903 resultados para Complementary Therapies, utilization
Enterococcus faecalis is a Gram-positive bacterium that lives as a commensal organism in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, but can behave as an opportunistic pathogen. Our lab discovered that mutation of the eutK gene attenuates virulence of E. faecalis in the C. elegans model host. eutK is part of the ethanolamine metabolic pathway which was previously unknown in E. faecalis. I discovered the presence of two unique posttranscriptional regulatory features that control expression of eut locus genes. The first feature I found is an AdoCBL riboswitch, a cis-acting RNA regulatory element that acts as a positive regulator of gene expression. The second feature I discovered is a unique two-component system, EutVW. The EutV response regulator contains an ANTAR family domain, which binds RNA to trigger transcriptional antitermination. I determined that induction of expression of several genes in the eut locus is dependent on ethanolamine, AdoCBL and the two-component system. AdoCBL and ethanolamine are both required for induction of eut locus gene expression. Additionally, I discovered eutG is regulated by a unique mechanism of antitermination. Both the AdoCBL riboswitch and EutV response regulator control the expression of the downstream gene eutG. EutV potentially acts through a novel antitermination mechanism in which a dimer of EutV binds to a pair of mRNA stem loops forming an antitermination complex. My data show a unique mechanism by which two environmental signals are integrated by two different posttranscriptional regulators to regulate a single locus.
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder with pleiotropic manifestations caused by heterozygous mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2. One of the less investigated complications of TSC is the formation of aneurysms of the descending aorta, which are characterized on pathologic examination by smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation in the aortic media. SMCs were explanted from Tsc2(+/-) mice to investigate the pathogenesis of aortic aneurysms caused by TSC2 mutations. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs demonstrated increased phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), S6 and p70S6K and increased proliferation rates compared with wild-type (WT) SMCs. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs also had reduced expression of SMC contractile proteins compared with WT SMCs. An inhibitor of mTOR signaling, rapamycin, decreased SMC proliferation and increased contractile protein expression in the Tsc2(+/-) SMCs to levels similar to WT SMCs. Exposure to alpha-elastin fragments also decreased proliferation of Tsc2(+/-) SMCs and increased levels of p27(kip1), but failed to increase expression of contractile proteins. In response to artery injury using a carotid artery ligation model, Tsc2(+/-) mice significantly increased neointima formation compared with the control mice, and the neointima formation was inhibited by treatment with rapamycin. These results demonstrate that Tsc2 haploinsufficiency in SMCs increases proliferation and decreases contractile protein expression and suggest that the increased proliferative potential of the mutant cells may be suppressed in vivo by interaction with elastin. These findings provide insights into the molecular pathogenesis of aortic disease in TSC patients and identify a potential therapeutic target for treatment of this complication of the disease.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) directly affects nearly 1.5 million new patients per year in the USA, adding to the almost 6 million cases in patients who are permanently affected by the irreversible physical, cognitive and psychosocial deficits from a prior injury. Adult stem cell therapy has shown preliminary promise as an option for treatment, much of which is limited currently to supportive care. Preclinical research focused on cell therapy has grown significantly over the last decade. One of the challenges in the translation of this burgeoning field is interpretation of the promising experimental results obtained from a variety of cell types, injury models and techniques. Although these variables can become barriers to a collective understanding and to evidence-based translation, they provide crucial information that, when correctly placed, offers the opportunity for discovery. Here, we review the preclinical evidence that is currently guiding the translation of adult stem cell therapy for TBI.
Cachexia is very common among patients with advanced pancreatic cancer and is a marker of poor prognosis. Weight loss in cachexia is due to both adipose and muscle compartments, and sarcopenia (severe muscle depletion) is associated with worse outcomes. Curcumin has shown a myriad of biological effects, including anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. The ability of curcumin to attenuate cachexia and muscle loss has been tested in animal models, with conflicting results so far. The hypothesis of this study was that patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with curcumin for two months have less fat and muscle loss as compared to matched controls not treated with this compound. A matched 1:2 case-control retrospective study was conducted with 22 patients with pancreatic cancer who were treated with curcumin on a previous protocol and 44 untreated controls with the same diagnosis matched by age, gender, time from advanced cancer, body mass index, and number of prior therapies. Data was collected regarding oncologic treatment, medication use, weights, heights, and survival. Body composition was determined by computerized tomography analyses at two timepoints separated by 60±20 days. For treated patients, the first image was at the beginning of treatment and for controls it was determined by the matching time from advanced cancer. The evolution of body composition over time was quantitatively analyzed comparing both groups. All patients lost weight both due to fat and muscle losses, and patients treated with curcumin presented greater losses both in lean adipose body mass. Use of medications, chemotherapy, age, time from advanced cancer, baseline albumin, performance status, and number of prior therapies were not independently correlated with changes in body composition variables. Patients treated with curcumin had borderline shorter survival when compared with untreated patients. Sarcopenic treated patients had significantly shorter survival than non-sarcopenic counterparts, and sarcopenia status was not associated with survival among the controls. Treated patients with shorter survival showed a tendency to lose more lean and especially fat body mass as compared to untreated patients, maybe suggesting an effect of curcumin on shifting weight loss towards the end of life by impacting its mechanisms.
