964 resultados para Dielectric resonator antenna
In the frame of inductive power transfer (IPT) systems, arrays of magnetically coupled resonators have received increasing attention as they are cheap and versatile due to their simple structure. They consist of magnetically coupled coils, which resonate with their self-capacitance or lumped capacitive networks. Of great industrial interest are planar resonator arrays used to power a receiver that can be placed at any position above the array. A thorough circuit analysis has been carried out, first starting from traditional two-coil IPT devices. Then, resonator arrays have been introduced, with particular attention to the case of arrays with a receiver. To evaluate the system performance, a circuit model based on original analytical formulas has been developed and experimentally validated. The results of the analysis also led to the definition of a new doubly-fed array configuration with a receiver that can be placed above it at any position. A suitable control strategy aimed at maximising the transmitted power and the efficiency has been also proposed. The study of the array currents has been carried out resorting to the theory of magneto-inductive waves, allowing useful insight to be highlighted. The analysis has been completed with a numerical and experimental study on the magnetic field distribution originating from the array. Furthermore, an application of the resonator array as a position sensor has been investigated. The position of the receiver is estimated through the measurement of the array input impedance, for which an original analytical expression has been also obtained. The application of this sensing technique in an automotive dynamic IPT system has been discussed. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the possible applications of two-dimensional resonator arrays in IPT systems. These devices can be used to improve system efficiency and transmitted power, as well as for magnetic field shielding.
Transfer of reaction products formed on the surfaces of two mutually rubbed dielectric solids makes an important if not dominating contribution to triboelectricity. New evidence in support of this statement is presented in this report, based on analytical electron microscopy coupled to electrostatic potential mapping techniques. Mechanical action on contacting surface asperities transforms them into hot-spots for free-radical formation, followed by electron transfer producing cationic and anionic polymer fragments, according to their electronegativity. Polymer ions accumulate creating domains with excess charge because they are formed at fracture surfaces of pulled-out asperities. Another factor for charge segregation is the low polymer mixing entropy, following Flory and Huggins. The formation of fractal charge patterns that was previously described is thus the result of polymer fragment fractal scatter on both contacting surfaces. The present results contribute to the explanation of the centuries-old difficulties for understanding the triboelectric series and triboelectricity in general, as well as the dissipative nature of friction, and they may lead to better control of friction and its consequences.
Nowadays the consumer market demands a gradually increase in the products' quality control. The manual control that exits, used in animal production, shows ineficiency in warrating an increasing percentual of the desirable quality, so this can only be reached when an effective animal tracebility system is applied, from birth to slaughter. Individual electronic identification presents high importance in this focus, providing information recorded directly from the animal. Electronic traceability uses electronic devices that emit a signal activated by a fixed reader placed where it is needed to record a certain event, or uses a manual reader which allows a higher independence of the operator. Knowing the importance of the electronic identification as a tool for applying traceability in animal production, this research had as objective to evaluate the use of transponders in order to garantee the manual reading as well as the fixed antenna reading. The following implant places were analized in piglet, just after their birth: 1) forehead, 2) external ear lobule, 3) the posterior auricular base, and 4) a transponder inserted in a earing implanted in the ear lobule. The factors of skin damage and migration were analized, as well as the reading efficiency. It was found that the best implant place was the posterior ear base.
Este trabalho faz uma análise das estimativas de teores de umidade obtidas com o método Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) comparativamente às determinadas com os métodos Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) e gravimétrico. Os dados foram obtidos em dois experimentos diferentes: um experimento controlado em laboratório buscando reproduzir um meio homogêneo onde foram obtidas as medidas de umidade com GPR (antenas de 1 GHz) e TDR, e outro experimento de campo onde foram obtidos dados com GPR (antenas de 200 MHz) e de amostras de solos do local. Para a obtenção das estimativas a partir do método GPR foram analisados os eventos relativos à onda de transmissão direta entre as antenas, onda refratada criticamente e onda refletida em interfaces com diferentes propriedades elétricas.O GPR mostrou-se sensível às variações de umidades presentes nos dois experimentos e apresentou boa correlação com os dados obtidos com TDR (REQM de0,007 m³m-3) e das amostras (REQM de 0,039 m³m-3).
Em 1848 Pasteur conjeturou que a rotação do plano de polarização da luz em um meio diluído é gerada pelas propriedades de simetria das moléculas do meio no qual a luz se propaga. O objetivo do nosso artigo é de mostrar que Pasteur estava correto usando conhecimentos de eletromagnetismo e mecânica quântica de um curso de graduação em física. Faremos um breve retrospecto das ideias básicas da teoria eletromagnética necessárias para o estudo da atividade óptica. A seguir, usando a teoria de perturbações em mecânica quântica e levando em conta as simetrias das moléculas calcularemos a atividade óptica do meio. Mostraremos que as previsões teóricas, que estão plenamente de acordo com os resultados experimentais, comprovam a hipótese de Pasteur.
