877 resultados para Cultura material indígena


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A two-dimensional model has been developed based on the experimental results of stainless steel remelting with the laminar plasma technology to investigate the transient thermo-physical characteristics of the melt pool liquids. The influence of the temperature field, temperature gradient, solidification rate and cooling rate on the processing conditions has been investigated numerically. Not only have the appropriate processing conditions been determined according to the calculations, but also they have been predicted with a criterion established based on the concept of equivalent temperature area density (ETAD) that is actually a function of the processing parameters and material properties. The comparison between the resulting conditions shows that the ETAD method can better predict the optimum condition.


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Cowper-Symonds and Johnson-Cook dynamic constitutive relations are used to study the influence of both strain rate effect and temperature variation on the material intrinsic length scale in strain gradient plasticity. The material intrinsic length scale decreases with increasing strain rates, and this length scale increases with temperature.


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La Facultad de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente (FARENA) de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA) en conjunto con la Secretaria Técnica de BOSAWAS (SETAB) y el Proyecto Reserva de Biósfera Transfronteriza “Corazón del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano” (PRBT - CCBM) , consideraron como objetivo principal d el presente estudio adecuar un instrumento de e valuación de la efectividad de manejo de la Reserva de Biosfera BOSAWAS (RB B), considerando las prácticas, costumbres y tradiciones de los pueblos indígenas Mayangnas y Miskitus d e Jinotega y RAAN, que habitan dentro de este valioso espacio natural d e Nicaragua . Fueron seleccionados tres modelos metodológicos de evaluación (CIPIPPR, RAPPAM y CIPP) para adecuar y aplicar un solo modelo denominado “ c iclo de evaluación – CPPPR” . Con la implementación del nuevo mode lo : (1) se evaluó el c ontexto de los pueblos indígenas desde el punto de vista de su cosmovisión , cultura y administración indígena ; (2) se p lanific aron los p rocesos logísticos, financieros, informantes claves o grupo meta, metodologías participativas para cada taller programado y las formas de recabar la información de manera flexible en cada encuentro ; (3) se obtuvieron los p roductos requeridos para ir generando el instrumento de evaluación de la efectividad de manejo en conjunto con los participantes ind ígenas y se realizaron tres evaluaciones en los períodos 2010, 2011 y 2012 ; (4) y con los r esultados de los 5 talleres - encuentros realizados se identificaron los ámbitos, criterios e indicadores propios para estos pueblos indígenas. La propuesta del nuevo Instrumento denominado e valuación de la e fectividad de m anejo de la RBB por los pueblos indígenas Mayangnas y Miskitos, fue oficializado por l os gobiernos territoriales indígenas (GTI) por su ley de autonomía y publicado por MARENA como “Los indígena de BO SAWAS, apropiados y restituidos en el derecho de seguimiento al cuido, amor y resguardo de la madre tierra. Est e instrumento orienta a los GTI c ó mo monitorear y evalua r cuantitativa mente (valores numéricos y p onderaciones ) y cualitativa mente ( revisión y an álisis de sus condiciones en función de su ponderación adquirida y escenario óptimo ) . El instrumento comprende 4 ámbitos , 12 Criterios y 36 indicadores constru idos conjunta y consensuadamente por los líderes indígenas participantes con su propio sentir, co nceptos, tradiciones, necesidades y cosmovisión que les caracterizan . Participaron un promedio de 18 líderes indígenas de 7 territorios convocados, con poca as istencia de mujeres indígenas . La calificación ponderada resultante de la s tres evaluaciones real izadas indica que el pueblo Miskitus desde su perspectiva valora su efectividad de manejo de ntro del Área protegida RBB con e l 68% del cumplimiento , alcanzando una calificación de 122 puntos ; y el territorio Mayangna la evalúa con el 52%, equivalente a 96 puntos. S in embargo al ubicar el valor del cumplimiento en función de la escala de calificaciones , amb a s etnias se ubican en la ponderación de ACEPTABLE. Los líderes coincide n que el instrumento es una vía para el desar roll o de capacidades de auto gestiones locales y regionales para alcanzar el manejo Satisfactorio u óptimo para sus pueblos


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Modeling study is performed concerning the heat transfer and fluid flow for a laminar argon plasma jet impinging normally upon a flat workpiece exposed to the ambient air. The diffusion of the air into the plasma jet is handled by using the combined-diffusion-coefficient approach. The heat flux density and jet shear stress distributions at the workpiece surface obtained from the plasma jet modeling are then used to study the re-melting process of a carbon steel workpiece. Besides the heat conduction within the workpiece, the effects of the plasma-jet inlet parameters (temperature and velocity), workpiece moving speed, Marangoni convection, natural convection etc. on the re-melting process are considered. The modeling results demonstrate that the shapes and sizes of the molten pool in the workpiece are influenced appreciably by the plasma-jet inlet parameters, workpiece moving speed and Marangoni convection. The jet shear stress manifests its effect at higher plasma-jet inlet velocities, while the natural convection effect can be ignored. The modeling results of the molten pool sizes agree reasonably with available experimental data.


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In order to study the failure of disordered materials, the ensemble evolution of a nonlinear chain model was examined by using a stochastic slice sampling method. The following results were obtained. (1) Sample-specific behavior, i.e. evolutions are different from sample to sample in some cases under the same macroscopic conditions, is observed for various load-sharing rules except in the globally mean field theory. The evolution according to the cluster load-sharing rule, which reflects the interaction between broken clusters, cannot be predicted by a simple criterion from the initial damage pattern and even then is most complicated. (2) A binary failure probability, its transitional region, where globally stable (GS) modes and evolution-induced catastrophic (EIC) modes coexist, and the corresponding scaling laws are fundamental to the failure. There is a sensitive zone in the vicinity of the boundary between the GS and EIC regions in phase space, where a slight stochastic increment in damage can trigger a radical transition from GS to EIC. (3) The distribution of strength is obtained from the binary failure probability. This, like sample-specificity, originates from a trans-scale sensitivity linking meso-scopic and macroscopic phenomena. (4) Strong fluctuations in stress distribution different from that of GS modes may be assumed as a precursor of evolution-induced catastrophe (EIC).


