960 resultados para Computer Software
This work reports the developnent of a mathenatical model and distributed, multi variable computer-control for a pilot plant double-effect climbing-film evaporator. A distributed-parameter model of the plant has been developed and the time-domain model transformed into the Laplace domain. The model has been further transformed into an integral domain conforming to an algebraic ring of polynomials, to eliminate the transcendental terms which arise in the Laplace domain due to the distributed nature of the plant model. This has made possible the application of linear control theories to a set of linear-partial differential equations. The models obtained have well tracked the experimental results of the plant. A distributed-computer network has been interfaced with the plant to implement digital controllers in a hierarchical structure. A modern rnultivariable Wiener-Hopf controller has been applled to the plant model. The application has revealed a limitation condition that the plant matrix should be positive-definite along the infinite frequency axis. A new multi variable control theory has emerged fram this study, which avoids the above limitation. The controller has the structure of the modern Wiener-Hopf controller, but with a unique feature enabling a designer to specify the closed-loop poles in advance and to shape the sensitivity matrix as required. In this way, the method treats directly the interaction problems found in the chemical processes with good tracking and regulation performances. Though the ability of the analytical design methods to determine once and for all whether a given set of specifications can be met is one of its chief advantages over the conventional trial-and-error design procedures. However, one disadvantage that offsets to some degree the enormous advantages is the relatively complicated algebra that must be employed in working out all but the simplest problem. Mathematical algorithms and computer software have been developed to treat some of the mathematical operations defined over the integral domain, such as matrix fraction description, spectral factorization, the Bezout identity, and the general manipulation of polynomial matrices. Hence, the design problems of Wiener-Hopf type of controllers and other similar algebraic design methods can be easily solved.
The research carried out in this thesis was mainly concerned with the effects of large induction motors and their transient performance in power systems. Computer packages using the three phase co-ordinate frame of reference were developed to simulate the induction motor transient performance. A technique using matrix algebra was developed to allow extension of the three phase co-ordinate method to analyse asymmetrical and symmetrical faults on both sides of the three phase delta-star transformer which is usually required when connecting large induction motors to the supply system. System simulation, applying these two techniques, was used to study the transient stability of a power system. The response of a typical system, loaded with a group of large induction motors, two three-phase delta-star transformers, a synchronous generator and an infinite system was analysed. The computer software developed to study this system has the advantage that different types of fault at different locations can be studied by simple changes in input data. The research also involved investigating the possibility of using different integrating routines such as Runge-Kutta-Gill, RungeKutta-Fehlberg and the Predictor-Corrector methods. The investigation enables the reduction of computation time, which is necessary when solving the induction motor equations expressed in terms of the three phase variables. The outcome of this investigation was utilised in analysing an introductory model (containing only minimal control action) of an isolated system having a significant induction motor load compared to the size of the generator energising the system.
A novel Kerr cell of greater optical path length and temperature stability has been designed and built. The Kerr effect experimental has been substantially automated using an Apple IIe computer. Software has been written allowing the computer to partially control the Kerr effect equipment and to acquire and analyse the relevant data.The temperature dependent electro-optic Kerr effect of 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline, p-nitroaniline, nitrobenzene, aniline, and toluene as solutions in 1, 4-dioxane has been studied. The Kerr effect measurements combined with dipole moment, depolarisation ratio, dielectric, and electronic polarisation measurements have been used to calculate the first hyperpolarisability of the solute.Although first hyperpolarisabilities for the compounds studied have been measured in various physical states using a variety of experimental techniques, it is gratifying to find that the values presented in this thesis have a linear relationship with values reported by other workers.
This book is aimed primarily at microbiologists who are undertaking research and who require a basic knowledge of statistics to analyse their experimental data. Computer software employing a wide range of data analysis methods is widely available to experimental scientists. The availability of this software, however, makes it essential that investigators understand the basic principles of statistics. Statistical analysis of data can be complex with many different methods of approach, each of which applies in a particular experimental circumstance. Hence, it is possible to apply an incorrect statistical method to data and to draw the wrong conclusions from an experiment. The purpose of this book, which has its origin in a series of articles published in the Society for Applied Microbiology journal ‘The Microbiologist’, is an attempt to present the basic logic of statistics as clearly as possible and therefore, to dispel some of the myths that often surround the subject. The 28 ‘Statnotes’ deal with various topics that are likely to be encountered, including the nature of variables, the comparison of means of two or more groups, non-parametric statistics, analysis of variance, correlating variables, and more complex methods such as multiple linear regression and principal components analysis. In each case, the relevant statistical method is illustrated with examples drawn from experiments in microbiological research. The text incorporates a glossary of the most commonly used statistical terms and there are two appendices designed to aid the investigator in the selection of the most appropriate test.