This study examines the social and behavioral determinants of two types of primary care, seeing a physician or a pharmacist, for Koreans and evaluates the equity of the Korean national health insurance system. The study applies the Aday and Andersen access framework to cross-sectional data from the 1992 Korean National Health Interview Survey (N = 21,841).^ The study found that in Korea, the elderly were most likely, and children least likely, to have used physician services. Women, household heads, those in small families, and the less educated were more likely than their counterparts to use physician and pharmacist services. Health status and need were important determinants of Koreans seeing a doctor or a pharmacist. Differences in need substantially accounted for the original differences observed between subgroups. Resources associated with having insurance coverage, a regular source of care, and place of residence (rural/urban) ameliorated to some extent the subgroup differences in the use of physicians' and pharmacists' services among Koreans. They were also major independent predictors of access. Having insurance remains a particularly important predictor of who uses physician services. Among the insured, trade-offs in the use of physician and pharmacist services were found in the current system, i.e., uninsured and poor Koreans were more likely to use pharmacist services, while insured and rural Koreans were more likely to use doctor services. Among the insured, cost sharing rates are lower for physician than for pharmacist services. Self-employed persons were less likely than government and industrial workers to use physician services. An underlying expectation under universal health insurance was that the Korean health care system would be equitable. The research results, however, did not fully support this expectation.^ The policy implications of these findings are that measures are required to extend insurance coverage to the uninsured, to equalize differences in benefit packages between health plans, and to expand the availability of physicians in rural areas. Further research is also needed to understand those who do not currently have a regular source of care and why and the access barriers that may exist for selected demographic subgroups (those in large families and unmarried or divorced/widowed persons). ^
Aim of the study: This study investigated the use among the Swiss adult population and the regional dissemination in Switzerland of various methods of complementary medicine (CM). It focused on CM methods that required visiting a physician or therapist and excluded e.g. over-the-counter drugs. Data and Methods: Data of the Swiss Health Survey 2007 were obtained from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. This survey is performed every 5 years in a sample and is representative of the Swiss resident population from the age of 15 on. It consists of a telephone interview followed by a written questionnaire (2007: 18'760 and 14'432 respondents, respectively) and includes questions about people's state of health, general living conditions, lifestyle, health insurance and usage of health services. Users and non-users of CM were compared using logistic regression models. Results: 23.0 % of the Swiss adult population (women: 30.5 %, men: 15.2 %) used CM during the 12 months before the survey. Homeopathy (6.4 %), osteopathy (5.4 %) and acupuncture (4.9 %) were the most popular methods. The average number of treatments within 12 months for these three methods was 3.1 ± 3.6, 3.5 ± 3.3 and 6.6 ± 5.8, respectively. For treatments with homeopathy and acupuncture, medical practitioners were more commonly consulted than non-medical practitioners, for treatments with osteopathy no difference was found. By means of logistic regression, CM users and non-users were compared. There were significant differences in the use of CM between genders, age groups, levels of education and areas of living. Women, people aged 25 to 64 years, and people with higher levels of education used CM more commonly than men, people below 25 or above 64 years of age, or those with poorer education. Lake Geneva region and central Switzerland had a higher proportion of CM users than the other regions. Discussion: Almost one fourth of the Swiss adult population had used CM within 12 months before the survey. User profiles were comparable to those in other countries. Despite a generally lower self-perceived health status, elderly people were less likely to use CM. Reference: Klein SD, Frei-Erb M, Wolf U. Usage of complementary medicine across Switzerland. Results of the Swiss Health Survey 2007. Swiss Med Wkly. 2012;142:w13666.
Aim of the study Various forms of complementary medicine (CM) play an important role in the Swiss health care system, they are appreciated by a majority of the population and mostly used complementarily rather than alternatively to conventional medicine. This study investigates, how many people in Switzerland are actually being treated with CM, and what the most popular methods of CM are. Data Data of the Swiss Health Survey 2007 were obtained from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. This survey is performed every 5 years amongst a sample of the Swiss resident population above 15 years of age. It consists of a telephone interview followed by a written questionnaire (2007: 18'760 and 14'432 respondents, respectively) and includes questions about people's state of health, general living conditions, lifestyle, health insurance and usage of health services. Results 23.0% of the Swiss adult population (women: 30.5%, men: 15.2%) used CM during the 12 months before the survey. Homeopathy (6.4%), osteopathy (5.4%) and acupuncture (4.9%) were the most popular methods. The average number of treatments within 12 months for these three methods was 3.1, 3.5 and 6.6, respectively. For treatments with homeopathy and acupuncture, medical practitioners were more commonly consulted than non-medical practitioners, for treatments with osteopathy no difference was found. By means of logistic regression, CM users and non-users were compared. There were significant differences in the use of CM between genders, age groups, levels of education and areas of living. Women, people aged 25 to 64 years, and people with higher education used CM more commonly than men, people below 25 or above 64 years of age, or those with poorer education. Lake Geneva region and central Switzerland had a higher proportion of CM users than the other regions. Discussion While 2 years ago, 67.0% of the Swiss population approved a referendum in favour of CM, we find that 23.0% are in fact using it. Current political discussions focus on effectiveness, cost effectiveness and suitability of CM to decide which methods should be permanently covered by the basic health insurance.
