1000 resultados para Diabetes e gravidez
One of the global targets for non-communicable diseases is to halt, by 2025, the rise in the age-standardised adult prevalence of diabetes at its 2010 levels. We aimed to estimate worldwide trends in diabetes, how likely it is for countries to achieve the global target, and how changes in prevalence, together with population growth and ageing, are affecting the number of adults with diabetes. We pooled data from population-based studies that had collected data on diabetes through measurement of its biomarkers. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends in diabetes prevalence-defined as fasting plasma glucose of 7.0 mmol/L or higher, or history of diagnosis with diabetes, or use of insulin or oral hypoglycaemic drugs-in 200 countries and territories in 21 regions, by sex and from 1980 to 2014. We also calculated the posterior probability of meeting the global diabetes target if post-2000 trends continue. We used data from 751 studies including 4,372,000 adults from 146 of the 200 countries we make estimates for. Global age-standardised diabetes prevalence increased from 4.3% (95% credible interval 2.4-7.0) in 1980 to 9.0% (7.2-11.1) in 2014 in men, and from 5.0% (2.9-7.9) to 7.9% (6.4-9.7) in women. The number of adults with diabetes in the world increased from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 (28.5% due to the rise in prevalence, 39.7% due to population growth and ageing, and 31.8% due to interaction of these two factors). Age-standardised adult diabetes prevalence in 2014 was lowest in northwestern Europe, and highest in Polynesia and Micronesia, at nearly 25%, followed by Melanesia and the Middle East and north Africa. Between 1980 and 2014 there was little change in age-standardised diabetes prevalence in adult women in continental western Europe, although crude prevalence rose because of ageing of the population. By contrast, age-standardised adult prevalence rose by 15 percentage points in men and women in Polynesia and Micronesia. In 2014, American Samoa had the highest national prevalence of diabetes (>30% in both sexes), with age-standardised adult prevalence also higher than 25% in some other islands in Polynesia and Micronesia. If post-2000 trends continue, the probability of meeting the global target of halting the rise in the prevalence of diabetes by 2025 at the 2010 level worldwide is lower than 1% for men and is 1% for women. Only nine countries for men and 29 countries for women, mostly in western Europe, have a 50% or higher probability of meeting the global target. Since 1980, age-standardised diabetes prevalence in adults has increased, or at best remained unchanged, in every country. Together with population growth and ageing, this rise has led to a near quadrupling of the number of adults with diabetes worldwide. The burden of diabetes, both in terms of prevalence and number of adults affected, has increased faster in low-income and middle-income countries than in high-income countries. Wellcome Trust.
We examined the association between lifecourse socioeconomic status (SES) and the risk of type 2 diabetes at older ages, ascertaining the extent to which adult lifestyle factors and systemic inflammation explain this relationship. Data were drawn from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) which, established in 2002, is a representative cohort study of ≥50-year olds individuals living in England. SES indicators were paternal social class, participants' education, participants' wealth, and a lifecourse socioeconomic index. Inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein and fibrinogen) and lifestyle factors were measured repeatedly; diabetes incidence (new cases) was monitored over 7.5 years of follow-up. Of the 6218 individuals free from diabetes at baseline (44% women, mean aged 66 years), 423 developed diabetes during follow-up. Relative to the most advantaged people, those in the lowest lifecourse SES group experienced more than double the risk of diabetes (hazard ratio 2.59; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 1.81-3.71). Lifestyle factors explained 52% (95%CI:30-85) and inflammatory markers 22% (95%CI:13-37) of this gradient. Similar results were apparent with the separate SES indicators. In a general population sample, socioeconomic inequalities in the risk of type 2 diabetes extend to older ages and appear to partially originate from socioeconomic variations in modifiable factors which include lifestyle and inflammation.
