971 resultados para Digital Art


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Al maig de 2001, el Parlament Europeu i el Consell aprovaven la Directiva relativa a l'harmonització de determinats aspectes dels drets d'autor i drets afins als drets d'autor en la societat de la informació. L'aprovació d'aquest text culminava un llarg - i difícil - procés els orígens del qual hem de buscar en el Llibre Verd sobre drets d'autor i els drets afins en la Societat de la Informació aparegut el 1995.


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Les prioritats per als museus canvien. La missió de la nova museologia és convertir els museus en llocs per a gaudir i aprendre, cosa que fa que hagin de dur a terme una gestió financera molt semblant a la d'una empresa social que competeixi en el sector del lleure. Amb el pas del temps, els museus han d'establir i aplicar els criteris necessaris per a la supervivència, aplanant el terreny perquè altres institucions públiques siguin més obertes en els seus esforços per comunicar i difondre el seu patrimoni. Ja podem començar a parlar d'algunes conclusions comunament acceptades sobre el comportament dels visitants, que són necessàries per a planificar exposicions futures que vegin l'aprenentatge com un procés constructiu, les col·leccions com a objectes amb significat i les mateixes exposicions com a mitjans de comunicació que haurien de transformar la manera de pensar de l'espectador i que estan al servei del mateix missatge. Sembla que internet representa un mitjà efectiu per a assolir aquests objectius, ja que és capaç (a) d'adaptar-se als interessos i les característiques intel·lectuals d'un públic divers; (b) de redescobrir els significats dels objectes i adquirir un reconeixement sociocultural del seu valor per mitjà del seu potencial interactiu, i (c) de fer ús d'elements atractius i estimulants perquè tothom en gaudeixi. Per a aquest propòsit, és bàsic fer-nos les preguntes següents: quins criteris ha de seguir un museu virtual per a optimar la difusió del seu patrimoni?; quins elements estimulen els usuaris a quedar-se en una pàgina web i fer visites virtuals que els siguin satisfactòries?; quin paper té la usabilitat de l'aplicació en tot això?


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The pigments and the plasters of the Roman frescoes discovered at the House of Diana (Cosa, Grosseto, Italy) were analysed using non-destructive and destructive mineralogical and chemical techniques. The characterization of both pigments and plasters was performed through optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. The pigments were identified by Raman spectroscopy and submitted to stable isotope analysis. The results were integrated with the archaeological data in order to determine and reconstruct the provenance, trade patterns and the employment of the raw materials used for the elaboration of the frescoes.


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BACKGROUND: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing highly purified human Choriogonadotrophin (HP-hCG) and recombinant hCG (r-hCG) both administered subcutaneously for triggering ovulation in controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). METHODS: Multi-centre (n = 4), prospective, controlled, randomized, non-inferiority, parallel group, investigator blind design, including 147 patients. The trial was registered with www.clinicaltrials.gov, using the identifier: NCT00335569. The primary endpoint is the number of oocytes retrieved, while the secondary endpoints include embryo implantation, pregnancy and delivery rates as well as safety parameters. RESULTS: The number of retrieved oocytes was not inferior when HP-hCG was used as compared to r-hCG: the mean number was 13.3 (6.8) in HP-hCG and 12.5 (5.8) in the r-hCG group (p = 0.49) with a 95% CI (-1.34, 2.77). Regarding the secondary outcomes, there were also no differences in fertilization rate at 57.3% (467/815) vs. 61.3% (482/787) (p = 0.11), the number of embryos available for transfer and cryopreservation (2PN stage) and implantation, pregnancy and delivery rates. Furthermore, there were no differences in the number and type of adverse events reported. HP-hCG was therefore not inferior to r-hCG. CONCLUSIONS: HP-hCG and r-hCG are equally efficient and safe for triggering ovulation in ART and, both being administered subcutaneously, equally practical and well tolerated by patients.


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OBJECT: In this study the accuracy of multislice computerized tomography (MSCT) angiography in the postoperative examination of clip-occluded intracranial aneurysms was compared with that of intraarterial digital subtraction (DS) angiography METHODS: Forty-nine consecutive patients with 60 clipped aneurysms (41 of which had ruptured) were studied with the aid of postoperative MSCT and DS angiography. Both types of radiological studies were reviewed independently by two observers to assess the quality of the images, the artifacts left by the clips, the completeness of aneurysm occlusion, the patency of the parent vessel, and the duration and cost of the examination. The quality of MSCT angiography was good in 42 patients (86%). Poor-quality MSCT angiograms (14%) were a result of the late acquisition of images in three patients and the presence of clip or motion artifacts in four. Occlusion of the aneurysm on good-quality MSCT angiograms was confirmed in all but two patients in whom a small (2-mm) remnant was confirmed on DS angiograms. In one patient, occlusion of a parent vessel was seen on DS angiograms but missed on MSCT angiograms. The sensitivity and specificity for detecting neck remnants on MSCT angiography were both 100%, and the sensitivity and specificity for evaluating vessel patency were 80 and 100%, respectively (95% confidence interval 29.2-100%). Interobserver agreements were 0.765 and 0.86, respectively. The mean duration of the examination was 13 minutes for MSCT angiography and 75 minutes for DS angiography (p < 0.05). Multislice CT angiography was highly cost effective (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Current-generation MSCT angiography is an accurate noninvasive tool used for assessment of clipped aneurysms in the anterior circulation. Its high sensitivity and low cost warrant its use for postoperative routine control examinations following clip placement on an aneurysm. Digital subtraction angiography must be performed if the interpretation of MSCT angiograms is doubtful or if the aneurysm is located in the posterior circulation.


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Article on es fa un breu repàs a l'activitat plàstica desenvolupada a la ciutat de Girona en temps de La Guerra Civil (1936-1939) i on s' estableixen quinesvaren ser les manifestacions públiques, les notes que les caracteritzaren i llursprotagonistes principals


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Article que analitza la crítica d'art a la Girona franquista


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Digital holography microscopy (DHM) is an optical microscopy technique which allows recording non-invasively the phase shift induced by living cells with nanometric sensitivity. Here, we exploit the phase signal as an indicator of dry mass (related to the protein concentration). This parameter allows monitoring the protein production rate and its evolution during the cell cycle. ©2008 COPYRIGHT SPIE


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Reflexió sobre les possibilitats que tenen els espais d’art contemporani de les comarques gironines de constituir-se en punts de referència importants com a dinamitzadors de turisme cultural


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Repàs de l’activitat artística, concretament de la producció d’art contemporani, a les terres gironines, especialment als nuclis de Girona, Figueres i Olot entre les dècades dels 40 als 80


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This paper proposes to promote autonomy in digital ecosystems so that it provides agents with information to improve the behavior of the digital ecosystem in terms of stability. This work proposes that, in digital ecosystems, autonomous agents can provide fundamental services and information. The final goal is to run the ecosystem, generate novel conditions and let agents exploit them. A set of evaluation measures must be defined as well. We want to provide an outline of some global indicators, such as heterogeneity and diversity, and establish relationships between agent behavior and these global indicators to fully understand interactions between agents, and to understand the dependence and autonomy relations that emerge between the interacting agents. Individual variations, interaction dependencies, and environmental factors are determinants of autonomy that would be considered. The paper concludes with a discussion of situations when autonomy is a milestone