934 resultados para Controllo moto macchina automatica packaging flessibile confezionamento


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Liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) is one of the most exciting technologies, combining the optical modulation characteristics of liquid crystals with the power and compactness of a silicon backplane. The objective of our work is to improve cell assembly and inspection methods by introducing new equipment for automated assembly and by using an optical inspection microscope. A Suss-Micro'Tec Universal device bonder is used for precision assembly and device packaging and an Olympus BX51 high resolution microscope is employed for device inspection. ©2009 Optical Society of America.


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The sensor scheduling problem can be formulated as a controlled hidden Markov model and this paper solves the problem when the state, observation and action spaces are continuous. This general case is important as it is the natural framework for many applications. The aim is to minimise the variance of the estimation error of the hidden state w.r.t. the action sequence. We present a novel simulation-based method that uses a stochastic gradient algorithm to find optimal actions. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Riassunto: Contro l’interpretazione tradizionale, l’articolo sostiene che il Motore immobile per Aristotele non è causa finale del movimento del cielo, ma ne è piuttosto la causa efficiente, come risulta da Metaph. XII 6. Il Motore immobile è causa finale solo nel senso che egli è fine della sua stessa atitività, come è provato dal fatto che questa è piacere (Metaph. XII 7). L’interpretazione tradizionale, secondo la quale il cielo si muove per amore del Motore immobile, cercando di imitare la sua immobilità per mezzo del moto circolare, deriva dal tentativo di conciliare il pensiero di Aristotele con la concezione platonica dell’imitazione della realtà intelligibile da parte della realtà sensibile. Il motore immobile è fine dell’uomo solo nel senso che è oggetto della conoscenza in cui consiste la felicità umana (Eth. Eud. VIII 3).


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Resumen: Los materiales plásticos utilizados en la industria del embalaje y transporte de mercaderías familiares e industriales, presentan numerosas ventajas que los han puesto en su lugar durante los últimos 50 años. En la actualidad, son miles de millones de toneladas anuales de bolsas o embalajes de polietileno, las que diariamente se producen, se usan, se recuperan (en muy pequeña parte) y son finalmente dispuestas, quemadas o literalmente arrojadas al medio ambiente. La alta estabilidad química o la muy baja tasa de degradación, hace que estos residuos perduren en el medio - en la mayoría de los casos por más de 100 años- dependiendo las condiciones ambientales locales. Hace pocos años, se adaptaron conocimientos científicos a esta problemática, y de ello nacieron dos formas de atacar la eliminación del plástico como desecho (más allá del reciclado y uso racional): por un lado, la utilización de bioplásticos con propiedades biodegradables; y por otro, el agregado de aditivos pro-degradantes a plásticos convencionales. El presente trabajo, tiene por objeto tomar a esta última herramienta, sobre la cual se han comenzado a estudiar los mecanismos químicos por los cuales cumplen su función, evaluándolos en distintas condiciones aceleradas de laboratorio. De esta manera, se caracterizaron velocidades de degradación abiótica mediante envejecimientos acelerados con radiación ultravioleta y térmica, para films de polietileno aditivados con un compuesto oxodegradante comercial. Se estudiaron distintas concentraciones de aditivo en el polímero, en función del tiempo de envejecimiento. Las caracterizaciones incluyeron análisis mecánico, análisis térmico diferencial, espectroscopía de absorción infrarroja y de Absorción Atómica.


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Resumen: Al cumplirse un año del fallecimiento de Chiara Lubich el pasado 14 de marzo de 2008, este artículo se propone una memoria de su vida y sus enseñanzas. En la primera parte, se entrelazan su biografía y el nuevo carisma; en la segunda, se retoman los ejes centrales de su pensamiento siguiendo la obra La doctrina espiritual preparada por Michel Vanderleene –editada en Buenos Aires en 2005–. La tercera parte, finalmente, ofrece una reflexión sobre un testimonio de Chiara Lubich hablando de nuestro Ideal: “Sean una familia”. De este modo, quedan ilustrados los principales motivos que hacen del carisma de la unidad un legado sobresaliente de espiritualidad comunitaria para el siglo XXI.


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The investigation of interactions between two kinds of monoclonal antibodies and SARS virus with a label-free protein array technique were presented in this paper. The performance consists of three parts: a surface modification for ligand immobilization/surface, a protein array fabrication with an integrated microfluidic system for patterning, packaging and liquid handling, and a protein array reader of imaging ellipsometer. This revealed the technique could be used as an immunoassay for qualitative and quantitative detection as wen as kinetic analysis of biomolecule interaction.


