973 resultados para Complex disorder
BACKGROUND: The Internet is increasingly used as a source of information for mental health issues. The burden of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) may lead persons with diagnosed or undiagnosed OCD, and their relatives, to search for good quality information on the Web. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Web-based information on English-language sites dealing with OCD and to compare the quality of websites found through a general and a medically specialized search engine. METHODS: Keywords related to OCD were entered into Google and OmniMedicalSearch. Websites were assessed on the basis of accountability, interactivity, readability, and content quality. The "Health on the Net" (HON) quality label and the Brief DISCERN scale score were used as possible content quality indicators. Of the 235 links identified, 53 websites were analyzed. RESULTS: The content quality of the OCD websites examined was relatively good. The use of a specialized search engine did not offer an advantage in finding websites with better content quality. A score ≥16 on the Brief DISCERN scale is associated with better content quality. CONCLUSION: This study shows the acceptability of the content quality of OCD websites. There is no advantage in searching for information with a specialized search engine rather than a general one. Practical implications: The Internet offers a number of high quality OCD websites. It remains critical, however, to have a provider-patient talk about the information found on the Web.
RÉSUMÉL'hypertrophie cardiaque représente un mécanisme d'adaptation du myocarde en réponse à différents stress. Sur le long terme, l'hypertrophie cardiaque peut évoluer vers l'insuffisance cardiaque, l'une des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés, pour cette raison, la communauté scientifique est très intéressée à élucider les voies de signalisation qui régulent ce phénomène pathologique dans le coeur.Notre laboratoire a montré que AKAP-Lbc, une protéine d'ancrage de la protéine kinase A (AKAPs), est principalement exprimée dans le coeur et peut réguler des processus importants tels que l'hypertrophie des cardiomyocytes.AKAP-Lbc fonctionne comme un facteur d'échange de nucléotides guanine (GEF) pour la petite Rho-GTPase RhoA. Cette fonction est activée par différents récepteurs qui activent son domaine Rho-GEF. Des études récentes ont démontré que AKAP-Lbc est impliquée dans la réponse hypertrophique des cardiomyocytes suite à l'activation des récepteurs α1-adrénergiques. Le but général de ce travail de thèse est la caractérisation de la voie de signalisation hypertrophique activée par AKAP-Lbc dans les cardiomyocytes.Mes travaux montrent que AKAP-Lbc organise un complexe macromoléculaire, comprenant les protéines kinases PKN, MLTK, MKK3 et p38 et active la protéine kinase p38 en réponse à l'activation des récepteurs α1-adrénergiques.Nos résultats indiquent que cette voie de signalisation au cours de la réponse hypertrophique active le facteur de transcription GATA4 et la protéine Hsp27.GATA4 est un important facteur de transcription qui régule la transcription de plusieurs gènes au cours de la réponse hypertrophique, alors que Hsp27 est une protéine chaperonne qui interagit avec le cytosquelette des cardiomyocytes et les protége contre le stress hypertrophique.Pris ensembles, ces études contribuent à comprendre comment le complexe de signalisation formé par AKAP-Lbc régule l'hypertrophie dans les cardiomyocytes. Au-delà de leur intérêt au niveau biochimique, ces travaux pourraient aussi contribuer à la compréhension du phénomène de l'hypertrophie dans le coeur.
Omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3 FAs) have potential anti-inflammatory activity in a variety of inflammatory human diseases, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here we show that stimulation of macrophages with ω-3 FAs, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and other family members, abolished NLRP3 inflammasome activation and inhibited subsequent caspase-1 activation and IL-1β secretion. In addition, G protein-coupled receptor 120 (GPR120) and GPR40 and their downstream scaffold protein β-arrestin-2 were shown to be involved in inflammasome inhibition induced by ω-3 FAs. Importantly, ω-3 FAs also prevented NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent inflammation and metabolic disorder in a high-fat-diet-induced type 2 diabetes model. Our results reveal a mechanism through which ω-3 FAs repress inflammation and prevent inflammation-driven diseases and suggest the potential clinical use of ω-3 FAs in gout, autoinflammatory syndromes, or other NLRP3 inflammasome-driven inflammatory diseases.