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In this paper, discussions are focused on the growth of a nucleated void in a viscoelastic material. The in situ tensile tests of specimens made of high-density polyethylene, filled with spherical glass beads (HDPE/GB) are carried out under SEM. The experimental result indicates that the microvoid nucleation is induced by the partially interfacial debonding of particles. By means of the Laplace transform and the Eshelby's equivalent inclusion method, a new analytical expression of the void strain at different nucleation times is derived. It can be seen that the strain of the nucleated void depends not only on the remote strain history, but also on the nucleation time. This expression is also illustrated by numerical examples, and is found to be of great usefulness in the study of damage evolution in viscoelastic materials.


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The dynamic response of a finite crack in an unbounded Functionally Graded Material (FGM) subjected to an antiplane shear loading is studied in this paper. The variation of the shear modulus of the functionally graded material is modeled by a quadratic increase along the direction perpendicular to the crack surface. The dynamic stress intensity factor is extracted from the asymptotic expansion of the stresses around the crack tip in the Laplace transform plane and obtained in the time domain by a numerical Laplace inversion technique. The influence of graded material property on the dynamic intensity factor is investigated. It is observed that the magnitude of dynamic stress intensity factor for a finite crack in such a functionally graded material is less than in the homogeneous material with a property identical to that of the FGM crack plane.


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We demonstrate a parameter extraction algorithm based on a theoretical transfer function, which takes into account a converging THz beam. Using this, we successfully extract material parameters from data obtained for a quartz sample with a THz time domain spectrometer. © 2010 IEEE.


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Contenido: El aristotelismo y el tomismo frente al egoísmo psicológico / María L. Lukac de Stier – El deseo natural de ver a Dios en la Summa contra Gentiles / Guillermo Jorge Cambiasso – La creación como encuentro del ser y de la nada en la teología del maestro Eckhart de Hochheim O.P. (1260-1327) / Brian J. Farrelly – Malebranche y el libertinage érudit / Francisco Leocata – The problem of person and Jean Mouroux / John M. McDermott ; Glenn J. Comandini – Los fundamentos de la Bioética de H. Tristram Engelhardt / Jorge Martínez Barrera – Cuando las contradictorias son verdaderas / Marisa Villalba de Tablón – Examen del escepticismo moral y del relativismo moral / Camilo Tale – Saint Thomas et le mystère de la création : une réponse aux interrogations de l’homme d’aujourd’hui / Marie-Dominique Philippe – La finalidad de la naturaleza humana : alcance y actualidad de la cuestión / Beatriz Eugenia Reyes Oribe – La providencia y el gobierno del mundo / Alberto Caturelli – Saint Thomas et le problème de la possibilité d’un univers créé éternel / Alain-Marie de Lassus – La causalidad material de los elementos en la generación de los cuerpos mixtos / Mario Enrique Sacchi -- Bibliografía


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La escasez de órganos para donación y trasplante es un problema acuciante que involucra a toda la sociedad. Existen diversos prejuicios, racionales y emocionales, por los que muchas personas son reacias a donar sus órganos, sin saber o sin comprender que este gesto podría salvar vidas. El autor ahonda en esta problemática médico-social y plantea una propuesta para revertirla, comenzando con la educación desde el nivel primario y abarcando diferentes niveles educativos y ámbitos de la sociedad. Pone especial énfasis en la formación de los jóvenes, y su entorno social y familiar, quienes juegan un papel preponderante en el desarrollo de futuros programas educativos. Esta propuesta es integral y no implica controversias legales ni éticomorales, por lo que se presenta como una alternativa para derribar las barreras, conscientes e inconscientes, y la desinformación generadoras de una sociedad no donante que se niega una posibilidad de vida a sí misma.


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Diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings were deposited on to silicon, glass and metal substrates, using an rf-plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (rf-PECVD) process. The resultant film properties were evaluated in respect of material and interfacial property control, based on bias voltage variation and the introduction of inert (He and Ar) and reactive (N2) diluting gases in a CH4 plasma. The analysis techniques used to assess the material properties of the films included AFM, EELS, RBS/ERDA, spectroscopic, electrical, stress, microhardness, and adhesion. These were correlated to the tribological performance of the coatings using wear measurements. The most important observation is that He dilution (>90%) promotes enhanced adhesion with respect to all substrate material studies. Coatings typically exhibit a microhardness of the order of 10-20 GPa in films 0.1material and interfacial property control, based on bias voltage variation and the introduction of inert (He and Ar) and reactive (N2) diluting gases in a CH4 plasma. The analysis techniques used to assess the material properties of the films included AFM, EELS, RBS/ERDA, spectroscopic, electrical, stress, microhardness, and adhesion. These were correlated to the tribological performance of the coatings using wear measurements. The most important observation is that He dilution (>90%) promotes enhanced adhesion with respect to all substrate materials studied. Coatings typically exhibit a microhardness of the order of 10-20 GPa in films 0.1 < d < 2 μm thick, with associated electrical resistivity in the range 108 < ρ < 1012 Ω·cm, coefficient of friction <0.1 and surface RMS roughness as low as 2 A. The results are discussed with respect to surface pre-treatment, ion surface bombardment, interfacial reactivity and changes in plasma gas breakdown processes.