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If a product is being designed to be genuinely inclusive, then the designers need to be able to assess the level of exclusion of the product that they are working on and to identify possible areas of improvement. To be of practical use, the assessments need to be quick, consistent and repeatable. The aim of this workshop is to invite attendees to participate in the evaluation of a number of everyday objects using an assessment technique being considered by the workshop organisers. The objectives of the workshop include evaluating the effectiveness of the assessment method, evaluating the accessibility of the products being assessed and to suggest revisions to the assessment scales being used. The assessment technique is to be based on the ONS capability measures [1]. This source recognises fourteen capability scales of which seven are particularly pertinent to product evaluation, namely: motion, dexterity, reach and stretch, vision, hearing, communication, and intellectual functioning. Each of these scales ranges from 0 (fully able) through 1 (minimal impairment) to 10 (severe impairment). The attendees will be asked to rate the products on these scales. Clearly the assessed accessibility of the product depends on the assumptions made about the context of use. The attendees will be asked to clearly note the assumptions that they are making about the context in which the product is being assessed. For instance, with a hot water bottle, assumptions have to be made about the availability of hot water and these can affect the overall accessibility rating. The workshop organisers will not specify the context of use as the aim is to identify how assessors would use the assessment method in the real world. The objects being assessed will include items such as remote controls, pill bottles, food packaging, hot water bottles and mobile telephones. the attendees will be encouraged to assess two or more products in detail. Helpers will be on hand to assist and observe the assessments. The assessments will be collated and compared and feedback about the assessment method sought from the attendees. Drawing on a preliminary review of the assessment results, initial conclusions will be presented at the end of the workshop. More detailed analyses will be made available in subsequent proceedings. It is intended that the workshop will provide workshop attendees with an opportunity to perform hands-on assessment of a number everyday products and identify features which are inclusive and those that are not. It is also intended to encourage an appreciation of the capabilities to be considered when evaluating accessibility.


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There is increasing awareness of aquaculture in Nigeria today for a number of reasons namely: water pollution, declining catch and the awareness of the attractiveness of aquaculture as an investment area and a pivotal point for national development. The development of aquaculture in Nigeria, requires the building up of institutions at the grassroot level and the formulation of policies and programmes for the small fishfarmer. This of course would be backed up by a sound technology generation, verification and packaging, dissemination and use programme


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The packaging containers and means of transportation for Nigerian smoke-dried fish from harvesting all through the post-harvest chain were described. Sacks, paper cartons, wooden rackets, cane and bamboo baskets were predominantly used packaging containers. Means of transportation ranged from wheelbarrows, motorcycle, lorries, to pick-up vehicles and trucks. The major area of improvement is seen in packaging at the wholesale level. To overcome the constraints within the system, both the public and private sectors must provide effective services that benefit fishermen, processors, wholesalers, retailers, organisation and other key participants that make the work. Suggestions for reducing post harvest losses and improving the efficiency of the existing distribution system, based on the various need of the stake holders and the socio-cultural settings of the application were proffered


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The degeneration of the outer retina usually causes blindness by affecting the photoreceptor cells. However, the ganglion cells, which consist of optic nerves, on the middle and inner retina layers are often intact. The retinal implant, which can partially restore vision by electrical stimulation, soon becomes a focus for research. Although many groups worldwide have spent a lot of effort on building devices for retinal implant, current state-of-the-art technologies still lack a reliable packaging scheme for devices with desirable high-density multi-channel features. Wireless flexible retinal implants have always been the ultimate goal for retinal prosthesis. In this dissertation, the reliable packaging scheme for a wireless flexible parylene-based retinal implants has been well developed. It can not only provide stable electrical and mechanical connections to the high-density multi-channel (1000+ channels on 5 mm × 5 mm chip area) IC chips, but also survive for more than 10 years in the human body with corrosive fluids.

The device is based on a parylene-metal-parylene sandwich structure. In which, the adhesion between the parylene layers and the metals embedded in the parylene layers have been studied. Integration technology for high-density multi-channel IC chips has also been addressed and tested with dummy and real 268-channel and 1024-channel retinal IC chips. In addition, different protection schemes have been tried in application to IC chips and discrete components to gain the longest lifetime. The effectiveness has been confirmed by the accelerated and active lifetime soaking test in saline solution. Surgical mockups have also been designed and successfully implanted inside dog's and pig's eyes. Additionally, the electrodes used to stimulate the ganglion cells have been modified to lower the interface impedance and shaped to better fit the retina. Finally, all the developed technologies have been applied on the final device with a dual-metal-layer structure.


