995 resultados para Collective Choice Rules


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We have investigated edge modes of different multipolarity sustained by quantum antidots at zero magnetic field. The ground state of the antidot is described within a local-density-functional formalism. Two sum rules, which are exact within this formalism, have been derived and used to evaluate the energy of edge collective modes as a function of the surface density and the size of the antidot.


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This thesis Entitled Buyer information and brand choice behaviour in markets with asymmetries.The period of transition set in by globalization and liberalization has ensued a onsiderable degree of homogeneity with western societies with respect to quantity and quality of goods and services.The study is aimed at finding out how the buyers adapt to the prevalent complex and dynamic market configuration by taking an archetypical situation of information gathering and brand- choice decision of select household consumer durables.The study was based on a set of 301 sample respondents who were either first time purchasers or repeat purchasers for household use, of the items under study in the sample area comprising of rural, urban and semi-urban areas. Data were collected using interview schedule and analysis of the same was done with standard statistical computer programs.Buyer confidence as perceived by buyers with respect to information acquisition and brand-choice represents the felt competence to effectively function in the market.In general, lower levels of education, income and occupation showed lower levels of search. The oldest were also low searchers. The repeat purchasers of the product searched less than the first purchasers. The most important source of information was word of mouth or information from others followed by television advertisements. The least important source of information was billboards, displays and similar forms of advertisements.The second factor is characterized by items representing ‘social attributes’ like, use by many others, use by peers, recommendation by significant others and reputation of the brand. The third factor represents ‘susceptibility to incentives and promotions’.


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We have investigated the fragmentation of collective modes in doped 4He drops in the framework of a finite-range density-functional theory, as well as the delocalization of the impurity inside the cluster. Our results indicate that the impurity is gradually delocalized inside the drop as the size of the latter increases. As an example, results are shown in the case of Xe-4HeN systems up to N=112.


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Collective dynamic properties in Lennard-Jones crystals are investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The study is focused on properties such as the dynamic structure factors, the longitudinal and transverse currents and the density of states. The influence on these properties of the structural disorder is analyzed by comparing the results for one-component crystals with those for liquids and supercooled liquids at analogous conditions. The effects of species-disorder on the collective properties of binary crystals are also discussed.


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Existence of collective effects in magnetic coupling in ionic solids is studied by mapping spin eigenstates of the Heisenberg and exact nonrelativistic Hamiltonians on cluster models representing KNiF3, K2NiF4, NiO, and La2CuO4. Ab initio techniques are used to estimate the Heisenberg constant J. For clusters with two magnetic centers, the values obtained are about the same for models having more magnetic centers. The absence of collective effects in J strongly suggests that magnetic interactions in this kind of ionic solids are genuinely local and entangle only the two magnetic centers involved.


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Isoscalar collective modes in a relativistic meson-nucleon system are investigated in the framework of the time-dependent Thomas-Fermi method. The energies of the collective modes are determined by solving consistently the dispersion relations and the boundary conditions. The energy weighted sum rule satisfied by the models considered allows the identification of the giant resonances. The percentage of the energy weighted sum rule exhausted by the collective modes is in agreement with experimental data, but the agreement with the energy of the modes depends on the model considered.


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The nucleon spectral function in nuclear matter fulfills an energy weighted sum rule. Comparing two different realistic potentials, these sum rules are studied for Greens functions that are derived self-consistently within the T matrix approximation at finite temperature.


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The neutron and proton single-particle spectral functions in asymmetric nuclear matter fulfill energy-weighted sum rules. The validity of these sum rules within the self-consistent Green's function approach is investigated. The various contributions to these sum rules and their convergence as a function of energy provide information about correlations induced by the realistic interaction between the nucleons. The study of the sum rules in asymmetric nuclear matter exhibits the isospin dependence of the nucleon-nucleon correlations.


