970 resultados para Cosmological fluctuations


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With the advances of techniques for RCS reduction, it has become practical to develop aircraft which are invisible to modern day radars. In order to detect such low visible targets it is necessary to explore other phenomenon that contributes to the scattering of incident electromagnetic wave. It is well known from the developments from the clear air scattering using RASS induced acoustic wave could be used to create dielectric constant fluctuation. The scattering from these fluctuations rather than from the aircraft have been observed to enhance the RCS of clear air, under the condition when the incident EM wave is half of the acoustic wave, the condition of Bragg scattering would be met and RCS would be enhanced. For detecting low visibility targets which are at significant distance away from the main radar, inducement of EM fluctuation from acoustic source collocated with the acoustic source is infeasible. However the flow past aircraft produces acoustic disturbances around the aircraft can be exploited to detect low visibility targets. In this paper numerical simulation for RCS enhancement due to acoustic disturbances is presented. In effect, this requires the solution of scattering from 3D inhomogeneous complex shaped bodies. In this volume surface integral equation (VSIE) is used to compute the RCS from fluctuation introduced through the acoustic disturbances. Though the technique developed can be used to study the scattering from radars of any shape and acoustic disturbances of any shape. For illustrative condition, enhancement due to the Bragg scattering are shown to improve the RCS by nearly 30dB, for air synthetic sinusoidal acoustic variation profile for a spherical scattering volume


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We present an analytical effective theory for the magnetic phase diagram for zigzag-edge terminated honeycomb nanoribbons described by a Hubbard model with an interaction parameter U. We show that the edge magnetic moment varies as ln U and uncover its dependence on the width W of the ribbon. The physics of this owes its origin to the sensory-organ-like response of the nanoribbons, demonstrating that considerations beyond the usual Stoner-Landau theory are necessary to understand the magnetism of these systems. A first-order magnetic transition from an antiparallel orientation of the moments on opposite edges to a parallel orientation occurs upon doping with holes or electrons. The critical doping for this transition is shown to depend inversely on the width of the ribbon. Using variational Monte Carlo calculations, we show that magnetism is robust to fluctuations. Additionally, we show that the magnetic phase diagram is generic to zigzag-edge terminated nanostructures such as nanodots. Furthermore, we perform first-principles modeling to show how such magnetic transitions can be realized in substituted graphene nanoribbons. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.085412


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This paper presents the work on detailed characterization of effervescent spray of Jatropha and Pongamia pure plant oils. The spray characteristics of these biofuels are compared with those of diesel. Both macroscopic and microscopic spray characteristics at different injection pressures and gas-to-liquid ratio (GLR) have been studied. The particle/droplet imaging analysis (PDIA) technique along with direct imaging methods are used for the purpose of spray characterization. Due to their higher viscosity, pure plant oils showed poor atomization compared to diesel and a blend of diesel and pure plant oil at a given GLR. Pure plant oil sprays showed a lower spray cone angle when compared to diesel and blends at lower GLRs. However, the difference is not significant at higher GLRs. Droplet size measurements at 100 mm downstream of the exit orifice showed reduction in Sauter mean diameter (SMD) diameter with increase in GLR. A radial variation in the SMD is observed for the blend and pure plant oils. Pure oils showed a larger variation when compared to the blend. Spray unsteadiness has been characterized based on the image-to-image variation in the mean droplet diameter and fluctuations in the spray cone angle. Results showed that pure plant oil sprays are more unsteady at lower GLRs when compared to diesel and blend. A critical GLR is identified at which the spray becomes steady. The three regimes of spray operation, namely ``steady spray,'' ``pulsating spray,'' and ``spray and unbroken liquid jet'' are identified in the injection pressure-GLR parameter space for these pure plant oils. Two-phase flow imaging inside the exit orifice shows that for the pure plant oils, the flow is highly transient at low GLRs and the bubbly, slug, and annular two-phase flow regimes are all observed. However, at higher GLRs where the spray is steady, only the annular flow regime is observed.


