936 resultados para Circuitos integrados de alta velocidade


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O vídeo apresenta os conceitos relativos à circuitos em série, mostrando dispositivos, instrumentos de medição e a resolução dos cálculos, relacionando grandezas como: resistência equivalente, corrente e tensão elétrica V1 e V2.


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Nesta dissertação foi realizada a modelização numérica das camadas de não-equilíbrio junto aos cátodos e ânodos em descargas de arco de alta pressão. Ao contrário de trabalhos anteriores, a modelização é uni cada, i.e., baseia-se num único conjunto de equações escritas sem suposições simpli cativas tais como equilíbrio térmico, equilíbrio de ionização (Saha) e quaseneutralidade, e não utiliza uma divisão a priori do domínio de cálculo em sub- camadas com propriedades físicas diferentes. Processos de transporte de iões e electrões são descritos no âmbito do modelo de difusão. Foi também desenvolvida uma teoria da camada de ionização junto ao cátodo no âmbito do modelo multi uido. Os resultados obtidos são comparados com dados experimentais. Os resultados da tese elucidam a física de transferência de corrente através das camadas junto aos eléctrodos em descargas de arco de alta pressão, e servem para melhor compreen- der os fenómenos que ocorrem em vários dispositivos industriais, como as lâmpadas de descarga de muito alta pressão e as tochas de plasma.


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O objectivo deste estudo é examinar os efeitos do Sentimento Psicológico de Comunidade e das Relações de Vizinhança sobre o Bem-Estar dos residentes da Alta de Lisboa (n=251), assim como, averiguar se esta influência difere de acordo com o Estatuto Socioeconómico. Para a recolha de dados, foi utilizado um questionário de auto-relato composto pelas escalas das variáveis em estudo. Os resultados da análise de Modelos de Equações Estruturais sugerem que o Sentimento Psicológico de Comunidade tem um efeito significativo no Bem-Estar dos residentes, que as Relações de Vizinhança têm um efeito positivo no Sentimento Psicológico de Comunidade e que o Sentimento Psicológico de Comunidade medeia a relação entre as Relações de Vizinhança e o Bem-Estar. Por fim, os resultados revelam não existir diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos do Estatuto Socioeconómico (alto e baixo). Pode-se concluir que o Sentimento Psicológico de Comunidade e as Relações de Vizinhança possuem um papel preponderante no Bem-Estar dos residentes, tornando-se, por isso, fundamental que as intervenções comunitárias tenham como objectivo principal estabelecer e reforçar estas variáveis dentro das comunidades.


