965 resultados para Crossing experiments, Baculoviridae, Yeast Two-Hybrid System, Resistance management, sex-linkage


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Angepasste Kommunikationssysteme für den effizienten Einsatz in dezentralen elektrischen Versorgungsstrukturen - In öffentlichen Elektrizitätsnetzen wird der Informationsaustausch seit längerem durch historisch gewachsene und angepasste Systeme erfolgreich bewerkstelligt. Basierend auf einem weiten Erfahrungsspektrum und einer gut ausgebauten Kommunikationsinfrastruktur stellt die informationstechnische Anbindung eines Teilnehmers im öffentlichen Versorgungsnetz primär kein Hemmnis dar. Anders gestaltet sich dagegen die Situation in dezentralen Versorgungsstrukturen. Da die Elektrifizierung von dezentralen Versorgungsgebieten, mittels der Vernetzung vieler verteilter Erzeugungsanlagen und des Aufbaus von nicht an das öffentliche Elektrizitätsnetz angeschlossenen Verteilnetzen (Minigrids), erst in den letzten Jahren an Popularität gewonnen hat, sind nur wenige Projekte bis dato abgeschlossen. Für die informationstechnische Anbindung von Teilnehmern in diesen Strukturen bedeutet dies, dass nur in einem sehr begrenzten Umfang auf Erfahrungswerte bei der Systemauswahl zurückgegriffen werden kann. Im Rahmen der Dissertation ist deshalb ein Entscheidungsfindungsprozess (Leitfaden für die Systemauswahl) entwickelt worden, der neben einem direkten Vergleich von Kommunikationssystemen basierend auf abgeleiteten Bewertungskriterien und Typen, der Reduktion des Vergleichs auf zwei Systemwerte (relativer Erwartungsnutzenzuwachs und Gesamtkostenzuwachs), die Wahl eines geeigneten Kommunikationssystems für die Applikation in dezentralen elektrischen Versorgungsstrukturen ermöglicht. In Anlehnung an die klassische Entscheidungstheorie werden mit der Berechnung eines Erwartungsnutzens je Kommunikationssystems, aus der Gesamtsumme der Einzelprodukte der Nutzwerte und der Gewichtungsfaktor je System, sowohl die technischen Parameter und applikationsspezifischen Aspekte, als auch die subjektiven Bewertungen zu einem Wert vereint. Mit der Ermittlung der jährlich erforderlichen Gesamtaufwendungen für ein Kommunikationssystem bzw. für die anvisierten Kommunikationsaufgaben, in Abhängigkeit der Applikation wird neben dem ermittelten Erwartungsnutzen des Systems, ein weiterer Entscheidungsparameter für die Systemauswahl bereitgestellt. Die anschließende Wahl geeigneter Bezugsgrößen erlaubt die Entscheidungsfindung bzgl. der zur Auswahl stehenden Systeme auf einen Vergleich mit einem Bezugssystem zurückzuführen. Hierbei sind nicht die absoluten Differenzen des Erwartungsnutzen bzw. des jährlichen Gesamtaufwandes von Interesse, sondern vielmehr wie sich das entsprechende System gegenüber dem Normal (Bezugssystem) darstellt. Das heißt, der relative Zuwachs des Erwartungsnutzen bzw. der Gesamtkosten eines jeden Systems ist die entscheidende Kenngröße für die Systemauswahl. Mit dem Eintrag der berechneten relativen Erwartungsnutzen- und Gesamtkostenzuwächse in eine neu entwickelte 4-Quadranten-Matrix kann unter Berücksichtigung der Lage der korrespondierenden Wertepaare eine einfache (grafische) Entscheidung bzgl. der Wahl des für die Applikation optimalsten Kommunikationssystems erfolgen. Eine exemplarisch durchgeführte Systemauswahl, basierend auf den Analyseergebnissen von Kommunikationssystemen für den Einsatz in dezentralen elektrischen Versorgungsstrukturen, veranschaulicht und verifiziert die Handhabung des entwickelten Konzeptes. Die abschließende Realisierung, Modifikation und Test des zuvor ausgewählten Distribution Line Carrier Systems unterstreicht des Weiteren die Effizienz des entwickelten Entscheidungsfindungsprozesses. Dem Entscheidungsträger für die Systemauswahl wird insgesamt ein Werkzeug zur Verfügung gestellt, das eine einfache und praktikable Entscheidungsfindung erlaubt. Mit dem entwickelten Konzept ist erstmals eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung unter Berücksichtigung sowohl der technischen und applikationsspezifischen, als auch der ökonomischen Aspekte und Randbedingungen möglich, wobei das Entscheidungsfindungskonzept nicht nur auf die Systemfindung für dezentrale elektrische Energieversorgungsstrukturen begrenzt ist, sondern auch bei entsprechender Modifikation der Anforderungen, Systemkenngrößen etc. auf andere Applikationsanwendungen übertragen werden.