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We report thermally induced instability leading to catastrophic breakup in acoustically levitated vaporizing fuel droplets. Change in surface tension and viscosity with increase in droplet temperature causes wide fluctuations in droplet aspect ratio. If the viscous damping of aspect ratio oscillation is not strong enough, the droplet goes through unbounded stretching. If the droplet exceeds a critical Weber number locally, a bag type and capillary wave induced atomization can occur, which leads to catastrophic breakup. A stability criterion has been established based on the inhomogeneity of Bernoulli (acoustic) pressure and surface tension of the droplet in terms of a local Weber number and Ohnesorge number. This instability is thermally induced in a droplet which does not experience instabilities without heating. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a simple model that can be used to account for the rheological behaviour observed in recent experiments on micellar gels. The model combines attachment detachment kinetics with stretching due to shear, and shows well-defined jammed and flowing states. The large-deviation function (LDF) for the coarse-grained velocity becomes increasingly non-quadratic as the applied force F is increased, in a range near the yield threshold. The power fluctuations are found to obey a steady-state fluctuation relation (FR) at small F. However, the FR is violated when F is near the transition from the flowing to the jammed state although the LDF still exists; the antisymmetric part of the LDF is found to be nonlinear in its argument. Our approach suggests that large fluctuations and motion in a direction opposite to an imposed force are likely to occur in a wider class of systems near yielding.


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Several experimental studies have shown that fracture surfaces in brittle metallic glasses (MGs) generally exhibit nanoscale corrugations which may be attributed to the nucleation and coalescence of nanovoids during crack propagation. Recent atomistic simulations suggest that this phenomenon is due to large spatial fluctuations in material properties in a brittle MG, which leads to void nucleation in regions of low atomic density and then catastrophic fracture through void coalescence. To explain this behavior, we propose a model of a heterogeneous solid containing a distribution of weak zones to represent a brittle MG. Plane strain continuum finite element analysis of cavitation in such an elastic-plastic solid is performed with the weak zones idealized as periodically distributed regions having lower yield strength than the background material. It is found that the presence of weak zones can significantly reduce the critical hydrostatic stress for the onset of cavitation which is controlled uniquely by the local yield properties of these zones. Also, the presence of weak zones diminishes the sensitivity of the cavitation stress to the volume fraction of a preexisting void. These results provide plausible explanations for the observations reported in recent atomistic simulations of brittle MGs. An analytical solution for a composite, incompressible elastic-plastic solid with a weak inner core is used to investigate the effect of volume fraction and yield strength of the core on the nature of cavitation bifurcation. It is shown that snap-cavitation may occur, giving rise to sudden formation of voids with finite size, which does not happen in a homogeneous plastic solid. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In a previous study of the properties of red blood cells (RBC) trapped in an optical tweezers trap, an increase in the spectrum of Brownian fluctuations for RBCs from a Plasmodium falciparum culture (due to increased rigidity) compared with normal RBCs was measured. A bystander effect was observed, whereby RBCs actually hosting the parasite had an effect on the physical properties of remaining non-hosting RBCs. The distribution of corner frequency (f(c)) in the power spectrum of single RBCs held in an optical tweezers trap was studied. Two tests were done to confirm the bystander effect. In the first, RBCs from an infected culture were separated into hosting and non-hosting RBCs. In the second, all RBCs were removed from the infected culture, and normal RBCs were incubated in the spent medium. The trapping environment was the same for all measurements so only changes in the properties of RBCs were measured. In the first experiment, a similar and statistically significant increase was measured both for hosting and non-hosting RBCs. In the second experiment, normal RBCs incubated in spent medium started to become rigid after a few hours and showed complete changes (comparable with RBCs from the infected culture) after 24 h. These experiments provide direct evidence of medium-induced changes in the properties of RBCs in an infected culture, regardless of whether the RBCs actually host the parasite.


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Observations and models have shown the presence of intraseasonal fluctuations in 20-30-day and 10-20-day bands in the equatorial Indian Ocean west of 60 degrees E (WEIO). Their spatial and temporal structures characterize them as Yanai waves, which we label low-frequency (LFYW) and high-frequency (HFYW) Yanai waves, respectively. We explore the dynamics of these intraseasonal signals, using an ocean general circulation model (Modular Ocean Model) and a linear, continuously stratified model. Yanai waves are forced by the meridional wind tau(y) everywhere in the WEIO most strongly during the monsoon seasons. They are forced both directly in the interior ocean and by reflection of the interior response from the western boundary; interference between the interior and boundary responses results in a complex surface pattern that propagates eastward and has nodes. Yanai waves are also forced by instabilities primarily during June/July in a region offshore from the western boundary (52-55 degrees E). At that time, eddies, generated by barotropic instability of the Southern Gyre, are advected southward to the equator. There, they generate a westward-propagating, cross-equatorial flow field, v(eq), with a wave number/frequency spectrum that fits the dispersion relation of a number of Yanai waves, and these waves are efficiently excited. Typically, Yanai waves associated with several baroclinic modes are excited by both wind and eddy forcing; and typically, they superpose to create beams that carry energy vertically and eastward along ray paths. The same processes generate LFYWs and HFYWs, and hence, their responses are similar; differences are traceable to the property that HFYWs have longer wavelengths than LFYWs for each baroclinic mode.