This work focus on the influence of solvent on the photophysical properties of chlorophyll α and pheophytin. Both compounds are related to the photosynthesis process and are considered prototypes of photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy. Fluorescence measurements were developed using water/ethanol mixtures at different compositions, since both solvents could be employed in biological applications. The spectroscopic properties of these compounds undergo profound changes depending on water content in the ethanol due to auto-aggregation processes. The major hydrophobicity and the lower dielectric constant of ethanol when compared with water precluded significantly the auto-aggregation process of these compounds.
Two neotropical species of Toxophora Meigen, 1848 are redescribed (T. aurea Macquart, 1848 and T. leucon Séguy, 1930) and the male terminalia, female spermathecae, and the eggs are described and illustrated. Both species can be easily segregated from the other congeners by the following features: T. leucon: body covered with dark brown scales, longitudinal stripe formed by yellow scales on center of mesonotum, scutellum and abdomen, and abdomen slender; T. aurea: antenna with short dark brown scales, body covered with yellow scales and spots of dark brown scales with greenish reflex, wings without inter-radial vein, femora with yellow scales and without setae on males, and abdomen stout.
A imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) é o método de diagnóstico por imagem não invasivo mais sensível para avaliar as partes moles, particularmente o encéfalo, porém trata-se de uma técnica onerosa. O método fundamenta-se no fenômeno da ressonância magnética nuclear que ocorre quando núcleos atômicos com propriedades magnéticas presentes no corpo são submetidos a um campo magnético intenso, sendo posteriormente excitados por energia de radiofrequência e gerando, por sua vez, um sinal de onda de radiofrequência capaz de ser captado por uma antena receptora, passando por um processo matemático, chamado Transformada de Fourier, para posterior formação da imagem. Esse estudo objetivou realizar 10 exames completos da cabeça em cadáveres de cães normais à IRM e confeccionar um Atlas com as estruturas identificadas. As imagens foram adquiridas em um aparelho de ressonância magnética Gyroscan S15/HP Philips com campo magnético de 1,5Tesla. Os cadáveres foram posicionados com a cabeça no interior de uma bobina de cabeça humana e foram submetidos a cortes iniciais sagitais a partir de onde se planejou os cortes transversais e dorsais nas sequências de pulso spin-eco T1, T2 e DP. Em T1 utilizou-se TR=400ms e TE=30ms, T2 utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=80ms e na DP utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=30ms. A espessura do corte foi de 4mm, o número de médias foi igual a 2, a matriz foi de 256x256, o fator foi igual a 1,0 e o campo de visão foi de 14cm. A duração do exame completo da cabeça foi de 74,5minutos. As imagens obtidas com as sequências utilizadas e com a bobina de cabeça humana foram de boa qualidade. Em T1 a gordura tornou-se hiperintensa e o líquido hipointenso. Em T2 a gordura ficou menos hiperintensa e o líquido hiperintenso. A cortical óssea e o ar foram hipointensos em todas as sequências utilizadas devido a baixa densidade de prótons. A sequência DP mostrou o melhor contraste entre a substância branca e cinzenta quando comparada a T2 e a T1. T2 evidenciou o líquido cefalorraquidiano tornando possível a distinção dos sulcos e giros cerebrais. Através do exame de IRM foi possível, pelo contraste, identificar as estruturas ósseas componentes da arquitetura da região, músculos, grandes vasos venosos e arteriais e estruturas do sistema nervoso central, além de elementos do sistema digestório, respiratório e estruturas dos olhos entre outras. Nesse estudo as IRM adquiridas nas sequências T1, DP e T2 foram complementares para o estudo dos aspectos anatômicos da cabeça de cães demonstrando-os com riqueza de detalhes. O tempo requerido para o exame completo da cabeça é compátivel para uso em animais vivos desde que devidamente anestesiados e controlados. Os resultados obtidos por esse trabalho abrem caminho em nosso meio, para o estudo de animais vivos e para o início da investigação de doenças, principalmente as de origem neurológica, visto ser esta técnica excelente para a visibilização do encéfalo.
A ressonância magnética é a propriedade física exibida por núcleos de determinados elementos que, quando submetidos a um campo magnético forte e excitados por ondas de rádio em determinada freqüência (Freqüência de Larmor), emitem rádio sinal, o qual pode ser captado por uma antena e transformado em imagem. A imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) é o método de diagnóstico por imagem não-invasivo mais sensível para avaliar partes moles, particularmente o encéfalo, porém trata-se de uma técnica onerosa. Ela apresenta grande potencial diagnóstico, poucos efeitos deletérios e muitos benefícios a serem obtidos com o seu uso. Além disso, a IRM fornece informações anatômicas acuradas, imagens em qualquer plano do corpo, bom contraste e resolução espacial e por si só pode sugerir um diagnóstico. Porém, não permite um diagnóstico histológico específico e deve ser interpretada em contexto com outros achados clínicos e patológicos. Esta revisão teve como objetivos mostrar as bases físicas da ressonância magnética e propiciar mais conhecimento aos veterinários.