La DM1 se puede presentar a cualquier edad, pero su mayor incidencia se observa en menores de 15 años, con mayor frecuencia en edad preescolar y especialmente prepuberal. Representa alrededor del 1O% del total de formas de DM y constituye una de las alteraciones crónicas más frecuentes en la infancia y la adolescencia. La destrucción de las células β pancreáticas comporta un déficit absoluto de insulina en estos enfermos por lo que precisan tratamiento con insulina desde el momento del diagnóstico
There are not enough previous publications which are focused on mothers with well-controlled gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) as a risk factor that determines the occurrence of neonatal hypoglycemia. In addition, approaches to blood glucose monitoring have been inconsistent and poorly defined. Our objective is to determine if being a newborn from a mother with well-controlled gestational diabetes (regardless insulin treatment) have a higher risk to develop hypoglycemia than a healthy newborn, using a defined and strict protocol. The project will take place in a regional hospital of Girona. We will recruit from 2014 to 2015 a cohort of 623 infants born in this center without any malformation or any perinatal pathology or complication, selected with a consecutive sampling. We will record sex, ethnicity and gestational age information. We will measure blood glucose levels and anthropometric measurements in newborns always taking into account the presence of well-controlled maternal gestational diabetes or not. Patients will be followed up during 24 hours to determine the incidence of hypoglycemia. We will analyze the contribution between exposure factors that we have studied and the incidence of the outcome using a multivariate analysis
TCF7L2 is the susceptibility gene for Type 2 diabetes (T2D) with the largest effect on disease risk that has been discovered to date. However, the mechanisms by which TCF7L2 contributes to the disease remain largely elusive. In addition, epigenetic mechanisms, such as changes in DNA methylation patterns, might have a role in the pathophysiology of T2D. This study aimed to investigate the differences in terms of DNA methylation profile of TCF7L2 promoter gene between type 2 diabetic patients and age- and Body Mass Index (BMI)- matched controls. We included 93 type 2 diabetic patients that were recently diagnosed for T2D and exclusively on diet (without any pharmacological treatment). DNA was extracted from whole blood and DNA methylation was assessed using the Sequenom EpiTYPER system. Type 2 diabetic patients were more insulin resistant than their matched controls (mean HOMA IR 2.6 vs 1.8 in controls, P<0.001) and had a poorer beta-cell function (mean HOMA B 75.7 vs. 113.6 in controls, P<0.001). Results showed that 59% of the CpGs analyzed in TCF7L2 promoter had significant differences between type 2 diabetic patients and matched controls. In addition, fasting glucose, HOMA-B, HOMA-IR, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol correlated with methylation in specific CpG sites of TCF7L2 promoter. After adjustment by age, BMI, gender, physical inactivity, waist circumference, smoking status and diabetes status uniquely fasting glucose, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol remained significant. Taken together, newly diagnosed, drug-naïve type 2 diabetic patients display specific epigenetic changes at the TCF7L2 promoter as compared to age- and BMI-matched controls. Methylation in TCF7L2 promoter is further correlated with fasting glucose in peripheral blood DNA, which sheds new light on the role of epigenetic regulation of TCF7L2 in T2D.
Varhaislapsuuden virusinfektioiden, lehmänmaitopohjaisen äidinmaitovastikeen ja geneettisen alttiuden merkitys diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin kehittymisessä Tyypin 1 diabetes on autoimmuunisairaus, joka syntyy haiman insuliinia tuottavien beta-solujen tuhouduttua elimistön oman immuunipuolustusjärjestelmän hyökkäyksen seurauksena. Sekä perimän että ympäristötekijöiden arvellaan vaikuttavan tautiprosessiin, mutta taudin tarkkaa syntymekanismia ei tunneta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaislapsuuden ympäristötekijöiden vaikutusta beta-soluautoimmuniteetin syntyyn, erityispaino tutkimuksessa oli ympäristötekijöiden yhteisvaikutuksessa sekä geneettisten riskitekijöiden ja ympäristötekijöiden vuorovaikutuksessa. Varhaislapsuudessa sairastettu sytomegalovirus- tai enterovirusinfektio ei lisännyt beta-soluautoimmuniteetin riskiä lapsilla, joilla on geneettisesti kohonnut riski sairastua tyypin 1 diabetekseen. Ennen puolen vuoden ikää sairastettu rotavirusinfektio lisäsi hieman tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin riskiä. Tarkemmassa analyysissa varhaislapsuuden enterovirusinfektio osoittautui kuitenkin autovasta-aineiden muodostumisen riskitekijäksi niiden lasten joukossa, jotka olivat saaneet lehmänmaitopohjaista äidinmaidon vastiketta ensimmäisten elinkuukausien aikana. Tämä löydös viittaa enterovirusinfektion ja lehmänmaitopohjaisen vastikkeen yhteisvaikutukseen tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin synnyssä. Löydösten mukaan PTPN22 geenin C1858T polymorfismi vaikuttaa CD4+ T solujen aktivaatioon ja proliferaatiovasteeseen, 1858T alleeliin liittyy alentunut T-soluresepto-rivälitteinen aktivaatio. 1858T alleelin kantajuuteen liittyy lisäksi lisääntynyt autovasta-aineiden ja kliinisen diabeteksen ilmaantuvuus. Tämä yhteys rajoittui yksilöihin, jotka olivat altistuneet lehmänmaitopohjaiselle vastikkeelle ennen kuuden kuukauden ikää. Tulosten mukaan sekä ympäristötekijöiden väliset yhteisvaikutukset että perimä vaikuttavat yksittäisen ympäristötekijän merkitykseen tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin synnyssä. Nämä yhteisvaikutukset ympäristötekijöiden kesken ja perimän ja ympäristötekijöiden välillä selittävät aiemmin julkaistujen tulosten ristiriittaisuutta tutkimuksissa, joissa on analysoitu vain yhden ympäristötekijän vaikutusta diabeteksen ilmaantuvuuteen.
