factorial, para inferir sobre os potenciais drivers de difusão espacial no valor de uma habitação. Este modelo, foi aplicado a duas diferentes escalas espaciais, para compreender as preferências dos indivíduos em Aveiro ao escolher os seus locais de residencia, e como estas afectam os preços da habitação. O trabalho empírico, utilizando duas bases de dados de habitação distintas, aplicadas ao mercado de habitação de Aveiro mostram: i) em linha com a literatura, a dificuldade de definir submercados e compreender as inter-relações entre esses mercados; ii) a utilidade de uma abordagem híbrida, combinando análise factorial com regressão; iii) a importância fundamental que o efeito escala espacial desempenha no estudo da heterogeneidade e dos spillovers e, finalmente, iv) uma metodologia inovadora para analisar spillovers sem assumir aprioristicamente uma estrutura espacial específica de difusão espacial. Esta metodologia considera a matriz de pesos espaciais (W) desconhecida e estimatima as interações espaciais dentro e entre submercados habitação.


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Tese de dout., Turismo, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2013


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An important feature of UK housing policy has been the promotion of consortia between local authorities, private developers and housing associations in order to develop mixed tenure estates to meet a wide range of housing needs. Central to this approach has been a focus on the management of neighbourhoods, based on the assumption that high densities and the inter-mixing of tenure exacerbates the potential for incivility and anti-social behaviour and exerts a disproportionate impact on residents' quality of life. Landlord strategies are therefore based on a need to address such issues at an early stage in the development. In some cases community-based, third sector organisations are established in order to manage community assets and to provide a community development service to residents. In others, a common response is to appoint caretakers and wardens to tackle social and environmental problems before they escalate and undermine residents’ quality of life. A number of innovative developments have promoted such neighbourhood governance approaches to housing practice by applying community development methods to address potential management problems. In the process, there is an increasing trend towards strategies that shape behaviour, govern ethical conduct, promote aesthetic standards and determine resident and landlord expectations. These processes can be related to the wider concept of governmentality whereby residents are encouraged to become actively engaged in managing their own environments, based on the assumption that this produces more cohesive, integrated communities and projects positive images. Evidence is emerging from a number of countries that increasingly integrated and mutually supportive roles and relationships between public, private and third sector agencies are transforming neighbourhood governance in similar ways. This paper will review the evidence for this trend towards community governance in mixed housing developments by drawing on a series of UK case studies prepared for two national agencies in 2007. It will review in particular the contractual arrangements with different tenures, identify codes and guidelines promoting 'good neighbour' behaviour and discuss the role of community development trusts and other neighbourhood organisations in providing facilities and services, designed to generate a well integrated community. The second part of the paper will review evidence from the USA and Australia to see how far there is a convergence in this respect in advanced economies. The paper will conclude by discussing the extent to which housing management practice is changing, particularly in areas of mixed development, whether there is a convergence in practice between different countries and how far these trends are supported by theories of governmentality.


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The Equality Act 2010 was enacted with the aim of simplifying existing equality legislation and included extending age discrimination protection beyond the workplace to cover the provision of goods, facilities and services. Under-18s, however, were omitted from such provisions, despite lobbying from a number of different organisations and parliamentarians. This article considers the significance of this exclusion. It both challenges the legitimacy of the decision to exclude children, and considers the difficulties that arise from including under-18s within age discrimination provisions, namely those relating to children’s autonomy, capacity and right to equal treatment. In particular, it asks whether the question of children’s capacity to make decisions, the main ground on which children are denied all the human rights enjoyed by adults, should be revisited in light of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, under which a finding of incapacity on the basis of disability constitutes discrimination. It goes on to explore other areas of convergence between childhood and disability studies, and particularly the benefits, and shortcomings, of a ‘social model’ approach to childhood.


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The Localism Act 2011 created an opportunity for local communities to form Neighbourhood Forums and to prepare their own Neighbourhood Development Plans in urban and rural areas in England. Initial reactions suggested that, rather than leading to the development of more housing, these initiatives would confirm all the stereotypes of local residents blocking unwanted development in their defined neighbourhoods. However, neighbourhood plans need to be in general conformity with the Core Strategies of higher-tier plans and have to undergo an examination by an independent person appointed by government. This paper discusses the role and purpose of neighbourhood plans and the evidence base on which they are founded. It then reviews the ways in which housing strategies and evidence of need are reflected in a sample of plans which have been adopted to date. It concludes with an assessment of the broader impact of neighbourhood plans on the planning process.