Background The use of cancer related therapy in cancer patients at the end-of-life has increased over time in many countries. Given a lack of published Swiss data, the objective of this study was to describe delivery of health care during the last month before death of cancer patients. Methods Claims data were used to assess health care utilization of cancer patients (identified by cancer registry data of four participating cantons), deceased between 2006-2008. Primary endpoints were hospitalization rate and delivery of cancer related therapies during the last 30 days before death. Multivariate logistic regression assessed the explanatory value of patient and geographic characteristics. Results 3809 identified cancer patients were included. Hospitalization rate (mean 68.5%, 95%CI 67.0-69.9) and percentage of patients receiving anti-cancer drug therapies (ACDT, mean 14.5%, 95%CI 13.4-15.6) and radiotherapy (mean 7.7%, 95%CI 6.7-8.4) decreased with age. Canton of residence and insurance type status most significantly influenced the odds for hospitalization or receiving ACDT. Conclusions The intensity of cancer specific care showed substantial variation by age, cancer type, place of residence and insurance type status. This may be partially driven by cultural differences within Switzerland and the cantonal organization of the Swiss health care system.
The fluorinated olefinic peptide nucleic acid (F-OPA) system was designed as a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) analogue in which the base carrying amide moiety was replaced by an isostructural and isoelectrostatic fluorinated C-C double bond, locking the nucleobases in one of the two possible rotameric forms. By comparison of the base-pairing properties of this analogue with its nonfluorinated analogue OPA and PNA, we aimed at a closer understanding of the role of this amide function in complementary DNA recognition. Here we present the synthesis of the F-OPA monomer building blocks containing the nucleobases A, T, and G according to the MMTr/Acyl protecting group scheme. Key steps are a selective desymmetrization of the double bond in the monomer precursor via lactonization as well as a highly regioselective Mitsunobu reaction for the introduction of the bases. PNA decamers containing single F-OPA mutations and fully modified F-OPA decamers and pentadecamers containing the bases A and T were synthesized by solid-phase peptide chemistry, and their hybridization properties with complementary parallel and antiparallel DNA were assessed by UV melting curves and CD spectroscopic methods. The stability of the duplexes formed by the decamers containing single (Z)-F-OPA modifications with parallel and antiparallel DNA was found to be strongly dependent on their position in the sequence with T(m) values ranging from +2.4 to -8.1 degrees C/modification as compared to PNA. Fully modified F-OPA decamers and pentadecamers were found to form parallel duplexes with complementary DNA with reduced stability compared to PNA or OPA. An asymmetric F-OPA pentadecamer was found to form a stable self-complex (T(m) approximately 65 degrees C) of unknown structure. The generally reduced affinity to DNA may therefore be due to an increased propensity for self-aggregation
The use of complementary and alternative Medicine (CAM) has increased over the past two decades in Europe. Nonetheless, research investigating the evidence to support its use remains limited. The CAMbrella project funded by the European Commission aimed to develop a strategic research agenda starting by systematically evaluating the state of CAM in the EU. CAMbrella involved 9 work packages covering issues such as the definition of CAM; its legal status, provision and use in the EU; and a synthesis of international research perspectives. Based on the work package reports, we developed a strategic and methodologically robust research roadmap based on expert workshops, a systematic Delphi-based process and a final consensus conference. The CAMbrella project suggests six core areas for research to examine the potential contribution of CAM to the health care challenges faced by the EU. These areas include evaluating the prevalence of CAM use in Europe; the EU cititzens’ needs and attitudes regarding CAM; the safety of CAM; the comparative effectiveness of CAM; the effects of meaning and context on CAM outcomes; and different models for integrating CAM into existing health care systems. CAM research should use methods generally accepted in the evaluation of health services, including comparative effectiveness studies and mixed-methods designs. A research strategy is urgently needed, ideally led by a European CAM coordinating research office dedicated to fostering systematic communication between EU governments, the public, charitable and industry funders, researchers and other stakeholders. A European Centre for CAM should also be established to monitor and further a coordinated research strategy with sufficient funds to commission and promote high quality, independent research focusing on the public’s health needs and pan-European collaboration. There is a disparity between highly prevalent use of CAM in Europe and solid knowledge about it. A strategic approach on CAM research should be established to investigate the identified gaps of knowledge and to address upcoming health care challenges.