999 resultados para Conflitos interparentais
This dissertation discuss the course of formation of EPPGG" (Specialists on Public Politics and Administration). We did a brief historical research on the origins of this career, stressing the problems of its implementation. We describe the process of selection and formation of "EPPGG" classes, focusing our attention on the first and fifth classes, the latter being the main object of our study. We avoided the standard approaches to this suject and based our investigation on the daily social interaction developed during the course, trying to unveil conflicts that show internal problems of the career and of "ENAP" (Scholl of Public Administration).
This dissertation discuss the institutionalization of citizen participation in local political administration and the democratization of this administration. We take as the object of our study Niterói OP" (sharing? budget). We study the citizens projects and its implementation., focusing our attention on personal conflicts and power disputs. Our work is based on the following concepts: democracy, descentralization, citizenship, local political power and social? capital?. We verify the different procedures used by Niterói "OP" coordination in order to integrate the citizens in this process. The main concern of our work is the degree of citizen participation in local political power, therefore, we shall not discuss in details the budget itself."
There is no information whatsoever of a society in which there are no demands among private people and companies, among individuals and institutions, varying only the tenor and the intensity of the issues. It would be ideal if conflicts could be solved in common aggreement. The selfcomposition, yet, does not often occurr; leaving the remaining issues for a third part, i.e., the State. Up to the English and French Revolutions, political power was exercised by limitless governors and the State did not submit to the law. After those revolutions, rules are agregated to curb Absolutism and organize the State, which starts to acccomplish its duties under the law, i.e., a Law State. As a result, today, the individual can sue the State to make the State perform or not any undesirable action. In this dissertation, one traces back from the very beginning the role of the institutions in charge of defending the State in courts of law. The judicial defense of the Brazilian State in a court of law, since 1608 to the 1988 Constitution, was a role of the Public Ministry, along with other institutional functions, including prosecution. As a consequence of this ambivalence, the results of the State defense came even to be contradictory. The promulgation of the 1988 Federal Constitution adjusted this historical dualism. The 1988 Constituent embodied significant change to the concept and operationalization of a State Advocacy, confering to a new institution , which was called 'Advocacia Geral da União' or 'General Advocacy of the Union' (article 131), the judicial and extrajudicial representation of the Union. The final object of the reflections of this study is centred on the analysis of the activities of the 'General Advocacy of the Union', in its first years of functioning, in other words, from 1993 to 1999
O tornar-se avó assinala um período de transição no ciclo de vida familiar, marcado por transformações psíquicas significativas para os avós, caracterizando a quarta individuação (Colarusso, 1997). Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a experiência de tornar-se avó e sua importância no processo de individuação. Foi utilizado delineamento de estudo de caso coletivo (Stake, 1994), buscando identificar as particularidades, bem como as similaridades entre cada um dos casos estudados. Onze participantes, com idades entre 49 e 66 anos, responderam a uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Todas as avós tinham tido seus primeiros netos e a entrevista referia-se a eles. Foi utilizada análise de conteúdo qualitativa. Os dados mostraram que o ser avó é algo prazeroso, uma fonte de renovação e renascimento. Também reflete uma experiência de fusão com os netos, sendo ressaltado o sentimento de completude propiciado pela vinda de um neto, que possibilita uma reparação de suas próprias vidas, assim como da vivência que tiveram com os filhos. As vivências narcisistas, infantis, reeditadas com a parentalidade, também ressurgem com o tornar-se avó. O momento da realização dos partos das filhas fez com que todas as participantes do estudo relembrassem de seus próprios partos, o que mostra uma grande identificação entre elas. Em relação a um modelo de avós o estudo mostrou que as avós não tinham modelos na sua própria infância, e que procuravam construir uma forma particular de vivenciar o papel de avó. O estudo propiciou que as participantes refletissem seus diferentes papéis familiares: avó, mãe, neta e filha, e mostrou que o tornar-se avó possibilita que antigos conflitos sejam repensados, renovando antigos vínculos, o que permite que a avó dê mais um passo rumo à sua individuação.
Os impactos associados ao crescimento e transformação urbana ampliaramse nesse último século, nas cidades brasileiras. O processo de degradação e a desequilibrada ocupação do espaço periférico constituem problemas urbanos marcantes, onde conflitos de interesses diversos são materializados no espaço por acentuadas desigualdades sociais. Nesse contexto, são identificadas deficiências no sistema de planejamento tradicional em tratar o processo de produção e uso do espaço urbano relacionado à problemática socioespacial e ambiental. Considerando as áreas protegidas inseridas nas cidades, esse trabalho busca relacionar urbanização e meio ambiente através do estudo do impacto e avaliação de desempenho da lei 6525/80, II Plano Diretor de desenvolvimento urbano da cidade de Pelotas no período 80/2000 em zonas de preservação ambiental, na busca de alternativas aplicáveis ao planejamento urbano, examinando os processos mais gerais de produção do espaço e a estrutura fundiária. Foram selecionadas variáveis relativas à problemática ambiental e espacial, relacionadas com a regulamentação vigente, Lei 6525/80 e com aspectos socioeconômicos a fim de proporcionar o monitoramento da informação do desenvolvimento urbano. Propõe-se, na análise, a classificação das zonas de preservação em Unidades Espaciais de Planejamento-UEPs, as glebas assentamentos, em Unidades Espaciais de Desempenho-UEDs, e o ambiente natural em Unidades Geomorfológicas-UGs, cujos dados relativos aos aspectos ambientais, espaciais e socioeconômicos são identificados, descritos e analisados posteriormente através de procedimentos estatísticos multivariados. As conclusões desse trabalho mostram a inadequação da regulamentação, lei 6525/80, no que se refere aos mecanismos de controle da dinâmica de uso do solo, quanto à qualidade do espaço produzido e proteção do meio ambiente, assim como a validação da metodologia aplicada na análise. A utilização de instrumentos de planejamento e gestão mais dinâmicos se faz necessário, assim como a utilização de novas metodologias, considerando os processos naturais relacionados ao meio ambiente no qual a cidade está inserida.
Este estudo considera, de forma conjunta, duas das principais vertentes teóricas sobre a estrutura de capital das empresas: a assimetria informacional, através do modelo do pecking order, de Myers e Majluf (1984), e a teoria dos conflitos de agência, tratada por Jensen e Meckling (1976). Mais especificamente, são enfocados os conflitos existentes em empresas onde existe definição de controle acionário e, sua possível influência na hierarquia das fontes de financiamento presente no pecking order. Ressalta-se, além das construções teóricas envolvendo as teorias mencionadas, a consideração explícita de características notoriamente presentes no mercado brasileiro, de forma a contribuir para um maior entendimento sobre a estrutura de capital no Brasil. O trabalho empírico considerou uma amostra composta de 322 empresas com ações negociadas na Bovespa no período compreendido entre 1996 e 2002. Foram utilizados dois tipos de testes nas proposições teóricas efetuadas: testes não paramétricos, devido à baixa exigência quanto aos parâmetros amostrais e, regressões em painel, onde foram consideradas as interações de diversas variáveis na determinação da estrutura de capital das empresas. Os principais resultados apontam uma forte confirmação para três, dentre as seis proposições efetuadas. Para uma, os testes apontaram resultados ambíguos, e ,para as duas remanescentes, as evidências foram contrárias às predições.
The organization climate research is a widely used human resources tool grounded on the managerial discourse that preaches that listening to employees's opinions is relevant for the identification of corporate aspects that demand improvement. This study aims at desmistifying this discourse by means of analytical tools from the Critical Administration Studies, namely: denaturalized view of administration, detachment between intentions and performance and search for emancipation. The study is grounded on the assumption that the organizational climate research derives from functionalist theory, which benefits a dominating class, in name of productivity and for the maintenance of the status quo, therefore contributing for individual alienation at work. The study was designed to identify elements that show the relation between an organizational climate research tool and the social control over individuals in an organization - here the research conducted in 2005 by Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S/A - Eletrobrás, the Brazilian power sector holding company. The theoretical section presents an overview of corporate paradigms relevant for a sound understanding of the organizational climate concept. Data analysis was conducted by means of the post-modern method of binary deconstruction: the questions contained in the tool's questionnaire were grouped into categories and then analyzed in terms of the fallowing conceptual pairs: well-being/productivity, autonomy/control, ethics/ competitiveness and participation/alienation. The analysis showed that the organization climate research tool is used as a resource for social control and power, because it contributes to individual alienation as it satisfies some specific individual demands, therefore preventing the individual form a thorough understanding of how the system works. Besides, the helps anticipate, mitigate and conceal the conflicts arising from the opposing interests of capital and labor.
This consideration about power in the organizations discuss alternatives to bring managers to have a more sociable co-existence with the political dimension of their work. It is not a goal to be achieved, but a continuous process of measuring the conflicts in order to reach better results for the company as well as the employees. Although it is not naturaly faced inside the organization, the power game always occurs when people is united around the same purpose. The departments are no exception. The power conflicts costs, mainly caused by lack of legitimacy, by excessive dependence, by low participation, by structures that stimulate segmentation, by an imperfect comunaction and by lack of political education, are extremely significant to the organizations. Therefore, facing the matter in a realistic way and developing attitudes and abilities to manage positively the divergent politics are basic tasks to the leader who desires to create a good working environment, as well as to rise his company world-wide.
A presente dissertação é produto de uma investigação sobre o projeto implantado na Universidade Federal do Espírito (UFES) nos anos 90, para oferecimento de Cursos de Línguas para a Comunidade (CLC). O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar as etapas de desenvolvimento do projeto e os desafios encontrados durante a sua implantação. O projeto desenvolvido é pioneiro na comunidade acadêmica capixaba e são escassos os relatos sobre experiências semelhantes à dos Cursos de Línguas para a Comunidade. Por isso mesmo, o presente trabalho servirá também de registro documental sobre o próprio CLC e de proposta de um modelo a ser implantado por outras instituições. A análise das etapas de desenvolvimento do CLC e dos desafios encontrados foi feita a partir do estudo de documentos da UFES e do próprio CLC, e de registros da imprensa local sobre os conflitos gerados e de que forma os obstáculos para implantação estão sendo gerenciados. Foram feitas também diversas pesquisas através de questionários para identificação do perfil dos alunos dos cursos de idiomas oferecidos.
This study is an analysis of the nature of conflicts in highly qualified teams, searching for its causes and potential consequences for the teams¿ performance. The hypothesis is that establishing a power principle is of utmost importance to provide the team members with parameters for action as well as with an effective coordination, which may lead to the desired outcome. The problem under analysis herein is centered on teamwork, having in mind the growing complexity of the competences necessary for the organizations¿ success, in such a way that, if the human activities in these organizations are not cooperatively developed, the desired outcomes may be threatened. In this context it is perceived that many knowledge organizations lack adequate strategies and tools to promote adequate coordination of highly qualified workers, involved cooperatively in tasks of large intrinsic complexity. ABC Consulting is a particular instance of such problem, that may add to the understanding of the general problem of team work. This study takes into account the more general background of the Brazilian culture, which, in spite of broadening aspects such as social cordiality and the living in others (Holanda, 1995), does not lead naturally to quality teamwork. The research development is anchored in a methodology that combines both field and bibliographical work, with a qualitative approach in the scope of case study.