A survey of the existing state-of-the-art of turbine blade manufacture highlights two operations that have not been automated namely that of loading of a turbine blade into an encapsulation die, and that of removing a machined blade from the encapsulation block. The automation of blade decapsulation has not been pursued. In order to develop a system to automate the loading of an encapsulation die a prototype mechanical handling robot has been designed together with a computer controlled encapsulation die. The robot has been designed as a mechanical handling robot of cylindrical geometry, suitable for use in a circular work cell. It is the prototype for a production model to be called `The Cybermate'. The prototype robot is mechanically complete but due to unforeseen circumstances the robot control system is not available (the development of the control system did not form a part of this project), hence it has not been possible to fully test and assess the robot mechanical design. Robot loading of the encapsulation die has thus been simulated. The research work with regard to the encapsulation die has focused on the development of computer controlled, hydraulically actuated, location pins. Such pins compensate for the inherent positional inaccuracy of the loading robot and reproduce the dexterity of the human operator. Each pin comprises a miniature hydraulic cylinder, controlled by a standard bidirectional flow control valve. The precision positional control is obtained through pulsing of the valves under software control, with positional feedback from an 8-bit transducer. A test-rig comprising one hydraulic location pin together with an opposing spring loaded pin has demonstrated that such a pin arrangement can be controlled with a repeatability of +/-.00045'. In addition this test-rig has demonstrated that such a pin arrangement can be used to gauge and compensate for the dimensional error of the component held between the pins, by offsetting the pin datum positions to allow for the component error. A gauging repeatability of +/- 0.00015' was demonstrated. This work has led to the design and manufacture of an encapsulation die comprising ten such pins and the associated computer software. All aspects of the control software except blade gauging and positional data storage have been demonstrated. Work is now required to achieve the accuracy of control demonstrated by the single pin test-rig, with each of the ten pins in the encapsulation die. This would allow trials of the complete loading cycle to take place.
Replacement of the traditional coil spring with one of more fibre-reinforced plastic sulcated springs is a future possibility. Spring designers of metallic coil springs have design formulae readily available, and software packages specific to coil spring design exist. However, the sulcated spring is at the prototype stage of development, so literature on these springs is very sparse. The thesis contains information on the market for sulcated springs, and their advantages and disadvantages. Literature on other types of fibre reinforced plastic springs has also been reviewed. Design software has been developed for the sulcated spring along similar lines to coil spring design software. In order to develop the software, a theoretical model had to be developed which formed the mathematical basis for the software. The theoretical model is based on a choice of four methods for calculating the flexural rigidity; beam theory, plate theory, and lamination theory assuming isotropic and orthoropic material properties. Experimental results for strain and spring stiffness have been compared with the theoretical model, and were in good agreement. Included in the design software are the results of experimental work on fatigue, and design limiting factors to prevent or warn against impractical designs. Finite element analysis has been used to verify the theoretical model developed, and to find the better approximation to the experimental results. Applications and types of assemblies for the sulcated spring were discussed. Sulcated spring designs for the automotive applications of a suspension, clutch and engine valve spring were found using the design computer software. These sulcated spring designs were within or close to the space of the existing coil spring and yield the same performance. Finally the commercial feasibility of manufacturing the sulcated spring was assessed and compared with the coil spring, to evaluate the plausibility of the sulcated spring replacing the coil spring eventually.
