847 resultados para Community public relations


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We present a real-world problem that arises in security threat detection applications. The problem consists of deploying mobile detectors on moving units that follow predefined routes. Examples of such units are buses, coaches, and trolleys. Due to a limited budget not all available units can be equipped with a detector. The goal is to equip a subset of units such that the utility of the resulting coverage is maximized. Existing methods for detector deployment are designed to place detectors in fixed locations and are therefore not applicable to the problem considered here. We formulate the planning problem as a binary linear program and present a coverage heuristic for generating effective deployments in short CPU time. The heuristic has theoretical performance guarantees for important special cases of the problem. The effectiveness of the coverage heuristic is demonstrated in a computational analysis based on 28 instances that we derived from real-world data.


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Various software packages for project management include a procedure for resource-constrained scheduling. In several packages, the user can influence this procedure by selecting a priority rule. However, the resource-allocation methods that are implemented in the procedures are proprietary information; therefore, the question of how the priority-rule selection impacts the performance of the procedures arises. We experimentally evaluate the resource-allocation methods of eight recent software packages using the 600 instances of the PSPLIB J120 test set. The results of our analysis indicate that applying the default rule tends to outperform a randomly selected rule, whereas applying two randomly selected rules tends to outperform the default rule. Applying a small set of more than two rules further improves the project durations considerably. However, a large number of rules must be applied to obtain the best possible project durations.


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This paper presents a software prototype of a personal digital assistant 2.0. Based on soft computing methods and cognitive computing this mobile application prototype improves calendar and mobility management in cognitive cities. Applying fuzzy cognitive maps and evolutionary algorithms, the prototype represents a next step towards the realization of cognitive cities (i.e., smart cities enhanced with cognition). A user scenario and a test version of the prototype are included for didactical reasons.


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Seit geraumer Zeit wird die Frage kontrovers diskutiert, unter welchen Umständen es für ein Unternehmen vorteilhaft ist, bestimmte Funktionen der Informationsverarbeitung fremd zu beziehen. Während die einen die Risiken des Outsourcings betonen, indem sie auf den Verlust strategischer Potenziale und erhöhter Transaktionskosten verweisen, sprechen andere von strategischem Outsourcing und hohen Potenzialen der Kosteneinsparung. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Umstände, unter denen die strategischen Potenziale intern besser ausgeschöpft werden und die Produktions- und Transaktionskosten intern niedriger ausfallen als beim Fremdbezug. Eine zentrale Rolle spielen hierbei das Ausmaß der Spezifität des Humankapitals, Unterschiede in der Vertrauenswürdigkeit und der Motivation zwischen internen und externen Mitarbeitern sowie im Falle des Outsourcings die Höhe der Kapitalbeteiligung am externen Dienstleister. Aus drei komplementären Theorien wird ein Bezugsrahmen entwickelt und auf Basis einer schriftlichen Befragung von 139 deutschen Unternehmen empirisch getestet.


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The question concerning the circumstances under which it is advantageous for a company to outsource certain information systems functions has been a controversial issue for the last decade. While opponents emphasize the risks of outsourcing based on the loss of strategic potentials and increased transaction costs, proponents emphasize the strategic benefits of outsourcing and high potentials of cost-savings. This paper brings together both views by examining the conditions under which both the strategic potentials as well as savings in production and transaction costs of developing and maintaining software applications can better be achieved in-house as opposed to by an external vendor. We develop a theoretical framework from three complementary theories and test it empirically based on a mail survey of 139 German companies. The results show that insourcing is more cost efficient and advantageous in creating strategic benefits through IS if the provision of application services requires a high amount of firm specific human assets. These relationships, however, are partially moderated by differences in the trustworthiness and intrinsic motivation of internal versus external IS professionals. Moreover, capital shares with an external vendor can lower the risk of high transaction costs as well the risk of loosing the strategic opportunities of an IS.


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Libraries of learning objects may serve as basis for deriving course offerings that are customized to the needs of different learning communities or even individuals. Several ways of organizing this course composition process are discussed. Course composition needs a clear understanding of the dependencies between the learning objects. Therefore we discuss the metadata for object relationships proposed in different standardization projects and especially those suggested in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. Based on these metadata we construct adjacency matrices and graphs. We show how Gozinto-type computations can be used to determine direct and indirect prerequisites for certain learning objects. The metadata may also be used to define integer programming models which can be applied to support the instructor in formulating his specifications for selecting objects or which allow a computer agent to automatically select learning objects. Such decision models could also be helpful for a learner navigating through a library of learning objects. We also sketch a graph-based procedure for manual or automatic sequencing of the learning objects.


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Specification consortia and standardization bodies concentrate on e-Learning objects to en-sure reusability of content. Learning objects may be collected in a library and used for deriv-ing course offerings that are customized to the needs of different learning communities. How-ever, customization of courses is possible only if the logical dependencies between the learn-ing objects are known. Metadata for describing object relationships have been proposed in several e-Learning specifications. This paper discusses the customization potential of e-Learning objects but also the pitfalls that exist if content is customized inappropriately.


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Thin, human-like sculptures by the artist Alberto Giacometti, applied as environmental cues, have been found to facilitate dieting by reducing chocolate intake and promoting healthy snack choices. However, the processes underlying this “Giacometti effect” have been left unexplored so far. The present study therefore first examines the effortlessness of the effect. More specifically, it aims to determine whether the sculptures reduce unhealthy food intake when only few cognitive resources for their influence are available. For this purpose, the participants in a chip tasting were given the cognitive load task of memorizing either 10 or two digits during the tasting. The results indicate that the sculptures reduced participants’ chip intake independent of the cognitive load. Thus, they influenced participants’ eating behavior even when only few cognitive resources were available. The results also indicate that the sculptures reduced chip intake only when the participants liked the chips. The sculptures could thus exert their influence when individuals were motivated to eat and the dieting cues were useful. The finding that the Giacometti sculptures, applied as environmental dieting or health cues, influenced individuals when only few cognitive resources were available, could indicate a crucial advantage for the application of these cues in complex, real-world settings.