966 resultados para Criticism, Textual--Early works to 1800
Este estudo pretende examinar a recepção crítica voltada para a análise dos aspectos estilísticos e linguísticos da obra de João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967). Na década de 1950, durante seu auge, a teoria estilística, principalmente a de origem espanhola, exerceu grande influência sobre crítica literária brasileira. Este evento coincidiu com o impacto do lançamento de duas das mais importantes obras do ficcionista mineiro, Grande sertão: veredas (1956) e Corpo de baile (1956), em grande parte devido à linguagem, que é um amálgama de popular e erudito e detentora de grande poder de sugestão. Como fruto deste acaso, no mesmo horizonte da obra, surgiram os estudos que formaram a primeira recepção e, entre estes, os que se dedicaram a analisar os diferentes recursos utilizados por Guimarães Rosa para compor o seu sertão-linguagem, o que justifica a adoção da Estilística como método. Inseridos nesta corrente crítica estão os trabalhos que nos servirão de objeto de análise, a exemplo da crítica pioneira de Cavalcanti Proença (1905-1966), Trilhas no Grande Sertão (1958), e de trabalhos de outros estudiosos, como Oswaldino Marques (1916-2003), sobre Sagarana e outras publicações dispersas, e da professora norte-americana Mary L. Daniel (1936). Estes estudos, embora sejam discutíveis do ponto de vista metodológico, conforme será observado, tornaram-se peças incontornáveis dentro da fortuna crítica rosiana por sua contribuição à elucidação da obra. Um indicativo disso é a existência de trabalhos mais recentes que ainda ventilam categorias consideradas pela Estilística como o léxico, que surge em estudos de Nei Leandro de Castro e Nilce Sant'Anna Martins. Como método utilizado nesta dissertação de Mestrado, lança-se mão da hermenêutica literária formulada por Hans Robert Jauss (1921-1997) com o objetivo de analisar a recepção crítica de uma abordagem específica, a Estilística, e destacar sua relevância para a compreensão da obra de Guimarães Rosa no período imediato à publicação, assim como propor uma confrontação desta recepção com estudos posteriores que se balizam no mesmo campo de análise. Igualmente, objetiva-se evidenciar a importância do leitor para a (res) significação do material ficcional, aqui representado pelo crítico literário, um leitor diferenciado capaz de oferecer propostas interpretativas e guiar a leitura dos leitores comuns.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this study was to develop a qualitative research of bibliographic nature, in order to verify how has been the use of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and literary reading in early childhood education.. It is believed to be necessary for children, since their early childhood, to, be in contact with various literary works of aesthetic value, which will enable them to understand this particular literary language - and the imagery that comes with it - what can instigate appreciate literature and get the reading habit. The use of ICTs by children beyond the use of games and watching stories on computers, tablets and smartphones, for example, for the production of videos and slides or creating stories, enable new experiences of redesigning and construction of knowledge and culture. The idea for this research came from reading the numerous texts that deal with the need to understand the child as an active subject in the construction of culture and society, rather than as receiving reproductive and cultural orders (CRIANÇAS, 2012). In this sense, in addition to the newsletters Equity For Children: Latin America (CRIANÇAS, 2012), the understanding of childhood and child in the works of Walter O. Kohan (2005; 2006) supports this study. This research proposal was also based on authors and documents that point to the need to promote, since the first stages of Basic Education, the literary reading as a means of enjoyment and emancipation (LAJOLO 2001a; Barthes, 2007; FILIPOUSKY, 2009; BRAZIL, 2010; MACHADO, 2011; VASQUES, 2013), and an education connected to the technological advances of the twenty-first century (BRAZIL, 1997, CHAVES, 1998; DEMO, 2008)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
The superior colliculus (SC) is responsible for sensorimotor transformations required to direct gaze toward or a way from unexpected, biologically salient events. Significant changes in the external world are signaled to SC through primary multisensory afferents, spatially organized according to a retinotopic topography. For animals, where anunexpected event could indicate the presence of either predator or prey, early decisions to approach or avoid are particularly important. Rodents' ecology dictates predators are most often detected initially as movements in upper visual field (mapped in medial SC), while appetitive stimuli are normally found in lower visual field (mapped in lateral SC). Our purpose was to exploit this functional segregation to reveal neural sites that can bias or modulate initial approach or avoidance responses. Small injections of Fluoro-Gold were made into medial or lateral sub-regions of intermediate and deep layers of SC (SCm/SCl). A remarkable segregation of input to these two functionally defined areas was found. (i) There were structures that projected only to SCm (e.g., specific cortical areas, lateral geniculate and suprageniculate thalamic nuclei, ventromedial and premammillary hypothalamic nuclei, and several brain-stem areas) or SCl (e.g., primary somatosensory cortex representing upper body parts and vibrissae and parvicellular reticular nucleus in the brainstem). (ii) Other structures projected to both SCm and SCl but from topographically segregated populations of neurons (e.g., zona incerta and substantia nigra pars reticulata). (iii) There were a few brainstem areas in which retrogradely labeled neurons were spatially overlapping (e.g., pedunculopontine nucleus and locus coeruleus). These results indicate significantly more structures across the rat neuraxis are in a position to modulate defense responses evoked from SCm, and that neural mechanisms modulating SC-mediated defense or appetitive behavior are almost entirely segregated.
Documenting the Neotropical amphibian diversity has become a major challenge facing the threat of global climate change and the pace of environmental alteration. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies have revealed that the actual number of species in South American tropical forests is largely underestimated, but also that many lineages are millions of years old. The genera Phyzelaphryne (1 sp.) and Adelophryne (6 spp.), which compose the subfamily Phyzelaphryninae, include poorly documented, secretive, and minute frogs with an unusual distribution pattern that encompasses the biotic disjunction between Amazonia and the Atlantic forest. We generated >5.8 kb sequence data from six markers for all seven nominal species of the subfamily as well as for newly discovered populations in order to (1) test the monophyly of Phyzelaphryninae, Adelophryne and Phyzelaphryne, (2) estimate species diversity within the subfamily, and (3) investigate their historical biogeography and diversification. Phylogenetic reconstruction confirmed the monophyly of each group and revealed deep subdivisions within Adelophryne and Phyzelaphryne, with three major clades in Adelophryne located in northern Amazonia, northern Atlantic forest and southern Atlantic forest. Our results suggest that the actual number of species in Phyzelaphryninae is, at least, twice the currently recognized species diversity, with almost every geographically isolated population representing an anciently divergent candidate species. Such results highlight the challenges for conservation, especially in the northern Atlantic forest where it is still degraded at a fast pace. Molecular dating revealed that Phyzelaphryninae originated in Amazonia and dispersed during early Miocene to the Atlantic forest. The two Atlantic forest clades of Adelophryne started to diversify some 7 Ma minimum, while the northern Amazonian Adelophryne diversified much earlier, some 13 Ma minimum. This striking biogeographic pattern coincides with major events that have shaped the face of the South American continent, as we know it today. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Il presente lavoro affronta il problema della traduzione dei termini culturo-specifici nella letteratura contemporanea di lingua tedesca ambientata nella DDR. L’analisi della produzione narrativa della Wendeliteratur consente di osservare come il lessico e le espressioni tipiche della DDR vengano utilizzati nelle opere letterarie in funzione citazionale per denotare e connotare la realtà della Germania dell’Est. Attraverso un approccio integrato che coniuga i contributi teorici degli studi sulla traduzione con gli aspetti della pratica traduttiva il lavoro indaga il tema dei realia attraverso una presentazione delle ricerche esistenti, propone una classificazione specifica per i realia della DDR e procede a una ricognizione delle strategie e dei procedimenti traduttivi concreti, che consente di evidenziare le diverse scelte adottate dai traduttori. Attraverso un’analisi ermeneutica dei testi e lo strumento dell’isotopia come indicatore di coerenza le traduzioni italiane delle opere della Wendeliteratur sono oggetto di un’analisi critica. I risultati dell’analisi vengono infine utilizzati come riferimento per la traduzione dei realia nel racconto di F.C. Delius, Die Birnen von Ribbeck.