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Recent experimental measurements of the distribution P(w) of transverse chain fluctuations w in concentrated solutions of F-actin filaments B. Wang, J Guan, S. M. Anthony, S. C. Bae, K. S. Schweizer, and S. Granick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 118301 (2010); J. Glaser, D. Chakraborty, K. Kroy, I. Lauter, M. Degawa, N. Kirchgessner, B. Hoffmann, R. Merkel, and M. Giesen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 037801 (2010)] are shown to be well-fit to an expression derived from a model of the conformations of a single harmonically confined weakly bendable rod. The calculation of P(w) is carried out essentially exactly within a path integral approach that was originally applied to the study of one-dimensional randomly growing interfaces. Our results are generally as successful in reproducing experimental trends as earlier approximate results obtained from more elaborate many-chain treatments of the confining tube potential.


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Hydrogeological and climatic effect on chemical behavior of groundwater along a climatic gradient is studied along a river basin. `Semi-arid' (500-800 mm of mean annual rainfall), `sub-humid' (800-1,200 mm/year) and `humid' (1,200-1,500 mm/year) are the climatic zones chosen along the granito-gneissic plains of Kabini basin in South India for the present analysis. Data on groundwater chemistry is initially checked for its quality using NICB ratio (<+/- 5 %), EC versus TZ+ (similar to 0.85 correlation), EC versus TDS and EC versus TH analysis. Groundwater in the three climatic zones is `hard' to `very hard' in terms of Ca-Mg hardness. Polluted wells are identified (> 40 % of pollution) and eliminated for the characterization. Piper's diagram with mean concentrations indicates the evolution of CaNaHCO3 (semi-arid) from CaHCO3 (humid zone) along the climatic gradient. Carbonates dominate other anions and strong acids exceeded weak acids in the region. Mule Hole SEW, an experimental watershed in sub-humid zone, is characterized initially using hydrogeochemistry and is observed to be a replica of entire sub-humid zone (with 25 wells). Extension of the studies for the entire basin (120 wells) showed a chemical gradient along the climatic gradient with sub-humid zone bridging semi-arid and humid zones. Ca/Na molar ratio varies by more than 100 times from semi-arid to humid zones. Semi-arid zone is more silicaceous than sub-humid while humid zone is more carbonaceous (Ca/Cl similar to 14). Along the climatic gradient, groundwater is undersaturated (humid), saturated (sub-humid) and slightly supersaturated (semi-arid) with calcite and dolomite. Concentration-depth profiles are in support of the geological stratification i.e., not approximate to 18 m of saprolite and similar to 25 m of fracture rock with parent gneiss beneath. All the wells are classified into four groups based on groundwater fluctuations and further into `deep' and `shallow' based on the depth to groundwater. Higher the fluctuations, larger is its impact on groundwater chemistry. Actual seasonal patterns are identified using `recharge-discharge' concept based on rainfall intensity instead of traditional monsoon-non-monsoon concept. Non-pumped wells have low Na/Cl and Ca/Cl ratios in recharge period than in discharge period (Dilution). Few other wells, which are subjected to pumping, still exhibit dilution chemistry though water level fluctuations are high due to annual recharge. Other wells which do not receive sufficient rainfall and are constantly pumped showed high concentrations in recharge period rather than in discharge period (Anti-dilution). In summary, recharge-discharge concept demarcates the pumped wells from natural deep wells thus, characterizing the basin.


