997 resultados para Computers -- Evaluation
This paper aims to study the best way to express the parasitemia of Trypanosoma cruzi's experimentally infected animals. Individual scores may have a great variability, not emphasized by the majority of the authors. A group of 50 rats infected with 1x10(6) trypomastigotes of T. cruzi Y strain was used and the parasitemia was estimated by BRENER' s method. The results showed that the median can avoid false results due to very high or low parasitemias but it does not have the mathematic properties necessary for analysis of variance. The comparison of the means of the original and transformed data, with their respective coefficients of variability (CV), showed that the logarithmic mean (Mlog) have the minor value of CV. Therefore, the Mlog is the best way to express the parasitemia when the data show great variability. The number of the animal for group did not affect the variability of data when the Mlog and CV were used.
Apresentação realizada a uma delegação da Administração pública da Bulgária, que visitou o INA em 2 de Dezembro de 2008.
Comunicação apresentada na 32ª conferência anual do European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), em Toulouse.
In the last decade, local image features have been widely used in robot visual localization. In order to assess image similarity, a strategy exploiting these features compares raw descriptors extracted from the current image with those in the models of places. This paper addresses the ensuing step in this process, where a combining function must be used to aggregate results and assign each place a score. Casting the problem in the multiple classifier systems framework, in this paper we compare several candidate combiners with respect to their performance in the visual localization task. For this evaluation, we selected the most popular methods in the class of non-trained combiners, namely the sum rule and product rule. A deeper insight into the potential of these combiners is provided through a discriminativity analysis involving the algebraic rules and two extensions of these methods: the threshold, as well as the weighted modifications. In addition, a voting method, previously used in robot visual localization, is assessed. Furthermore, we address the process of constructing a model of the environment by describing how the model granularity impacts upon performance. All combiners are tested on a visual localization task, carried out on a public dataset. It is experimentally demonstrated that the sum rule extensions globally achieve the best performance, confirming the general agreement on the robustness of this rule in other classification problems. The voting method, whilst competitive with the product rule in its standard form, is shown to be outperformed by its modified versions.
Mice transcutaneously infected with about 400 cercariae were submitted to treatment with oxamniquine (400 mg/kg), 24 hours after infection. The recovery of schistosomules, at 4, 24, 48 and 72 hours and 35 days after treatment, showed the activity of the drug on the parasites, thus practically preventing their migration from the skin to the lungs. Worm recovery performed in the lungs (96 hours after treatment) showed recovery means of 0.6 worms/mouse in the treated group and 53.8 in the control group (untreated). The perfusion of the portal system carried out at 35 days after treatment clearly showed the elimination of all the parasites in the treated group, whereas a recovery mean of 144.7 worms/mouse was detected in the control group (untreated). These findings confirm the efficacy of oxamniquine at the skin phase of infection, and also show similarity with the immunization method that uses irradiated cercariae. The practical application of these findings in the medical clinic is discussed too
The reuse of waste fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst as partial surrogate for cement can reduce the environmental impact of both the oil-refinery and cement production industries [1,2]. FCC catalysts can be considered as pozzolanic materials since in the presence of water they tend to chemically react with calcium hydroxide to produce compounds possessing cementitious properties [3,4]. In addition, partial replacement of cement with FCC catalysts can enhance the performance of pastes and mortars, namely by improving their compressive strength [5,6]. In the present work the reaction of waste FCC catalyst with Ca(OH)2 has been investigated after a curing time of 28 days by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with electron backscattered signal (BSE) combined with X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) carried out with a JEOL JSM 7001F instrument operated at 15 kV coupled to an INCA pentaFetx3 Oxford spectrometer. The polished cross-sections of FCC particles embedded in resin have also been evaluated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in contact mode (CM) using a NanoSurf EasyScan 2 instrument. The SEM/EDS results revealed that an inward migration of Ca occurred during the reaction. A weaker outward migration of Si and Al was also apparent (Fig. 1). The migration of Ca was not homogeneous and tended to follow high-diffusivity paths within the porous waste FCC catalyst particles. The present study suggests that the porosity of waste FCC catalysts is key for the migration/reaction of Ca from the surrounding matrix, playing an important role in the pozzolanic activity of the system. The topography images and surface roughness parameters obtained by atomic force microscopy can be used to infer the local porosity in waste FCC catalyst particles (Fig. 2).
Comunicação apresentada na IASIA Annual Conference no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, de 3 a 8 de Agosto de 2009.