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Nesta dissertação apresento um estudo detalhado de vários aspectos da interacção entre um plasma de arco de alta pressão e cátodos refractários. Um modelo da camada de plasma junto ao cátodo num plasma sujeito a uma pressão da ordem de uma ou várias atmosferas é reconsiderado com base em recentes resultados teóricos. A física da camada de plasma junto ao cátodo é analisada para valores da queda de tensão na camada de plasma junto ao cátodo até 50V, de acordo com recentes resultados experimentais que mostram que a queda de tensão na camada de plasma junto ao cátodo numa descarga de arco de alta pressão pode atingir valores tão elevados. São identificados os mecanismos que originam a não monotonia da dependência da densidade de fluxo de energia (proveniente do plasma para a superfície do cátodo) em relação à temperatura da superfície do cátodo, para um valor fixo da queda de tensão junto ao cátodo. Uma descrição fechada da interacção plasma-cátodo é obtida por meio da resolução numérica do problema não linear com condições de fronteira para a distribuição da temperatura no interior do corpo do cátodo. São apresentados resultados da modelação numérica da descarga difusa nas condições de funcionamento de uma lâmpada de descarga experimental, sendo bom o acordo entre os resultados numéricos e os dados experimentais. Manchas solitárias num cátodo plano infinito e modos difuso e mancha axialmente simétricos em cátodos finitos de descargas de arco de alta pressão são estudados num grande intervalo de corrente. São analisados aspectos gerais e apresentados resultados numéricos referentes a cátodos de tungsténio planos e de forma cilíndrica a operar num plasma de argon à pressão atmosférica para correntes de arco até 100 kA. Émostrado, em particular, que a temperatura da superfície do cátodo no interior de uma mancha solitária varia relativamente pouco, podendo ser estimada com uma precisão de cerca de 200 − 300K sem ser necesário resolver a equação da condução térmica no corpo do cátodo. O comportamento assimptótico das soluções para um cátodo finito no caso limite de altas correntes é encontrado e confirmado pelos resultados numéricos. É confirmado um padrão geral das características tensão-corrente de vários modos de transferência de corrente em cátodos finitos sugerido previamente com base numa análise de bifurcações. É estudada a transição de modos mancha num cátodo finito no limite de cátodos de grandes dimensões para o modo mancha solitária num cátodo plano infinito. É estabelecido que o modo mancha solitária representa uma forma limite do modo mancha de alta tensão num cátodo finito. É considerada a questão da distinção entre modo difuso e modo mancha num cátodo finito. É desenvolvida uma abordagem para o cálculo de pontos de bifurcação nos quais soluções mancha tridimensionais bifurcam-se a partir de soluções que descrevem o modo difuso e modos mancha axialmente simétricos. Em particular, é calculado o primeiro ponto de bifurcação posicionado na solução que descreve o modo difuso e, por conseguinte, o seu limite de estabilidade, isto é, a corrente abaixo da qual o modo difuso torna-se instável. São apresentados os resultados da modelação numérica efectuada para o caso de um cátodo de tungsténio de forma cilíndrica a operar num plasma de alta pressão. É estudado o efeito produzido no limite de estabilidade pelas variações dos parâmetros de controle (dimensões do cátodo, função de trabalho do material do cátodo, tipo e pressão do gás que produz o plasma). Foi encontrado que o comportamento do limite de estabilidade sujeito a estas variações está em conformidade com as tendências observadas experimentalmente. Foi encontrado que o limite de estabilidade é muito mais sensível às variações dos parâmetros de controle do que as características tensão-corrente do modo difuso, sendo o efeito mais forte produzido pelas variações das dimensões do cátodo e da função de trabalho do material do cátodo. Este resultado está em conformidade com o facto experimental de que a transição difuso-mancha é de difícil reprodução.


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RAMOS, A. S. M.; OLIVEIRA, M. A. Fatores de sucesso na implementação de sistemas integrados de gestão empresarial (ERP): estudo de caso em uma média empresa. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÂO, 22., 2002, Curitiba-PR. Anais... Porto Alegre-RS: ABEPRO, 2002. v. 1.


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The IT capability is a organizational ability to perform activities of this role more effectively and an important mechanism in creating value. Its building process (stages of creation and development) occurs through management initiatives for improvement in the performance of their activities, using human resources and IT assets complementary responsible for the evolution of their organizational routines. This research deals with the IT capabilities related to SIG (integrated institutional management systems), built and deployed in UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) to realization and control of administrative, academic and human resources activities. Since 2009, through cooperative agreements with federal and educational institutions of direct administration, UFRN has supported the implementation of these systems, currently involving more than 30 institutions. The present study aims to understand how IT capabilities, relevant in the design, implementation and dissemination of SIG, were built over time. This is a single case study of qualitative and longitudinal nature, performed by capturing, coding and analysis from secondary data and from semi-structured interviews conducted primarily with members of Superintenência de Informática, organizational unit responsible for SIG systems in UFRN. As a result, the technical, of internal relationship and external cooperation capabilities were identified as relevant in the successful trajectory of SIG systems, which have evolved in different ways. The technical capacity, initiated in 2004, toured the stages of creation and development until it reached the stage of stability in 2013, due to technological limits. Regarding the internal relationship capability, begun in 2006, it toured the stages of creation and development, having extended its scope of activities in 2009, being in development since then. Unlike the standard life cycle observed in the literature, the external cooperation capability was initiated by an intensity of initiatives and developments in the routines in 2009, which were decreasing to cease in 2013 in order to stabilize the technological infrastructure already created for cooperative institutions. It was still identified the start of cooperation in 2009 as an important event selection, responsible for changing or creating trajectories of evolution in all three capacities. The most frequent improvements initiatives were of organizational nature and the internal planning activity has been transformed over the routines of the three capabilities. Important resources and complementary assets have been identified as important for the realization of initiatives, such as human resources technical knowledge to the technical capabilities and external cooperation, and business knowledge, for all of them, as well as IT assets: the iproject application for control of development processes, and the document repository wiki. All these resources and complementary assets grew along the capacities, demonstrating its strategic value to SINFO/UFRN