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In systems biology, questions concerning the molecular and cellular makeup of an organism are of utmost importance, especially when trying to understand how unreliable components-like genetic circuits, biochemical cascades, and ion channels, among others-enable reliable and adaptive behaviour. The repertoire and speed of biological computations are limited by thermodynamic or metabolic constraints: an example can be found in neurons, where fluctuations in biophysical states limit the information they can encode-with almost 20-60% of the total energy allocated for the brain used for signalling purposes, either via action potentials or by synaptic transmission. Here, we consider the imperatives for neurons to optimise computational and metabolic efficiency, wherein benefits and costs trade-off against each other in the context of self-organised and adaptive behaviour. In particular, we try to link information theoretic (variational) and thermodynamic (Helmholtz) free-energy formulations of neuronal processing and show how they are related in a fundamental way through a complexity minimisation lemma.


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Diffeomorphisms preserve spacetime singularities, whereas higher spin symmetries need not. Since three-dimensional de Sitter space has quotients that have big-bang/big-crunch singularities and since dS(3)-gravity can be written as an SL(2, C) Chern-Simons theory, we investigate SL(3, C) Chern-Simons theory as a higher-spin context in which these singularities might get resolved. As in the case of higher spin black holes in AdS(3), the solutions are invariantly characterized by their holonomies. We show that the dS(3) quotient singularity can be desingularized by an SL(3, C) gauge transformation that preserves the holonomy: this is a higher spin resolution the cosmological singularity. Our work deals exclusively with the bulk theory, and is independent of the subtleties involved in defining a CFT2 dual to dS(3) in the sense of dS/CFT.


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Recent experimental measurements of the distribution P(w) of transverse chain fluctuations w in concentrated solutions of F-actin filaments B. Wang, J Guan, S. M. Anthony, S. C. Bae, K. S. Schweizer, and S. Granick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 118301 (2010); J. Glaser, D. Chakraborty, K. Kroy, I. Lauter, M. Degawa, N. Kirchgessner, B. Hoffmann, R. Merkel, and M. Giesen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 037801 (2010)] are shown to be well-fit to an expression derived from a model of the conformations of a single harmonically confined weakly bendable rod. The calculation of P(w) is carried out essentially exactly within a path integral approach that was originally applied to the study of one-dimensional randomly growing interfaces. Our results are generally as successful in reproducing experimental trends as earlier approximate results obtained from more elaborate many-chain treatments of the confining tube potential. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In this paper we clarify the role of Markstein diffusivity, which is the product of the planar laminar flame speed and the Markstein length, on the turbulent flame speed and its scaling, based on experimental measurements on constant-pressure expanding turbulent flames. Turbulent flame propagation data are presented for premixed flames of mixtures of hydrogen, methane, ethylene, n-butane, and dimethyl ether with air, in near-isotropic turbulence in a dual-chamber, fan-stirred vessel. For each individual fuel-air mixture presented in this work and the recently published iso-octane data from Leeds, normalized turbulent flame speed data of individual fuel-air mixtures approximately follow a Re-T,f(0.5) scaling, for which the average radius is the length scale and thermal diffusivity is the transport property of the turbulence Reynolds number. At a given Re-T,Re-f, it is experimentally observed that the normalized turbulent flame speed decreases with increasing Markstein number, which could be explained by considering Markstein diffusivity as the leading dissipation mechanism for the large wave number flame surface fluctuations. Consequently, by replacing thermal diffusivity with the Markstein diffusivity in the turbulence Reynolds number definition above, it is found that normalized turbulent flame speeds could be scaled by Re-T,M(0.5) irrespective of the fuel, equivalence ratio, pressure, and turbulence intensity for positive Markstein number flames.


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We propose that grand minima in solar activity are caused by simultaneous fluctuations in the meridional circulation and the Babcock-Leighton mechanism for the poloidal field generation in the flux transport dynamo model. We present the following results: (a) fluctuations in the meridional circulation are more effective in producing grand minima; (b) both sudden and gradual initiations of grand minima are possible; (c) distributions of durations and waiting times between grand minima seem to be exponential; (d) the coherence time of the meridional circulation has an effect on the number and the average duration of grand minima, with a coherence time of about 30 yr being consistent with observational data. We also study the occurrence of grand maxima and find that the distributions of durations and waiting times between grand maxima are also exponential, like the grand minima. Finally we address the question of whether the Babcock-Leighton mechanism can be operative during grand minima when there are no sunspots. We show that an alpha-effect restricted to the upper portions of the convection zone can pull the dynamo out of the grand minima and can match various observational requirements if the amplitude of this alpha-effect is suitably fine-tuned.