A Dot-ELISA using a measles virus (MV) antigen obtained by sodium deoxycholate treatment was standardized and evaluated for IgM and IgG antibody detection in measles patients and measles-vaccinated subjects. A total of 192 serum samples were studied, comprising 47 from patients with acute and convalescent measles, 55 from 9-month old children prior to measles vaccination and 41 from children of the same age after vaccination, and 49 from patients with unrelated diseases. The diagnostic performances of the IgG Dot-ELISA and IgG immuno fluorescence test (IFT) were found to be close, varying from 0.97 to 1.00 in sensitivity and the specificities were maximum (1.00). Nevertheless, the sensitivity of the IgM Dot-ELISA (0.85) was higher than that (0.63) of the IgM IFT, although both assays had comparably high (1.00) specificities. The IgM Dot-ELISA in particular proved to be more sensitive in relation to other assays studied by revealing antibodies in 80.0% (12/15) of vaccinated children on the 15th day after immunization. In contrast the IgM IFT, failed to detect antibodies in the same group of vaccinated children. The stability of the MV antigen was longer than that of the IFT antigen, and the reproducibility of the Dot-Elisa was satisfactory.
In Brazil, more than 500,000 new cases of malaria were notified in 1992. Plasmodium falciparum and P.vivax are the responsible species for 99.3% of the cases. For adequate treatment, precoce diagnosis is necessary. In this work, we present the results of the traditional Plasmodia detection method, thick blood film (TBF), and the results of alternative methods: Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) with polyclonal antibody and Quantitative Buffy Coat method (QBC)® in a well defined population groups. The analysis were done in relation to the presence or absence of malaria clinical symptoms. Also different classes of immunoglobulins anti-P.falciparum were quantified for the global analysis of the results, mainly in the discrepant results. We concluded that alternative methods are more sensitive than TBF and that the association of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory findings is necessary to define the presence of malaria.
The development of resistance in three stages throughout an active infection (pre-ovular, acute and initial chronic stages) was studied, comparing the total number of adult worms recovered from the reinfected group and the control groups. It was shown that Nectomys squamipes was unable to develop resistance in the tested conditions and, on the other hand, reinfection in the pre-ovular period of the parasite led the rodent to present the phenomenonacilitation, with reduction of natural resistance and an increase in the parasite load. These results suggest the existence of other forms of immunity diverse from the concomitant immunity in the host-parasite relationship, according to the employed model.
Hydatid disease in tropical areas poses a serious diagnostic problem due to the high frequence of cross-reactivity with other endemic helminthic infections. The enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the double diffusion arc 5 showed respectively a sensitivity of 73% and 57% and a specificity of 84-95% and 100%. However, the specificity of ELISA was greatly increased by using ovine serum and phosphorylcholine in the diluent buffer. The hydatic antigen obtained from ovine cyst fluid showed three main protein bands of 64,58 and 30 KDa using SDS PAGE and immunoblotting. Sera from patients with onchocerciasis, cysticercosis, toxocariasis and Strongyloides infection cross-reacted with the 64 and 58 KDa bands by immunoblotting. However, none of the analyzed sera recognized the 30 KDa band, that seems to be specific in this assay. The immunoblotting showed a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 100% when used to recognize the 30 KDa band.
Se evaluó la utilidad de la prueba de aglutinación directa (AD) para diagnosticar el Mal de Caderas. Se emplearon cuarenta y cuatro sueros provenientes de dos lotes de equinos naturalmente infectados con el Trypanosoma evansi (Lote 1 y Lote 2). La AD fue positiva (Aglutinación > 1:512) en 13 de 16 equinos (81.2%), de los que se aislaron los parásitos. En doce de estos animales (92%) se detectaron IgM anti T. evansi mediante la AD realizada con 2-mercaptoetanol (AD + 2-ME). La AD fue positiva en 17 de los 28 equinos que resultaron negativos al diagnóstico parasitológico. Un tercer lote de cinco equinos infectados con T. evansi que presentaba elevados títulos de AD, fue tratado con Suramina Sódica (Nagano1-Bayer). La AD + 2-ME evidenció en cuatro animales que, gran parte de estos anticuerpos se ubicaban en la fracción IgM. Posterior al tratamiento farmacológico y, en concordancia de la negativización de la parasitemia, la detección de la IgM anti T. evansi no fue posible, mientras que los anticuerpos IgG continuaron detectándose a los doce meses post-tratamiento en valores de 1:512, en tres animales. Cincuenta sueros de equinos de una zona libre del parásito, que se emplearon como controles, fueron negativos a la AD. Se recomienda la utilización de la AD y AD + 2-ME para el uso de rutina en el diagnóstico del Mal de Caderas de los equinos, en combinación con otros métodos parasitológicos sensibles.
A total of 130 Listeria strains were tested in order to evaluate lecithinase production and capacity for Congo red adsorption as markers of pathogenicity. The strains were identified according to acid production from sugars and by the CAMP test and the data were correlated with the ability to produce keratoconjunctivitis in guinea pigs. L. monocytogenes cultures presented 51.8% and 88.8% positivity rates for Congo red adsorption and lecithinase production, respectively, whereas 80.8% and 100% for L. innocua cultures were negative for the two test, respectively