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As exploration of our solar system and outerspace move into the future, spacecraft are being developed to venture on increasingly challenging missions with bold objectives. The spacecraft tasked with completing these missions are becoming progressively more complex. This increases the potential for mission failure due to hardware malfunctions and unexpected spacecraft behavior. A solution to this problem lies in the development of an advanced fault management system. Fault management enables spacecraft to respond to failures and take repair actions so that it may continue its mission. The two main approaches developed for spacecraft fault management have been rule-based and model-based systems. Rules map sensor information to system behaviors, thus achieving fast response times, and making the actions of the fault management system explicit. These rules are developed by having a human reason through the interactions between spacecraft components. This process is limited by the number of interactions a human can reason about correctly. In the model-based approach, the human provides component models, and the fault management system reasons automatically about system wide interactions and complex fault combinations. This approach improves correctness, and makes explicit the underlying system models, whereas these are implicit in the rule-based approach. We propose a fault detection engine, Compiled Mode Estimation (CME) that unifies the strengths of the rule-based and model-based approaches. CME uses a compiled model to determine spacecraft behavior more accurately. Reasoning related to fault detection is compiled in an off-line process into a set of concurrent, localized diagnostic rules. These are then combined on-line along with sensor information to reconstruct the diagnosis of the system. These rules enable a human to inspect the diagnostic consequences of CME. Additionally, CME is capable of reasoning through component interactions automatically and still provide fast and correct responses. The implementation of this engine has been tested against the NEAR spacecraft advanced rule-based system, resulting in detection of failures beyond that of the rules. This evolution in fault detection will enable future missions to explore the furthest reaches of the solar system without the burden of human intervention to repair failed components.


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The Support Vector (SV) machine is a novel type of learning machine, based on statistical learning theory, which contains polynomial classifiers, neural networks, and radial basis function (RBF) networks as special cases. In the RBF case, the SV algorithm automatically determines centers, weights and threshold such as to minimize an upper bound on the expected test error. The present study is devoted to an experimental comparison of these machines with a classical approach, where the centers are determined by $k$--means clustering and the weights are found using error backpropagation. We consider three machines, namely a classical RBF machine, an SV machine with Gaussian kernel, and a hybrid system with the centers determined by the SV method and the weights trained by error backpropagation. Our results show that on the US postal service database of handwritten digits, the SV machine achieves the highest test accuracy, followed by the hybrid approach. The SV approach is thus not only theoretically well--founded, but also superior in a practical application.


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This paper addresses the application of a PCA analysis on categorical data prior to diagnose a patients data set using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system. The particularity is that the standard PCA techniques are designed to deal with numerical attributes, but our medical data set contains many categorical data and alternative methods as RS-PCA are required. Thus, we propose to hybridize RS-PCA (Regular Simplex PCA) and a simple CBR. Results show how the hybrid system produces similar results when diagnosing a medical data set, that the ones obtained when using the original attributes. These results are quite promising since they allow to diagnose with less computation effort and memory storage


