1000 resultados para Direitos políticos
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Este trabalho visa definir o conceito de escravidão moderna como as condições análogas ao trabalho escravo e como este afeta a vida de milhares de cidadãos brasileiros na vasta região amazônica. Serão apresentados dados de organizações mundiais sobre o trabalho escravo moderno, estudos brasileiros que corroboram a argumentação de que existem milhares de pessoas na Amazônia que são escravizadas e que estão em condições degradantes de vida nas mais diversas atividades econômicas. Focar-se-á na atividade de criação bovina, pois, além de ser muito difícil analisar todas as atividades econômicas com a devida importância que cada uma merece, a atividade em estudo é a que mais emprega mão-de-obra escrava atualmente na região Amazônica
Características da técnica moderna -- O direito à vida perante aos avanços da técnica -- O direito à saúde na sociedade técnica -- O direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado -- A restrição da liberdade e a violação da privacidade e da intimidade pelo devassamento de bancos de dados.
Marchetto Patrícia BorbaNa sociedade contemporânea, além da esfera pública de poder, possuímos uma esfera privada de poder, na qual se encontra grandes empresas multinacionais. Esses novos “detentores do Poder” são particulares, grupos ou pessoas, que se tornaram de certa forma desproporcionais socialmente em relação ao restante da sociedade. Neste patamar se encontram as grandes indústrias farmacêuticas, as quais além de possuírem uma função de suma importância para a sociedade mundial concentram grande poder econômico, social e até mesmo político. Desta forma, observa-se a existência de uma responsabilidade social das indústrias farmacêuticas vinculada com a necessidade de respeitar certas diretrizes incluídas na temática da bioética, já que trabalham com a ciência estritamente relacionada com a saúde e a vida da pessoa humana, e dos Direitos Humanos em geral. No entanto, tais indústrias por vezes acabam praticando ações que desrespeitam tais preceitos, como a realização de pesquisas científicas com seres humanos sem respeito as normas que tutelam a matéria e gerando verdadeira lesão aos Direitos Humanos, causando um verdadeiro terror científico. Esta relação tirana de poder que as grandes indústrias farmacêuticas impõe perante a sociedade deve ser tutelada pelo Direito Penal, sobretudo, para além dos limites dos Estados em que ocorrem as condutas, buscando uma tutela penal internacional. Desta forma, o presente trabalho pretende demonstrar a importância da existência de uma tutela internacional, com a possível utilização do Tribunal Penal Internacional e o enquadramento de tais condutas como crimes contra a Humanidade.
This paper analyzes the opinions of legislators members of parliamentaries elites of Legislative Assemblies of the States of São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina on democracy. The opinions of legislators paulistas were collected using a questionnaire selfadministered and structured, while the opinions of legislators paranaenses and catarinenses were collected with the surveys “As elites administrativas, parlamentares e partidárias do Paraná, 1995-2006” and “Elites políticas e a democracia: os valores políticos dos parlamentares catarinenses da 16º Legislatura, 2007”. The results were: i) democracy is stable, ii) it is superior to any other type of regime, iii) is supported by some social policies and the use of voting and iv) democracy has support of various ideological currents.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the values of democracy in the opinions of the councillors of the cities of São Bernardo do Campo, Santo André and São Caetano do Sul. This paper analyzes the period of 2010 and the technique of collection and analysis data were based on the main research methods in the Social Sciences. The results were: i) democracy is stable, ii) it is superior to any other type of regime, iii) content support in some public policy and the use of voting and iv) democracy has the support of the various ideological options.
From a brief description of four different epistemological perspectives on human rights this article seeks to highlight the importance of critically discuss the history and the contradictions between these perspectives and the field of psychology both as science and professional practice. It is noteworthy that an ethical psychologist’s practice depends on a critical attitude towards science and human rights in its various interfaces.
This paper focuses on the Agrarian Question and examines the emergence of human rights from a historical perspective. Great emphasis is placed on the right to life guaranteed by the State Constitutions of the Countries of the World that contained an elaborate Bill of Rights, providing strategies of territorial integration through agrarian reform, allowing landless to reside on and use land as a means to restore their dignity which they were assigned at birth, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, although their rights have been usurped in the trajectories of their lives by social disruptions and exclusion. From this perspective, the agrarian reform might be understood in a way that allows settlers and people who live in rural areas to argue that the political process should be concerned with ensuring them equal rights taking into account all aspects of urban and social space.
Ribeira Valley, a region covered by the last continues area of the Atlantic Rain Forest in São Paulo State, in Brazil, is thus a preservation law and environmental control target, is now configurated as locus where emerge conflicts concerning economic and agricultural activities, particularly in places where befall public policies recognizing territorial rights – quilombo remnants, indigenous lands and sustainable development settlings. The research’s aim is to understand, considering each of these contexts, if and how a conservationist focus is assumed as a value and a strategy, connected to etnicity and traditionality, in order to actualize these social spaces.
Unlike neighboring countries whose constitutions define their multicultural and multiethnic statutes, the indigenous rights inscribed on Brazilian Constitution are primarily defined by the recognition of territorial occupation. At this moment when the political struggles brings into question the validity of these rights, the text aims to discuss the extent of its application since enactment of the Brazilian Constitution
This article discusses the Brazilian land problem related to property rights of rural land. After emphasizing the importance of land policies in order to define and distribute rural land properties rights, we show how in Brazil the institutions of rural land registering and cadastering as separated processes debilitates the property rights, making them vulnerable to the effective occupying actions. In order to illustrate it, in this article we analyze Data based in a Case Study of conflict and property rights distributions in an important farming and mining region of southern Para state, in Brazil.
Social theory is challenged to understand the density and complexity of social phenomena that arise from globalization. It is extremely important that social theory seeks to understand the meaning of war as a means of solving political conflicts and the flow of immigrants to major economic powers, which afflicts mankind. The aim of this paper is to understand the meaning of the social changes that alter and transform the society and the forms of community, having as object Italy and the immigration policy developed since the nineties.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPES)
In the last two decades, the United States have substantially increased their presence in Central Asia. Therefore their presence left China in an uncomfortable position, as China seeks to build a stable and peaceful environment in its near abroad, having under its influence all the countries of Central Asia. One of the ways used by the Chinese government to get closer to the countries of this region is through the oil. Being so, the Chinese oil companies buy rights of exploitation of oil and gas reserves in Central Asia and through this establishes and deepens friendly ties with these countries. This practice became known as oil diplomacy. This new tool of the Chinese government has a double effect: it increases the projection of the Chinese power and dilutes the American influence in the region. In other words, it displeases the United States, and in turn tries to be even more present in Central Asia. The main goal to be worked in this study is how the oil diplomacy increases Chinese influence in Central Asia and dilutes American power in the region. It also aims to explain how the United States uses its presence in Central Asia and on sea lines of communication used to transport oil to contain the Chinese expansion
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS