999 resultados para Ciência e religião


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This work was born from public presentation done during 8th Meeting in High Level Education Program at University Moura Lacerda, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, in October 2012. That time showed up theoretical hypothesis of teacher education done by a collaborative research group of teachers and researchers and main results for Pedagogy course and students of basic levels. This paper intends to show up the findings of researches done by group of studies for Earth System Science and teacher education. The aim is to think about curriculum politics and teacher education from teachers’ practices, researches and studies on high school level. Moreover, we show up theoretical fundamentals which guide our actions and think. After we treat of organization, results and curricular innovations guided by Earth System Science and how that changes the view of nature of teachers and students. Qualitative methods of research help to describe curricular processes collectively done together with teachers of public schools. Our findings show up that teacher education must be a long, collective and interactive process to prepare high level teachers and researchers for teaching and teacher education.


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A ciência é uma forma de conhecimento e é também uma forma do conhecimento. Contudo, a ciência parece se apresentar como a forma de conhecer e do conhecer. Essa postura faz com que a ciência se afirme no mundo como algo singular obtendo inclusive força de instituição com reconhecimento oficial e sustentação em instâncias informais. A ciência sobreviveu a uma história de perseguição, rejeição e condenação colocando-se nos tempos modernos como o referencial por excelência para o estabelecimento de questionamentos e críticas aceitáveis ou não. Desse modo a ciência se tornou uma unanimidade a ponto de não se poder conceber facilmente um mundo sem a sua presença e ação. Apesar de seu caráter universal a ciência não deixa de se filiar ao particular e daí provém a indagação sobre seus interesses e compromissos, ou seja, a ciência ainda serve, e serve para quê ou serve a quem.É inegável que o mundo com a ciência é um e sem ela é outro, porém qual é o mundo que a ciência deseja e o qual é o homem que ela pretende que habite esse mesmo mundo? Pode-se sem dúvida afirmar que a ciência educa e forma pelas suas características que, entretanto, não permite desconsiderar seus interesses e compromissos.


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The archival institutions should for the elevation of the statistical indices of social and economic to integrate with sustainable development yours communities through regional entrepreneurship and improving informational. The Commerce and Industry Association of Marília (ACIM) archive provided to analyze the influence of the files on regional growth to development sustainable of industries and trade. The management theory and archives processes, set up data to create a model template guiding sustainable which suggested the results provided for: Transparency in the processes; global and local integration; culture and collaboration of the community; physical and human factors; improvement for work management and; to utilized to generate the economy of the ecosystem as a form of natural resources.


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This paper aims at contributing with research about Information Science through analysis of Bibliometric indicators applied to Dentistry in Brazil, comparing the impact of such production with the ones from major countries in that field. The analyzed indicators are the following: total number of citations, self-citations, average of citations received a year and index h. Within the procedures, we outlined, in the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) the group of producing countries in the field of Dentistry from 1996 to 2009. The results show that Brazil is the only country in Latin America which is among those of major impact in Dentistry. We highlight the role of the Bibliometric indicators as methodological contribution to the research while pointing out the main “performers” in the knowledge field.


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Introduction: This paper considers that information science (IS) literature covers a diversity of thematics with low emphasis on researches about conducting research. The study analyzes the scientific production of authors who investigate about research methodology in the information science (IS) literature, and the references used to lay the foundation of the methodological issues regarding the area. It discusses the methodological and epistemological positions of the leading researchers highlighted as the most productive investigators on the subject in the country. Method: The research adopts the content analysis coupled with metric studies to contextualize the indicators related to productivity, to the types of authorship and citation analysis. The bibliographic coupling method is considered an analysis mode which analyzes concomitant citations. It develops a theoretical framework about the importance of scientific production analysis in different knowledge fields. The study investigates, from a theoretical perspective, the concepts about research methodology and the complementarity between methodology and epistemology in conducting research. Results: The results of the analysis showed that the production of the highlighted authors presents the methodology as a thematic focus to be applied to IS contexts, as well as a research object in the field. The prominent productivity of the authors is justified especially by deepening the meta studies about the ways to conduct research in IS. This study also identifies a trend to single-authored studies about the theme. Conclusions: The research considers that meta studies and applied and methodological studies are important to recognize a consistent theoretical and practical core in the IS area. Regarding the epistemological influences identified by the citation analysis, the study observes that the critical rationalist epistemology and the social and political epistemology are highlighted in the construction of the theoretical framework of the most productive authors.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Media, as contemporary information and communication phenomena, are rarely studied in the field of Information Science field (IS). This article aims to present a reflection on the Media role as information environments that provoke changes in the ecosystem of message creation, information and socially shared knowledge. It points out that the contextualization of informational situations in the media environments facilitates access to information and to knowledge creation, strategically aimed to more efficient mediation possibilities - purpose to be reached by the society and by an entrepreneurial Information Science. IS counts on proper strategies and methodologies for the creation of transversal meta fields of new knowledge for the solution of problems caused by the intersections and social frictions among science, technologies and knowledge, which means an effective contribution of IS to the enhance utilization of media potential.


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A ciência é desenvolvida na relação entre pesquisador e objeto de estudo. Tal relação pode se dar de três formas, sendo elas objetiva, subjetiva e dialética. Ao se destacar num trabalho científico qual a relação que o autor desenvolve com seu objeto de estudo, é possível evidenciar indícios de seu conceito de ciência já que, muitas vezes, é a forma com que o pesquisador se relaciona com o objeto que irá guiar suas práticas e o conduzir pelo caminho a ser seguido. Para isso realizou-se uma breve revisão das relações entre o sujeito conhecedor e objeto conhecido presentes historicamente na atividade científica. Foram coletados e analisados trabalhos de diversos pesquisadores de um centro de investigação científica e classificados numa das formas de relação entre sujeito e objeto sendo os de atitude realista de maior número, seguidos pelos idealistas e por fim pelos que privilegiam a relação. Os trabalhos realistas apresentam, de forma geral, uma pequena preocupação com a reflexão sobre o significado de sua própria prática. Acredita-se que a ciência realizada nestes trabalhos seja da maior qualidade e sugere-se, para uma realização ainda mais totalizante, que ocorra a prática de incorporação de cada vez mais da ciência da ciência em seu cotidiano. Serão suas reflexões que nos possibilitarão um desenvolver de uma ciência mais significativa e transformadora, cabendo aos pesquisadores, utilizarem da ciência da ciência para pensarem as práticas e a tornarem cada vez mais dialógicas e complexas, assim como a natureza o é