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The 25th annual meeting of WEFTA was held in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, in November 1995 as an "International Seafood Conference". In 12 sessions 40 oral presentations and 60 posters were presented. The topics included among others: Quality assurance, consumer demands and behaviour, processing, packaging, distribution, nutrition, storage, analytical methodology. The conference was attended by 210 participants from 33 countries.


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Mitochondria contain a 16.6 kb circular genome encoding 13 proteins as well as mitochondrial tRNAs and rRNAs. Copies of the genome are organized into nucleoids containing both DNA and proteins, including the machinery required for mtDNA replication and transcription. Although mtDNA integrity is essential for cellular and organismal viability, regulation of proliferation of the mitochondrial genome is poorly understood. To elucidate the mechanisms behind this, we chose to study the interplay between mtDNA copy number and the proteins involved in mitochondrial fusion, another required function in cells. Strikingly, we found that mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking fusion also had a mtDNA copy number deficit. To understand this phenomenon further, we analyzed the binding of mitochondrial transcription factor A, whose role in transcription, replication, and packaging of the genome is well-established and crucial for cellular maintenance. Using ChIP-seq, we were able to detect largely uniform, non-specific binding across the genome, with no occupancy in the known specific binding sites in the regulatory region. We did detect a single binding site directly upstream of a known origin of replication, suggesting that TFAM may play a direct role in replication. Finally, although TFAM has been previously shown to localize to the nuclear genome, we found no evidence for such binding sites in our system.

To further understand the regulation of mtDNA by other proteins, we analyzed publicly available ChIP-seq datasets from ENCODE, modENCODE, and mouseENCODE for evidence of nuclear transcription factor binding to the mitochondrial genome. We identified eight human transcription factors and three mouse transcription factors that demonstrated binding events with the classical strand asymmetrical morphology of classical binding sites. ChIP-seq is a powerful tool for understanding the interactions between proteins and the mitochondrial genome, and future studies promise to further the understanding of how mtDNA is regulated within the nucleoid.


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[EU]Hurrengo orrialdeetan aurkezten den proiektu honetan, lehiaketa motor baten direkzio piparen diseinua proposatzen da zeinak Moto Engineering Foundation fundazioak sustatutako nazioarteko Motostudent txapelketan parte hartzeko motorrera egokituta egon beharko den. Honako helburu honekin beraz, direkzio piparen diseinu egoki bat egin ahal izateko piezak sufrituko dituen karga egoerak aurreikusi beharko ditugu hauen arabera jasan beharreko tentsio egoerak aztertu ahal izateko. Piezaren tentsioen analisia aurrera eraman beharko da beraz, diseinaturiko piezaren funtzionamendu egokia ziurtatu ahal izateko. Historian zehar existitutako diseinu modelo ezberdinak eta baita gaur egunean gehien erabilitakoak ere aurkeztu eta gero, gure kasura hobekien moldatuko zaion adibidetik ekingo zaio diseinuari, aldez aurretik eskuratutako datu eta errodamenduetatik abiatuz. Horrenbestez, oinarritzat hartutako direkzio sistema modeloa eta bestelako elementuen neurriak datutzat hartuta, tija zein norabide ardatzarena esate baterako, direkzio piparen hasierako geometria definituko da. Eskuragarri ditugun analisi metodo ezberdinak aztertu eta gure kasura hobekien moldatzen dena aukeratu eta eraikitako piezari aplikatuko zaio. Lorturiko emaitzen arabera hasiera batean planteaturiko diseinua onartu edo baztertzea erabaki beharko dugu. Beraz, gure diseinua optimizatuz joateko aukera izango dugu, baldintzak eta betebeharrak egiztatuko dituen amaierako pieza diseinua lortu arte. Bukatzeko, proiektuari itxiera emango dion atala aurkeztuko da, hala nola, proiektuaren garapenean zehar lorturiko emaitzak eta ondorioak biltzen dituen atala non lorturiko direkzio piparen funtzionamendu egokia bermatzen dituzten parametroak aurkeztuko diren. Gainera, direkzio sistemaren funtsezko atala izango diren errodamenduen kalkulu eta aukeraketa bideratuko da baita ere.