La tesi è dedicata alla personalità artistica dell’Illustratore, tra i protagonisti della miniatura bolognese degli anni trenta e quaranta del Trecento, così felicemente soprannominato da Roberto Longhi. Dopo un capitolo dedicato alla vicenda critica dell’artista, la tesi affronta il percorso artistico dell’Illustratore nell’ambito della decorazione libraria bolognese del secondo quarto del XIV secolo. Ho trattato le opere attribuite al’Illustratore insieme agli esempi contemporanei della miniatura bolognese, in modo da far emergere il ruolo di questo maestro nelle relazioni con il contesto cittadino. Nella successione cronologica dei manoscritti, emerge un nuovo sconvolgimento caotico che scardina l’ordine spaziale e compositivo delle opere iniziali debitrici del giottismo del Maestro del 1328. Il capitolo si conclude con alcune osservazioni sui rapporti tra il maestro e i suoi aiuti e sul rapporto con Buffalmacco. In questo capitolo sono inoltre presentate due nuove attribuzioni. Gli ultimi due capitoli sono un approfondimento sull’interazione tra il linguaggio figurativo dell’artista e la funzione dell’immagine quale forma di comunicazione visiva in stretta relazione con i testi scritti che accompagnano e sui caratteri della committenza, là dove è possibile definirli. La prima parte del terzo capitolo è dedicata all’illustrazione dei libri legales, mentre nella seconda parte si tratta di un caso particolare, le iniziali istoriate dell’Inferno e del Purgatorio di Dante Alighieri della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze (ms. 1005), per molti aspetti riconducibili all’illustrazione giuridica. La mia intenzione in questo capitolo è di verificare come il caratteristico linguaggio narrativo espressivo e diretto dell’Illustratore abbia risposto alla funzione delle immagini dipinte nei codici giuridici di offrire una struttura materiale alla memorizzazione visiva per via di luoghi e figure dei contenuti di studio del diritto comune. In appendice alla tesi si trova un catalogo dei manoscritti decorati da miniature dell’Illustratore, comprensivo anche di una sezione per le opere di dubbia o erronea attribuzione.
The main goal of this thesis is to understand and link together some of the early works by Michel Rumin and Pierre Julg. The work is centered around the so-called Rumin complex, which is a construction in subRiemannian geometry. A Carnot manifold is a manifold endowed with a horizontal distribution. If further a metric is given, one gets a subRiemannian manifold. Such data arise in different contexts, such as: - formulation of the second principle of thermodynamics; - optimal control; - propagation of singularities for sums of squares of vector fields; - real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds; - ideal boundaries of rank one symmetric spaces; - asymptotic geometry of nilpotent groups; - modelization of human vision. Differential forms on a Carnot manifold have weights, which produces a filtered complex. In view of applications to nilpotent groups, Rumin has defined a substitute for the de Rham complex, adapted to this filtration. The presence of a filtered complex also suggests the use of the formal machinery of spectral sequences in the study of cohomology. The goal was indeed to understand the link between Rumin's operator and the differentials which appear in the various spectral sequences we have worked with: - the weight spectral sequence; - a special spectral sequence introduced by Julg and called by him Forman's spectral sequence; - Forman's spectral sequence (which turns out to be unrelated to the previous one). We will see that in general Rumin's operator depends on choices. However, in some special cases, it does not because it has an alternative interpretation as a differential in a natural spectral sequence. After defining Carnot groups and analysing their main properties, we will introduce the concept of weights of forms which will produce a splitting on the exterior differential operator d. We shall see how the Rumin complex arises from this splitting and proceed to carry out the complete computations in some key examples. From the third chapter onwards we will focus on Julg's paper, describing his new filtration and its relationship with the weight spectral sequence. We will study the connection between the spectral sequences and Rumin's complex in the n-dimensional Heisenberg group and the 7-dimensional quaternionic Heisenberg group and then generalize the result to Carnot groups using the weight filtration. Finally, we shall explain why Julg required the independence of choices in some special Rumin operators, introducing the Szego map and describing its main properties.
BACKGROUND: Few data are available on the long-term immunologic response to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in resource-limited settings, where ART is being rapidly scaled up using a public health approach, with a limited repertoire of drugs. OBJECTIVES: To describe immunologic response to ART among ART patients in a network of cohorts from sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia. STUDY POPULATION/METHODS: Treatment-naive patients aged 15 and older from 27 treatment programs were eligible. Multilevel, linear mixed models were used to assess associations between predictor variables and CD4 cell count trajectories following ART initiation. RESULTS: Of 29 175 patients initiating ART, 8933 (31%) were excluded due to insufficient follow-up time and early lost to follow-up or death. The remaining 19 967 patients contributed 39 200 person-years on ART and 71 067 CD4 cell count measurements. The median baseline CD4 cell count was 114 cells/microl, with 35% having less than 100 cells/microl. Substantial intersite variation in baseline CD4 cell count was observed (range 61-181 cells/microl). Women had higher median baseline CD4 cell counts than men (121 vs. 104 cells/microl). The median CD4 cell count increased from 114 cells/microl at ART initiation to 230 [interquartile range (IQR) 144-338] at 6 months, 263 (IQR 175-376) at 1 year, 336 (IQR 224-472) at 2 years, 372 (IQR 242-537) at 3 years, 377 (IQR 221-561) at 4 years, and 395 (IQR 240-592) at 5 years. In multivariable models, baseline CD4 cell count was the most important determinant of subsequent CD4 cell count trajectories. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate robust and sustained CD4 response to ART among patients remaining on therapy. Public health and programmatic interventions leading to earlier HIV diagnosis and initiation of ART could substantially improve patient outcomes in resource-limited settings.