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Evaluar si el Heliox reduce la resistencia en la vía aérea en niños y adolescentes con patología bronquial obstructiva que requieren ventilación mecánica. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio prospectivo observacional descriptivo en niños y adolescentes con patología bronquial obstructiva y ventilación mecánica con Fi02 ≤ 0,5. Medición de variables: resistencia, presión pico, presión media de la vía aérea, presión meseta, volumen corriente, autoPEEP, distensibilidad, PetCO2, ventilación de espacio muerto antes de inicio de heliox y a los 30 minutos, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 y 24 horas y diariamente hasta suspenderlo por extubación o FiO2 > 0,5. Resultados: Resultados parciales, incluyó 9 pacientes encontrando descenso significativo de resistencia espiratoria a los 30 minutos (51,2 vs 32,3; p=0,0008 ), 2 horas ( 51,2 vs 33,4; p=0,0019) y 4 horas (51,2 vs 30,7; p=0,0012) así como de la resistencia inspiratoria a la hora 2 (48,6 vs 36,2; p = 0,013) y hora 4 (48,6 vs 30 ; p=0,004). Se observó tendencia al descenso de la PetCO2 que no fue significativa (52,3 vs 34,3: p=0,06). No se evidenció cambios en las variables; autoPEEP, presión pico, presión media de la vía aérea, distensibilidad, ventilación de espacio muerto, presión meseta y volumen corriente antes y después del inicio del Heliox. Conclusión: La ventilación mecánica con Heliox en niños con patología bronquial obstructiva parece ser que reduce de manera significativa la resistencia de la vía aérea, con tendencia al descenso de la PetC02. Se necesitan estudios prospectivos al menos observacionales analíticos que corroboren estos hallazgos.


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In this study, the oceanic regions that are associated with anomalous Ethiopian summer rains were identified and the teleconnection mechanisms that give rise to these associations have been investigated. Because of the complexities of rainfall climate in the horn of Africa, Ethiopia has been subdivided into six homogeneous rainfall zones and the influence of SST anomalies was analysed separately for each zone. The investigation made use of composite analysis and modelling experiments. Two sets of composites of atmospheric fields were generated, one based on excess/deficit rainfall anomalies and the other based on warm/cold SST anomalies in specific oceanic regions. The aim of the composite analysis was to determine the link between SST and rainfall in terms of large scale features. The modelling experiments were intended to explore the causality of these linkage. The results show that the equatorial Pacific, the midlatitude northwest Pacific and the Gulf of Guinea all exert an influence on the summer rainfall in various part of the country. The results demonstrate that different mechanisms linked to sea surface temperature control variations in rainfall in different parts of Ethiopia. This has important consequences for seasonal forecasting models which are based on statistical correlations between SST and seasonal rainfall totals. It is clear that such statistical models should take account of the local variations in teleconnections.


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Three experiments conducted over two years (2002-04) at the Crops Research Unit, University of Reading, investigated competition between autumn sown oilseed rape cultivars (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera var. biennis (DC.) Metzg.) and Lolium multiflorum Lam., L. x boucheanum Kunth and Alopecurus myosuroides Huds., sown as indicative grass weeds. Rape cultivar (cv.) had a substantial effect on grass weed seed return. Over the six cultivars tested, L. multiflorum spikelet production ranged from just under 400 spikelets/m(2) in the presence of cv. Winner to nearly 5800 in competition with cv. Lutin. Cultivar competitiveness was associated with high biomass, large dense floral layers and early stem extension. There was some evidence of differential competitive tolerance between rape cultivars. The results suggested that rape cultivars could be screened for competitiveness by measuring floral layer interception of photosynthetic active radiation. L. x boucheanum cultivars varied in ability to compete with rape. In the absence of inter-specific competition, spikelet density was similar for Aberecho and Polly (circa 31000 spikelets/m(2)) but when grown with rape Polly outyielded Aberecho (i.e. 12 090 and 7990 spikelets/m(2) respectively).


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Three experiments conducted over two years (2002-04) at the Crops Research Unit, University of Reading, investigated competition between autumn sown oilseed rape cultivars (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera var. biennis (DC.) Metzg.) and Lolium multiflorum Lam., L. x boucheanum Kunth and Alopecurus myosuroides Huds., sown as indicative grass weeds. Rape cultivar (cv.) had a substantial effect on grass weed seed return. Over the six cultivars tested, L. multiflorum spikelet production ranged from just under 400 spikelets/m(2) in the presence of cv. Winner to nearly 5800 in competition with cv. Lutin. Cultivar competitiveness was associated with high biomass, large dense floral layers and early stem extension. There was some evidence of differential competitive tolerance between rape cultivars. The results suggested that rape cultivars could be screened for competitiveness by measuring floral layer interception of photosynthetic active radiation. L. x boucheanum cultivars varied in ability to compete with rape. In the absence of inter-specific competition, spikelet density was similar for Aberecho and Polly (circa 31000 spikelets/m(2)) but when grown with rape Polly outyielded Aberecho (i.e. 12 090 and 7990 spikelets/m(2) respectively).