T cells are the key players in the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D), mediating autoimmune reactions leading to the destruction of insulin producing beta cells in the islets. We aimed to analyze the role of different T-cell subtypes in the autoimmunity and pathogenesis of T1D. The frequency of islet antigen-specific (GAD65-, proinsulin-, and insulin-specific) CD4+ T cells was investigated in vitro in T1D patients, at-risk individuals (diabetes-associated autoantibody positive), and in controls, using MHC class II tetramers. An overall higher frequency of CD4+ T-cells recognizing the GAD65 555−567 peptide was detected in at-risk individuals. In addition, increased CD4+ T-cell responses to the same GAD65 epitope displaying a memory phenotype were observed in at-risk and diabetic children, which demonstrate a previous encounter with the antigen in vivo. Avidity and phenotypic differences were also observed among CD4+ T-cell clones induced by distinct doses of GAD65 autoantigen. T-cell clones generated at the lowest peptide dose displayed the highest avidity and expressed more frequently the TCR Vβ5.1 chain than low-avidity T cells. These findings raise attention to the antigen dose when investigating the diversity of antigen-specific T cells. Furthermore, an increased regulatory response during the preclinical phase of T1D was also found in genetically at-risk children. Higher frequencies of regulatory T (Treg) cells (CD4+CD25high HLA-DR-/CD69-) and natural killer T (NKT) cells (CD161+Vbeta11+) were observed in children with multiple autoantibodies compared to autoantibody-negative controls. Taken together, these data showed increased frequency of islet-specific CD4+ T-cells, especially to the GAD65 555-567 epitope, and Treg and NKT cell upregulation in children at-risk for T1D, suggesting their importance in T1D pathogenesis
Para a promoção da saúde integral do adolescente, o PET-Saúde desenvolve ações integradas na comunidade do bairro São Marcos, região nordeste de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. O trabalho tem por objetivo conhecer a importância da gravidez na adolescência como um problema de saúde na área de abrangência. Em um estudo observacional retrospectivo, foi realizado um levantamento do número de adolescentes entre as grávidas da área de abrangência da Unidade de Saúde São Marcos. Foram utilizadas informações do Sistema Datasus, do Ministério da Saúde, registradas entre junho de 2009 e maio de 2010. As complicações gestacionais, abortamentos e partos prematuros registrados no Sinasc/Datasus, do Ministério da Saúde, foram levantadas no ano de 2009. A prevalência de adolescentes entre as grávidas foi de 22,1%. Entre os 33 registros, 45,4% tinham 18 ou 19 anos de idade. Não houve associação entre prematuridade e gravidez na adolescência (p = 0,29) ou entre abortamentos registrados e adolescência (p = 1,0). Conclui-se que a prevalência de gestação em adolescentes na área de abrangência é preocupante, confirmando a necessidade de uma abordagem específica na prevenção de sua ocorrência nessa população.
RESUMO O diabetes mellitus apresenta inúmeras lacunas na efetividade do seu tratamento, e a avaliação em serviço necessita ser contínua, sistemática e com dimensão orientadora de seus elementos intrínsecos: processo formativo e avaliação de competências profissional. Objetivo Apresentar o desenho didático de construção de ferramenta de avaliação de competências que o médico possui sobre o manejo do diabetes mellitus, com base em sua fisiopatologia. Métodos Estruturada como uma pesquisa participativa, o Ambiente Virtual de Avaliação de Competências, por meio de casos clínicos virtuais simulados, propõe um desenho aberto que vai sendo construído, avaliado, corrigido e melhorado durante sua execução. Resultados Com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), o instrumento foi desenvolvido no âmbito de uma pesquisa de mestrado vinculada à Telessaúde da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Validado o instrumento, viabilizou-se sua utilização por discentes e profissionais. Considerações As ações interativas propostas pelo ambiente virtual possibilitarão avaliar conhecimentos e identificar padrões que poderão melhorar conteúdos para manejo do DM. Propõe-se sua utilização na rede básica de saúde para confirmar sua validação, a fim de alcançar seus objetivos.
Dietary and microbial factors are thought to contribute to the rapidly increasing prevalence of T1D in many countries worldwide. The impact of these factors on immune regulation and diabetes development in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice are investigated in this thesis. Diabetes can be prevented in NOD mice through dietary manipulation. Diet affects the composition of intestinal microbiota, which may subsequently influence intestinal immune homeostasis. However, the specific effects of anti-diabetogenic diets on gut immunity and the explicit associations between intestinal immune disruption and type 1 diabetes onset remain unclear. The research presented herein demonstrates that newly weaned NOD mice suffer from a mild level of colitis, which shifts the colonic immune cell balance towards a proinflammatory status. Several aberrations can also be observed in the peritoneal B cells of NOD mice; an increase in activation marker expression, increased trafficking to the pancreatic lymph nodes and significantly higher antigen presenting cell (APC) efficiency towards insulin-specific T cells. A shift towards inflammation is likewise observed in the colon of germ-free NOD mice, but signs of peritoneal B cell activation are lacking in these mice. Remarkably, most of the abnormalities in the colon, peritoneal macrophages and the peritoneal B cell APC activity of NOD mice are abrogated when NOD mice are maintained on a diabetes-preventive, soy-based diet (ProSobee) from the time of weaning. Dietary and microbial factors hence have a significant impact on colonic immune regulation and peritoneal B cell activation and it is suggested that these factors influence diabetes development in NOD mice.