We describe the concept, the fabrication, and the most relevant properties of a piezoelectric-polymer system: Two fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) films with good electret properties are laminated around a specifically designed and prepared polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) template at 300 degrees C. After removing the PTFE template, a two-layer FEP film with open tubular channels is obtained. For electric charging, the two-layer FEP system is subjected to a high electric field. The resulting dielectric barrier discharges inside the tubular channels yield a ferroelectret with high piezoelectricity. d(33) coefficients of up to 160 pC/N have already been achieved on the ferroelectret films. After charging at suitable elevated temperatures, the piezoelectricity is stable at temperatures of at least 130 degrees C. Advantages of the transducer films include ease of fabrication at laboratory or industrial scales, a wide range of possible geometrical and processing parameters, straightforward control of the uniformity of the polymer system, flexibility, and versatility of the soft ferroelectrets, and a large potential for device applications e.g., in the areas of biomedicine, communications, production engineering, sensor systems, environmental monitoring, etc.
A compact frequency standard based on an expanding cold (133)CS cloud is under development in our laboratory. In a first experiment, Cs cold atoms were prepared by a magneto-optical trap in a vapor cell, and a microwave antenna was used to transmit the radiation for the clock transition. The signal obtained from fluorescence of the expanding cold atoms cloud is used to lock a microwave chain. In this way the overall system stability is evaluated. A theoretical model based on a two-level system interacting with the two microwave pulses enables interpretation for the observed features, especially the poor Ramsey fringes contrast. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.
This work is part of a research under construction since 2000, in which the main objective is to measure small dynamic displacements by using L1 GPS receivers. A very sensible way to detect millimetric periodic displacements is based on the Phase Residual Method (PRM). This method is based on the frequency domain analysis of the phase residuals resulted from the L1 double difference static data processing of two satellites in almost orthogonal elevation angle. In this article, it is proposed to obtain the phase residuals directly from the raw phase observable collected in a short baseline during a limited time span, in lieu of obtaining the residual data file from regular GPS processing programs which not always allow the choice of the aimed satellites. In order to improve the ability to detect millimetric oscillations, two filtering techniques are introduced. One is auto-correlation which reduces the phase noise with random time behavior. The other is the running mean to separate low frequency from the high frequency phase sources. Two trials have been carried out to verify the proposed method and filtering techniques. One simulates a 2.5 millimeter vertical antenna displacement and the second uses the GPS data collected during a bridge load test. The results have shown a good consistency to detect millimetric oscillations.
Luminescence properties of Eu(3+) doped germanate glasses containing either silver or gold nanoparticles (NPs) were investigated for excitation at 405 nm. Enhanced emissions and luminescence quenching of the Eu(3+) transitions in the range from 570 to 720 nm were observed for samples having various concentrations of metallic NPs. Electric-dipole and magnetic-dipole transitions that originate from the Eu(3+) level (5)D(0) exhibit large enhancement due to the presence of the metallic NPs. The results suggest that the magnetic response of rare-earth doped metal-dielectric composites at optical frequencies can be as strong as their electric response due to the confinement of the optical magnetic field. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3431347]
We analytically calculate the time-averaged electromagnetic energy stored inside a nondispersive magnetic isotropic cylinder that is obliquely irradiated by an electromagnetic plane wave. An expression for the optical-absorption efficiency in terms of the magnetic internal coefficients is also obtained. In the low absorption limit, we derive a relation between the normalized internal energy and the optical-absorption efficiency that is not affected by the magnetism and the incidence angle. This relation, indeed, seems to be independent of the shape of the scatterer. This universal aspect of the internal energy is connected to the transport velocity and consequently to the diffusion coefficient in the multiple scattering regime. Magnetism favors high internal energy for low size parameter cylinders, which leads to a low diffusion coefficient for electromagnetic propagation in 2D random media. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Using a quasitoroidal set of coordinates with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, Vlasov equation is solved for collisionless plasmas in drift approach and a perpendicular dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account plasma rotation and charge separation parallel electric field, it is found that an ion geodesic effect deform Alfveacuten wave continuum producing continuum minimum at the rational magnetic surfaces, which depends on the plasma rotation and poloidal mode numbers. In kinetic approach, the ion thermal motion defines the geodesic effect but the mode frequency also depends on electron temperature. A geodesic ion Alfveacuten mode predicted below the continuum minimum has a small Landau damping in plasmas with Maxwell distribution but the plasma rotation may drive instability.