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This paper proposes a solution to the problems associated with network latency within distributed virtual environments. It begins by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous distributed models, in the areas of user and object representation and user-to-user interaction. By introducing a hybrid solution, which utilises the concept of a causal surface, the advantages of both synchronous and asynchronous models are combined. Object distortion is a characteristic feature of the hybrid system, and this is proposed as a solution which facilitates dynamic real-time user collaboration. The final section covers implementation details, with reference to a prototype system available from the Internet.


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The authors compare the performance of two types of controllers one based on the multilayered network and the other based on the single layered CMAC network (cerebellar model articulator controller). The neurons (information processing units) in the multi-layered network use Gaussian activation functions. The control scheme which is considered is a predictive control algorithm, along the lines used by Willis et al. (1991), Kambhampati and Warwick (1991). The process selected as a test bed is a continuous stirred tank reactor. The reaction taking place is an irreversible exothermic reaction in a constant volume reactor cooled by a single coolant stream. This reactor is a simplified version of the first tank in the two tank system given by Henson and Seborg (1989).


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We review the process of electrospinning and how this new technique for generating a rich morphology of nano and micro scale fibres sits alongside established procedures for rapid manufacturing. We introduce the key elements of electrospinning and how these influence the nature and distribution of the fibres produced. We describe the range of polymers available for electrospinning and the limitations to the use of these materials. Using this base we review the potential approaches to using electrospinning as part of a broader rapid manufacturing system and the possible applications for such a hybrid system.


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A particulate microemulsion is generated in a simple two-component system comprising an amphiphilic copolymer (Pluronic P123) in mixtures with tannic acid. This is correlated to complexation between the poly(ethylene oxide) in the Pluronic copolymer and the multiple hydrogen bonding units in tannic acid which leads to the breakup of the ordered structure formed in gels of Pluronic copolymers, and the formation of dispersed nanospheres containing a bicontinuous internal structure. These novel nanoparticles termed ‘‘emulsomes’’ are self-stabilized by a coating layer of Pluronic copolymer. The microemulsion exhibits a pearlescent appearance due to selective light scattering from the emulsion droplets. This simple formulation based on a commercial copolymer and a biofunctional and biodegradable additive is expected to find applications in the fast moving consumer goods sector.


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A periodic structure of finite extent is embedded within an otherwise uniform two-dimensional system consisting of finite-depth fluid covered by a thin elastic plate. An incident harmonic flexural-gravity wave is scattered by the structure. By using an approximation to the corresponding linearised boundary value problem that is based on a slowly varying structure in conjunction with a transfer matrix formulation, a method is developed that generates the whole solution from that for just one cycle of the structure, providing both computational savings and insight into the scattering process. Numerical results show that variations in the plate produce strong resonances about the ‘Bragg frequencies’ for relatively few periods. We find that certain geometrical variations in the plate generate these resonances above the Bragg value, whereas other geometries produce the resonance below the Bragg value. The familiar resonances due to periodic bed undulations tend to be damped by the plate.


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This paper investigates the relationship between capital flows, turnover and returns for the UK private real estate market. We examine a number of possible implication of capital flows and turnover on capital returns testing for evidence of a price pressure effect, ‘return chasing’ behaviour and information revelation. The main tool of analysis is a panel vector autoregressive (VAR) regression model in which institutional capital flows, turnover and returns are specified as endogenous variables in a two equation system in which we also control for macro-economic variables. Data on flows, turnover and returns are obtained for the 10 market segments covering the main UK commercial real estate sectors. Our results do not support the widely-held belief among practitioners that capital flows have a ‘price pressure’ effect. Although there is some evidence of return chasing behaviour, the short timescales involved suggest this finding may be due to delayed recording of flows relative to returns given the difficulties of market entry. We find a significant positive relationship between lagged turnover and contemporaneous capital returns, suggesting that asset turnover provides pricing information.