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In recent decades the public sector comes under pressure in order to improve its performance. The use of Information Technology (IT) has been a tool increasingly used in reaching that goal. Thus, it has become an important issue in public organizations, particularly in institutions of higher education, determine which factors influence the acceptance and use of technology, impacting on the success of its implementation and the desired organizational results. The Technology Acceptance Model - TAM was used as the basis for this study and is based on the constructs perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, when it comes to integrated management systems due to the complexity of its implementation,organizational factors were added to thus seek further explanation of the acceptance of such systems. Thus, added to the model five TAM constructs related to critical success factors in implementing ERP systems, they are: support of top management, communication, training, cooperation, and technological complexity (BUENO and SALMERON, 2008). Based on the foregoing, launches the following research problem: What factors influence the acceptance and use of SIE / module academic at the Federal University of Para, from the users' perception of teachers and technicians? The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of organizational factors, and behavioral antecedents of behavioral intention to use the SIE / module academic UFPA in the perspective of teachers and technical users. This is applied research, exploratory and descriptive, quantitative with the implementation of a survey, and data collection occurred through a structured questionnaire applied to a sample of 229 teachers and 30 technical and administrative staff. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling with the technique of partial least squares (PLS). Effected primarily to assess the measurement model, which were verified reliability, convergent and discriminant validity for all indicators and constructs. Then the structural model was analyzed using the bootstrap resampling technique like. In assessing statistical significance, all hypotheses were supported. The coefficient of determination (R ²) was high or average in five of the six endogenous variables, so the model explains 47.3% of the variation in behavioral intention. It is noteworthy that among the antecedents of behavioral intention (BI) analyzed in this study, perceived usefulness is the variable that has a greater effect on behavioral intention, followed by ease of use (PEU) and attitude (AT). Among the organizational aspects (critical success factors) studied technological complexity (TC) and training (ERT) were those with greatest effect on behavioral intention to use, although these effects were lower than those produced by behavioral factors (originating from TAM). It is pointed out further that the support of senior management (TMS) showed, among all variables, the least effect on the intention to use (BI) and was followed by communications (COM) and cooperation (CO), which exert a low effect on behavioral intention (BI). Therefore, as other studies on the TAM constructs were adequate for the present research. Thus, the study contributed towards proving evidence that the Technology Acceptance Model can be applied to predict the acceptance of integrated management systems, even in public. Keywords: Technology


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In this present work, the conditions of displacements and the behaviors of the users are evaluated, face to the physical adequacies in accessibility in the inserted area in the central quadrilateral of the Quarter of Cidade Alta, in the City of Natal/RN, space clipping established by its great meaning historical and cultural. For this reason such area was a target of an integrated actions plan during the years of 1993 and 1998, with the implantation of part of the Project CIDADE SEM BARREIRAS (City without Barriers) and, later, the implementation of the Project CIDADE PARA TODOS's proposals (City for All), having as supports the constant Brazilian norms inserted into the NB9050/1994 and in the Municipal law number 4.090/92, effective ones in the period of the interventions. Considering that the carried through actions at the time were directed to the elimination of the architectural barriers to guarantee the right to go and to come, the research received a human universe formed by all the people in situation of displacement in the central area of the interventions in the quarter of the Cidade Alta, independently of their locomotive or sensorial conditions, emphasizing the aspects most excellent how much to the accessibility of the sidewalk, as promotional of mobility, integration and urban organization, as well as of the public squares of that one quadrilateral, conceived, originally, as spaces of aggregation and social inclusion. The work appealed to the direct comment and the gotten results had been collated with the ex port facto law and technique norms, of the year of 2004, and with the legal devices contained in the Federal Decree number 5.296/2004, as way to certify the levels of efficiency of these adaptations in that it says respect to the current conditions of demanded accessibility and urban mobility