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The Localism Act 2011 created an opportunity for local communities to form neighbourhood forums and to prepare their own neighbourhood development plans in urban and rural areas in England. Initial reactions suggested that, rather than leading to the development of more housing, these initiatives would confirm all the stereotypes of local residents blocking unwanted development in their defined neighbourhoods. However, neighbourhood plans need to be in general conformity with the core strategies of higher-tier plans and often make provision for more new homes than planned before 2011. This article discusses the role and purpose of neighbourhood plans, the evidence base on which they are founded and some of the legal challenges which have helped clarify procedures. It then identifies two types of plan based on the ways housing strategies and evidence of need are reflected in a sample of 10 plans which have been made to date. It concludes that the voluntary nature of localism to date tends to favour more rural and affluent areas and ends with an assessment of the impact of neighbourhood plans on the planning process. It suggests that the implications for spatial planning may be far-reaching.


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Rail transport investments can influence housing market trends, as demonstrated in the literature. However many empirical researches highlight that different results can derive from different urban context applications and that each case should be threaten separately. It is for this reason that this paper is focused on the single case of the city of Naples, where many rail transport investments have been carried out in the last decades. The aim of this study is to give an interpretation of the housing values changes due to the opening of new metro stations. This study applies GIS tools in order to show the spatial distribution and the intensity of rail impacts in different areas of the urban system from 1994 to 2004. This study shows that the extent of the impacts varies from place to place and the effects intensity requires the presence of several complementary factors such as central location of the new stations and the presence of urban planning policies in the transit corridors. This again testifies how housing market is strictly related to the infrastructures investments planning and urban design.


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Raman spectroscopy has been applied to characterize fiber dyes and determine the discriminating ability of the method. Black, blue, and red acrylic, cotton, and wool samples were analyzed. Four excitation sources were used to obtain complementary responses in the case of fluorescent samples. Fibers that did not provide informative spectra using a given laser were usually detected using another wavelength. For any colored acrylic, the 633-nm laser did not provide Raman information. The 514-nm laser provided the highest discrimination for blue and black cotton, but half of the blue cottons produced noninformative spectra. The 830-nm laser exhibited the highest discrimination for red cotton. Both visible lasers provided the highest discrimination for black and blue wool, and NIR lasers produced remarkable separation for red and black wool. This study shows that the discriminating ability of Raman spectroscopy depends on the fiber type, color, and the laser wavelength.


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Iowa faces a signifi cant challenge over the next decade. In the words of a recent report, “The state faces the danger of worker and skill gaps that could undermine its businesses, erode the earning power of its workers, and slow its economic growth.” (Iowa Works Campaign, 2006) Iowa’s economic and demographic stability depends on attracting new immigrants and slowing the departure of residents. Eroding housing affordability and quality will make this more difficult. Housing alone cannot solve the problem, but it must be part of the solution. This study examines trends in the state’s major housing markets, analyzes the achievements of housing programs in the recent past, and incorporates input from more than 80 housing experts across the state. The second part of this study (included on the attached CD) analyzes housing’s impact on the economy. We developed three major policy recommendations.


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En dépit et à travers des difficultés et carences comme celles soulevées par les recherches de la Professeure Andrée Lajoie, le Canada est réputé un champion du monde en ce qui concerne l’égalité entre hommes et femmes. L’Europe pourra-t-elle suivre les exemples du Canada ? L’Union européenne n’a pas (ou pas encore) de constitution européenne, bien qu’une charte des droits fondamentaux ait été proclamée et qu’un traité établissant une constitution pour l’Europe ait été proposé, texte apportant des amendements aux traités constitutifs de l’Union. L’Union suivra-t-elle les expériences du Canada concernant la condition des femmes ? Pour voir plus clair, il faut considérer et évaluer le cadre de la réglementation en Europe, son influence sur les politiques variées des États membres, ainsi que les perspectives offertes par l’évolution sociale, tout en prenant en compte aussi les élargissements de l’Union européenne de 2004 et 2007 qui ont admis 12 nouveaux États membres.