Introduction: We have adapted the existing , optometry diabetic retinopathy screening pathway and software , so that it can be used for wet AMD fast track referral. Purpose: To compare the conventional, optometry wet AMD fast track referral service using FAX transmission, with a teleophthalmology service using colour fundus photography transmitted to a central retinal grading centre. Method: 40 optometry practices involved in diabetic retinopathy screening were enrolled and had modified computer software installed. Referrals were made by conventional fast track FAX to the macular clinic, and patients were photographed by the optometrist and images transmitted to a central grading centre Results of the two pathways were compared in terms of 1)speed of diagnosis and 2)sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis of wet AMD. Results: Over a ten month period, 62 consecutive patients were referred. The mean time for conventional pathway was 20.8 days (range 3-34),and for new teleophthalmology pathway was 6.9 days (range 1-13). Sensitivity of technician grading of images was 96%, Specificity 53%, and consultant ophthalmologist was sensitivity 96%, specificiity 87%. The technician showed a learning effect with specificity increasing from 30.7% for first 31 patient cohort, to 70.6% for the second cohort. One patient had images that could not be graded. Conclusion: Rapid referral of wet AMD cases by optometrists using modified diabetic retinopathy screening software, allows fast and accurate diagnosis, and may reduce unnecessary referrals. Retinal grading technicians can be trained to grade wet AMD images.
Golfers, coaches and researchers alike, have all keyed in on golf putting as an important aspect of overall golf performance. Of the three principle putting tasks (green reading, alignment and the putting action phase), the putting action phase has attracted the most attention from coaches, players and researchers alike. This phase includes the alignment of the club with the ball, the swing, and ball contact. A significant amount of research in this area has focused on measuring golfer’s vision strategies with eye tracking equipment. Unfortunately this research suffers from a number of shortcomings, which limit its usefulness. The purpose of this thesis was to address some of these shortcomings. The primary objective of this thesis was to re-evaluate golfer’s putting vision strategies using binocular eye tracking equipment and to define a new, optimal putting vision strategy which was associated with both higher skill and success. In order to facilitate this research, bespoke computer software was developed and validated, and new gaze behaviour criteria were defined. Additionally, the effects of training (habitual) and competition conditions on the putting vision strategy were examined, as was the effect of ocular dominance. Finally, methods for improving golfer’s binocular vision strategies are discussed, and a clinical plan for the optometric management of the golfer’s vision is presented. The clinical management plan includes the correction of fundamental aspects of golfers’ vision, including monocular refractive errors and binocular vision defects, as well as enhancement of their putting vision strategy, with the overall aim of improving performance on the golf course. This research has been undertaken in order to gain a better understanding of the human visual system and how it relates to the sport performance of golfers specifically. Ultimately, the analysis techniques and methods developed are applicable to the assessment of visual performance in all sports.
The modularised assembly FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) cascade is a form of system design which, the authors feel, could be viable in a variety of organisational and operational settings where high product mix manufacture and unitary batch sizing are common features. The philosophy behind the concept is that production facilities are market-driven and customers' orders place a direct demand pull on final assembly which, in turn, triggers all preceeding activities. Greater flexibility~is recognized as a necessary feature in modern manufacture and the implementation of modularised FMS in conjunction with state-of-the-art hardware and computer software systems enable conditions under which more flexible processing can take place.
Heuristics, simulation, artificial intelligence techniques and combinations thereof have all been employed in the attempt to make computer systems adaptive, context-aware, reconfigurable and self-managing. This paper complements such efforts by exploring the possibility to achieve runtime adaptiveness using mathematically-based techniques from the area of formal methods. It is argued that formal methods @ runtime represents a feasible approach, and promising preliminary results are summarised to support this viewpoint. The survey of existing approaches to employing formal methods at runtime is accompanied by a discussion of their challenges and of the future research required to overcome them. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
Since the mid-1990s, the United States has experienced a shortage of scientists and engineers, declining numbers of students choosing these fields as majors, and low student success and retention rates in these disciplines. Learning theorists, educational researchers, and practitioners believe that learning environments can be created so that an improvement in the numbers of students who complete courses successfully could be attained (Astin, 1993; Magolda & Terenzini, n.d.; O'Banion, 1997). Learning communities do this by providing high expectations, academic and social support, feedback during the entire educational process, and involvement with faculty, other students, and the institution (Ketcheson & Levine, 1999). ^ A program evaluation of an existing learning community of science, mathematics, and engineering majors was conducted to determine the extent to which the program met its goals and was effective