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The present research concerns about outdoor s thermal comfort conditions in hot-humid climate cities, understanding that life quality is a result of the urban object s type built for the human being in an environment with specific climate and morphological characteristics. It is presented as object of study the correlation between the neighborhood Renascença II s microclimate in São Luis /MA-Brazil, hot-humid climate city, and its urban morphological changes. As well as the thermal comfort s satisfaction level of its outdoor users. The research has as general goal to diagnosis the way these transformations caused by the urbanization influence the Renascença II s microclimate, identifying critical spots of the studied area, in order to contribute with land use recommendations based on bioclimatic architecture concepts and supply bases to urban design decisions adequate to the São Luis climate. It is presented as theoretical bases the urban climate, its concepts and elements. After that, the thermal comfort conditioners and its prediction models of thermal comfort sensation in outdoor are presented. The predictive models are presented along with bioclimatic assessment methods. Finally the use of bioclimatic assessment as an effective tool to identify places that need changes or preservation in order to seek environment quality. The applied methodology was based on the studies of Katzschner (1997), complemented by Oliveira s (1988) and Bustos Romero s (2001) studies that suggest an analysis and evaluation of maps of topography, buildings floors, land use, green areas and land covering, in order to overlap their characteristics and identify climate variable s measurements points; then a quantitative analysis of the climate variables (air temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction) of the chosen points takes place. It was perceived that Renaissance II has no permanence areas as squares or parks, its outdoor has little vegetation and presets high land impermeability and built density levels. The majority of the people interviewed said that was comfortable in a range of air temperature between 27,28ºC and 30,71ºC. The elaboration of a neighborhood master plan is important, which defines strategies for improvement of the life quality of its inhabitants


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This research presents a study investigating the correlation between the environmental-physycal charcateristics of cities and the formation of its micro-climates. The study was conducted in the central area of Fortaleza characterized as a stable and consolidated area, where the city originated and currently faces serious problems in its urban dynamics. The points of measurements were determined by the elaboration and analysis of topography maps, height of buildings, land use, type of surface coating and vegetation, following the methodology of Katzschner (1997). A zoning map was then determined, according to common morphological characteristics of the 12 measurement points, which were based on a set of Romero s (2001) bioclimatic criteria. Air measurements, temperature, humidity, intensity and direction of winds were made in transect form in two different circuits in the study area, with six points of data collection in each area, in three different times: 6:00 am, 1:00pm and 7:00pm, during two periods of the year: August 2008 and March 2009. The results verified the influence of different environmental-physical types in the behavior of the climatic variables that were collected. A verticalização tão condenada em algumas situações se bem equilibrada e controlada pode reduzir as temperaturas do ar através do sombreamento dos espaços urbanos e possibilidade de maior permeabilidade a ventilação natural. The highest average air temperature and lower humidity were recorded at the point I at all times. This situation may have been in result of the high density, poor vegetation and extended paving of the ground. According to the results, it s clear the positive influence vegetation has on easing air temperature. Another indicator observed that areas with a greater variation in building heights tend to present decreased average air temperature. High rise structure, planned in accordance to urban air quality parameters, can reduce air temperatures by the shading of urban spaces and the possibility of greater penetration of natural ventilation


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Contemporary studies have shown that the evolution of the heritage concepts is accompanied by an affirmation of the importance of social participation in recognizing heritage values and in managing cultural assets. We used the Brazilian context to emphasize the challenges for democratizing this process. This problematic is discussed based on the cases of Cidade Altaand Ribeira, neighborhoods that date from the formation of Natal-RNand have cultural assets recognized by levels of government. The study builds elements to answer the research question: what meanings and representations does the culturalheritage in the case study have for its users? The research method analyzes the representations and the meanings of the neighborhoods, firstly is based on historiographical studies, memories records of the city and on the process of heritage management. Secondly, it isbased on the field research, it is structured in environmental perception studies (areas of Environmental Psychology, Architecture and Urbanism) and has been applied with users with different bonds with the studied environment (residents, workers and visitors). The data were obtained with the multi-method which included direct observation, questionnaire survey and mentalmaps (that replicate Kevin Lynch). The analysis of result verified the research hypothesis, emphasizing aspects of the relationship between users and cultural heritage relevant to strengthening collective memory, local identity, contributing to heritage management. Among the results, the socio-environmental image obtained which emphasized a "cultural axis" linkingboth studied neighborhoods and confirms the influences of elements rein the memories records of the city and in the area s management. Identified aspects to strengthen the relationship between the users and cultural assets, such as the presence of placeswith affective ties to certain groups, as well as the need to fight off negative images (of degradation and insecurity) associated to the site and also expand the participation of the population, including residents, in policies and cultural activities. After all, recognition of value and the involvement of societycultural assets have the potential of contribute to integrate city development with heritage conservation