Apathy is a complex, behavioural disorder associated with reduced spontaneous initiation of actions. Although present in mild forms in some healthy people, it is a pathological state in conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease where it can have profoundly devastating effects. Understanding the mechanisms underlying apathy is therefore of urgent concern but this has proven difficult because widespread brain changes in neurodegenerative diseases make interpretation difficult and there is no good animal model. Here we present a very rare case with profound apathy following bilateral, focal lesions of the basal ganglia, with globus pallidus regions that connect with orbitofrontal (OFC) and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) particularly affected. Using two measures of oculomotor decision-making we show that apathy in this individual was associated with reward insensitivity. However, reward sensitivity could be established partially with levodopa and more effectively with a dopamine receptor agonist. Concomitantly, there was an improvement in the patient's clinical state, with reduced apathy, greater motivation and increased social interactions. These findings provide a model system to study a key neuropsychiatric disorder. They demonstrate that reward insensitivity associated with basal ganglia dysfunction might be an important component of apathy that can be reversed by dopaminergic modulation.
The Raspas Complex (Ecuador) contains one of the few eclogitic bodies in the northern Andes. It consists of metaperidotites, eclogites, and metapelites. The latter display three assemblages: (i) garnet + chloritoid + kyanite, (ii) garnet + chloritoid and (iii) garnet + chlorite, in all cases with quartz and muscovite in addition. The growth of these assemblages was coeval with the main ductile deformation, and was followed by minor reequilibration (chlorite growth in garnet + chloritoid samples and chloritoid + quartz aggregates replacing garnet and kyanite in garnet + chloritoid + kyanite samples). Detailed microprobe analyses show increasing magnesian compositions for garnet (from core to rim) and chloritoid (inclusions within garnet compared to matrix grains) in kyanite-bearing samples. The above data are interpreted in the framework of the KFMASH system. Reaction progress along the divariant reaction Cld = Grt + Ky explains the change in chemistry of coexisting phases. The divariant Grt-Cld-Ky assemblage has a narrow stability field, and the P-T conditions are estimated at about 20 kbar, 550-600degreesC. Decompression, recorded by chloritoid-quartz pseudomorphs of garnet, probably occurred as temperature decreased.
Since the initial description of astrocytes by neuroanatomists of the nineteenth century, a critical metabolic role for these cells has been suggested in the central nervous system. Nonetheless, it took several technological and conceptual advances over many years before we could start to understand how they fulfill such a role. One of the important and early recognized metabolic function of astrocytes concerns the reuptake and recycling of the neurotransmitter glutamate. But the description of this initial property will be followed by several others including an implication in the supply of energetic substrates to neurons. Indeed, despite the fact that like most eukaryotic non-proliferative cells, astrocytes rely on oxidative metabolism for energy production, they exhibit a prominent aerobic glycolysis capacity. Moreover, this unusual metabolic feature was found to be modulated by glutamatergic activity constituting the initial step of the neurometabolic coupling mechanism. Several approaches, including biochemical measurements in cultured cells, genetic screening, dynamic cell imaging, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mathematical modeling, have provided further insights into the intrinsic characteristics giving rise to these key features of astrocytes. This review will provide an account of the different results obtained over several decades that contributed to unravel the complex metabolic nature of astrocytes that make this cell type unique.
BACKGROUND: Highly recurrent major depressive disorder (MDD) has reportedly increased risk of shifting to bipolar disorder; high recurrence frequency has, therefore, featured as evidence of 'soft bipolarity'. We aimed to investigate the genetic underpinnings of total depressive episode count in recurrent MDD. METHODS: Our primary sample included 1966 MDD cases with negative family history of bipolar disorder from the RADIANT studies. Total episode count was adjusted for gender, age, MDD duration, study and center before being tested for association with genotype in two separate genome-wide analyses (GWAS), in the full set and in a subset of 1364 cases with positive family history of MDD (FH+). We also calculated polygenic scores from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium MDD and bipolar disorder studies. RESULTS: Episodicity (especially intermediate episode counts) was an independent index of MDD familial aggregation, replicating previous reports. The GWAS produced no genome-wide significant findings. The strongest signals were detected in the full set at MAGI1 (p=5.1×10(-7)), previously associated with bipolar disorder, and in the FH+ subset at STIM1 (p=3.9×10(-6) after imputation), a calcium channel signaling gene. However, these findings failed to replicate in an independent Munich cohort. In the full set polygenic profile analyses, MDD polygenes predicted episodicity better than bipolar polygenes; however, in the FH+ subset, both polygenic scores performed similarly. LIMITATIONS: Episode count was self-reported and, therefore, subject to recall bias. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings lend preliminary support to the hypothesis that highly recurrent MDD with FH+ is part of a 'soft bipolar spectrum' but await replication in larger cohorts.