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Routine activity theory introduced by Cohen& Felson in 1979 states that criminal acts are caused due to the presenceof criminals, vic-timsand the absence of guardians in time and place. As the number of collision of these elements in place and time increases, criminal acts will also increase even if the number of criminals or civilians remains the same within the vicinity of a city. Street robbery is a typical example of routine ac-tivity theory and the occurrence of which can be predicted using routine activity theory. Agent-based models allow simulation of diversity among individuals. Therefore agent based simulation of street robbery can be used to visualize how chronological aspects of human activity influence the incidence of street robbery.The conceptual model identifies three classes of people-criminals, civilians and police with certain activity areas for each. Police exist only as agents of formal guardianship. Criminals with a tendency for crime will be in the search for their victims. Civilians without criminal tendencycan be either victims or guardians. In addition to criminal tendency, each civilian in the model has a unique set of characteristicslike wealth, employment status, ability for guardianship etc. These agents are subjected to random walk through a street environment guided by a Q –learning module and the possible outcomes are analyzed


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Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification was issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forest of Government of India in February 1991 as a part of the Environmental Protection Act of 1986 to protect the coast from eroding and to preserve its natural resources. The initial notification did not distinguish the variability and diversity of various coastal states before enforcing it on the various states and Union Territories. Impact assessments were not carried out to assess its impact on socio-economic life of the coastal population. For the very same reason, it was unnoticed or rather ignored till 1994 when the Supreme Court of India made a land mark judgment on the fate of the coastal aquaculture which by then had established as an economically successful industry in many South Indian States. Coastal aquaculture in its modern form was a prohibited activity within CRZ. Lately, only various stakeholders of the coast realized the real impact of the CRZ rules on their property rights andbusiness. To overcome the initial drawbacks several amendments were made in the regulation to suit regional needs. In 1995, another great transformation took place in the State of Kerala as a part of the reorganization of the local self government institutions into a decentralized three tier system called ‘‘Panchayathi Raj System’’. In 1997, the state government also decided to transfer the power with the required budget outlay to the grass root level panchayats (villages) and municipalities to plan and implement the various projects in their localities with the full participation of the local people by constituting Grama Sabhas (Peoples’ Forum). It is called the ‘‘Peoples’ Planning Campaign’’(Peoples’ Participatory Programme—PPP for Local Level Self-Governance). The management of all the resources including the local natural resources was largely decentralized to the level of local communities and villages. Integrated, sustainable coastal zone management has become the concern of the local population. The paper assesses the socio-economic impact of the centrally enforced CRZ and the state sponsored PPP on the coastal community in Kerala and suggests measures to improve the system and living standards of the coastal people within the framework of CRZ.


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Suffix separation plays a vital role in improving the quality of training in the Statistical Machine Translation from English into Malayalam. The morphological richness and the agglutinative nature of Malayalam make it necessary to retrieve the root word from its inflected form in the training process. The suffix separation process accomplishes this task by scrutinizing the Malayalam words and by applying sandhi rules. In this paper, various handcrafted rules designed for the suffix separation process in the English Malayalam SMT are presented. A classification of these rules is done based on the Malayalam syllable preceding the suffix in the inflected form of the word (check_letter). The suffixes beginning with the vowel sounds like ആല, ഉെെ, ഇല etc are mainly considered in this process. By examining the check_letter in a word, the suffix separation rules can be directly applied to extract the root words. The quick look up table provided in this paper can be used as a guideline in implementing suffix separation in Malayalam language


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Theory Division Department of Physics