The dissertation aimed to analyze how is possible to minimize conflicts that arise during a negotiation between Chinese and Brazilians using the Jeswald Salacuse's model of cultural for as the mapping of potential outbreaks of conflict. It was considered necessary for this mapping to review the profile of the Chinese negotiator. This review took place through the completion of qualitative research to sixteen with Brazilian professionals from companies who trade with China. Through research could indicate which are the largest outbreaks of conflict in negotiating and pointing recommendations on how to avoid the appearance of these. At the end of this research were unable to verify that there were differences between the profile of Chinese negotiator pointed out in search of Salacuse and research conducted in this dissertation as well as make some recommendations for the Brazilian negotiators minimize the conflicts encountered when dealing with the new Chinese negotiator.
o objetivo dessa dissertação é conhecer as relações de poder - fonnais e informais - existentes na Rede Ferroviária Federal S.A., em liquidação (RFFSA) e aquelas que atuam sobre a empresa. Para isso, foi utilizado o Método Etnográfico, observando-se de forma participante a cultura da empresa, complementando assim o levantamento bibliográfico sobre o Estado, sobre a burocracia - especialmente o hibridismo das empresas estatais - e sobre as relações de poder entre esses no Brasil. Concluiu-se que: os funcionários de uma empresa em liquidação não são facilmente motivados e trabalham contra os objetivos organizacionais, já que se apresenta um conflito de interesses; como o processo de liquidação da RFFSA é longo, as relações de poder infonnais se fortificam com o intuito de que a estratégia organizacional não tenha sucesso; a comunicação entre lideres e liderados não atenua os conflitos entre os objetivos organizacionais e de Recursos Humanos, dado que os empregados manipulam o discurso como forma de resistência à liquidação. De forma mais genérica, recomenda-se a redução da ingerência político-partidária na burocracia estatal, por meio de uma refonna administrativa que considere o aspecto cultural do serviço público, podendo se desenvolver a idéia de "accountability" entre os servidores.
This paper aims at boosting a theoretical discussion on family operated companies in the Brazilian milieu. The methodology applied was based on bibliographical and qualitative research. The basic question raised by this study can be summarized as follows: Which factors should be taken into consideration, on the family business management, under a theoretical perspective? The answer to this question led the research to a better understanding of (i) the family corporate governance; (ii) the personal characteristics of the family business manager and his/her management style; (iii) the company's teamwork; (iv) role overlaping; (v) strategic direction and management assessment; (vi) the company's administrative divisions; (vii) and above all the crucial importance of the corporate governance for family businesses. The main results confirm the relevance of corporate governance in the country's big family businesses, and also point to manager's profile, teamwork, role overlaping (relatives & employees) and its conflicts, management departments, family's control and its strategic direction as ingredients of utmost importance.
This paper intends to propose a study to evaluate and analyse the influence of tax education in the behavior of young inhabitants of the Espirito Santo State living in the cities of Muniz Freire and São Mateus. The context of the problem under investigation consists in the context of a frequent conflict between consumers, the state and companies. These conflicts arise because the state does not provide sufficient and adequate services that lie under its responsability. Due to this fact, companies often conclude that it is not worthwhile to pay state taxes, and the consumer has great trouble when trying to obtain the rights they are entitled to from the companies and from the state. Therefore, the intermediate aims of this paper were to research behavior related to the moment of purchase and the reception of a bill of sale, especifically, if mechanisms of pressure, involvement and personal commitment, exert any influence over the consumers request for a tax receipt. The methodology to reach these objectives was a field survey through questionnaires. The final results show that through the tax education the students are assimilating the importance of the taxes.
The work below, in its speculative fraction, analyses the causes of conflict existent be-tween the different areas of the present companies. The work also expose the main conse-quences of the conflict and the responses of the high executives. Through several authors point of view it also contains fragments about the participation of mediators, as instruments of cooperation and solutions of conflicts, in the interdepartamental conflict and how we must deal with the conflict in the companies. In its experimental section, tries to identify the past facts, the symptoms, the causes and the sources of the conflict in the areas of Banco do Brasil and the interrelation with the existent research about the theme. At last, presents the conclusions and recommendations of the author of the work and the suggestions of the employees that were analyzed, with the objective of improving the rela-tions between the different areas of Banco do Brasil.