Design rights represent an interesting example of how the EU legislature has successfully regulated an otherwise heterogeneous field of law. Yet this type of protection is not for all. The tools created by EU intervention have been drafted paying much more attention to the industry sector rather than to designers themselves. In particular, modern, digitally based, individual or small-sized, 3D printing, open designers and their needs are largely neglected by such legislation. There is obviously nothing wrong in drafting legal tools around the needs of an industrial sector with an important role in the EU economy, on the contrary, this is a legitimate and good decision of industrial policy. However, good legislation should be fair, balanced, and (technologically) neutral in order to offer suitable solutions to all the players in the market, and all the citizens in the society, without discriminating the smallest or the newest: the cost would be to stifle innovation. The use of printing machinery to manufacture physical objects created digitally thanks to computer programs such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software has been in place for quite a few years, and it is actually the standard in many industrial fields, from aeronautics to home furniture. The change in recent years that has the potential to be a paradigm-shifting factor is a combination between the opularization of such technologies (price, size, usability, quality) and the diffusion of a culture based on access to and reuse of knowledge. We will call this blend Open Design. It is probably still too early, however, to say whether 3D printing will be used in the future to refer to a major event in human history, or instead will be relegated to a lonely Wikipedia entry similarly to ³Betamax² (copyright scholars are familiar with it for other reasons). It is not too early, however, to develop a legal analysis that will hopefully contribute to clarifying the major issues found in current EU design law structure, why many modern open designers will probably find better protection in copyright, and whether they can successfully rely on open licenses to achieve their goals. With regard to the latter point, we will use Creative Commons (CC) licenses to test our hypothesis due to their unique characteristic to be modular, i.e. to have different license elements (clauses) that licensors can choose in order to adapt the license to their own needs.”
The early phase of psychotherapy has been regarded as a sensitive period in the unfolding of psychotherapy leading to positive outcomes. However, there is disagreement about the degree to which early (especially relationship-related) session experiences predict outcome over and above initial levels of distress and early response to treatment. The goal of the present study was to simultaneously examine outcome at post treatment as a function of (a) intake symptom and interpersonal distress as well as early change in well-being and symptoms, (b) the patient's early session-experiences, (c) the therapist's early session-experiences/interventions, and (d) their interactions. The data of 430 psychotherapy completers treated by 151 therapists were analyzed using hierarchical linear models. Results indicate that early positive intra- and interpersonal session experiences as reported by patients and therapists after the sessions explained 58% of variance of a composite outcome measure, taking intake distress and early response into account. All predictors (other than problem-activating therapists' interventions) contributed to later treatment outcomes if entered as single predictors. However, the multi-predictor analyses indicated that interpersonal distress at intake as well as the early interpersonal session experiences by patients and therapists remained robust predictors of outcome. The findings underscore that early in therapy therapists (and their supervisors) need to understand and monitor multiple interconnected components simultaneously
The supposed rise of inequality in income and wealth is a much-discussed issue. Since in a number of industrialized countries a trend towards more inequality was observed over the last decades, it is often assumed that Switzerland has experienced a similar development. Yet, although a variety of studies exists that provide inequality estimates for the Swiss society at different points in time, no conclusive picture of the changes in inequality can be drawn from these studies. For example, recent estimates by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office indicate that – against expectations – inequality in disposable equivalent-incomes has not risen since the end of the 1990ies, whereas other studies indicate that earnings from employment – especially top salaries – have become more unequal. The reasons for the inconclusive picture are manifold. For example, trends might have been different for different income types and results might strongly depend on the quality of the used data. To close the knowledge gap in inequality research in Switzerland a new Swiss National Science Foundation project by the University of Bern and the Bern University of Applied Sciences has been started in 2013. Individual tax data from cantons will be analyzed along with aggregate data from the Swiss Federal Tax Administration, covering a period from the early 1970ies to the present. The goal is to gain a systematic overview of the development of inequality in income and wealth in Switzerland as a whole and within cantons, and to determine how changes can be explained. In our talk we will present first results from this project.