Hajdu-Cheney syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant skeletal disorder with facial anomalies, osteoporosis and acro-osteolysis. We sequenced the exomes of six unrelated individuals with this syndrome and identified heterozygous nonsense and frameshift mutations in NOTCH2 in five of them. All mutations cluster to the last coding exon of the gene, suggesting that the mutant mRNA products escape nonsense-mediated decay and that the resulting truncated NOTCH2 proteins act in a gain-of-function manner.
Vitellogenin genes are expressed specifically in the liver of female oviparous vertebrates under the strict control of estrogen. To explain this tissue-specific expression, we performed a detailed analysis of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B1 promoter by DNase I footprinting and gel mobility-shift assays. We characterized five binding sites for the ubiquitous factor CTF/NF-I. Two of these sites are close to the TATA-box, whereas the others are located on both sides of the estrogen responsive unit formed by two imperfect estrogen response elements. Moreover two liver-enriched factors, C/EBP and HNF3, were found to interact with multiple closely spaced proximal promoter elements in the first 100 base pairs upstream of the TATA-box. To confirm the physiological significance of this in vitro analysis, in vivo DNase I footprinting experiments were carried out using the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction technique. The various cis-elements characterized in vitro as binding sites for known transcription factors and more particularly for liver-enriched transcription factors are efficiently recognized in vivo as well, suggesting that they play an important role in the control of the liver-specific vitellogenin gene B1 expression.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) contributes to the pathogenesis of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in more than 70% of cases. EBV DNAemia surveillance has been reported to assist in the prevention and treatment of PTLD in hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients. Derived from experience in HSCT and taking into account that PCR-based EBV monitoring techniques are currently available in most solid organ transplant (SOT) centres, there is a great interest in EBV surveillance and prevention of PTLD in SOT recipients. In the present document we have tried to address from a practical perspective different important topics regarding the prevention and management of EBV-related PTLD in SOT. To this end, available information on SOT was analysed and combined with potentially useful data from HSCT and expert observations. The document is therefore structured according to different specific questions, each of them culminating in a consensus opinion of the panel of European experts, grading the answers according to internationally recognized levels of evidence. The addressed issues were grouped under the following topics. (i) Timing and epidemiological data of PTLD. Prophylaxis guided by clinical risk factors of early and late PTLD in SOT. (ii) Relationship of EBV DNAemia load monitoring and the development of PTLD in solid organ transplant recipients. (iii) Monitoring of EBV DNAemia after SOT. Which population should be monitored? What is the optimal timing of the monitoring? (iv) Management of SOT recipients with persistent and/or increasing EBV DNAemia.
Short-term dynamic psychotherapy (STDP) has rarely been investigated with regard to its underlying mechanisms of change, even if psychoanalytic theory informs us about several potential putative mechanisms of change in patients. Change in overall defensive functioning is one. In this study, we explored the role of overall defensive functioning, by comparing it on the process level with the neighbouring concept of overall coping functioning. A total of N=32 patients, mainly presenting adjustment disorder, were included in the study. The patients underwent STDP up to 40 sessions; three sessions per psychotherapy were transcribed and analyzed by using two observer-rating scales: Defense Mechanism Rating Scales (Perry, 1990) and Coping Action Patterns (Perry, Drapeau, Dunkley, & Blake, 2005). Hierarchical linear modeling was applied to model the change over the course of therapy and relate it to outcome. Results suggest that STDP has an effect on the target variable of overall defensive functioning, which was absent for overall coping functioning. Links with outcome confirm the importance of the effect. These results are discussed from methodological and clinical viewpoints.
The authors report three children who suffered temporary oromotor or speech disturbances as focal epileptic manifestations within the frame of benign partial epilepsy of childhood with rolandic spikes and review similar cases described in the literature. The deficit can occur as an initial symptom of the disorder without visible epileptic seizures and interferes in a variable way with simple voluntary oromotor functions or complex movements including speech production, depending on the exact location and spread of the discharging epileptic focus around the perisylvian region. The most severe deficit produces the anterior operculum syndrome. More subtle non-linguistic deficits such as intermittent drooling, oromotor apraxia or dysfluency, as well as linguistic ones involving phonologic production, can occur. The rapidity of onset, progression and recovery of the deficit is very variable as well as its duration and presumably reflects the degree of epileptic activity. In some cases, rapid improvement with antiepileptic medication occurs and coincidence between the paroxysmal EEG activity (which is usually bilateral) and the functional deficit is seen. The clinical and EEG profile of the seizures disorder and the dynamic of the deficit in these cases bear a strong resemblance to what is seen in the acquired epilepsy-aphasia syndrome (Landau and Kleffner). The variations in clinical symptoms appear more related to the main site, local extension and bilaterality of the epileptic foci rather than a basic difference in physiopathology.