from faculty and student perspectives. The program provided laptop computers, peer tutors, supplemental instruction with and without computer software, small class size, opportunities for contact with specialists in selected career fields, a resource library, and Peer-Led Team Learning. During the two years the project has existed, success, retention, and next-course continuation rates were higher than in traditional courses. Faculty and student interviews indicated there were many affective accomplishments as well. ^ Success and retention rates for one learning community class ( n = 27) and one traditional class (n = 61) in chemistry were collected and compared using Pearson chi square procedures ( p = .05). No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups. Data from an open-ended student survey about how specific elements of their course experiences contributed to success and persistence were analyzed by coding the responses and comparing the learning community and traditional classes. Substantial differences were found in their perceptions about the lecture, the lab, other supports used for the course, contact with other students, helping them reach their potential, and their recommendation about the course to others. Because of the limitation of small sample size, these differences are reported in descriptive terms. ^
This study explored the strategies that community-based, consumer-focused advocacy, alternative service organizations (ASOs), implemented to adapt to the changes in the nonprofit funding environment (Oliver & McShane, 1979; Perlmutter, 1988a, 1994). It is not clear as to the extent to which current funding trends have influenced ASOs as little empirical research has been conducted in this area (Magnus, 2001; Marquez, 2003; Powell, 1986). ^ This study used a qualitative research design to investigate strategies implemented by these organizations to adapt to changes such as decreasing government, foundation, and corporate funding and an increasing number of nonprofit organizations. More than 20 community informants helped to identify, locate, and provide information about ASOs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of 30 ASO executive directors from diverse organizations in Miami-bade and Broward Counties, in South Florida. ^ Data analysis was facilitated by the use of ATLAS.ti, version 5, a qualitative data analysis computer software program designed for grounded theory research. This process generated five major themes: Funding Environment; Internal Structure; Strategies for Survival; Sustainability; and Committing to the Cause, Mission, and Vision. ^ The results indicate that ASOs are struggling to survive financially by cutting programs, decreasing staff, and limiting service to consumers. They are also exploring ways to develop fundraising strategies; for example, increasing the number of proposals written for grants, focusing on fund development, and establishing for-profit ventures. Even organizations that state that they are currently financially stable are concerned about their financial vulnerability. There is little flexibility or cushioning to adjust to "funding jolts." The fear of losing current funding levels and being placed in a tenuous financial situation is a constant concern for these ASOs. ^ Further data collected from the self-administered Funding Checklist and demographic forms were coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive information and frequencies generated findings regarding the revenue, staff compliment, use of volunteers and fundraising consultants, and fundraising practices. The study proposes a model of funding relationships and presents implications for social work practice, and policy, along with recommendations for future research. ^
This dissertation is a study of customer relationship management theory and practice. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy whereby companies build strong relationships with existing and prospective customers with the goal of increasing organizational profitability. It is also a learning process involving managing change in processes, people, and technology. CRM implementation and its ramifications are also not completely understood as evidenced by the high number of failures in CRM implementation in organizations and the resulting disappointments. ^ The goal of this dissertation is to study emerging issues and trends in CRM, including the effect of computer software and the accompanying new management processes on organizations, and the dynamics of the alignment of marketing, sales and services, and all other functions responsible for delivering customers a satisfying experience. ^ In order to understand CRM better a content analysis of more than a hundred articles and documents from academic and industry sources was undertaken using a new methodological twist to the traditional method. An Internet domain name (http://crm.fiu.edu) was created for the purpose of this research by uploading an initial one hundred plus abstracts of articles and documents onto it to form a knowledge database. Once the database was formed a search engine was developed to enable the search of abstracts using relevant CRM keywords to reveal emergent dominant CRM topics. The ultimate aim of this website is to serve as an information hub for CRM research, as well as a search engine where interested parties can enter CRM-relevant keywords or phrases to access abstracts, as well as submit abstracts to enrich the knowledge hub. ^ Research questions were investigated and answered by content analyzing the interpretation and discussion of dominant CRM topics and then amalgamating the findings. This was supported by comparisons within and across individual, paired, and sets-of-three occurrences of CRM keywords in the article abstracts. ^ Results show that there is a lack of holistic thinking and discussion of CRM in both academics and industry which is required to understand how the people, process, and technology in CRM impact each other to affect successful implementation. Industry has to get their heads around CRM and holistically understand how these important dimensions affect each other. Only then will organizational learning occur, and overtime result in superior processes leading to strong profitable customer relationships and a hard to imitate competitive advantage. ^