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The Chromobacterium violaceum is a β-proteobacterium Gram-negative widely found in tropical and subtropical regions, whose genome was sequenced in 2003 showing great metabolic versatility and biotechnological and pharmaceutical potential. Given the large number of ORFs related to iron metabolism described in the genome of C. violaceum, the importance of this metal for various biological processes and due to lack of data about the consequences of excess of iron in free-living organisms, it is important to study the response mechanism of this bacterium in a culture filled with iron. Previous work showed that C. violaceum is resistant to high concentrations of this metal, but has not yet been described the mechanism which is used to this survival. Thus, to elucidate the response of C. violaceum cultured in high concentrations of iron and expecting to obtain candidate genes for use in bioremediation processes, this study used a shotgun proteomics approach and systems biology to assess the response of C. violaceum grown in the presence and absence of 9 mM of iron. The analysis identified 531 proteins, being 71 exclusively expressed by the bacteria grown in the presence of the metal and 100 just in the control condition. The increase in expression of proteins related to the TCA cycle possibly represents a metabolic reprogramming of the bacteria caused by high concentration of iron in the medium. Moreover, we observed an increase in the activity assay of superoxide dismutase and catalase as well as in Total Antioxidant Activity assay, suggesting that the metal is inducing oxidative stress in C. violaceum that increases the levels of violacein and antioxidant enzymes to better adapt to the emerging conditions. Are also part of the adaptive response changes in expression of proteins related to transport, including iron, as well as an increased expression of proteins related to chemotaxis response, which would lead the bacteria to change the direction of its movement away from the metal. Systems Biology results, also suggest a metabolic reprogramming with mechanisms coordinated by bottleneck proteins involved in transcription (GreA), energy metabolism (Rpe and TpiA) and methylation (AhcY)


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The Tungsten/copper composites are commonly used for electrical and thermal objectives like heat sinks and lectrical conductors, propitiating an excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. These properties are dependents of the composition, crystallite size and production process. The high energy milling of the powder of W-Cu produces an dispersion high and homogenization levels with crystallite size of W very small in the ductile Cu phase. This work discusses the effect of the HEM in preparation of the W-25Cu composite powders. Three techniques of powder preparation were utilized: milling the dry with powder of thick Cu, milling the dry with powder of fine Cu and milling the wet with powder of thick Cu. The form, size and composition of the particles of the powders milled were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to analyse the phases, lattice parameters, size and microstrain of the crystallite. The analyse of the crystalline structure of the W-25Cu powders milled made by Rietveld Method suggests the partial solid solubility of the constituent elements of the Cu in lattice of the W. This analyse shows too that the HEM produces the reduction high on the crystallite size and the increase in the lattice strain of both phases, this is more intense in the phase W


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Pipelines for the transport of crude oil from the production wells to the collecting stations are named production lines . These pipes are subjected to chemical and electrochemical corrosion according to the environment and the type of petroleum transported. Some of these lines, depending upon the composition of the fluid produced, may leak within less than one year of operation due to internal corrosion. This work aims at the development of composite pipes with an external protecting layer of high density polyurethane for use in production lines of onshore oil wells, meeting operational requirements. The pipes were manufactured using glass fibers, epoxy resin, polyester resin, quartz sand and high density polyurethane. The pipes were produced by filament winding with the deposition of high density polyurethane on the external surface and threaded ends (API 15 HR/PM-VII). Three types of pipes were manufactured: glass/epoxy, glass/epoxy with an external polyurethane layer and glass/epoxy with an intermediate layer of glass fiber, polyester, sand and with an external polyurethane layer. The three samples were characterized by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) and for the determination of constituent content. In addition, the following tests were conducted: hydrostatic test, instant rupture, shorttime failure pressure, Gardner impact, transverse stiffness and axial tension. Field tests were conducted in Mossoró RN (BRAZIL), where 1,677 meters of piping were used. The tests results of the three types of pipes were compared in two events: after two months from manufacturing of the samples and after nine months of field application. The results indicate that the glass/epoxy pipes with an intermediate layer of fiber glass composite, polyester e sand and with an external layer of high density polyurethane showed superior properties as compared to the other two and met the requirements of pressure class, axial tensile strength, transverse stiffness, impact and environmental conditions, for onshore applications as production lines