946 resultados para Deep Inference, Proof Theory, Teoria della Dimostrazione, Cut elimination, Gentzen Hauptsatz
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
The Markowitz's objective functions, Value-at-Risk and Conditional Value-at-Risk, are largely used tools in the financial Market for portfolio optimization. This paper tries to analyze these functions having as a target to adapt them for application in non-financial assets portfolios. The paper uses as an example the Electricity Market to analyze and optimize a fictitious investment portfolio of a possible electric power utility. Showing that, besides being possible, which considerations must be taken and which analysis must be made to apply the Modern Portfolio Theory in the non-financial universe
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
This text presents the Pedagogy of Alternating methodology, highlighting its contribution to re-think the formation of catadores of recycling materials (rubbish collectors). Whereas the use of this approach in the urban area is unusual, the goal of the article is to initiate a debate to promote further elaborations. Initially an overview of the Pedagogy of Alternating is presented and the main instruments used in this approach are commented. Two theoretical and methodological issues are indicated as challenges for catadores formation: the relations between Education and Work and the relations between Theory and Practice. The need to overcome dichotomy between these dimensions of human activity (that predominates in today's society) is defended. The catadores work reveals the exclusion of these workers of less organized sectors of production chains, with few opportunities to obtain better income and qualification. Overcome this gap requires an intense training to turn the catadores in recycling workers . To reach this goal the implementation of Alternating experiences between study and work in cooperatives and schools is not enough. A deep transformation is needed over the ways and subjects of both study and work, in order to create emancipating activities that promotes a full development of these workers.
Friedrich Schlegel’s novel, Lucinde, is here discussed as being part of a whole project for the establishment of the basis for a theory of modern novel. At the same time we try to point out some possible descendants of Schlegel’s ideas on the theory of the novel, as in Lukács and Walter Benjamin.
The aim of this paper is to show a cognitive semantic investigation on the idea of expectation, defined as a mental construct which organizes the thinking and works as specific motivation in the process of communication. Expectation is an idea that may be created in the speaker's or in the listener's mind. It may be verbalized or not. Its semantic information may not be realized in real life, bringing frustration to communication. This study of expectation suggested that it is useful to have a theory to explain what other approaches left over. The working methodology focused in the gathering of data related to the phenomenon and the procedures to explain them inside a cognitive approach. The utterances are directly dependent of how the mind words. Therefore, studying speech we can have an access to people's mind. The idea of expectation may be interpreted under different traditional semantic labels. However, there are some peculiarities that can be explained only by a cognitive approach to language. We find words and phrases in the languages which reveal the presence of an expectation, such as "I think that...", "there has been an expectation about..." All answers are expected to fulfill an expectation. This investigation brought evidence that the mental expectation is essential to the act of communication. Therefore, the study of expectation in languages and in people's mind is important for the researches on cognitive semantics.
This article aims to discuss and reflect on the contributions of the Critical Theory of Society called for the field of education in times of increasing technological development. Therefore, we look to the works of three authors exponents of Critical Theory: Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, highlighting the reflections and analyzes of these authors and using them as input in the educational field. The selfreflective and self-education is conceived in its potential to overcome the conditions of domination that remain in our society increasingly technified and supposedly democratic. Thus, the educational praxis think it seems like something urgent and necessary to be broken with certain conditions that keeps our potential to barbarism.
By understanding the reader as a central link to the meaning of the literary text and with the opportunity to extend the relevance of such studies, this work aims at analyzing the short story A benfazeja, by João Guimarães Rosa, with subsidies from Aesthetic Response Theory, by Wolfgang Iser. It investigates how structures of the text conduct the reading, in a subversive manner, by technique, repertory of themes, allusions, inversions of expectations, determinations and “gaps”. It verifies that there is an allegorical court with a persuasive rhetoric, in which the defense lawyer not only intends to protagonist MulaMarmela’s absolution, but also an invitation to new ways to see and judge to implied reader, beyond obvious reason and prejudice.
Introducing the theoretical trajectory of social representations theory, outline here the parallel between this theory in social psychology and the Bakhtinian concept of ideology. Both approaches include individual and society as inseparable and views the array of social construction of knowledge forms, related to day-to-day, or composed by formal record of science, as state, religion etc. With this interdisciplinary study, although limited, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of theories that have made important contributions to social psychology, linguistics, ethnography, cultural studies etc.
The history of historiography in recent decades has the breathing space needed in the concerns of historians and has been transformed into a research field with its own issues. Uploaded this in perspective, this paper aims to understand how aspects of the theory of history and methodology have been addressed by Afonso de Escragnolle Taunay (1876-1958). We selected the letters exchanged by the author, the speeches of acceptance at the ABL, some articles and books produced by Taunay in the 1930s. In the first decades of the twentieth century, when it sought to define the historiography and its limits in both the literature and social science sources, the subjectivity is presented as the final decision making of the author, especially those related to the new site production Taunay, the Brazilian Academy of Letters.
This article aims at developing the so-called ontopolitics as G. Deleuze s innovative contribution to contemporary political philosophy. This objective will lead us to inspect the concept of power that Deleuze borrowed from Foucault and extended in order to assign to it an ontological adequacy. The concept of power opens access to another important element of the Deleuzean political philosophy, that is, the study of the historical diagrams of the power in the so-called discipline and control societies. With the combined dynamical diagram of both, we become aware of the portrait Deleuze draws for the democracy in contemporary societies. Digging into the Deleuzean ontopolitics, we will devote ourselves to the concepts of majority, minority and minor-becoming. It is in this point that the meeting between Deleuze s ontoplitics and Ch. Sanders Peirce s mathematical ontology becomes sound. It happens that Deleuze s ontopolitical concepts, besides their bond to an ontology of the power, receive also a mathematical treatment related to certain arithmetical (denumerable and nondenumerable) and geometrical notions (lines). The majorities and minorities are denumerable sets which are crossed by nondenumerable becomings. This step done, we will reach the stand point of the present paper, where we carry out initial approach with regard to an image for the concepts of majority and minority on the basis of Peirce s theory of collections and multitudes, mostly envisaging the mathematical ontology included in it. Accordingly, the main operation to be accomplished is that the Deleuzean distinction between the denumerable majorities/minorities and the nondenumerable mino-becoming may be mapped out in terms of discrete collections called enumerable, denumerable and abnumerable or postnumerable, in compliance with Peirce s terminology.
This article aims to question the knowledge created with psychology, taking a quick passage through the discourses of this science since its birth and questioning what is the implication of this knowledge to the children constituition. Then, we will reassemble the context in which it was forged and what revolutions in the ways of conceiving life became possible after the psychology advent being estabilished as a field of autonomous knowledge. Furthermore, as a way to illustrate what we understand about the psychology constituition of childhood we will discuss some aspects of Jean Piaget's theory in an attempt to elucidate how this speach was (and is) widely applied and "naturalized" in such way, that nowadays it is common to speak of "stages of development" when referring to children. To realize that problem, we will support the studies of Michel Foucault about the production of knoledge and especially of knowledge “psy” and what is its importance for the children.
The Frankfurt critical theory and the French post-structuralism are important lines of thought in the philosophy of education, which inspired several academic productions in recent decades. In the 1950s and 1960s, both opposed philosophical resistance against many types of totalitarianism. One big difference between the two lines of thought has been the critical of the dialectic considered an insufficient method to think about the difference (Deleuze) and the reaffirmation of a negative dialectic (Adorno). This article intends to analyze the thematic affinities and the differences of method between the thought of these two authors.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)