Carbonatites of the Eocene Tamazeght complex, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, consist of calciocarbonatites (alvikite and sovite dykes) and magnesiocarbonatites (diatreme breccias and dykes rocks). These are associated with ultramafic, shonkinitic, gabbroic to monzonitic and various foid syenitic silicate units. Stable and radiogenic isotope compositions for carbonatites and silicate rocks indicate that they share a common source in the mantle, although for some carbonatitic samples contamination with sedimentary rocks seems important. The observed isotopic heterogeneity is mainly attributed to source characteristics, fractional crystallization (accompanied by various degrees of assimilation), and late- to post-magmatic fluid-rock interaction. During the late fluid-rock interaction, Sr, Mn, and possibly also Fe were mobilized and redistributed to form secondary carbonate minerals in carbonatites. These fluids also penetrated into the adjacent syenitic rocks, causing enrichment in the same elements.
Background: Isolated complex III deficiencies are caused by mutations in the mitochondrial CytB gene, in the BCS1L gene coding for a CIII assembly factor and in the UQCRQ gene that codes for the ubiquinone binding protein of complex III. Objective: Description of clinical features, mitochondrial function and molecular genetic analysis in a patient with an isolated complex III deficiency. Patient: A 17 year old boy, born to consanguineous parents who presented with hypoglycemia, glycosuria, deafness, growth retardation, Fanconi Syndrome and severe lactic acidosis in the neonatal period. Methods: Activities and assembly of OXPHOS complexes were investigated spectrophotometrically and by BN-PAGE. mt-DNAwas screened for deletions. Cytochrome b (CytB) and the BCS1L gene were sequenced. Results: Isolated complex III deficiency was detected in the patient's skeletal muscle. Using BN-PAGE blotting a complex III of lower molecular weight was detected. Staining the 2D reveals a missing subunit. No mutation was detected in the mitochondrial CytB gene. Sequence analysis of BCS1L revealed a novel homozygous point mutation p.M48V. Conclusion: The patients decreased complex III activity is most likely caused by incomplete assembly of complex III due to the homozygous p. M48V mutation in the BCS1L gene.
The study of the radiolarian ribbon chert is a key in determining the origins of associated Mesozoic oceanic terranes and may help to achieve a general agreement regarding the basic principles on the evolution of the Caribbean Plate. The Bermeja Complex of Puerto Rico, which contains serpentinized peridotite, altered basalt, amphibolite, and chert (Mariquita Chert Formation), is one of these crucial oceanic terranes. The radiolarian biochronology presented in this work is mainly based by correlation on the biozonations of Baumgartner et al. (1995) and O'Dogherty (1994) and indicates an early Middle Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous (late Bajocian-early Callovian to late early Albian-early middle Cenomanian) age. The illustrated assemblages contain about 120 species, of which one is new (Pantanellium karinae), and belonging to about 50 genera. A review of the previous radiolarian published works on the Mariquita Chert Formation and the results of this study suggest that this formation ranges in age from Middle Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous (late Aalenian to early-middle Cenomanian) and also reveal a possible feature of the Bermeja Complex, which is the younging of radiolarian cherts from north to south, evoking a polarity of accretion. On the basis of a currently exhaustive inventory of the radiolarite facies s.s. on the Caribbean Plate, a re-examination of the regional distribution of Middle Jurassic sediments associated with oceanic crust, and a paleoceanographic argumentation on the water currents, we come to the conclusion that the radiolarite and associated Mesozoic oceanic terranes of the Caribbean Plate are of Pacific origin. Eventually, a discussion on the origin of the cherts of the Mariquita Formation illustrated by Middle Jurassic to middle Cretaceous geodynamic models of the Pacific and Caribbean realms bring up the possibility that the rocks of the Bermeja Complex are remnants of two different oceans.