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Gerade männliche Jugendliche nutzen in ihrer Pubertät und Adoleszenz zu einer gelingenden Gestaltung ihres Alltags und zur Ausbildung ihrer Identität zahlreiche Erscheinungsformen des Fantasy-Rollenspielens. In einem Prozess von Aneignung und Entäußerung integrieren dabei die Jugendlichen das überaus reiche multimediale Angebot, welches die Spiele bieten, in ihre Alltagsgestaltung, indem sie sich daraus spezifische Medien-, Text- und Ereignisarrangements bauen. Diese dienen einerseits der sozialen Integration und Distinktion, andererseits der Präsentation ihrer Identitätsentwürfe sich und anderen. Die Jugendlichen schaffen sich mittels dieser spezifischen Medien-, Text- und Ereignisarrangements eine in weiten Teilen von ihnen selbst bestimmte Welt, in der sie ihre Phantasie wie Kreativität mit großer Intensität, ja Obsession, innerhalb integrativer und solidarischer Interaktionsformen selbststeuernd und professionell ausleben. Diese Medien-, Text- und Ereignisarrangements zeigen Angebots- und Nutzungsformen, die sich nach einem medienkommunikativen Aneignungs- und Entäußerungsmodell in der Tradition der Cultural Studies (Stuart Hall) beschreiben lassen. Die Langzeitbeobachtung der Jugendlichen zeigt, dass sie alltagspragmatische Kulturtechniken zur selbstbestimmten Gestaltung von Alltag entwickeln: zunächst eine Strukturierung ihrer kognitiven, affektiven und pragmatischen Interaktion nach Kriterien erfolgreicher intrinsischer Interaktion, mit dem Ziel derer Perpetuierung im Flow-Erleben (Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi), dann eine Ästhetisierung von Alltagswirklichkeit mittels kollektiver Fiktionalisierung in der Tradition des Collective Story Telling (Janet H. Murray). Diese Kulturtechniken stellen vor dem Hintergrund der Enkodierung und Dekodierung sozialer Codes spezifische Adaptionen von Prozessen der Bedeutungszuweisung und Subjekt- bzw. Identitätskonstitution dar. Die sie evozierenden und mit ihnen korrespondierenden handlungsleitenden Themen der Jugendlichen sind der Wunsch nach Rekonstitution von Gesamtheit in einer sich fragmentarisierenden Wirklichkeit, die Affirmation von Selbstbestimmung- und Autonomieerfahrungen, das Erleben von Reintegration und Solidarität für das sich dissoziiert erfahrende Individuum. Das Handeln der Jugendlichen basiert damit auf dem momentan dominanten Prozess einer Individualisierung von Lebenswelt unter den Bedingungen von Reflexivität und Erlebnisrationalität in der postmodernen Gesellschaft. Mit ihren Versuchen selbstbestimmter Gestaltung folgen sie dem aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Auftrag einer weitgehend in eigener Regie vorzunehmenden Lokalisierung dieses Prozesses. Zunehmend tritt diese von den Jugendlichen selbstgesteuerte Sozialisation neben die traditionell heteronome Sozialisation von gesellschaftlichen Instituten wie etwa die von Schule. Damit wird das Handeln der Jugendlichen zu einer Herausforderung an Pädagogik und Schule. Schule muss, wenn sie ihrem eigentlichen Auftrag von Förderung gerecht werden will, eine Sensibilität für diese Eigenständigkeit von Jugendlichen entwickeln und in der Beobachtung ihres Handelns didaktische Innovationen für Lehren und Lernen entwickeln. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Wiederentdeckung des pädagogischen Dialogs, besonders aber die Entwicklung einer individualisierten Lernkultur und die Förderung jugendlicher Gestaltungskompetenzen, welche von deren alltagsästhetischen Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen im Umgang mit multimedialen Kulturprodukten ausgeht. Schule kann und muss für diese Prozesse selbstgesteuerten Lernens angemessene pädagogische Räume bereitstellen, in denen die Jugendlichen innerhalb eines geschützten Kontextes in der Auseinandersetzung mit eigenen wie fremden Entwürfen ihre Identität entwickeln können.


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The problem of the relevance and the usefulness of extracted association rules is of primary importance because, in the majority of cases, real-life databases lead to several thousands association rules with high confidence and among which are many redundancies. Using the closure of the Galois connection, we define two new bases for association rules which union is a generating set for all valid association rules with support and confidence. These bases are characterized using frequent closed itemsets and their generators; they consist of the non-redundant exact and approximate association rules having minimal antecedents and maximal consequences, i.e. the most relevant association rules. Algorithms for extracting these bases are presented and results of experiments carried out on real-life databases show that the proposed bases are useful, and that their generation is not time consuming.