This work has as object the elaboration of social environmental indicator of disaster risk that are present in precarious areas of human occupation, related to intense environmental dynamic from the perspective of the studies about the subject in Geography. The District of Mãe Luiza in Natal, capital city of Rio Grande do Norte, was defined as the study area. The place was chosen because it presents –historically- several vulnerability conditions and exposure to disaster risk. After a local social environmental description, two indexes were elaborated: the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI or IVS in Portuguese), based on 17 (seventeen) variables arranged on a questionnaire addressed to the population nucleus of the district, on regular grid (systematic sampling), classified into 5 (five) levels of SV from the weighted average; and the Physical and Natural Exposure to the Mass Movements Index (EMMI or IEMM in Portuguese) which had 16 (sixteen) variables that feature conditions of exposure to the mass movements in the district with classified levels from the weighted average of 1 (one) to 5 (five). The relationship between these two results, specialized in the district map, produced the Social Environmental Vulnerability Index (SEVI or IVSA in Portuguese) of Mãe Luiza, also classified into 5 (five) levels, following the Boolean logic correlation for cartographic overlay with use of computer software ArcGIS v.9.3, being named as: Very Low; low; average; high; and Very High Environmental Vulnerability in District. The study is based on the methodology proposed by Guerra et al (2009) for EMMI and by Almeida (2010) for SVI. They were modified and adapted according to the local reality, producing a new methodology in this study area. It was concluded that the neighborhood has most of its area with High and Very High Socio-environmental vulnerability to disasters, defined seven (7) critical areas, with Very High IVSA, and hazards associated with mass movements or flooding. In the end, the main issues that were found, such as generating elements for proposing mitigation measures and/or the proposed interventions were enumerated, related to structural order of vulnerability factors: how low constructive pattern of households; poor urban drainage; Real Estate forsaken in landslide routes; infrastructure ready access roads and slope containment. And social: as a lack of education about environmental risk; income and education of residents; presence of persons with limited mobility and/or those with special needs. This reality highlights the need for urgent action applied to the resolution and/or reduction of these problems, which is focusing the end of this work.
Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as representações da Mulher no discurso científico, em particular nas Ciências Sociais e do Comportamento. Metodologia: Optámos por um estudo de caso com uma abordagem metodológica de análise de conteúdo qualitativa, com recursos a informações quantitativas utilizando o software informático MAXQDA 12. A análise foi desenvolvida a partir de uma grelha de categorização que delineámos. Amostra: A nossa amostra é composta por um conjunto de 122 artigos publicados em 9 revistas científicas portuguesas na área da Psicologia no ano de 2015. Resultados: Atráves da análise dos 122 artigos, no conjunto das 9 revistas, obtivemos uma predominência da categoria “Família”, seguida do “Género” e por posteriormente da “Agressão”. Em comparação com o número de artigos em que as categorias estão presentes, obtivemos algumas diferenças. A categoria “Família” é a mais frequente, depois “Feminino” e por fim a “Agressão”, sendo estas também as que tiveram em destaque em maior parte das revistas analisadas. Verificámos que em algumas revistas havia mais que uma categoria prevalecente. Destacamos também que mais de metade das categorias não revelaram predominância nem relevância ao longo do estudo. Conclusão: O dicurso em relação à Mulher nos estudo científicos das Ciências Sociais e do Comportamento continua a manter-se ligado às representações sociais tradicionais, associadas à família e ao feminino. Não verificámos uma verdadeira transformação nos Estudo da Mulher, mas antes um eco de outros discursos e representações societariamente aceites. / Objectives: This study aimed to analyse the representations of Women in scientific discourse, particularly in Social and Behavioural Sciences. Methodology: We developed a case study using a methodological approach with qualitative content analysis, with resources to quantitative information using computer software MAXQDA 12. The analysis was developed from a grid of categorization that we outlined. Sample: Our sample is composed of a set of 122 articles published in 9 Portuguese scientific journals in Psychology in 2015. Results: Through the analysis of 122 articles in the nine journals, we obtained a relevance of the "Family" category, followed by "Gender" and "Aggression". Comparing the number of articles in which the categories are present, we found some differences. "Family" is the most frequent, followed by "Female" and "Aggression", which are also the categories that were highlighted in most of the journals analysed. We found that in some journals had more than a prevailing category. We also note that more than half of the categories did not show dominance or relevance throughout the study. Conclusions: The discourse on women in scientific studies of Social and Behavioural Sciences continues to remain linked to traditional social representations associated with the family and the female. We not noticed a real change in the Women's Study, but an echo of other speeches and corporate aspects accepted representations.